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Re: OT: Weather around the world
Posted by: GasLightStreet ()
Date: August 28, 2022 09:20

yeah i get it for those of us used to a temperate climate the last couple summers have been pretty bad

i wouldn'the want to have to go thru a hurricane in the gulf that's for sure

at least it's not something we have to worry about here crazy extreme weather that is

other natural disasters on the other hand like the occasional volcanic eruption and ensuing pyroclastic flows and lahars

or a massive earthquake followed by giant tsunamis

and the reason i slept outside last summer is because when it reached 112 degrees outside

inside it was 124 degrees in the kitchen at 7pm and was 103 at midnight and still in the 80's by 6am

and this went on for three days as well

and as crholmstrom pointed out above another day in the 90's today and yesterday

but it's looking up for the weekend back to the upper 60's

and maybe some rain!

Yet a hurricane in the Gulf, near my area anyway, would cool us DOWN!!!!

Fall starts September 1st, meteorologically. The equinox/solstice thing is bullshit. Change trending months determine the change of seasons, not the moon or the sun. Yeah they're related. Whatever. OK say down here we don't cool off like way north of here - but our average high starts to lower.

Way north of here it gets colder way faster. That's how it works. A majority of the US is north of the Gulf Coast.


So easy to forget!

Re: OT: Weather around the world
Posted by: ProfessorWolf ()
Date: August 28, 2022 21:26

yeah i get it for those of us used to a temperate climate the last couple summers have been pretty bad

i wouldn'the want to have to go thru a hurricane in the gulf that's for sure

at least it's not something we have to worry about here crazy extreme weather that is

other natural disasters on the other hand like the occasional volcanic eruption and ensuing pyroclastic flows and lahars

or a massive earthquake followed by giant tsunamis

and the reason i slept outside last summer is because when it reached 112 degrees outside

inside it was 124 degrees in the kitchen at 7pm and was 103 at midnight and still in the 80's by 6am

and this went on for three days as well

and as crholmstrom pointed out above another day in the 90's today and yesterday

but it's looking up for the weekend back to the upper 60's

and maybe some rain!

Yet a hurricane in the Gulf, near my area anyway, would cool us DOWN!!!!

Fall starts September 1st, meteorologically. The equinox/solstice thing is bullshit. Change trending months determine the change of seasons, not the moon or the sun. Yeah they're related. Whatever. OK say down here we don't cool off like way north of here - but our average high starts to lower.

Way north of here it gets colder way faster. That's how it works. A majority of the US is north of the Gulf Coast.


So easy to forget!

so maybe if it gets hot enough you hope for just a little hurricane for some relief from the heatgrinning smiley

crazy never knew hurricanes actually made it cooler!eye popping smiley

as i said hope for a early fall this year

and fall to me means the rains return which sometimes they do at the end of august or even as late as october

Re: OT: Weather around the world
Posted by: MAF ()
Date: August 28, 2022 21:46

Pissing it down here in the Nagar Valley,Northern Pakistan.Holed up in a Hotel because of landslides making it impossible to travel.Got my Stones on Spotify to drift away the day.

Stay safe! Horrible news from Pakistan about the heavy rain.

Re: OT: Weather around the world
Posted by: GasLightStreet ()
Date: August 29, 2022 07:15

yeah i get it for those of us used to a temperate climate the last couple summers have been pretty bad

i wouldn'the want to have to go thru a hurricane in the gulf that's for sure

at least it's not something we have to worry about here crazy extreme weather that is

other natural disasters on the other hand like the occasional volcanic eruption and ensuing pyroclastic flows and lahars

or a massive earthquake followed by giant tsunamis

and the reason i slept outside last summer is because when it reached 112 degrees outside

inside it was 124 degrees in the kitchen at 7pm and was 103 at midnight and still in the 80's by 6am

and this went on for three days as well

and as crholmstrom pointed out above another day in the 90's today and yesterday

but it's looking up for the weekend back to the upper 60's

and maybe some rain!

Yet a hurricane in the Gulf, near my area anyway, would cool us DOWN!!!!

Fall starts September 1st, meteorologically. The equinox/solstice thing is bullshit. Change trending months determine the change of seasons, not the moon or the sun. Yeah they're related. Whatever. OK say down here we don't cool off like way north of here - but our average high starts to lower.

