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Re: Ronnie: Stones to go into studio soon
Posted by: proudmary ()
Date: April 17, 2012 13:56

If these dates(29.04-04.05) are correct it suggests that they are not going to record a new album -there is not enough time to do so. But I think Ronnie did not lie or exaggerate when he said that they wanted to try new ideas and bring back that feeling. He just did not have to say it out loud and draw attention to their plans.
I think the main question is to test may Jagger and Richards to work together again after all the bad blood and such a long break. This is not easy for them, and if to add media's close attention to what's going on in the studio - I think it's too much pressure on Mick and Keith. If nothing will come out of it - they will look even more pathetic than they are now
When they were recording ABB in Mick's house in France they didn't notify a public in advance that they began recording an album. They talked about it when they had the finished songs on their hands. Before the meeting in Barbados in 89th there was no press releases about it too.

Re: Ronnie: Stones to go into studio soon
Date: April 17, 2012 14:08

Honestly, I think the confusion is part of the Stones's strategy for their anniversary. The more confusion, the bigger the bang (pun intended!) when they present their plans.

Bad blood? I haven't heard a word about any bad blood yet - from the Stones, that is smiling smiley

Only this quote: "Many beautiful things will happen this year" (Mick Jagger)

Re: Ronnie: Stones to go into studio soon
Posted by: Cocaine Eyes ()
Date: April 17, 2012 14:31

My take is that the Stones are simply being quiet about it all - and please, this constant talk about Mick and Keith still holding grudges/being upset with each other is getting old.

They've both put up with enough over the years to get over anything now.

smoking smiley

Re: Ronnie: Stones to go into studio soon
Posted by: James Kirk ()
Date: April 17, 2012 14:50

Cocaine Eyes
My take is that the Stones are simply being quiet about it all - and please, this constant talk about Mick and Keith still holding grudges/being upset with each other is getting old.

They've both put up with enough over the years to get over anything now.

smoking smiley


There is nothing to the Mick wont tour w/Keith nonsense. Anybody who knows anything about the Stones knows that there is far too much $ on the table to let yet another Keith/Mick argument get in the way. They are just keeping their plans quiet until they get the best financial deals they can...All signs are clearly starting to point Stones activity is the very near future.

1/ Bill Wyman publicly saying they want him back for a tour.
2/ Keith Richards saying the Stones would be hitting the studio in April.
3/ Ronnie Wood saying (then taking it back) the same thing that Richards said a few weeks back about the Stones going into the studio.
4/ Stonesdoug (he doesn't make stuff up) confirms Richards and Wood's reports even putting dates on them.
5/ Various leaks from companies like Live Nation that the Stones are looking at tour offers.
6/ All members inluding Charlie Watts and Mick Jagger saying they want to tour.
7/ The Rolling Stones recently jammed (w/Bill Wyman) together and videotaped it.
8/ MONEY - The biggest motivating factor for he Stones...There is no way they pass on the vast amounts of money a 50th Anniversary will bring them. 2013 will easily be the biggest Stones year since the 1989 Steel Wheels tour and album.

Save your money because the Rolling Stones are about to be everywhere in the very near future

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2012-04-17 14:53 by James Kirk.

Re: Ronnie: Stones to go into studio soon
Posted by: Rolling Hansie ()
Date: April 17, 2012 16:51

James Kirk
7/ The Rolling Stones recently jammed (w/Bill Wyman) together and videotaped it.

Videotaped it ... really ?

Keep On Rolling smoking smiley

Re: Ronnie: Stones to go into studio soon
Date: April 17, 2012 16:58

James Kirk
Cocaine Eyes
My take is that the Stones are simply being quiet about it all - and please, this constant talk about Mick and Keith still holding grudges/being upset with each other is getting old.

They've both put up with enough over the years to get over anything now.

smoking smiley


There is nothing to the Mick wont tour w/Keith nonsense. Anybody who knows anything about the Stones knows that there is far too much $ on the table to let yet another Keith/Mick argument get in the way. They are just keeping their plans quiet until they get the best financial deals they can...All signs are clearly starting to point Stones activity is the very near future.

