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Re: OT: Led Zeppelin - Plagiarism and other news
Posted by: winter ()
Date: June 28, 2018 23:27

In all honesty, it's not really funny. I give Page a ton of credit for the care with which he's curated Zeppelin's music. It's such a towering legacy that it deserves the attention, he's paid to it, but it's obvious he feels completely trapped and overwhelmed by it.

It's a shame...he's such a talented guy but he can't seem to get unstuck from it for whatever reason. He's pretty much the same age as Mick and Keith (give or take a few months) so he doesn't have much time left to do anything new, and at his age and with being out of the game for so long, it's doubtful anything is going to come of it despite his periodic musings about new music or live shows.

Yeah, for a while there, 1988-2000 or so, it looked like he was going to get back into it. The Outrider album and tour, the Middle-Eastern arrangements with Plant on that live album (1995-1998-ish?), the Firm w/ Paul Rodgers, the brilliant summer 2000 tour with the Black Crowes where we finally got to hear him pull off some of the multi-guitar stuff from Zep that he could never do as a single guitarist.

None of the 'new' stuff at the time really met (our impossible) expectations and I remember being really excited at the start of his 1988 instrumental Liquid Mercury, only to sigh when it was over. I think he just lost track of his Muse.

Gilmour, Townshend and others had no problem bringing along a 2nd guitarist for Floyd and Who gigs; I wish he'd gotten over it and brought a 2nd guitarist and a new vocalist on the road in the early 2000's to do stuff from all phases of his career. As it stands, we have Zep, Firm, Coverdale, Plant, Crowes stuff and soundtracks, but at this point it's both tragic and frustrating watching the 2000's roar by with nary a peep except for remastering stuff. We're running out of time. In a world of 6-7 billion, I'm sure there's one or two individuals who could dislodge him from his rut, get him out of his funk and inspire/produce another good album worthy of his legacy but that seems a very tall order.

Re: OT: Led Zeppelin - Plagiarism and other news
Posted by: Jah Paul ()
Date: June 28, 2018 23:40

That's right neighbor - being from the north side of Santa Monica, you were right across the canyon from me!
I'm sure you remember the House of Lee Chinese restaurant. We used to go there on special occasions, and last year cleaning out my moms garage found an old menu from the early '70's. Not sure if it's still there?
Also, my aunt used to work in the Palisades for the parks and recreation in the late '60's, and would take us to a hot dog restaurant ...I forget the name but the char grilled dogs were the best!
And my dentist was up there right near the House of Lee- Dr. Peterson! smiling smiley

Yup, we used to get takeout from the House of Lee for our family parties every Christmas's been gone for several years now, but the Asian restaurant that replaced it apparently kept a couple of famous House of Lee dishes on the menu. The hot dog place was "The Hot Dog Show" on Sunset...they had a model train near the ceiling that circled the dining area - I think it closed around 1980 or so. Didn't know Dr. Peterson, but if he was near the House of Lee, my dentist was probably in the same building!

Re: OT: Led Zeppelin - Plagiarism and other news
Posted by: BluzDude ()
Date: June 29, 2018 00:05

Wow! All this backyard talk (as a person born in Santa Monica)! But I didn't see TSRTS at the bay theater. I saw it on Wilshire BLVD in Beverly Hills. But in a Chinese food reference, probably about half of the 16 times I saw Led Zeppelin at the Forum (between 1970 and 1977) we ate beforehand at this Chinese restaurant on Manchester about 6 blocks west of the Forum.

Re: OT: Led Zeppelin - Plagiarism and other news
Posted by: Hairball ()
Date: June 29, 2018 00:13

Jah Paul
The hot dog place was "The Hot Dog Show" on Sunset...they had a model train near the ceiling that circled the dining area - I think it closed around 1980 or so.

Ah yeah, that was the place. thumbs up

There was also a hot dog place in Santa Monica on 3rd and Wilshire across from the mall simply called The Dog House which was part of a small chain in L.A. I think.
Seems they've taken away most of the hot dog joints and turned them into Health Food stores and sushi restaurants lol.

Photo taken from Santa Monica archives website:

But back on topic...Led Zeppelin...and hot dogs...winking smiley

Led Zeppelin: Hot Dog live at Knebworth, 1979

Rip this joint, gonna save your soul, round and round and round we go......

