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different kinds of Stones fan
Posted by: Send It To me ()
Date: April 29, 2012 00:19

Say hello! : )

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2012-11-24 22:06 by Send It To me.

Re: different kinds of Stones fan- anyone else here trans, bi, gender-variant, genderqueer, etc.?
Posted by: frankotero ()
Date: April 29, 2012 01:09

Well Jimi Hendrix said raise your free flag high in "if 6 was 9" song. I think he was right about a lot of things. I support anyone who wants a happy healthy life and tries to be friendly with others.

Re: different kinds of Stones fan- anyone else here trans, bi, gender-variant, genderqueer, etc.?
Posted by: stonesdan60 ()
Date: April 29, 2012 02:06

Whatever floats yer boat. I judge no one's way of life. Well, boring old me - I'm pathetically heterosexual. Guess i'm out of step with the times. "Huh - Shidoobee/ Shattered, shattered / Does it matter?"

Re: different kinds of Stones fan- anyone else here trans, bi, gender-variant, genderqueer, etc.?
Date: April 29, 2012 02:28

I'm quite an androgynous person (I've had girlfriends, boyfriends, will wear ties & suits, will wear dresses, etc......

You need to hook up with "Rockman"......

Re: different kinds of Stones fan- anyone else here trans, bi, gender-variant, genderqueer, etc.?
Posted by: Rockman ()
Date: April 29, 2012 04:08


Re: different kinds of Stones fan- anyone else here trans, bi, gender-variant, genderqueer, etc.?
Posted by: Send It To me ()
Date: April 29, 2012 04:18

thank you for your support : )

Re: different kinds of Stones fan- anyone else here trans, bi, gender-variant, genderqueer, etc.?
Date: April 29, 2012 04:18

LOL. Funny

Re: different kinds of Stones fan- anyone else here trans, bi, gender-variant, genderqueer, etc.?
Posted by: Rockman ()
Date: April 29, 2012 04:22!!!! .....Take it easy ... I ain't supportin' anything ...


Re: different kinds of Stones fan- anyone else here trans, bi, gender-variant, genderqueer, etc.?
Posted by: Send It To me ()
Date: April 29, 2012 04:32

"Does anyone else here feel like they have something...missing?...The first audience said...NO...GUESS I'M THE ONLY ONE, HUH?"

Re: different kinds of Stones fan- anyone else here trans, bi, gender-variant, genderqueer, etc.?
Posted by: swiss ()
Date: April 29, 2012 11:14

Send It To me
I'm quite an androgynous person (I've had girlfriends, boyfriends, will wear ties & suits, will wear dresses, etc.). The Stones are so interesting because there is a lot of machismo in the band, but then there is also this undercurrent/subtext of androgyny running through the work that's fascinating and magnetic. I'm wondering if there are other folks with a similar worldview/background to mine, who might think about the music slightly differently...

Say hello! : )

I'm not androgynous, and I'm straight, but there have definitely been some
interesting themes, in terms of playing around with and subverting traditional
conceptions of gender (and to some degree sexuality), I would say --for sure--
over the years with the Stones. Androgyny perhaps too, tho androgyny and
subversion of traditional manifestations of gender/sexuality are all different
things, I suppose.

I was just thinking along these very lines yesterday when someone posted the "I
Got You Babe" clip from Ready Steady Go (September 1965). I was surprised the
Stones were already heading down that road. Struck me as reminiscent of that
long British tradition of men in "drag" (going back at least as far as Shakespeare),
as a gag---tho it also diverges from that in the Ready Steady Go sketch. Mick
is not totally clowning with it. He's flaunting it, being provocative and
somewhat sexy with it, almost daring the viewer to laugh at it and solely
regard it as a goofy campy send-up. It's almost Warholian. Performance-arty.

Then, of course, the following September 1966, we have "Have You Seen Your
Mother..." which is more camp and over-the-top, but it, too, is different from
the Goonies type humor.

Keith and Mick (and Charlie too, really) have seemed to love fashion at
different times, haven't they? as self-expression. Mick and Keith have also
seemed to enjoy "dressing up," sometimes in their women's clothes--you see
Keith in Anita's tops and belts, and Mick in Bianca's pants and jackets.