Way north of here it gets colder way faster. That's how it works. A majority of the US is north of the Gulf Coast.


So easy to forget!

so maybe if it gets hot enough you hope for just a little hurricane for some relief from the heatgrinning smiley

crazy never knew hurricanes actually made it cooler!eye popping smiley

as i said hope for a early fall this year

and fall to me means the rains return which sometimes they do at the end of august or even as late as october

A year ago tomorrow, the 29th, at about this time, 11 PM, I had to put a jacket on I got so cold.

I'm out in the sun all day, which is anywhere from 110 to 130 degrees F. Ida came through and the temps went into the 70s.

I got cold.

That's a big swing from what I'm used to.

Scientifically hurricanes are cooling engines, transporting humid hot air towards the poles. Balance.

So yes, they cool things down, in a number of ways.

Re: OT: Weather around the world
Posted by: ProfessorWolf ()
Date: August 29, 2022 08:18

yeah i get it for those of us used to a temperate climate the last couple summers have been pretty bad

i wouldn'the want to have to go thru a hurricane in the gulf that's for sure

at least it's not something we have to worry about here crazy extreme weather that is

other natural disasters on the other hand like the occasional volcanic eruption and ensuing pyroclastic flows and lahars

or a massive earthquake followed by giant tsunamis

and the reason i slept outside last summer is because when it reached 112 degrees outside

inside it was 124 degrees in the kitchen at 7pm and was 103 at midnight and still in the 80's by 6am

and this went on for three days as well

and as crholmstrom pointed out above another day in the 90's today and yesterday

but it's looking up for the weekend back to the upper 60's

and maybe some rain!

Yet a hurricane in the Gulf, near my area anyway, would cool us DOWN!!!!

Fall starts September 1st, meteorologically. The equinox/solstice thing is bullshit. Change trending months determine the change of seasons, not the moon or the sun. Yeah they're related. Whatever. OK say down here we don't cool off like way north of here - but our average high starts to lower.

Way north of here it gets colder way faster. That's how it works. A majority of the US is north of the Gulf Coast.


So easy to forget!

so maybe if it gets hot enough you hope for just a little hurricane for some relief from the heatgrinning smiley

crazy never knew hurricanes actually made it cooler!eye popping smiley

as i said hope for a early fall this year

and fall to me means the rains return which sometimes they do at the end of august or even as late as october

A year ago tomorrow, the 29th, at about this time, 11 PM, I had to put a jacket on I got so cold.

I'm out in the sun all day, which is anywhere from 110 to 130 degrees F. Ida came through and the temps went into the 70s.

I got cold.

That's a big swing from what I'm used to.

Scientifically hurricanes are cooling engines, transporting humid hot air towards the poles. Balance.

So yes, they cool things down, in a number of ways.

i don't put on a coat until it gets to about 45f

50f if it's raining

but i like things pretty cold not a fan of the heat

i keep it about 55f in my room when i sleep in the winter

i have trouble sleeping if the tempature is in
in the 70's

Re: OT: Weather around the world
Posted by: Rockman ()
Date: September 24, 2022 03:33

Drumcondra 6.21am --- 24 September 2022


Re: OT: Weather around the world
Posted by: Rockman ()
Date: September 25, 2022 01:33

Drumcondra 6.14am --- 25 September 2022


Re: OT: Weather around the world
Posted by: GasLightStreet ()
Date: September 25, 2022 07:31

Typhoon Noru has had the greatest intensification on record.

Hurricane Fiona brought the lowest pressure ever to Atlantic Canada.

Tropical Storm Ian will curve around Cuba and... become a 3, 4 or a 5 at some point but only possibly a 3 at the strongest at landfall near the big bend in Florida.

Re: OT: Weather around the world
Posted by: GasLightStreet ()
Date: September 29, 2022 05:53

Hurricane Ian has brought major storm surge and damage to Fort Meyers, FLA.

Weakened, slightly, just before landfall, to 150 mph winds with gusts to, reportedly, 190ish mph in Punta Gorda - who had the same in 2004.

9th insurance company pulled out of Louisiana today.

Florida is next.

Of major landfalling hurricanes along the Gulf Coast since 2017, one has been a 5, the rest have been 4s. Of all 5 of landfalling category 5 hurricanes in the Atlantic Basin, 4 have been in Florida, one in Mississippi.