1/ Bill Wyman publicly saying they want him back for a tour.
2/ Keith Richards saying the Stones would be hitting the studio in April.
3/ Ronnie Wood saying (then taking it back) the same thing that Richards said a few weeks back about the Stones going into the studio.
4/ Stonesdoug (he doesn't make stuff up) confirms Richards and Wood's reports even putting dates on them.
5/ Various leaks from companies like Live Nation that the Stones are looking at tour offers.
6/ All members inluding Charlie Watts and Mick Jagger saying they want to tour.
7/ The Rolling Stones recently jammed (w/Bill Wyman) together and videotaped it.
8/ MONEY - The biggest motivating factor for he Stones...There is no way they pass on the vast amounts of money a 50th Anniversary will bring them. 2013 will easily be the biggest Stones year since the 1989 Steel Wheels tour and album.

Save your money because the Rolling Stones are about to be everywhere in the very near future

Are you just assuming that this studio jam was staged for the documentary (hence being filmed), or do you know this for a fact?

I agree with the rest of your post, but I've never seen Mick saying he wants to tour?

Re: Ronnie: Stones to go into studio soon
Posted by: Grison ()
Date: April 17, 2012 17:03

Captain James Kirk cool smiley I though Scotty beamed you up a long time ago to that Rollling Stones heaven.
Anyway just joking:
In all recent years whenever there was a tension for a Tour or an album the mouth to mouth gossip talk went high notes and mostly proved right. So far there has been not a single sign within any fansite that would make you believe in the slightest chance to any tour or album.
The Stones exactly know that they do not have the physical strength to roll out again for another World Tour. Just recall the recent tours when they cancelled, delayed or rescheduled dates. And even if you will not believe it: Big concert tours are a losse-loose situation for the Spnosors. As the sponsorship is tight and the money dried out in that ditch we should just not expect to much.

Whenever it comes it's nice, when ever it doesn't it's nice to keep those memories.

Re: Ronnie: Stones to go into studio soon
Posted by: micawber ()
Date: April 17, 2012 17:43

Edith Grove
Send It To me
The secrecy with which this band operates is really annoying. Is Mick Jagger a navy seal or a rock n' roll singer?

He's a businessman above anything else.

You don't announce a business decision before you have covered every detail for what you're trying to accomplish.

Excellent point EG.

It is a good point but I think Jagger's behavior is not anything extraordinary. I think it is quite common tactics when something is planned by a group of people, or there is a work in progress - that you don't comment that on public. And especially when all of it is just 'testing', which means to say, it is not certain at all if anything will happen or turn out fine. I think Wood - and to an extent Richards as well (but is a bit different deal with him) - broke that kind of social code by their big mouths. People here seem to 'understand' Woodie (partly because he says something everyone wishes to hear) and being angry for Jagger for zipping his mouth, but I can understand Jagger's position very well. You just don't comment an ongoing process in public - the process that might fail big time. It's not anyone damn's business.

The whole other thing is to offer public wishes what someone would like to happen. And that was Ronnie' (failed) excuse in trying to save his face. But there is a huge difference in saying "I wish we would go to studio and that everything very would turn fine" and "we are going to studio to see if we can do anything at all".

Rock and roll band does not differ at all of any other team work or social group of people doing and planning something together. No one likes deepthroats in certain - or any - stages of process. Seemingly Jagger and Watts are very strict about that but Richards and especially Wood no so much - with Richards there is a whole different power game going on, but with Wood the case is just eating the bite too easily (offered by the hype over the Stones), and not having enough self-control. Besides I think Wood broke the Stones code that when a Stone does something solo, he keeps mouth his shut up about the Stones activities. You don't "use" The Stones for your personal activities.

(Important: The presuppostion of my post is that what Ronnie Wood said in the first place is true - that he prevailed something he should not have done.)

- Doxa

You don't use the Stones for your personal activities?
What's with Jagger's solo tours in the eighties mostly with Stones songs? Quod licet iovis non licet bovis?
Mick's a @#$%& and will always be.

Re: Ronnie: Stones to go into studio soon
Posted by: tipps ()
Date: April 17, 2012 18:31

The Stones are being quiet about the anniv I expect some kind of news from them soon as their anniv is coming up so wait folks for that. Maybe they will do a club date to celebrate.

Re: Ronnie: Stones to go into studio soon
Posted by: cowboytoast ()
Date: April 17, 2012 18:45

oh's going to be a book...the documentary...and a greatest hits package with maybe a couple of new songs...

i hope this is not the case...but the writing seems to be on the wall...

i mean...even at this point there is no time to write and record a GOOD LP...i hate to be negative but geez...a bunch of guys either over 70 or pushin it need to get on the ball...they can rest on their laurels at this point...and the average fans that buy the greatest hits packs and are just happy to hear Brown Sugar don't's us...the ones that are hopeful and keep pulling for them that are going to be disappointed...

