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Re: ONE MORE SHOT (listen here!)
Posted by: Stoneage ()
Date: November 8, 2012 07:43

Sure, it's cliche Stones, Richards` style, but what the heck - this is better than 90 % of the material since Tattoo You. I like it. And it's better than most Keith songs since "Before they make me run".
I'm not going to whine about this one. And it's real instruments!

Re: ONE MORE SHOT (listen here!)
Posted by: treaclefingers ()
Date: November 8, 2012 07:49

OMS is holding up really well under repeat listens.

Did a side by side with Doom and Gloom. I think I still prefer D and G but this one really rolls.

Re: ONE MORE SHOT (listen here!)
Posted by: superrevvy ()
Date: November 8, 2012 08:08

...great jangling...loose hipped Stones rocker ..... PLAY LOUD

Agree. I don't what more anyone could want. But yet again we're seeing the
usual 50-50 split on its musical merits...

But at least there's consensus on the answer to Mick's plea. Y'all seem to be
saying with one voice, "Sure, we'll give you one more shot. Especially if you
lower prices a bit in 2013."

In fact, here's the actual tally as of now...

Give the Stones one more shot? 4730 votes in the affirmative.

Have them disappear forever, as of the day before yesterday? One vote. Me.

So I guess I'm slightly outvoted. Oh well. Nothing new about that.

(I have to say that "One More Shot" is so good I almost changed my vote. Almost.)

Re: ONE MORE SHOT (listen here!)
Posted by: Rockman ()
Date: November 8, 2012 08:25

what more anyone could want...a whole album


Re: ONE MORE SHOT (listen here!)
Posted by: treaclefingers ()
Date: November 8, 2012 08:34

what more anyone could want...a whole album

agreed...I think some people have forgotten how to just sit back and enjoy themselves.

Re: ONE MORE SHOT (listen here!)
Posted by: superrevvy ()
Date: November 8, 2012 08:36

what more anyone could want...a whole album

agreed...I think some people have forgotten how to just sit back and enjoy themselves.

Just like some people have forgotten how to enjoy cocaine

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2012-11-08 08:41 by superrevvy.

Re: ONE MORE SHOT (listen here!)
Date: November 8, 2012 09:05

Send It To me

Nice filler with a good groove. Good to hear Keith lead that groove again.

A little nod to AC/DC in there smiling smiley

Re: ONE MORE SHOT (listen here!)
Posted by: z ()
Date: November 8, 2012 09:15


Re: ONE MORE SHOT (listen here!)
Posted by: TheBlockbuster ()
Date: November 8, 2012 09:17

I prefer Doom and Gloom

And this new mix for 'Grrrr' is really good

Re: ONE MORE SHOT (listen here!)
Posted by: treaclefingers ()
Date: November 8, 2012 09:27

I prefer Doom and Gloom

And this new mix for 'Grrrr' is really good

Thanks sounds great.

So is this yet another mix then, different from the ITunes version, and the single edit version, and you're saying it will be on GRRR!?

I'm beginning to lose track!

Re: ONE MORE SHOT (listen here!)
Posted by: GravityBoy ()
Date: November 8, 2012 09:46

OK.. I like it better after a few listens.

Still not as good as D & G.

Re: ONE MORE SHOT (listen here!)
Posted by: GravityBoy ()
Date: November 8, 2012 09:48

I prefer Doom and Gloom

And this new mix for 'Grrrr' is really good

Thanks sounds great.

So is this yet another mix then, different from the ITunes version, and the single edit version, and you're saying it will be on GRRR!?

I'm beginning to lose track!

This is weird.

So many mixes is diluting it.

Are they experimenting to see which is the most popular?

Re: ONE MORE SHOT (listen here!)
Posted by: Honestman ()
Date: November 8, 2012 10:18

Green Lady
... but it sounds like a demo, with Mick singing Na Na Na's over the bits he hasn't done the lyrics for yet.

A pity, because the guitar part at the end really gets going - this might have been a decent song, but it's been left undercooked.

thumbs up the Na Na Na are awful


Re: ONE MORE SHOT (listen here!)
Posted by: Green Lady ()
Date: November 8, 2012 10:18

Send It To me

Nice filler with a good groove. Good to hear Keith lead that groove again.

A little nod to AC/DC in there smiling smiley

Listening again on headphones this time.