Re: OT: Led Zeppelin - Plagiarism and other news
Posted by: MisterDDDD ()
Date: June 29, 2018 01:00

Just attended back to back Plant shows in Oregon and Washington.

Must admit I was there primarily for the opener, Lucinda Williams, but Plant's sets were extremely enjoyable. First show was a bit tough adjusting after just coming from four Stones stadium shows, but by the second show, I was loving' it. His band was fantastic and Plant sounded and looked great. It had the feel of an arena show in a small amphitheater.. was fantastic!

Re: OT: Led Zeppelin - Plagiarism and other news
Posted by: BluzDude ()
Date: June 29, 2018 01:19

Jah Paul
The hot dog place was "The Hot Dog Show" on Sunset...they had a model train near the ceiling that circled the dining area - I think it closed around 1980 or so.

Ah yeah, that was the place. thumbs up

There was also a hot dog place in Santa Monica on 3rd and Wilshire across from the mall simply called The Dog House which was part of a small chain in L.A. I think.
Seems they've taken away most of the hot dog joints and turned them into Health Food stores and sushi restaurants lol.

Wasn't that where LUM's was located? When they first opened up, they would cook (or boil) their hot dogs in beer. When they stopped that practice, they went down hill and their locations all started closing down.

Re: OT: Led Zeppelin - Plagiarism and other news
Posted by: Hairball ()
Date: June 29, 2018 03:55

Jah Paul
The hot dog place was "The Hot Dog Show" on Sunset...they had a model train near the ceiling that circled the dining area - I think it closed around 1980 or so.

Ah yeah, that was the place. thumbs up

There was also a hot dog place in Santa Monica on 3rd and Wilshire across from the mall simply called The Dog House which was part of a small chain in L.A. I think.
Seems they've taken away most of the hot dog joints and turned them into Health Food stores and sushi restaurants lol.

Wasn't that where LUM's was located? When they first opened up, they would cook (or boil) their hot dogs in beer. When they stopped that practice, they went down hill and their locations all started closing down.

Wow, Lums rings a bell and might have been near that location, but can't find much info. other than "Lum's was founded by the Perlman family, who opened their first Lum's in Miami Beach in 1956. The franchise eventually grew to 500 locations across the U.S. One of its trademark menu items was hot dogs steamed in beer". The pic posted above is the actual photo of The Dog House Santa Monica location (3rd and Wilshire) from a Santa Monica archive website , but maybe Lums took over when the Dog House went out? Not likely though as the Dog House was very small as seen in pic above. There was a bowling alley on 5th and Wislhire, and my senses tell me Lums might have been right next to that. There's a facebook page dedicated to Santa Monica history and memories "You know you're from Santa Monica if..." so will see what other info. I can sniff out!


EDIT: OK that was quick - the location of the Lums in Santa Monica was on 4th and Santa Monica Blvd just a couple of blocks south of the Dog House and one block east of the mall.
Have to say they had quite a nice selection of beer, and look at the prices of food items on that menu! (c. 1970)

PS - Bluzdude you might remember The Smuggler gift shop on the old Santa Monica mall late '60's/early '70s? They sold incense, candles, leather goods, and a bunch of other hippe type stuff.
I actually was caught red handed for stealing a sticker from there when I was seven years old! smiling smiley


EDIT#2 - Apologies for getting WAY off topic. From watching the Song Remains The Same movie in a theater, to reminiscing about old hot dog how did that happen? winking smiley

Rip this joint, gonna save your soul, round and round and round we go......

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 2018-06-29 04:27 by Hairball.

Re: OT: Led Zeppelin - Plagiarism and other news
Posted by: ThePaleRider ()
Date: June 29, 2018 05:59

In an interview with Pete Townsend last year during a Who tour, he was asked why he still tours as The Who? He answered something like..."It would be churlish not to. It's easy for me, I make a lot of money and I can make thousands of people happy. I'm not Robert Plant who thinks touring as Led Zeppelin would ruin his artistic integrity."