Re: Ronnie: Stones to go into studio soon
Posted by: CousinC ()
Date: April 17, 2012 19:12

I have to say personally after all these years I just don't really care anymore.
Neither regarding tour or possible album I expect anything worth all that fuss.Just look at them and imagine them on stage on another tour around the globe.

They should do some big worldwide TV shows for a great well deserved good-bye and than really open the vaults . .

Re: Ronnie: Stones to go into studio soon
Posted by: 24FPS ()
Date: April 17, 2012 20:40

Bill's certainly in an enviable position, isn't he? He's no longer an official member, employed as such, so he can say whatever he wants. There's been no whispers that his life is in shambles and he needs the bread. Maybe Bill enjoys tweaking Mick & Keith by letting it known they want him, but he's not particularly interested. Being powerless all those years, those times he feared they would replace him, has certainly hardened him.

Re: Ronnie: Stones to go into studio soon
Posted by: proudmary ()
Date: April 18, 2012 13:12

Honestly, I think the confusion is part of the Stones's strategy for their anniversary. The more confusion, the bigger the bang (pun intended!) when they present their plans.

I see no confusion in their plans, in my opinion it's all very clear - we get a documentary, a photo book and some kind of 50 Licks album. There is no tour or other performances this year - by their own words.
I think Jagger chose the English way to leave - without saying goodbye, quietly and with dignity, without the boom.
Regarding their plans for 2013 - that's interesting information to think about:
Terence Winter( "Boardwalk Empire"and "The Sopranos" ) was guest of honour this week at a TV festival held at Paris' Forum des Images. Among other things, he said that he and Scorsese have a new series on the boil, with Mick Jagger as co-producer: set for broadcast in 2013 it is built around a New York record industry executive in 1973, "the year that punk, hip hop and disco emerged".
"New York at the time was really at a low point, the city was bankrupt and it was just a crazy time," Winter said. "And as is often the case in political and economic upheaval, it's a very fertile time for artists."

I guess this is the reason for Mick staying in New York and I doubt that he he will have time to do anything besides this series in 2013

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2012-04-18 13:22 by proudmary.

Re: Ronnie: Stones to go into studio soon
Date: April 18, 2012 13:59

Honestly, I think the confusion is part of the Stones's strategy for their anniversary. The more confusion, the bigger the bang (pun intended!) when they present their plans.

I see no confusion in their plans, in my opinion it's all very clear - we get a documentary, a photo book and some kind of 50 Licks album. There is no tour or other performances this year - by their own words.
I think Jagger chose the English way to leave - without saying goodbye, quietly and with dignity, without the boom.
Regarding their plans for 2013 - that's interesting information to think about:
Terence Winter( "Boardwalk Empire"and "The Sopranos" ) was guest of honour this week at a TV festival held at Paris' Forum des Images. Among other things, he said that he and Scorsese have a new series on the boil, with Mick Jagger as co-producer: set for broadcast in 2013 it is built around a New York record industry executive in 1973, "the year that punk, hip hop and disco emerged".
"New York at the time was really at a low point, the city was bankrupt and it was just a crazy time," Winter said. "And as is often the case in political and economic upheaval, it's a very fertile time for artists."

I guess this is the reason for Mick staying in New York and I doubt that he he will have time to do anything besides this series in 2013

This project was mentioned here on the board almost a year ago.

Re: Ronnie: Stones to go into studio soon
Posted by: proudmary ()
Date: April 18, 2012 14:21

Honestly, I think the confusion is part of the Stones's strategy for their anniversary. The more confusion, the bigger the bang (pun intended!) when they present their plans.

I see no confusion in their plans, in my opinion it's all very clear - we get a documentary, a photo book and some kind of 50 Licks album. There is no tour or other performances this year - by their own words.
I think Jagger chose the English way to leave - without saying goodbye, quietly and with dignity, without the boom.
Regarding their plans for 2013 - that's interesting information to think about:
Terence Winter( "Boardwalk Empire"and "The Sopranos" ) was guest of honour this week at a TV festival held at Paris' Forum des Images. Among other things, he said that he and Scorsese have a new series on the boil, with Mick Jagger as co-producer: set for broadcast in 2013 it is built around a New York record industry executive in 1973, "the year that punk, hip hop and disco emerged".
"New York at the time was really at a low point, the city was bankrupt and it was just a crazy time," Winter said. "And as is often the case in political and economic upheaval, it's a very fertile time for artists."