But lately, just the Gulf Coast? Majority have been major hurricanes. Plenty of category 3 storms as well.

The last time there was any kind of run of that magnitude was in the 1940s but that was not just the Gulf Coast as I recall at the moment.

So many people thought the 2022 hurricane season was a dud especially based on predictions. It's just gotten going. October should be interesting. And probably November.

OT: Hurricane Ian 2022
Posted by: stones2 ()
Date: September 29, 2022 20:04

Hey ,all right in Florida ?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2022-09-29 22:27 by bv.

Re: Hurricane
Posted by: TKinOH ()
Date: September 29, 2022 20:42

Thoughts and prayers to all the folks in Florida... including Mick and Melanie's home and her parents' too!

Just checkin' social media for friends and family down there myself...

Re: Hurricane
Posted by: DGA35 ()
Date: September 29, 2022 20:57

A buddy that I grew up with here in BC now lives in Tampa. Just heard that he's okay, said it was really windy and rainy but not too bad where he lives.

Re: Hurricane
Date: September 29, 2022 21:15

I used to live in Naples. This video link was sent to me this morning by my old roommate.

The house in this video is two doors away from where I used to live.


Re: Hurricane
Posted by: stones2 ()
Date: September 29, 2022 21:16

make yourself safe, take care of yourself

Re: Hurricane
Posted by: stones2 ()
Date: September 29, 2022 21:19

Re: OT: Hurricane Ian 2022
Posted by: kkhoranstoned ()
Date: September 30, 2022 00:39

I hope the recovery is swift I'm across the state..

Re: OT: Hurricane Ian 2022
Posted by: umakmehrd ()
Date: September 30, 2022 02:37

Remember Miami 2019 when the stones decided to move their show a day earlier because of a hurricane... These storms seem to be getting stronger and stronger - Thoughts are with all those affected & for a speedy recovery back to normality

Re: OT: Hurricane Ian 2022
Posted by: steffialicia ()
Date: September 30, 2022 18:33

Remember Miami 2019 when the stones decided to move their show a day earlier because of a hurricane... These storms seem to be getting stronger and stronger - Thoughts are with all those affected & for a speedy recovery back to normality

I do remember and I changed my room reservation to a day earlier. Got killed on the cost but of course, well worth it. Never dreamed it would be the last show for Charlie. Ian was truly frightening. I can't even imagine what those hit badly are dealing with. Prayers to them.

Re: OT: Hurricane Ian 2022
Posted by: GasLightStreet ()
Date: October 2, 2022 06:01

Remember Miami 2019 when the stones decided to move their show a day earlier because of a hurricane... These storms seem to be getting stronger and stronger - Thoughts are with all those affected & for a speedy recovery back to normality

The storms aren't necessarily getting stronger and stronger, it's where they're getting "stronger" in regard to landfall.

Technology has allowed more storms to be observed but the average for major hurricanes has not gone up. A category 1 can be just as problematic as a 4 or 5 though.

Ian was a high 4 like a lot of the hurricanes to hit the Gulf Coast since 2017. In that time span nothing has gone over a 4 at landfall in the United States except for one, Michael, and for the 4 category 5 hurricanes to hit the US, ever, all but one have hit Florida (2 on the Atlantic side, 1 on the GOM side, the other was in Mississippi).

Re: OT: Weather around the world
Posted by: TrulyMicks1 ()
Date: October 4, 2022 17:30

Search and rescue efforts continue in SW Florida hoping to find survivors in all of the destruction. There are homes and boats thrown everywhere and they expect the death toll to rise dramatically once they are able to get through all of the debri. I pray they are wrong. The rivers are up to four times the flood level and homes are still underwater. People lost everything but the clothes they were wearing. The best way to help is through the American Red Cross. It is so sad.

Re: OT: Weather around the world
Posted by: crholmstrom ()
Date: October 4, 2022 20:26

Still dealing with the wildfire smoke that has been plaguing Seattle most of the month. Yesterday we had some of the most unhealthy air in the world again. It's supposed to start slowly clearing out today. Definitely hasn't been good for me.