I'm starting to wonder if I'm not carrying on like that annoying great-auntie who will insist that the new baby's got its mummy's eyes and its grandfather's ears, but can't see that the kid's got a personality of its own. And I'm not sure if it's more studio time this needs, or more listening time. Still sounds like a demo (I like demos) and still a bit of a mess - but I LOVE the noise it makes.

PS: No, I still don't like the nanananana's, either.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2012-11-08 10:20 by Green Lady.

Re: ONE MORE SHOT (listen here!)
Posted by: GravityBoy ()
Date: November 8, 2012 10:21

Well at least we can hear Chuck on this one - frilly piano AND organ.


I bet Nah Nah Nah is a Chuck idea.

Sounds like musical directorship.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2012-11-08 10:22 by GravityBoy.

Re: ONE MORE SHOT (listen here!)
Posted by: Amused ()
Date: November 8, 2012 10:31

I like it a lot - after all it's new Stones!
the chorus "I love ya love love ya..." and "nananana" are on the other hand really bad: not best Mick's work.

but all in all it's gooooood and I like this kinda songs much better than "Doom and Gloom"... I'd call it "drinking rock".

Re: ONE MORE SHOT (listen here!)
Posted by: benon again ()
Date: November 8, 2012 10:35

Quite nice, but...
Surprisingly for me i`m tired with Keith`s sound.Exilesque guitars would be better in this song.More dirt , more crunch , less bright ....Similary - female vocals from let`s say Plundered my soul would serve better.As in ABB case both songs - G&D and OMS seem not completely finished .

Re: ONE MORE SHOT (listen here!)
Posted by: Stoneage ()
Date: November 8, 2012 10:41

Mick does well on this even though it's a Keith style song. I like the clear and crisp guitars and the backing vocals too. Charlie is alright tonight. This is classic Stones rock anno 2012. What more can you ask for? There isn't much rock and roll around these days... Doom & Gloom have I already forgot about. It's quite forgettable after a few listenings, I'm afraid. Hope this isn't...

Re: ONE MORE SHOT (listen here!)
Posted by: terraplane ()
Date: November 8, 2012 11:10

sounds like a parody or leftover/reject from their last album

Re: ONE MORE SHOT (listen here!)
Posted by: RG ()
Date: November 8, 2012 11:13

Intro is just like street fighting man! Solo is great at the end.

Re: ONE MORE SHOT (listen here!)
Posted by: Doxa ()
Date: November 8, 2012 11:24

Okay, a day after...

Listening it now it starts to sound abit more listenable... I guess the expectations risen by "Doom & Gloom" and the Stones somehow finding a balance in mixing the old with the new, coloured my initial impression. The way too familiar references and all teh 'by-the-numbers' feeling it had - and the obviuous shortcomings of the creative work over-all (Keith) - made me probably judge this one harder than I should.

It is what it is: a bag full of many times used cliches. But then: those very elements makes it sound like The Rolling Stones - it is their safe zone there, their homeground. Sometimes when I hear some other artists using those same or similar enough elements, it usually puts a smile into my face. "Aah, that is a nod to The Stones, great"". So this is the Stones doing the same: trying to sound like The Stones, and of course, they cannot really fail. If nothing else, it has some of that trad. groove of theirs, where each element - drums, bass, the guitars, vocals, even piano - are in a right place and doing the right (obvious) thing. Formally okay.

So now when I am more used to the song, having listened it more just in terms of its own, I can conclude it being just another 'by the numbers' sort of song they had made so many in last 20 years, and as a fan, of course, I love that 'trademark' sound they are able to accomplish. Pleases my ear, gives me nostalgic vibes (even though some of its 'cheapness' in its elements annoys me as well).

If this turned out to be the very last new track they ever release (that possibility is rather strong, if we leave our 'hopes' aside), I think the song is 'okay' by being so retro and nostalgic as it is. It is also a way of saying 'look, really don't expect any new tricks from us; all is done, and many many years ago'. Unfortunately I have heard that message way too many times alraedy. By contrast, if it really had been a stunner, blowing my mind, that would have made think - why on earth they bullshitted for so many years, if they really still had a muse hided somewhere there?! Now, this 'ending' sounds like a logical end, and they can retire in peace, and we don't need to ask them anything any longer, since we know they have creatively dried out.