I guess this is the reason for Mick staying in New York and I doubt that he he will have time to do anything besides this series in 2013

This project was mentioned here on the board almost a year ago.

Yes, of course - I was the one who brought it here - but now there is a confirmation from one of the creators of this project. And he said a new series "set for broadcast in 2013" - there is a green light from the HBO then.
It's interesting that Winter's description of that time coincides with Mick's so much
"... it was a big interesting time for the city: The place falling to bits, going broke and Son of Sam and all that. It loomed large as an object in your imagination. So much going on, a lot going on musically then. You've got punk and dance and the beginnings of hip-hop. And the art scene as well. It was very vibrant and very quick-changing so there's really a lot on amidst the kind of squalor of the whole thing, the fiscal uncertainty of it all...There was a lot of clubs, a lot of mixed clubs and so on at that time, that was the first time there had been mixed gay and straight dance nights. Normally it had been very segregated and then you started to get these mixed nights where you find yourself line dancing and that sort of thing. It was very amusing, trying to do these dances I've never been able to do very well [laughs] but I tried. That was really funny..." - Mick Jagger

Re: Ronnie: Stones to go into studio soon
Date: April 18, 2012 14:57

I thought co-producers mainly raised money for film projects? Do you mean Mick will be creatively involved with this series as well?

Of course he might be to an extent, but I doubt he'll be so closely involved that a few Stones-shows will be impossible in 2013.

Or do you know more about this project than the text you posted above, proudmary?

Re: Ronnie: Stones to go into studio soon
Posted by: Cocaine Eyes ()
Date: April 18, 2012 15:16

I'm not proudmary, but is this it:


Re: Ronnie: Stones to go into studio soon
Date: April 18, 2012 15:27

Cocaine Eyes
I'm not proudmary, but is this it:


Thanks, CE! Yep, looks like Jagger is producing only - that usually means funding it, or maybe supervising the project financially, but not so much artistically.

Re: Ronnie: Stones to go into studio soon
Posted by: cowboytoast ()
Date: April 18, 2012 15:43

looks like me and "Proudmary" are on the same Licks REMASTERED....again....maybe down the road a few more of these expanded editions of the past catalog...but not the 60's stuff until Klein decides he's like to do that...

i will say this...i won't buy any of the above mentioned other than the ones with bonus will be retread...and i NEVER WANT TO HEAR ABOUT THE ANCIENT ART OF WEAVING AGAIN AS LONG AS I LIVE...they haven't woven anything in a long time...i will admit that they played well together on Some doubt...but other than that the 'weaving' was done by Keith & Brian...Ron and Keith didn't weave...they snorted...

... i finally watched those clips from Austin you guys were talking about and it made me sick...Blondie back there playing guitar...smiling like a guy that works in Guitar Center...and the front row filled with perfume soaked old hags and their smiling grandchildren...Keith smoking and posing and his lapdog Ronnie...posing...this is who the good seats go to???...all corporate nonsense...

The Rolling Stones & Mott The Hoople have always been my favorite bands...and i love the Stones dearly...and HOPE they will prove me wrong...but unless they do a proper LP and go out with some sort of dignity on an "artistic" level then i have no interest...and they have no excuse...other than laziness...

at least Ian Hunter has a new LP coming out...he's 72 and does one every couple of years...and tours...

Honestly, I think the confusion is part of the Stones's strategy for their anniversary. The more confusion, the bigger the bang (pun intended!) when they present their plans.

I see no confusion in their plans, in my opinion it's all very clear - we get a documentary, a photo book and some kind of 50 Licks album. There is no tour or other performances this year - by their own words.
I think Jagger chose the English way to leave - without saying goodbye, quietly and with dignity, without the boom.
Regarding their plans for 2013 - that's interesting information to think about:
Terence Winter( "Boardwalk Empire"and "The Sopranos" ) was guest of honour this week at a TV festival held at Paris' Forum des Images. Among other things, he said that he and Scorsese have a new series on the boil, with Mick Jagger as co-producer: set for broadcast in 2013 it is built around a New York record industry executive in 1973, "the year that punk, hip hop and disco emerged".
"New York at the time was really at a low point, the city was bankrupt and it was just a crazy time," Winter said. "And as is often the case in political and economic upheaval, it's a very fertile time for artists."