Re: OT: Weather around the world
Posted by: Rockman ()
Date: October 6, 2022 01:05

Drumcondra 6.37am --- 5 October 2022


Re: OT: Weather around the world
Posted by: DGA35 ()
Date: October 6, 2022 01:25

Still dealing with the wildfire smoke that has been plaguing Seattle most of the month. Yesterday we had some of the most unhealthy air in the world again. It's supposed to start slowly clearing out today. Definitely hasn't been good for me.

Hey Cr, up here in the Vancouver/Fraser Valley area we still have a lot of smoke, I believe there's a fire just across the border. There was a weather advisory yesterday for poor air.
Also, was a very dry September with many daily temperature records broken. Even areas along the coast are experiencing drought like conditions with a number of rivers/streams down to a trickle causing spawning salmon to die.

Re: OT: Weather around the world
Posted by: Rockman ()
Date: October 7, 2022 10:25

Drumcondra 6.33am --- 7 October 2022


Re: OT: Weather around the world
Posted by: Topi ()
Date: October 7, 2022 12:02

Very nice! Going to Australia in three weeks time. Hope the La NiƱa isn't too bad.

Re: OT: Weather around the world
Posted by: ProfessorWolf ()
Date: October 7, 2022 17:02

Still dealing with the wildfire smoke that has been plaguing Seattle most of the month. Yesterday we had some of the most unhealthy air in the world again. It's supposed to start slowly clearing out today. Definitely hasn't been good for me.

Hey Cr, up here in the Vancouver/Fraser Valley area we still have a lot of smoke, I believe there's a fire just across the border. There was a weather advisory yesterday for poor air.
Also, was a very dry September with many daily temperature records broken. Even areas along the coast are experiencing drought like conditions with a number of rivers/streams down to a trickle causing spawning salmon to die.

south of seattle here in lewis county we have all that smoke plus the smoke from the goat rocks fire up by packwood that's been going on for weeks

sometimes all day long the smokes so thick i can't see the mountains on either side of the narrow valley i live in it hasn't cleared up in weeks

my eyes and nose burn constantly and my head is pounding all the time

i just wish the f-cking rain would come already and clear this up!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2022-10-07 17:04 by ProfessorWolf.

Re: OT: Weather around the world
Posted by: DGA35 ()
Date: October 14, 2022 21:14

Vancouver area as well as most of Vancouver Island is in a stage 5 drought alert, which is the highest. No measurable rain here in probably 3 months. Yesterday Vancouver asked people to cut back on water usage!
Out in the Fraser Valley we have an air quality alert because of all the smoke from forest fires just across the border in Washington. Never seen it this bad so late in the year!

Re: OT: Weather around the world
Posted by: ProfessorWolf ()
Date: October 15, 2022 00:50

tell me about

late summer thru fall has basically become smoke season in the pnw

i just want it to rain for real already

and it's gonna be in the mid 80 here this weekend

in the middle of october!eye rolling smiley

Re: OT: Weather around the world
Posted by: Rockman ()
Date: November 9, 2022 06:51

Drumcondra 6.14am ------------ 9 November 2022


Re: OT: Weather around the world
Posted by: GasLightStreet ()
Date: November 10, 2022 06:56

As usual, with a hurricane hitting S Florida tonight, people are going bonkers about climate change on Twitter etc.

Hurricane season ends November 30th for a reason.

Hurricanes have hit the United States in November.

It's rare.

If climate change was the reason for Hurricane Nicole hitting Florida tonight, wouldn't she be a category 3 or higher? The sea surface temperatures certainly support such strength but... oh, right, there's a lot more to it than that. But why let facts get in the way? CLIMATE CHANGE!!!!!!!!

It is having an impact on hurricanes but not as people have foamed at the mouth about (there has been zero impact on major hurricanes, for one thing).

Kate hit Mexico Beach on November 22, 1985 as a category 2: the latest landfalling hurricane in the United States.

Hurricane Yankee was the last hurricane to hit the east coast of the United States on November 4, 1935, so Nicole breaks that record tonight.

Aside from the United States... hurricanes form in November.

Tropical Storm Zeta formed December 30, 2005 and dissipated January 6.

In 2020 there were hurricanes Eta and Iota two weeks apart: both making landfall at almost the exact same location in Nicaragua in the Caribbean.

There have been 3 hurricanes formed this month in the N Atlantic. It was expected.

The 2023 hurricane season will be quiet in comparison to even this year, which has been basically normal, yet along the last 5 seasons.

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