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Re: Keith Richards : '£16m sounds about right to us'
Posted by: mr_dja ()
Date: October 15, 2012 23:30


As I understand it, the Stones' financial demands priced them out of playing at the Barclay Centre.

What, ticket prices to recoup the investment would have been to high?


Re: Keith Richards : '£16m sounds about right to us'
Posted by: stonesnow ()
Date: October 15, 2012 23:32

they're not getting 16 million from the fans, they've already received it from Virgin Live. It is up to Virgin to recoup their fee, hence the ticket pricing.


Imagine the grand irony of being a concert-going Stones fan in 2012--to be screwed by a company named "Virgin"...

Re: Keith Richards : '£16m sounds about right to us'
Posted by: Limbostone ()
Date: October 15, 2012 23:34

From a business point of view, I wonder why they all keep hinting at more shows. With every hint I read I get less willing to spend next Friday pooping by my laptop.

I'll see them next year. That's what was the best part about last tour: shows weren't even sold out by showtime. No stress or panic-buying required. The downpart of course being that this had to do with ticketprices.

Re: Keith Richards : '£16m sounds about right to us'
Posted by: The Wick ()
Date: October 15, 2012 23:35

Keith in LIFE: "But Mum and Dad loved the council flat house. I had no choice but to bite my tongue. As a semidetached goes, it was new and well built, but it wasn't ours! I thought we deserved better. And it made me bitter. I thought of us as a noble family in exile." p.35

And it's Mick who got the reputation as a wannabe aristocrat.

That quote from Life hits the nail on the head.

I'm certainly not against free enterprise and they largely earn what they deserve, however there are some considerations.

First, this is the 50th anniversary tour and one of the main drivers of their success over the years have been fans- who can't afford these crazy prices- who have bought the albums, gone to shows, bought the merchandise, and done free marketing for them by promoting them to their friends and family. Those fans have helped bankroll their deserved and luxurious lifestyles so how about saying, let's do something for those fans so that the only people who come to our shows won't be people who probably aren't those fans but are more likely people who want to go to an event and say we saw the Stones. Yes, those fans also got a lot out of it and we did those things because we wanted to but an effort to meet us half way would have been nice.

Second, the whole point is that it is about Keith and Mick. I, for one, never said that Mick doesn't do the same thing. I just pointed out that the image of Keith being only about the music is a bit of a joke. He is just as responsible as Mick for the business side.

Finally, fine Virgin is setting the prices but as Gazza said, the Stones effectively set those prices. Even assuming the argument that it's all on Virgin, then why not hold Keith responsible for his quote about not wanting prices to be bloody over the top. Either he has a say or he doesn't, you can't have it both ways. If he himself says he doesn't want prices to be over the top, then I assume he has a say. And if he doesn't, then he should stop playing the I care about the fans game.

Re: Keith Richards : '£16m sounds about right to us'
Posted by: BluzDude ()
Date: October 15, 2012 23:43

I wonder what they'll charge for the Pay-Per-View? And will it be broadcast in the U.S. only? 9PM EST is what, 3AM in London? Wonder if the Barclay Center in Brooklyn is smarting because the only reason the Prudential Center is available is because the New Jersey Nets were yanked out of there to become the Brooklyn Nets? It would have quite a coup to have the Stones be one of the first acts to open Barclay.

2 am in the UK. 3 am in western Europe.

Doubt the show will be broadcast outside North America. None of the other ones have been.

As I understand it, the Stones' financial demands priced them out of playing at the Barclay Centre.

bummer, so while I'm on holiday in Kiwiland, I'll also have to miss the pay-per-viewmoody smiley

Re: Keith Richards : '£16m sounds about right to us'
Posted by: Dreamer ()
Date: October 15, 2012 23:44

Cocaine Eyes
A few comments:

YES - (barring horrendous happenings) 2013 is on!

And let me guess - JAGGER is getting paid NOTHING for these gigs? Right? JAGGER lives in a one-room apartment beside the railway tracks? JAGGER has never had champagne and caviar? Right? Right then.....

