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Re: Chicago-1 May 28 Stones show live updates
Posted by: bye bye johnny ()
Date: May 29, 2013 18:56

Re: Chicago-1 May 28 Stones show live updates
Posted by: filstan ()
Date: May 29, 2013 18:58

I think the RO performance was crap. Jaggers voice is old and he cant do justice to such a great song. Frankly, it baffles me that so many people think they sound so good, especially people who, like me, have seen them many times going back to the early 70s. Will no one admit that KR and RW simply dont play as well as they used to? That Jagger looks silly and sounds even worse? What amazes me even more is the fact that some people follow them around and pay major bucks to see and hear almost identical shows! Im at the point in my life where i wont pay to see them at all. Its just not worth it anymore. I just dont get it.... Some people need to have their heads examined.

You liked the hoarse growling that he did in 1972 better?

I think he sings it better now than he did in 1995 and in 2003.

Jagger is absolutely in fine voice from what I heard last night. He can still do the falsetto in ER. His range was very good for a guy his age. I don't understand the criticism here about how the band is playing or MJ's voice. The show was better than I expected in all aspects, and I have seen them on every tour starting from 1969. I guess my question to the critics is what do you want from these guys? What were your expectations for them at this point in their career? Maybe you set the bar to high....Bottom line is they played well last night and there was good energy on the stage that didn't appear to be dialed in.

Re: Chicago-1 May 28 Stones show live updates
Posted by: bye bye johnny ()
Date: May 29, 2013 18:58

Re: Chicago-1 May 28 Stones show live updates
Date: May 29, 2013 19:04

I think the RO performance was crap. Jaggers voice is old and he cant do justice to such a great song. Frankly, it baffles me that so many people think they sound so good, especially people who, like me, have seen them many times going back to the early 70s. Will no one admit that KR and RW simply dont play as well as they used to? That Jagger looks silly and sounds even worse? What amazes me even more is the fact that some people follow them around and pay major bucks to see and hear almost identical shows! Im at the point in my life where i wont pay to see them at all. Its just not worth it anymore. I just dont get it.... Some people need to have their heads examined.

You liked the hoarse growling that he did in 1972 better?

I think he sings it better now than he did in 1995 and in 2003.

Jagger is absolutely in fine voice from what I heard last night. He can still do the falsetto in ER. His range was very good for a guy his age. I don't understand the criticism here about how the band is playing or MJ's voice. The show was better than I expected in all aspects, and I have seen them on every tour starting from 1969. I guess my question to the critics is what do you want from these guys? What were your expectations for them at this point in their career? Maybe you set the bar to high....Bottom line is they played well last night and there was good energy on the stage that didn't appear to be dialed in.

People like to put themselves in a good light, hence they're bashing the performance.

There are no musical grounds of saying "I couldn't recognise which song" (Rocks Off), it's purely self-enhancement, imo. Mick was singing that Rocks Off better than I've heard him in decades thumbs up

Re: Chicago-1 May 28 Stones show live updates
Posted by: Lien ()
Date: May 29, 2013 19:04

A little bit of six days on the road


Re:Chic Review
Posted by: jackdog ()
Date: May 29, 2013 19:12

Seen the Stones 15 times and the 1st in 78 at Soldier Field. Rate this on C+ with highlight Taj as he was great. The mix the first 3 songs was terrible but they finally got it right. Why MT only plays Midnight Rambler is baffling to me and I don't get it. That was a highlight as well as he terrific. The strangest moment was the last encore where Keith was showboating on the tongue walkway while Taylor was actually sitting on his arse and I mean sitting on his butt next to Charlie strumming as if bored. Why they don't mix more deep tracks late as opposed to the usual greatest hits numbers I fail to understand as well. Overall it was a solid pro performance but lacked a bit of energy...

Re: Chicago-1 May 28 Stones show live updates
Posted by: sweet things ()
Date: May 29, 2013 19:19

Stones Blah
Personally I think people who come hear and just complain need to get their head examined. I took three people to the show in Toronto who had never seen the Stones. The youngest was 13 and the oldest 34 and they all loved it. The next day said it all sore throats, tired legs, ears rininging, and huge smiles on their faces.

Totally agree! You see smiling faces everywhere, I mean everywhere. I meet hundreds of fans, talk to them in elevators, on buses, tubes, trains, bars, and they all say the same "Great show!" - with a BIG smile...