I guess this is the reason for Mick staying in New York and I doubt that he he will have time to do anything besides this series in 2013

Re: Ronnie: Stones to go into studio soon
Date: April 18, 2012 15:57

looks like me and "Proudmary" are on the same Licks REMASTERED....again....maybe down the road a few more of these expanded editions of the past catalog...but not the 60's stuff until Klein decides he's like to do that...

i will say this...i won't buy any of the above mentioned other than the ones with bonus will be retread...and i NEVER WANT TO HEAR ABOUT THE ANCIENT ART OF WEAVING AGAIN AS LONG AS I LIVE...they haven't woven anything in a long time...i will admit that they played well together on Some doubt...but other than that the 'weaving' was done by Keith & Brian...Ron and Keith didn't weave...they snorted...

... i finally watched those clips from Austin you guys were talking about and it made me sick...Blondie back there playing guitar...smiling like a guy that works in Guitar Center...and the front row filled with perfume soaked old hags and their smiling grandchildren...Keith smoking and posing and his lapdog Ronnie...posing...this is who the good seats go to???...all corporate nonsense...

The Rolling Stones & Mott The Hoople have always been my favorite bands...and i love the Stones dearly...and HOPE they will prove me wrong...but unless they do a proper LP and go out with some sort of dignity on an "artistic" level then i have no interest...and they have no excuse...other than laziness...

at least Ian Hunter has a new LP coming out...he's 72 and does one every couple of years...and tours...

Honestly, I think the confusion is part of the Stones's strategy for their anniversary. The more confusion, the bigger the bang (pun intended!) when they present their plans.

I see no confusion in their plans, in my opinion it's all very clear - we get a documentary, a photo book and some kind of 50 Licks album. There is no tour or other performances this year - by their own words.
I think Jagger chose the English way to leave - without saying goodbye, quietly and with dignity, without the boom.
Regarding their plans for 2013 - that's interesting information to think about:
Terence Winter( "Boardwalk Empire"and "The Sopranos" ) was guest of honour this week at a TV festival held at Paris' Forum des Images. Among other things, he said that he and Scorsese have a new series on the boil, with Mick Jagger as co-producer: set for broadcast in 2013 it is built around a New York record industry executive in 1973, "the year that punk, hip hop and disco emerged".
"New York at the time was really at a low point, the city was bankrupt and it was just a crazy time," Winter said. "And as is often the case in political and economic upheaval, it's a very fertile time for artists."

I guess this is the reason for Mick staying in New York and I doubt that he he will have time to do anything besides this series in 2013

You just got here smiling smiley There's gonna be lots of weaving-talk...

If you're not happy with the releases for the anniversary, there will at least be some more archive releases, with or without weaving winking smiley

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2012-04-18 15:58 by DandelionPowderman.

Re: Ronnie: Stones to go into studio soon
Date: April 18, 2012 16:30

Klein operates the Stones 1960s catalogue from the grave? Wow. He really is powerful.

Re: Ronnie: Stones to go into studio soon
Posted by: cowboytoast ()
Date: April 18, 2012 16:37

Klein operates the Stones 1960s catalogue from the grave? Wow. He really is powerful.

just because he's dead doesn't mean that control goes back to the Rolling's still 'his' company...whether not he's here or not...and the last few years he was 'here' he had alzheimers and nothing changed...why would it in the future?? after Rock & Roll Circus came out...there's not much else...we all have the bootlegs and know what's out there...and i don't think he has the rights to the I.B.C. recordings...perhaps an official box set of the Satanic Sessions with 25 versions of Gomper on it...

Re: Ronnie: Stones to go into studio soon
Posted by: proudmary ()
Date: April 18, 2012 16:45

Cocaine Eyes
I'm not proudmary, but is this it:


Thanks, CE! Yep, looks like Jagger is producing only - that usually means funding it, or maybe supervising the project financially, but not so much artistically.