Oh, and doesn't JAGGER handle the finances for the band? Right, I thought so.....with the help of his many the one-room apartment beside the railway tracks.....with no food in the chef in the kitchen.....

tongue sticking out smiley

Ahum...milady? Doucement...don't get too emotional now smoking smiley
Yes MJ has the name but don't forget what Keith once said about how great Prince R. is/was to them...about the cash running in...all that money YES...and stuff like that?
I don't mind that he likes the money, they were @#$%& in the early days so they are earning it now and I think thats good for them. But Keith himself once said he'd never mind that they were @#$%& 'cause 'I consider it the price of an education' Well, if this is the result of that education...the guy can act more greedy than MJ once in a while! What bites is that he has a totally different aura like The Wick is saying: he has gotten away with this image of being a salt of the earth bohemian who is only about pure music is quite unbelievable.

The amount of contradiction and hypocrisy that he can get into 4 sentences is quite staggering.
... this image of him being only about the music and Mick being only about the business is such an unbelievable load of crap.

'We don't mind the money' that they make but keith saying things like really such utter tosh.

Re: Keith Richards : '£16m sounds about right to us'
Posted by: Cocaine Eyes ()
Date: October 15, 2012 23:49

Hey Dreamer - yes, I did have a little moment there!grinning smiley

At least Keith is a bohemian who lives in an estate in Connecticut. And at Redlands, another estate with a moat.

Yeah.....I get it now. Took a while!

Re: Keith Richards : '£16m sounds about right to us'
Posted by: Dreamer ()
Date: October 15, 2012 23:53

Cocaine Eyes
Hey Dreamer - yes, I did have a little moment there!grinning smiley

At least Keith is a bohemian who lives in an estate in Connecticut. And at Redlands, another estate with a moat.

Yeah.....I get it now. Took a while!

smoking smiley That's my style!

Re: Keith Richards : '£16m sounds about right to us'
Posted by: lunar!!! ()
Date: October 16, 2012 00:00


..that's what i was gonna say!!

Re: Keith Richards : '£16m sounds about right to us'
Posted by: treaclefingers ()
Date: October 16, 2012 00:19

they're not getting 16 million from the fans, they've already received it from Virgin Live. It is up to Virgin to recoup their fee, hence the ticket pricing.


Imagine the grand irony of being a concert-going Stones fan in 2012--to be screwed by a company named "Virgin"...

and what's the colour of my wallet, 'cherry red'.

Re: Keith Richards : '£16m sounds about right to us'
Posted by: mickijaggeroo ()
Date: October 16, 2012 00:20

they're not getting 16 million from the fans, they've already received it from Virgin Live. It is up to Virgin to recoup their fee, hence the ticket pricing.


Imagine the grand irony of being a concert-going Stones fan in 2012--to be screwed by a company named "Virgin"...

and what's the colour of my wallet, 'cherry red'.

No, there is a new colour out now, it´s called "empty", it´s the new black..

Nordic Stones Vikings

Re: Keith Richards : '£16m sounds about right to us'
Posted by: headly123 ()
Date: October 16, 2012 00:33

Re: Keith Richards : '£16m sounds about right to us' new
Posted by: oldkr ()
Date: October 15, 2012 23:15

they're not getting 16 million from the fans, they've already received it from Virgin Live. It is up to Virgin to recoup their fee, hence the ticket pricing.


this may be true . isn't what that that Kohl guy did on the last tours. He guarnteed them X amount of dollars then he ahd to make it work ?

It's all just bullshit. Everyone wants to get there hands in your wallet. EVERYONE. Is a Stones concert a nice night out ? Yeah. When they could play.

Keep your money in your own pocket . Go out for a night on the town. Get laid. Do something for yourself and not line these guys pockets anymore.

Re: Keith Richards : '£16m sounds about right to us'
Posted by: treaclefingers ()
Date: October 16, 2012 00:38

they're not getting 16 million from the fans, they've already received it from Virgin Live. It is up to Virgin to recoup their fee, hence the ticket pricing.