For a while there, it seems to have been part of the cultural and social
revolution that was sweeping the world. As traditional mores and customs were
breaking apart and being discarded, people seemed to experiment, question, and
take few things for granted - not presuming that things "should be" one way,
and one way only. I think we saw that experimentation led by, and reflected in,
our most relevant artists like the Rolling Stones (and many other
bands/musicians) at that time.

Eventually, after the '80s, perhaps androgyny may have taken a bit of a back seat.

But I suspect what I'm talking about is more academic, and less personal, than
what you're getting at.

What's your experience--as a self-identified androgynous person--with the
Stones? I remember a few years ago women were talking about their experience
with the Stones, how we interpreted or framed up their "misogyny," and how we
related to the Stones as people, and as women. I would for one would love to
hear your perspective.


Re: different kinds of Stones fan- anyone else here trans, bi, gender-variant, genderqueer, etc.?
Posted by: Send It To me ()
Date: April 29, 2012 11:39

Nice observations, Swiss.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2012-11-24 22:07 by Send It To me.

Re: different kinds of Stones fan- anyone else here trans, bi, gender-variant, genderqueer, etc.?
Posted by: Bliss ()
Date: April 29, 2012 11:45

Post a pic of yourself in a frock.

Re: different kinds of Stones fan- anyone else here trans, bi, gender-variant, genderqueer, etc.?
Posted by: MingSubu ()
Date: April 29, 2012 11:58

Send It To me
Nice observations, Swiss.

On a personal level, I always thought that Mick was an inspiration because he departed from gender norms with a magnificent "So what" style that left everyone scratching their heads, wondering what in the world everyone was making such a fuss about. Growing up, you feel that you're different and that there IS SOMETHING REALLY, REALLY HORRIBLY WRONG WITH YOU AND YOU THINK YOU SHOULD JUST DIE and then there's Jagger (the ladies man!!) doing this or that and its all just a big shrug - Bowie, yeah, big whup. I felt that as a role model, he let me think that I wasn't a freak and, eventually, I could be with a girlfriend and say "I've worn makeup - its not the end all be all, it's not even all that interesting, what are we doing tonight?"

Musically, I suppose there's another discussion...

It must suck not being comfortable with yourself.

Re: different kinds of Stones fan- anyone else here trans, bi, gender-variant, genderqueer, etc.?
Posted by: Send It To me ()
Date: April 29, 2012 12:27

Post a pic of yourself in a frock.

Nah, but you can take it on faith that I look better than half the girls out there on the street. smoking smiley

Re: different kinds of Stones fan- anyone else here trans, bi, gender-variant, genderqueer, etc.?
Posted by: crumbling_mice ()
Date: April 29, 2012 13:22

I take my hat off to you SITM for feeling confident in your various sexual preferences...I wish I could say I was the same, but alas I'm a dull old hetro...but I'm in full support of any sexuality - whatever gets you through the night! Mind you, I do remember a very interesting night with a Swiss model and me wearing her maybe we all like a little variation from time to time!

Re: different kinds of Stones fan- anyone else here trans, bi, gender-variant, genderqueer, etc.?
Posted by: SwayStones ()
Date: April 29, 2012 21:48

Send It To me
The Stones are so interesting because there is a lot of machismo in the band, but then there is also this undercurrent/subtext of androgyny running through the work that's fascinating and magnetic.

Many Stones lyrics could be considering as misogynist ones but actually ,were there really macho lyrics ?

The Last Time

A warning to a GF
“I’ve told you once and I’ve told you twice”, Jagger has grown frustrated with the girls refusal to pay attention to his needs: “You don’t try very hard to please me.”

Couldn't a woman say the same ?
"You don’t try very hard to please me.”

Stray Cat Blues ..... Jagger casting himself as the predatory older male inviting a young teen up to his room.
I must confess that as a 13 years old girl, listening to the 1st Stones' vinyl I bought ,GET YER YA YA's OUT , the idea of Jagger inviting me in his room was somehow very exciting .i was so naive at the time.