Good point. I have never encountered anyone leaving a Stones gig in a bad mood...always, always smiles all around! cool smiley

Re: Chicago-1 May 28 Stones show live updates
Posted by: BlondeOnBonds ()
Date: May 29, 2013 19:42

6 Days on The Road video?

Re: Chicago-1 May 28 Stones show live updates
Posted by: Max'sKansasCity ()
Date: May 29, 2013 20:06

sweet things
Stones Blah
Personally I think people who come hear and just complain need to get their head examined. I took three people to the show in Toronto who had never seen the Stones. The youngest was 13 and the oldest 34 and they all loved it. The next day said it all sore throats, tired legs, ears rininging, and huge smiles on their faces.

Totally agree! You see smiling faces everywhere, I mean everywhere. I meet hundreds of fans, talk to them in elevators, on buses, tubes, trains, bars, and they all say the same "Great show!" - with a BIG smile...

Good point. I have never encountered anyone leaving a Stones gig in a bad mood...always, always smiles all around! cool smiley

thumbs up thumbs up thumbs up smileys with beer

NEVER in all my shows have I ever seen even a single unhappy face after a Stones show. Everybody was under the influence of Stones music, it is like magic, and THAT is the bottom line and it is one of my favorite things about The Rolling Stones.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2013-05-29 20:07 by Max'sKansasCity.

Re: Chicago-1 May 28 Stones show live updates
Posted by: Aquamarine ()
Date: May 29, 2013 20:07

Thanks for all the pics and vids.

I forgot to add my voice to those saying what amazing form Keith was on, and he really looked to be having a great time. Jagger's voice was terrific to me, I can't think of any other (nearly) 70-year-old who could do that falsetto.

That massed guitar army, with MT on his knees, during Rambler was just a mind blower.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2013-05-29 22:01 by Aquamarine.

Re: Chicago-1 May 28 Stones show live updates
Posted by: Max'sKansasCity ()
Date: May 29, 2013 20:09

Whoa.... Does it get any better than that?

I have always loved to see "That happy Mick Jagger grin"

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 2013-05-29 20:12 by Max'sKansasCity.

Re: Chicago-1 May 28 Stones show live updates
Date: May 29, 2013 20:21

sweet things
Stones Blah
Personally I think people who come hear and just complain need to get their head examined. I took three people to the show in Toronto who had never seen the Stones. The youngest was 13 and the oldest 34 and they all loved it. The next day said it all sore throats, tired legs, ears rininging, and huge smiles on their faces.

Totally agree! You see smiling faces everywhere, I mean everywhere. I meet hundreds of fans, talk to them in elevators, on buses, tubes, trains, bars, and they all say the same "Great show!" - with a BIG smile...

Good point. I have never encountered anyone leaving a Stones gig in a bad mood...always, always smiles all around! cool smiley

thumbs up thumbs up thumbs up smileys with beer

NEVER in all my shows have I ever seen even a single unhappy face after a Stones show. Everybody was under the influence of Stones music, it is like magic, and THAT is the bottom line and it is one of my favorite things about The Rolling Stones.

Simply the greatest show on earth. Has been for decades. What more needs to be said?

Re: Chicago-1 May 28 Stones show live updates
Posted by: kovach ()
Date: May 29, 2013 20:44

I think the Arrow on Ogden worked out great. I was there from about 5:45 to 7:00 and was able to get a seat at the bar and could order food from there. Pulled pork sandwich was great.

Good to hear!

Re: Chicago-1 May 28 Stones show live updates
Posted by: filstan ()
Date: May 29, 2013 20:45

I think the Arrow on Ogden worked out great. I was there from about 5:45 to 7:00 and was able to get a seat at the bar and could order food from there. Pulled pork sandwich was great.

Good to hear!

What ever you do don't go to the Billy Goat. Beer really terrible in there. The Arrow was a good call and it is very close to the UC.

Re: Chicago-1 May 28 Stones show live updates
Posted by: benstones ()
Date: May 29, 2013 21:26

Copy/Paste of my other post in the thread: Mick and Keith were close in Chicago.

Between two songs, at the end, I don't remember exactly which songs, they waited a long time. Not as usual. Normally, when they finish a song, they don't wait more than 10-15 seconds to begin another one. But there, Mick and Keith were speaking, laughing and then Mick took his mic, and said: "Keith just told me something funny"... Then Mick told us the story that I didn't really hear and understand... I need local fans who were there to tell you the story, but they were speaking about Chicago.