Imagine the grand irony of being a concert-going Stones fan in 2012--to be screwed by a company named "Virgin"...

and what's the colour of my wallet, 'cherry red'.

No, there is a new colour out now, it´s called "empty", it´s the new black..

This wallet's empty, so empty, without cash.

Re: Keith Richards : '£16m sounds about right to us'
Posted by: treaclefingers ()
Date: October 16, 2012 00:40

Re: Keith Richards : '£16m sounds about right to us' new
Posted by: oldkr ()
Date: October 15, 2012 23:15

they're not getting 16 million from the fans, they've already received it from Virgin Live. It is up to Virgin to recoup their fee, hence the ticket pricing.


this may be true . isn't what that that Kohl guy did on the last tours. He guarnteed them X amount of dollars then he ahd to make it work ?

It's all just bullshit. Everyone wants to get there hands in your wallet. EVERYONE. Is a Stones concert a nice night out ? Yeah. When they could play.

Keep your money in your own pocket . Go out for a night on the town. Get laid. Do something for yourself and not line these guys pockets anymore.

in principle I agree with you, but I just checked Amazon and my super deluxe Ladies and Gentlemen has already shipped.

Ah well.

Re: Keith Richards : '£16m sounds about right to us'
Posted by: Markdog ()
Date: October 16, 2012 00:45

You know the song.....

"We'll be eating dirt, tryin' to pay to see the Stoooooones"

Re: Keith Richards : '£16m sounds about right to us'
Posted by: lmatth8461 ()
Date: October 16, 2012 00:53

Is a Stones concert a nice night out ? Yeah. When they could play.
Remember the recording doing the rounds where Linda McCartney's backing vocals had been isolated?
Anyone ever tried that's with Keith's guitar during the 2007 tour?

Re: Keith Richards : '£16m sounds about right to us'
Posted by: tatters ()
Date: October 16, 2012 01:47

Further proof Keith has absolutely nothing to do with the business side.

I'm not sure he's got much to do with the music side lately.

Re: Keith Richards : '£16m sounds about right to us'
Posted by: treaclefingers ()
Date: October 16, 2012 01:58

Further proof Keith has absolutely nothing to do with the business side.

I'm not sure he's got much to do with the music side lately.

gentleman farmer side, on the other hand...

To address the concern of ticket prices, Keith might say, "If life gives you lemons, throw them back at life because you should have your own lemon tree, and not take any handouts from life"...something along those lines.

Re: Keith Richards : '£16m sounds about right to us'
Posted by: StonesTod ()
Date: October 16, 2012 02:00

Further proof Keith has absolutely nothing to do with the business side.

I'm not sure he's got much to do with the music side lately.

gentleman farmer side, on the other hand...

To address the concern of ticket prices, Keith might say, "If life gives you lemons, throw them back at life because you should have your own lemon tree, and not take any handouts from life"...something along those lines.

fork you, keith! for something you might say!

Re: Keith Richards : '£16m sounds about right to us'
Posted by: Munichhilton ()
Date: October 16, 2012 02:02

Further proof Keith has absolutely nothing to do with the business side.

I'm not sure he's got much to do with the music side lately.

gentleman farmer side, on the other hand...

To address the concern of ticket prices, Keith might say, "If life gives you lemons, throw them back at life because you should have your own lemon tree, and not take any handouts from life"...something along those lines.

fork you, keith! for something you might say!

You sure you wouldn't rather spoon with Keith?

Re: Keith Richards : '£16m sounds about right to us'
Posted by: flairville ()
Date: October 16, 2012 02:05

There's a chance it'll be on over here. It's promoted by Vince McMahon who owns WWF. Their PPV's are live on Sky every month, I can't imagine old Vince missing out on the £££ payday.

Re: Keith Richards : '£16m sounds about right to us'
Posted by: oldkr ()
Date: October 16, 2012 03:00

I'm not saying they didn't negotiate the deal, I'm saying that probably 1/3rd will come from merch and more than 1/3rd from the rights to broadcast and less than one third from actual tickets. The idea that one persons $95 goes anywhere near the paycheck of the band is absurd.