Since I am a mother -my daughter is 12 - OF COURSE I don't see things the same way .
If a 26 years old man would invite my 13 years old daughter to "come upstairs" , I will blow his nose -and not his nose only if you get the picture.

Midnight Rambler
"Talking about the Midnight Rambler ,the one you never seen before "
The song on GYYYO just carried me away .
>The music turned me on.

Not the lyrics but more the way Jagger performed the song .
The way he sang it .His moanings .

<<Talking about the Midnight Rambler ,the one you never seen before <<
I was a very young naive 14 teen but THAT song and the way Jagger sang it ...
wow !
I made me discovered /uncovered what sexual desire is .

I am a Frenchie ,as Mick affectionately called them in the Old Grey Whistle Test in 1977 .

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2012-04-30 02:02 by SwayStones.

Re: different kinds of Stones fan- anyone else here trans, bi, gender-variant, genderqueer, etc.?
Posted by: SwayStones ()
Date: April 29, 2012 21:54

[What's your experience--as a self-identified androgynous person--with the
Stones? I remember a few years ago women were talking about their experience
with the Stones, how we interpreted or framed up their "misogyny," and how we
related to the Stones as people, and as women. I would for one would love to
hear your perspective.


See above swiss smiling smiley

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2012-04-29 21:55 by SwayStones.

Re: different kinds of Stones fan- anyone else here trans, bi, gender-variant, genderqueer, etc.?
Posted by: memphiscats ()
Date: April 29, 2012 22:47

This is an interesting discussion. I have several gay friends and one who is transgender. My transgender friend is probably the most open to the Stones. He respects my adoration of the band without judging. My gay friends don't really dig the Stones but we've usually parted ways when it comes to music, so that's nothing new.
Hats off to you SITM...there's room for all at the Stones banquet!smoking smiley

Re: different kinds of Stones fan- anyone else here trans, bi, gender-variant, genderqueer, etc.?
Posted by: SwayStones ()
Date: April 29, 2012 23:44

Send It To me
I'm quite an androgynous person (I've had girlfriends, boyfriends, will wear ties & suits, will wear dresses, etc.).

Hey !

I answered your post on -let's say- an intellectual/mental ones -don't know how to translate from French to English.
Hope you got me.

<<I take my hat off to you SITM for feeling confident in your various sexual preferences...I wish I could say I was the same, but alas I'm a dull old hetro<<

Why "alas" ?
You're a man ,right ?
You love women ,that's all .

Saying<<I am straight <<-what a strange word in English to define a sexual behaviour - in French "Straight " means "DROIT upright/in order .
I do know what is the translation of "heterosexual"

My best male friend wasn't a Stones fan at all.
He was only on classical mucic.
He disliked Jagger as a man.
He was into men only -he was gay - and we often argued because he said Jagger was too sissy :-(

A french man from iorr -won't name him - but use the search button ,jpasc-told me once he was surprised I could be aroused by Jagger since ,I quote him -
<<It seems you are only into androgynous men <<

Here is my answer to him :
I am into men only.
I am open minded when it comes to sexuality , but not kinky.
I have bounds .
Emotionnal & physical bounds .
Moral bounds if it makes any sense .

I cannot understand how women can dislike men ,physically talking

Hope It won't sound rude but to me ,women don't get "what" I need to pleasure me .
Men do .

,Send it to Me ,now you get my answer .

I am a Frenchie ,as Mick affectionately called them in the Old Grey Whistle Test in 1977 .

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 2012-04-30 00:29 by SwayStones.

Re: different kinds of Stones fan- anyone else here trans, bi, gender-variant, genderqueer, etc.?
Posted by: SwayStones ()
Date: April 30, 2012 00:10

Send It To me

Say hello! : )

Say Hello :-)

From 5:57 to 6:25
After 6:25 ....

I am a Frenchie ,as Mick affectionately called them in the Old Grey Whistle Test in 1977 .

Re: different kinds of Stones fan- anyone else here trans, bi, gender-variant, genderqueer, etc.?
Posted by: Naturalust ()
Date: April 30, 2012 01:05

[What's your experience--as a self-identified androgynous person--with the
Stones? I remember a few years ago women were talking about their experience
with the Stones, how we interpreted or framed up their "misogyny," and how we
related to the Stones as people, and as women. I would for one would love to
hear your perspective.


