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His MajestyQuote
Not my info nor my diagram. What I still can't get my head around is where this ping sound is coming from, or what the purpose of this thingy is. I mean, it really is a weird gizzmo, all these leads and connections just to get a ping sound, that's weird isn't it? Or is it really the 60's?
Where did yah get the info and diagram?
Odd, but indeed very 60's.
I think it is terrible. That era, with the ridiculous garb and attempts to copy the sounds of the Beatles' Sergeant Pepper, is the lost era of the Stones, as far as I am concerned. I can only snicker when I force myself to listen to it. I counted 3 chords in the entire song.
Oh well, to each his own.
I think there's no doubt they were building on what the Beatles did, but nonetheless, there are still some great songs from it - the album & especially the b-sides...