But it was not the only moment that they were close. I found all the band really close yesterday. Not only Mick and Keith, everyone! They seemed so happy to be in Chicago!


Re: Chicago-1 May 28 Stones show live updates
Posted by: flacnvinyl ()
Date: May 29, 2013 21:30

Must admit I was a bit disappointed when I saw the setlist this morning...certainly not the same excitement as after LA/2, it's easy to get spoilt I guess ;-)

I recorded the gig on my camera. The video footage will not be used but the audio should be stellar. Sound was AMAZING in section 309. $85 seats paid off. 6 Days and Rambler were tops.

Wild Horses, Gimme Shelter and Tumbling Dice need to dropped. Show needs to open with Start Me Up. Add more rare tracks. Let Taylor play on more songs. Etc.....

It was a great show.

Good news, if you need help with the editing, encoding, feel free to post it as one file on wetransfer or mega and I can get it ready for Dime in a few hours like for MILOCAMPO's LV recording on Monday ;-)

I appreciate the offer but I produce video and mix multitrack audio for a living! Will definitely be taking this into the studio and getting things set nice on EQ and dynamics. Will be partially incomplete but overall stellar sound.

I recorded it on my GH2 so it would be a 8gb transfer. Will post next week!

Any chance you're going Friday too and will be recording? I still listen to your recording of Columbus a few years back with the debut of Sway! Great job on that one...

We will be there Friday but not Monday. Will definitely record again but with $85s there is no guarantee we will get a good location. Last night was PERFECT for recording. Straight PA angle on the side, loud, best sound I have ever heard... I can't wait to mix n master it. Columbus was actually a rough recording that turned decent with some solid effort infront of HS80 monitors!

Re: Chicago-1 May 28 Stones show live updates
Posted by: marclaff ()
Date: May 29, 2013 21:46

Thank you Drake.

By the way, on which song Keith has a capo on the 2nd fret (see picture above)?

Posted by: proudmary ()
Date: May 29, 2013 22:02

I was at the Chicago show last night. I have to say, I am not a diehard who travels the country each time they perform. I simply go to see maybe one or two shows each tour. I've them do magic with certain songs over the course of the shows I've seen. I have to say "Rocks Off" last night in Chicago was one of the best live performances ever of any song ever performed live of any band or artists I've ever witnessed.

It goes to show ya what they can do when they play a different song other than the "warhorses". They clearly enjoyed playing something different, and Mick was Magic.

Also, for the first time ever, I enjoyed "Midnight Rambler" live. I think Mick Taylor being on stage for it really helped me enjoy it. Again, Mick was on fire.

I also have a new appreciation for Ronnie Wood. He's just fun. And he dresses really cool.

Friday... here I come!

Great post,ChicagoBOY. I also think that Mick is fantastic on this tour, magic as you said
btw, I wonder why threads like "Keith is back" or "Charlie kicks ass" are perfectly ok but "Mick is on fire" thread was closed and attached to this Chicago-1 gig sticky?

Re: Chicago-1 May 28 Stones show live updates
Date: May 29, 2013 22:19

Mick is indeed on fire on this tour!

Re: Chicago-1 May 28 Stones show live updates
Posted by: muenke ()
Date: May 29, 2013 22:27

Rocks Off from Chicago is perfection! Very powerfull Version, Great Guitars! Best i have heard so far since 1972 .....

Re: Re:Chic Review
Posted by: duffydawg ()
Date: May 29, 2013 22:29

Seen the Stones 15 times and the 1st in 78 at Soldier Field. Rate this on C+ with highlight Taj as he was great. The mix the first 3 songs was terrible but they finally got it right. Why MT only plays Midnight Rambler is baffling to me and I don't get it. That was a highlight as well as he terrific. The strangest moment was the last encore where Keith was showboating on the tongue walkway while Taylor was actually sitting on his arse and I mean sitting on his butt next to Charlie strumming as if bored. Why they don't mix more deep tracks late as opposed to the usual greatest hits numbers I fail to understand as well. Overall it was a solid pro performance but lacked a bit of energy...