See above swiss smiling smiley

It is such an individual choice thing. I am happy to call gays and sexually ambiguous people amoung my good friends. After 40 odd years I have found my sexual self and am fine with being the straight man who respects all forms of sexuality. I came of sexual age watching and craving slightly older women who were greatly influences by the glamour and sexuality of the Rolling Stones.

My ex-wife once said that you could fit my feminine side in a thimble and still have room for your thumb. That being said I liked the androgony of the Mick Taylor era stones because even a a guy I could see that these dudes were very sexy! Sticky Fingers record photos were the epifamy for my eye. I mean even if I didn't admit it was on my own behalf, which it was, the reactions of the girls I wanted in a sexual ways were obvious enough for me to take notice. It sort of fizzed out for me with the stones post emotional rescue, they seemed a bit too stuck on the dark images of drug survival or stuck up their own noses in another case.

I had long blond hair and feminine features into my 20's and it opened alot of doors for me. Everything from sweet business deals to rides when I was hitchhiking (because they though I was a chick). Also I learned that men and women were affected. I could see the power of exploiting that to the level of wearing make up and more but never went that far. But I still like wearing rock and roll clothes ala Mick and Keith in the 70's . It's goes well with the kind of music I play. lol But, as a mid aged adult those decisions were made a long time ago. Sorry for the people who don't have the opportunity to find their sexual self before it becomes a problem in other areas of their life.. just my 2 bits. peace

Re: different kinds of Stones fan- anyone else here trans, bi, gender-variant, genderqueer, etc.?
Posted by: SwayStones ()
Date: April 30, 2012 01:38

[I had long blond hair and feminine features into my 20's

Well ,like you ,many young men had long brown or blond hair in the 70's .
In US and in France as well
No big deal .

I remember a poster from that board who sent me an e-mail 3 or 4 years ago with a pic enclose when he was 17.

He knows who he is .smiling smiley

I told him he was just David Gilmour alike .
I told him that if we were to meet in the late 70's , I would have had a crush on him.

I am a Frenchie ,as Mick affectionately called them in the Old Grey Whistle Test in 1977 .

Re: different kinds of Stones fan- anyone else here trans, bi, gender-variant, genderqueer, etc.?
Posted by: Send It To me ()
Date: April 30, 2012 03:12

You guys are sweet, thanx so much! You're just my anonymous internet friends, but its still nice to feel a bit of warmth, especially since we take the piss a lot around here.

"Sometimes I'm sexy, move like a stud Like I'm kicking the stall all night Sometimes I'm so shy, got to be worked on Don't have no bark or bite, alright"

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2012-04-30 03:35 by Send It To me.

Re: different kinds of Stones fan- anyone else here trans, bi, gender-variant, genderqueer, etc.?
Posted by: Send It To me ()
Date: April 30, 2012 03:17

In reference to my quote from Bitch ("Sometimes I'm sexy, move like a stud Like I'm kicking the stall all night/ Sometimes I'm so shy, got to be worked on Don't have no bark or bite, alright") I have a theory based on years of studying this band that Jagger has an interest in BDSM and is what is referred to as a "switch" (as in flip the...); someone who can alternate b/w being dominant and submissive. I'm fascinated by L'wren's imposing 6'3" frame.

I may be wrong; I may be right.

Re: different kinds of Stones fan- anyone else here trans, bi, gender-variant, genderqueer, etc.?
Posted by: swiss ()
Date: April 30, 2012 04:35

which was the Stones' book where the author suggests that when Brian, Keith,
and Mick lived together they at least once shared beds with each other--and not
just cuz they didn't have proper heat in the winter? At the time I read it I
thought, because no one had ever written this before: "hogwash--and if it
isn't hogwash we will never know"--but still all these years later I
have remembered it. And---no offense to anyone for what may be a stereotype---there
does seem to be some kind of real or exaggerated tradition around English
schoolboy kanoodling, right? So who knows?