No, not qutie like this. You have not completely accurate perseption of the of producer's role in modern cinema and television
Sure, this is first of all artistic contribution. Moreover, it is Jagger's brain child, it was originally his idea and he is the main source of info about all this music business
HBO is getting ready to move with Jagger
10/18/2011 by Lacey Rose
"The premium cable network is very hot on a script that ??Boardwalk Empire's Terence Winter has turned in for an untitled 1970s rock 'n' roll project in development, sources tell The Hollywood Reporter. In addition to Winter, the potential series has a string of bold face names attached, including Martin Scorsese and Mick Jagger?, who met with HBO executives to discuss the project over lunch at Craft earlier this month.
The hourlong drama project follows the exploits of a cocaine-fueled record executive in New York City circa 1977, when punk, disco and a new form of music called hip-hop collided.
??Boardwalk Empire's Winter is attached to executive produce and write the pilot, with his Emmy-winning Boardwalk director Scorsese attached to executive produce and direct the pilot.
The Rolling Stones frontman, who initially conceived the idea as a film project, first at Disney and then at Paramount, will also executive produce. His producing partner Victoria Pearman as well as Scorsese's manager Rick Yorn are attached as EPs".

In other source I've read that Jagger may direct one of the episodes of the series. Anyway, such a project requires a total concentration and I do not think that Mick can simultaneously deal with the Stones.Although this all may be a bit premature - I do not see anywhere confirmation from HBO

18 Apr 2012
"...As for Winter's future. Well, it looks interesting. Winter and Martin Scorsese - who directed the pilot episode of Boardwalk Empire - have a new series in production with Mick Jagger as co-producer: It will be broadcast in 2013 and is built around a New York record industry executive in 1977".

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 2012-04-18 17:33 by proudmary.

Re: Ronnie: Stones to go into studio soon
Date: April 18, 2012 17:32

"Jagger will also executive produce. His producing partner Victoria Pearman as well as Scorsese's manager Rick Yorn are attached as EPs"."

Please elaborate on the current role of the producer in modern cinema and television, as I've always had the impression that producers in film, contrary to music, had the role of financing the project.

Directing is of course a different thing. Mick directing? Hm, cool for him, but do you really see that happening?

Re: Ronnie: Stones to go into studio soon
Posted by: proudmary ()
Date: April 18, 2012 18:02

"Jagger will also executive produce. His producing partner Victoria Pearman as well as Scorsese's manager Rick Yorn are attached as EPs"."

Please elaborate on the current role of the producer in modern cinema and television, as I've always had the impression that producers in film, contrary to music, had the role of financing the project.

Directing is of course a different thing. Mick directing? Hm, cool for him, but do you really see that happening?

Well, these days the part of the producer in the movies is getting close to the one of the musical producer. I mean, he determines the main concept and the final cut, especially if we take large scale projects in Hollywood and TV shows. The financing generally comes from the majors and broadcasters, while the executive producer is responsible for the quality of the final product.
But in Jagger's case he is also the author of the idea. As for directing he said not once that it is his dream and he'd love to do it. I doubt wether he's got the balls to do it in his age, 'couse if he screws up the critics will crucify him

Re: Ronnie: Stones to go into studio soon
Date: April 18, 2012 18:17

Thanks, proudmary. It will be very interesting to see how this project turns out.

Re: Ronnie: Stones to go into studio soon
Date: April 18, 2012 19:18

Now you know why the Stones aren't touring this year. Mick's too busy doing other things.

Re: Ronnie: Stones to go into studio soon
Posted by: SharksWillCry ()
Date: April 18, 2012 19:33

and the front row filled with perfume soaked old hags and their smiling grandchildren...Keith smoking and posing and his lapdog Ronnie...posing...this is who the good seats go to???...all corporate nonsense..

The field was gen. admin as far as I could tell. Were there seats in the front? How did those old hags manage to drag those smiling grandchildren past my blanket without me smelling their perfume?

Re: Ronnie: Stones to go into studio soon
Date: April 18, 2012 20:14

James Kirk
Cocaine Eyes
My take is that the Stones are simply being quiet about it all - and please, this constant talk about Mick and Keith still holding grudges/being upset with each other is getting old.

They've both put up with enough over the years to get over anything now.

smoking smiley


7/ The Rolling Stones recently jammed (w/Bill Wyman) together and videotaped it.

Save your money because the Rolling Stones are about to be everywhere in the very near future

Are you just assuming that this studio jam was staged for the documentary (hence being filmed), or do you know this for a fact?

eye popping smiley

Re: Ronnie: Stones to go into studio soon
Posted by: melillo ()
Date: April 18, 2012 23:34

so what is mick going to say when ronnies claim turns out to be right? homina homina

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2012-04-18 23:39 by melillo.

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