Agreed Jackdog. Totally over scripted. Why shouldn't Taylor be on his ass....they only play him for two songs. The encore is completely scripted....never changes.

My friends and I were laughing at how bad it is without having Taylor in there. Its good but everyone knows Taylor lives on the edge and has more guitarist abilities than RW and KR. Why he isn't out there is beyond me. Its like they have Jimmy Page or Jeff Beck sitting backstage but won't use him.

Re: Chicago-1 May 28 Stones show live updates
Posted by: rtr ()
Date: May 29, 2013 22:31

People are able to see the Stones, still sounding great in freakin' 2013 and they are disappointed? I can't believe I'm able to see them again, for around the 30th time. Once again I'm traveling to catch them, same as every tour since '89. Be glad they feature M.T. on a song after all these years. This is the Stones' line up (minus BW), that has been in place for almost 40 of their 50 years. It has always been my favorite since catching them in '78 and '81. I'm looking forward to Friday.

Re: Re:Chic Review
Posted by: rtr ()
Date: May 29, 2013 22:34

Seen the Stones 15 times and the 1st in 78 at Soldier Field. Rate this on C+ with highlight Taj as he was great. The mix the first 3 songs was terrible but they finally got it right. Why MT only plays Midnight Rambler is baffling to me and I don't get it. That was a highlight as well as he terrific. The strangest moment was the last encore where Keith was showboating on the tongue walkway while Taylor was actually sitting on his arse and I mean sitting on his butt next to Charlie strumming as if bored. Why they don't mix more deep tracks late as opposed to the usual greatest hits numbers I fail to understand as well. Overall it was a solid pro performance but lacked a bit of energy...

Agreed Jackdog. Totally over scripted. Why shouldn't Taylor be on his ass....they only play him for two songs. The encore is completely scripted....never changes.

My friends and I were laughing at how bad it is without having Taylor in there. Its good but everyone knows Taylor lives on the edge and has more guitarist abilities than RW and KR. Why he isn't out there is beyond me. Its like they have Jimmy Page or Jeff Beck sitting backstage but won't use him.

They aren't in the band and M.T. is a guest.

Re: Chicago-1 May 28 Stones show live updates
Posted by: Sighunt ()
Date: May 29, 2013 23:35

I think the RO performance was crap. Jaggers voice is old and he cant do justice to such a great song. Frankly, it baffles me that so many people think they sound so good, especially people who, like me, have seen them many times going back to the early 70s. Will no one admit that KR and RW simply dont play as well as they used to? That Jagger looks silly and sounds even worse? What amazes me even more is the fact that some people follow them around and pay major bucks to see and hear almost identical shows! Im at the point in my life where i wont pay to see them at all. Its just not worth it anymore. I just dont get it.... Some people need to have their heads examined.

I don't think you are entirely off base in your observations. I do think overall that Mick Jagger is arguably singing and performing just about as good or better than I have seen him of late. I also think Charlie is playing well. My issue is with the two principal guitarists. The Stones in 2013 are a different band than in the last few tours as they are bringing a more stripped down, guitar driven show to the concert stage without all the extras and hanger-ons (less of a slick production compared to their return to the stage in 89 on the Steel Wheels tour). Unfortunately, depending on one's perspective, this can be a blessing and a curse as the weight is firmly on Ronnie and Keith to deliver the guitar goods. From the videos I have watched as well as the show I attended in Toronto Saturday night, I think Keith is treading water and just holding his own. When he steps outside of his normal riffmeister role, I found his solos on Sympathy for the Devil and It's Only Rock and Roll to be adequate at best. This also makes the case for having Mick Taylor more on board to add his musical colorings to the proceedings. Yes, I am thankful that my favorite band is still out there on the road. From the onset, I never wanted them to go out embarrassing themselves or tarnishing their legacy. Sure, I think that these 70 year old guys delivered a good, solid concert on Saturday night, but I wouldn't describe it as stellar (although my 12 year old son seeing them for the first time might) by any means. I thought their performance was ragged and sloppy for my tastes resulting in some hits and misses, although I know that many people on this board like that version of the Stones. Regarding set-lists, as long as they are playing with passion and conviction, it does not matter to me what they play. However, I think there are songs that are bogging down the show that they should retire like It's Only Rock and Roll & Paint It Black as they sound very plodding and lacking energy in concert. Just my two cents.