But the fact is: at one point Mick suddenly got pretty queeny. Or should I say,
flamboyantly and over-the-toppedly foppishly effeminate. Not all the time, but
some of the time, and I have never quite understood (no negative judgment--just
curious) what that was about. Hanging with Warhol? Hanging with Robert Fraser
and that crowd? Kenneth Anger and pals? simply a vibe in the zeitgeist? feeling
his oats and sensing that the world was becoming liberated enough to explore
semi-publicly whatever he wanted to explore? fashion statement? cultural
subversion/irreverence? I have no theory.

I have little hunch (or curiosity) about Mick's private sexuality--outside of
what his public persona was projecting. I've personally rarely found Mick all
that sexually attractive. I think he's a marvel, physically, and I admire him.
I guess what is compelling in a male/female way to me about Mick was his
earlier years, when he would make eye contact with a woman (or man, for that
matter) and just hold it, not blinking. Not looking away. Very little
expression, a sort of regally detached licentiousness. What's compelling about
that is that he's playing with power at a very animal level, which presents a
challenge at the same time as offering up a sort of remote sensuality. Again,
that's not my thing--but so objectively primally compelling I can admire this
seductive gift of his. See minute 1:19-1:22 here --

Glad that you're happy you shared your perspective with this group.

Re: different kinds of Stones fan- anyone else here trans, bi, gender-variant, genderqueer, etc.?
Posted by: Naturalust ()
Date: April 30, 2012 05:31

Send It To me
I'm fascinated by L'wren's imposing 6'3" frame.


And right you should be....and you're not alone there. peace

Re: different kinds of Stones fan- anyone else here trans, bi, gender-variant, genderqueer, etc.?
Posted by: Naturalust ()
Date: April 30, 2012 08:03

[I had long blond hair and feminine features into my 20's

Well ,like you ,many young men had long brown or blond hair in the 70's .
In US and in France as well
No big deal .

I remember a poster from that board who sent me an e-mail 3 or 4 years ago with a pic enclose when he was 17.

He knows who he is .smiling smiley

I told him he was just David Gilmour alike .
I told him that if we were to meet in the late 70's , I would have had a crush on him.

Good thing he can sing and play guitar because the bad teeth and greasy hair are not working for me, maybe it was a 70's thing. .... peace

Re: different kinds of Stones fan- anyone else here trans, bi, gender-variant, genderqueer, etc.?
Posted by: 24FPS ()
Date: May 1, 2012 21:38

In that sense the Stones were always more inclusive than the Beatles. As you get older you realize how hard life is for most people, and it's sad to make someone's journey harder by criticizing them for their sexuality. More happiness to everyone, no matter how your inclination leans.

Re: different kinds of Stones fan- anyone else here trans, bi, gender-variant, genderqueer, etc.?
Posted by: swiss ()
Date: May 1, 2012 23:59

In that sense the Stones were always more inclusive than the Beatles. As you get older you realize how hard life is for most people, and it's sad to make someone's journey harder by criticizing them for their sexuality. More happiness to everyone, no matter how your inclination leans.

Brilliant point! That never would have occurred to me. John---and I love him
probably more than any of the Stones, even Keith---was super homophobic, making
fag jokes much of his life. Probably would've mellowed, eventually. But you're
right. The more badass, rather unlikely Rolling Stones were more "live-and-let-live"
than the Beatles. I guess it does make sense, doesn't it? The Stones were from
London and were more cosmopolitan. Keith just never would climb up anyone's
nose for personal choices, and Mick would have considered it unseemly and grossly
unsophisticated to get bent out of shape about whether someone's gay or whose
clothes they dress in, etc. The Beatles saw a lot in Hamburg, for sure -- thank
god! to scrape off a lot of Liverpool's provincialism--and, on the whole, of course
wouldn't have been condemning of "alternative" ways of life but the Stones definitely
were more embracing of it, in a very cool way.

Re: different kinds of Stones fan- anyone else here trans, bi, gender-variant, genderqueer, etc.?
Posted by: palerider22 ()
Date: May 2, 2012 01:31

Whatever floats yer boat. I judge no one's way of life. Well, boring old me - I'm pathetically heterosexual. Guess i'm out of step with the times.

Heterosexuality...not pathetic,not boring, not out of step...just saying...

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