A typical Vegas era studio number. An album more of that? I really don't know if am looking for that any longer. If they really tour next year, who knows if they even will do that one; they might have a 'use' for a new album then (like they did for these new two cuts in GRRR!), and I guess taking their recent recording habits, it wouldn't take more than two weeks to have enough songs like "Shot". But I really understand them if they don't 'bother' either...

- Doxa

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 2012-11-08 11:36 by Doxa.

Re: ONE MORE SHOT (listen here!)
Posted by: jamesjagger ()
Date: November 8, 2012 11:31

Fantastic.....thanx Keith!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Re: ONE MORE SHOT (listen here!)
Posted by: 1962 ()
Date: November 8, 2012 11:44

Great Mick singing. A big surprise how great his voice on Doom and on this. Guys he's 69!

Re: ONE MORE SHOT (listen here!)
Posted by: Rockman ()
Date: November 8, 2012 11:50

how great his voice on Doom and on this


Re: ONE MORE SHOT (listen here!)
Posted by: Mathijs ()
Date: November 8, 2012 11:55

Strange song, actually. It sounds very much like an outtake from the Bridges to Bablyon sessions. Same guitar and drums sound. Surprised Richards can still play around the chords like he does here in these days....

It is very much a Take it so Hard / Mixed Emotions mix, and it doesn't really have a melody to it, does it? When the song ends it is a bit of a surprise, like 'hey, didn't it just start half a minute ago'?


Re: ONE MORE SHOT (listen here!)
Posted by: Doxa ()
Date: November 8, 2012 11:57

Great Mick singing. A big surprise how great his voice on Doom and on this. Guys he's 69!

It is, but what bothers me in "Shot" is that he sounds like an outsider, a pro studio singer doing his thing professionally, even 'too good' in a sense. He sounds like not really putting his heart there, but using his great instrument skillfully. I don't know if I am able to express my thoughts clearly, but there is something 'fake-like' in his delivery, or that it doesn't match with the song over-all.

But damn that voice is in a good condition!

- Doxa

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2012-11-08 11:59 by Doxa.

Re: ONE MORE SHOT (listen here!)
Posted by: Mathijs ()
Date: November 8, 2012 12:03

Great Mick singing. A big surprise how great his voice on Doom and on this. Guys he's 69!

It is, but what bothers me in "Shot" is that he sounds like an outsider, a pro studio singer doing his thing professionally, even 'too good' in a sense. He sounds like not really putting his heart there, but using his great instrument skillfully. I don't know if I am able to express my thoughts clearly, but there is something 'fake-like' in his delivery, or that it doesn't match with the song over-all.

But damn that voice is in a good condition!

- Doxa

He's been singing like that for ages. Listen to Goddess and that dreadful Alfie stuff. He sings very, very professional, trained and produced. But that's also the fashion these days, that very technical singing, that Beyonce and Mariah Carey stuff. Look at these competition shows on TV -even if one has a crap voice he or she sill do 6 octaves with 'false air'.


Re: ONE MORE SHOT (listen here!)
Date: November 8, 2012 12:09

Something "fake" with Mick? Never winking smiley

Seriously, I know what you mean, Doxa. Still, I think he has managed to peel off the mannered, nasal stuff he was doing in the early/mid 2000s - and now he sounds incredibly strong, imo.

Good to get the confirmation of Keith being able to let it rip again (we saw signs of it on the JJF-clip, too). That was the most important thing for me about this otherwise mediocre, but enjoyable track.

It's fascinating how they can transform a AC/DC-hook into a folky singalong toward the ending, though grinning smiley

Re: ONE MORE SHOT (listen here!)
Posted by: gotdablouse ()
Date: November 8, 2012 12:10

On D&G he doesn't sound "professional" at all, he just lets it all out and it works well.

What's that "new mix" story for D&G, the Grrr one is the iTunes one AFAICT ?

As for OMS, yes it is clearly underdeveloped/unfinished, the last minute (out of the three) goes nowhere, how Keith could not write a whole song in seven years is a bit the fact that Mick couldn't come up with an additional part to help.

Re: ONE MORE SHOT (listen here!)
Posted by: john nicholls ()
Date: November 8, 2012 12:15

On 1st hearing One More Shot sounds a bit weak and unfinished, don't thinks it's bad just needs some more work on it. Doom and Gloom on the other hand is excellent for a bunch of 70 year olds and could easily pass for a band in their 30s. It's not on a par with their best but a damn good effort!!!!!

John Nicholls

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