Re: Chicago-1 May 28 Stones show live updates
Posted by: GADAWG ()
Date: May 29, 2013 23:43

GADAWG, pathetic, vain and aggressive message ...thumbs down

Why duffydawg would not say what he lived during this concert? I tought we must respect the opinion of those who attend the show ? Is not the rule explained to the poor ignorants on this board day after day ?

Or, is there an offical review model ??? Best show ever, best version ever ? Say "awesome" and go back home ? spinning smiley sticking its tongue out

Totally agree. GADAWG's comments come off more as trolling than any critique of the show. Critical balance is essential. I had fun at the show on Saturday and I paid exactly what I could afford and no more so I didn't feel ripped off. I'm also secure enough to like the parts of the show that I liked without needing an echo chamber to reinforce my feelings.
One thing I did notice, though, is being at the show in person the setlist is less important than the energy (or lack of at times) I'm getting from the show.
Without the atmosphere of being there, the show can be reduced to a series of song titles, which is misleading. As long as people are speaking from the heart all viewpoints help to give an overall picture to those of us following the shows by proxy.

Overall you are correct, not about my opinion of course but about true fans of the Stones will ignore negative show comments as only a psychotic person could make such an observation.

As I am sure you know very well a wink is as good as a nod to a blind mule and I have given BV my simple instructions in the way out comment thread currently running.

Shoot low boy's they're riddin Shetlands and see you at Philly on the 21st. Beware, I may be sitting next to you. Adios

Re: Chicago-1 May 28 Stones show live updates
Posted by: Bungo ()
Date: May 29, 2013 23:46

I think the RO performance was crap. Jaggers voice is old and he cant do justice to such a great song. Frankly, it baffles me that so many people think they sound so good, especially people who, like me, have seen them many times going back to the early 70s. Will no one admit that KR and RW simply dont play as well as they used to? That Jagger looks silly and sounds even worse? What amazes me even more is the fact that some people follow them around and pay major bucks to see and hear almost identical shows! Im at the point in my life where i wont pay to see them at all. Its just not worth it anymore. I just dont get it.... Some people need to have their heads examined.

I hear you. I've seen every tour from 1975 to Bridges and I just won't go anymore. I guess our standards are higher than most. I think Jagger just sounds gawdawfel anymore and he may even be the weakest link, musically, even if he still looks good and can still run around and be animated throughout the show but that's not what I enjoy(ed) about the Stones in concert. Don't even get me started about Ronnie or Keith's guitar playing. BUT, on the other hand, I can understand why so many people still think they're fantastic. They do put on a great show and play a pretty decent setlist. But I'm not gonna go out of my way and pay hundreds of dollars to enjoy one or two songs. And now that they've decided to marginalize Taylor to one song a night I've pretty much lost interest in this whole tour. I do love this site and all the posts though. That's actually more entertaining than this tour.

Re: Re:Chic Review
Posted by: Rokyfan ()
Date: May 30, 2013 00:17

Seen the Stones 15 times and the 1st in 78 at Soldier Field. Rate this on C+ with highlight Taj as he was great. The mix the first 3 songs was terrible but they finally got it right. Why MT only plays Midnight Rambler is baffling to me and I don't get it. That was a highlight as well as he terrific. The strangest moment was the last encore where Keith was showboating on the tongue walkway while Taylor was actually sitting on his arse and I mean sitting on his butt next to Charlie strumming as if bored. Why they don't mix more deep tracks late as opposed to the usual greatest hits numbers I fail to understand as well. Overall it was a solid pro performance but lacked a bit of energy...

Agreed Jackdog. Totally over scripted. Why shouldn't Taylor be on his ass....they only play him for two songs. The encore is completely scripted....never changes.

My friends and I were laughing at how bad it is without having Taylor in there. Its good but everyone knows Taylor lives on the edge and has more guitarist abilities than RW and KR. Why he isn't out there is beyond me. Its like they have Jimmy Page or Jeff Beck sitting backstage but won't use him.

They aren't in the band and M.T. is a guest.
Taylor is sitting backstage next to Charlie, strumming, imagining what he'd be playing along with Keith on Sympathy. We can do the same thing. Just listen to YaYas before you go to the show and imagine what it could have been like with Keith and Taylor trading lead and rhythm spots. Once it's over, you can pretend it happened. What a joke.