Re: Keith Richards : '£16m sounds about right to us'
Posted by: stonesnow ()
Date: October 16, 2012 03:39

Is a Stones concert a nice night out ? Yeah. When they could play.
Remember the recording doing the rounds where Linda McCartney's backing vocals had been isolated?
Anyone ever tried that's with Keith's guitar during the 2007 tour?

That was for Hey Jude from Macca's Flowers in the Dirt 1989-1990 tour. I've already checked YouTube for isolated KR guitar bits from 2007, and there's nothing there. It would have to be up to some resourceful IORRian...

Re: Keith Richards : '£16m sounds about right to us'
Posted by: melillo ()
Date: October 16, 2012 04:34

Rolling Stones guitarist Keith Richards says he does not want to charge fans high prices to see the band"


Re: Keith Richards : '£16m sounds about right to us'
Posted by: treaclefingers ()
Date: October 16, 2012 05:36

Further proof Keith has absolutely nothing to do with the business side.

I'm not sure he's got much to do with the music side lately.

gentleman farmer side, on the other hand...

To address the concern of ticket prices, Keith might say, "If life gives you lemons, throw them back at life because you should have your own lemon tree, and not take any handouts from life"...something along those lines.

fork you, keith! for something you might say!

You sure you wouldn't rather spoon with Keith?

He might show you the blade.

Where is the rimshot when you need it?!

Re: Keith Richards : '£16m sounds about right to us'
Posted by: Naturalust ()
Date: October 16, 2012 08:31

they're not getting 16 million from the fans, they've already received it from Virgin Live. It is up to Virgin to recoup their fee, hence the ticket pricing.


You could make that argument with every tour.

The bottom line is that they wouldnt be getting £16 million unless they insisted on that guarantee. Effectively, the band have dictated the prices.

I argue that the market has dictated the prices. The Stones have gotten so BIG and popular, they have possibly outpriced many of the true blue fans. Not entirely their fault, easy to blame them but I am somewhat happy for their success. Skinny outlaw musicians make good is a story that resonates with me at some level.

That being said, I'm not paying $800+ for a couple of good seats. Thats bullshit, but it's also my choice. I imagine if the shows are not superb at that price they might just tarnish their legacy somewhat. My bum is still sore from sitting on this fence. peace

Re: Keith Richards : '£16m sounds about right to us'
Date: October 16, 2012 09:31

Nice thread, yeah, we should all blame it on Keith grinning smiley

Re: Keith Richards : '£16m sounds about right to us'
Posted by: micawber ()
Date: October 16, 2012 09:35

Don't forget he had 2 strokes and brain surgery what obviously not only affected his coolness and playing centre...

Re: Keith Richards : '£16m sounds about right to us'
Posted by: micawber ()
Date: October 16, 2012 09:36

they're not getting 16 million from the fans, they've already received it from Virgin Live. It is up to Virgin to recoup their fee, hence the ticket pricing.


You could make that argument with every tour.

The bottom line is that they wouldnt be getting £16 million unless they insisted on that guarantee. Effectively, the band have dictated the prices.

I argue that the market has dictated the prices. The Stones have gotten so BIG and popular, they have possibly outpriced many of the true blue fans. Not entirely their fault, easy to blame them but I am somewhat happy for their success. Skinny outlaw musicians make good is a story that resonates with me at some level.

That being said, I'm not paying $800+ for a couple of good seats. Thats bullshit, but it's also my choice. I imagine if the shows are not superb at that price they might just tarnish their legacy somewhat. My bum is still sore from sitting on this fence. peace

The market will tell them to stop this BS asap.

Re: Keith Richards : '£16m sounds about right to us'
Posted by: Bliss ()
Date: October 16, 2012 10:12

The market will dictate the prices. If people won't pay, then you will see sections papered over as in the last tour.

You make your own choices. Anyone with a library card and a computer can enjoy almost everything the RS produced with no further investment required.

Could someone please fill me in on the statement above that Keith suffered two strokes?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2012-10-16 10:22 by Bliss.

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