Re: Chicago-1 May 28 Stones show live updates
Posted by: Alfonz ()
Date: May 30, 2013 00:22

I think the RO performance was crap. Jaggers voice is old and he cant do justice to such a great song. Frankly, it baffles me that so many people think they sound so good, especially people who, like me, have seen them many times going back to the early 70s. Will no one admit that KR and RW simply dont play as well as they used to? That Jagger looks silly and sounds even worse? What amazes me even more is the fact that some people follow them around and pay major bucks to see and hear almost identical shows! Im at the point in my life where i wont pay to see them at all. Its just not worth it anymore. I just dont get it.... Some people need to have their heads examined.

I hear you. I've seen every tour from 1975 to Bridges and I just won't go anymore. I guess our standards are higher than most. I think Jagger just sounds gawdawfel anymore and he may even be the weakest link, musically, even if he still looks good and can still run around and be animated throughout the show but that's not what I enjoy(ed) about the Stones in concert. Don't even get me started about Ronnie or Keith's guitar playing. BUT, on the other hand, I can understand why so many people still think they're fantastic. They do put on a great show and play a pretty decent setlist. But I'm not gonna go out of my way and pay hundreds of dollars to enjoy one or two songs. And now that they've decided to marginalize Taylor to one song a night I've pretty much lost interest in this whole tour. I do love this site and all the posts though. That's actually more entertaining than this tour.

The comments on Jagger are tiresome. Have you clowns been to any shows? He sounds FANTASTIC. I couldn't believe it when I heard him singing. As good (and often better) as any live recording (album or video) that I've heard.

Can you people not understand that your fountain of evidence from the internet, recorded on mobile phones, is freaking horrendous for capturing sound at shows?

Yeah, I think that Rocks Off video sounds awful. Guess what? It doesn't sound like that when you are at the show. Idiots.

Re: Chicago-1 May 28 Stones show live updates
Posted by: Bungo ()
Date: May 30, 2013 00:38

I think the RO performance was crap. Jaggers voice is old and he cant do justice to such a great song. Frankly, it baffles me that so many people think they sound so good, especially people who, like me, have seen them many times going back to the early 70s. Will no one admit that KR and RW simply dont play as well as they used to? That Jagger looks silly and sounds even worse? What amazes me even more is the fact that some people follow them around and pay major bucks to see and hear almost identical shows! Im at the point in my life where i wont pay to see them at all. Its just not worth it anymore. I just dont get it.... Some people need to have their heads examined.

I hear you. I've seen every tour from 1975 to Bridges and I just won't go anymore. I guess our standards are higher than most. I think Jagger just sounds gawdawfel anymore and he may even be the weakest link, musically, even if he still looks good and can still run around and be animated throughout the show but that's not what I enjoy(ed) about the Stones in concert. Don't even get me started about Ronnie or Keith's guitar playing. BUT, on the other hand, I can understand why so many people still think they're fantastic. They do put on a great show and play a pretty decent setlist. But I'm not gonna go out of my way and pay hundreds of dollars to enjoy one or two songs. And now that they've decided to marginalize Taylor to one song a night I've pretty much lost interest in this whole tour. I do love this site and all the posts though. That's actually more entertaining than this tour.

The comments on Jagger are tiresome. Have you clowns been to any shows? He sounds FANTASTIC. I couldn't believe it when I heard him singing. As good (and often better) as any live recording (album or video) that I've heard.

Can you people not understand that your fountain of evidence from the internet, recorded on mobile phones, is freaking horrendous for capturing sound at shows?

Yeah, I think that Rocks Off video sounds awful. Guess what? It doesn't sound like that when you are at the show. Idiots.

Is that you Mick?

Re: Chicago-1 May 28 Stones show live updates
Posted by: DeanGoodman ()
Date: May 30, 2013 00:47

just got back. The Stones still rule!!! It was a good night 1 of 3. Setlist was a little blah, but got to hear a great version of Rocks Off so I can't complain at all!!! Thought Taj was cool too!

Here's a pic I took. Sorry about the bad quality, just used my phone... Thought it was pretty cool to see Mick, Keith, Ronnie and Charlie all huddle up before the YCAGWYW!

Here's to just getting started and two more Chicago shows with hopefully more Mick T!!!!!!

I love this photo, a rare gem! In its rawness it conveys a very powerful message.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2013-05-30 05:26 by DeanGoodman.

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