Re: OT: Led Zeppelin - Plagiarism and other news
Posted by: RollingFreak ()
Date: June 29, 2018 07:12

In an interview with Pete Townsend last year during a Who tour, he was asked why he still tours as The Who? He answered something like..."It would be churlish not to. It's easy for me, I make a lot of money and I can make thousands of people happy. I'm not Robert Plant who thinks touring as Led Zeppelin would ruin his artistic integrity."

Haha f Pete. He has his reasons, and thats cool, and I love him too and don't actually judge him for still touring as the Who. But thats a load of bull, and clearly he doesn't mind just being honest that there's more money in that. Also, thats not why Robert doesn't do it. As said many times by Robert himself, he doesn't relate to that guy anymore. Its good that Roger Daltrey does, but not every rocker can I respect that Robert has the balls to say that and stick to it when every old dinosaur can't. Some do it well, most do not. I trust Robert's instincts even if the world seems hell bent to tell him he's wrong. Cause yeah, they all know better than the man himself. But Pete sounds like an idiot cause thats not why Robert isn't doing it.

Re: OT: Led Zeppelin - Plagiarism and other news
Posted by: lem motlow ()
Date: June 29, 2018 19:02

Pete sells a fake version of The Who to people that don’t know the difference for cash.he doesn’t care and his audience either doesn’t care or know the difference,everybody is happy.
Robert just can’t be a fraud,he’s not 25.he can’t deliver that performance anymore and the band would be a joke without Bonzo.
I still can’t believe people that saw those 02 shows thought that was Zep.Zep was not elderly people playing instruments,trust me.
Robert is a unique individual who actually won’t steal money from people who would be willing participants in the theft.

Re: OT: Led Zeppelin - Plagiarism and other news
Posted by: bye bye johnny ()
Date: June 29, 2018 19:17

In an interview with Pete Townsend last year during a Who tour, he was asked why he still tours as The Who? He answered something like..."It would be churlish not to. It's easy for me, I make a lot of money and I can make thousands of people happy. I'm not Robert Plant who thinks touring as Led Zeppelin would ruin his artistic integrity."

From a May 2015 interview with Andy Greene of Rolling Stone:

I spoke with Robert Plant last year. He basically suggested that Led Zeppelin was something he did when he was younger and he has no desire to go back there. Can you understand that sort of attitude?

I completely understand that, of course I do, but I don't want to say what leaps into my mind. Robert could probably do everything that he wants to do. He could do the occasional Led Zeppelin comeback and make a lot of people very happy. There's a kind of churlishness to that [opinion]. But he's his own man, and he has to make his own decisions.

The person that I've thought a lot about since John Bonham's death is John Paul Jones. He's a beautiful looking man and a beautiful musician. He's a fantastic experimenter in modern electronic music and other things, and he's sort of been sitting there. It would be interesting to see what he could bring to a new Led Zeppelin project. I think he was much more in the front line of Led Zeppelin music on keyboard work because nobody else in the band played it. It was a prog rock era in respect to him.

I get the sense that Jimmy really misses the band and is really frustrated with Robert for refusing to tour.

Well, of course Jimmy's problem is also different because he spent so much time just literally shut away. I don't know if he had come back in the earlier years if he would have survived. He did a short tour alongside the Who and eventually had to stop because he pulled his back.

It's interesting because, of course, Robert is managed by our same manager, and Jimmy used to be as well. It must be very interesting for our manager to deal with me and Roger and Robert and mirror one artist against the other. Bill [Curbishley] seems to be delighted with Roger because he knows what he wants. I don't think that I do. I grope around quite a bit. One day I'll wake up, call Bill and tell him that I want to go on tour. He'll say, "Listen, this is going to take eight months to put together." By the time it's together I call him up early in the morning and say, "I don't want to go on tour." But at least Robert knows what he's going to be doing next. He seems to be very clear.

That's true. Think of the money he's leaving on the table by refusing to do a Led Zeppelin tour.

Well, I think there are other similar parties in the industry. The thing is, when you work on your own, you have control, and that must be important to Robert. I don't want to talk too much about him — he's a good friend and I really do respect him. But I wonder whether it would be possible for Robert to carry that sense of ironic absurdity that I feel I can carry with the Who.

Led Zeppelin were kind of a sexier band than the Who. We can still do what we do as old men. Our audience is about 70 percent male. We can get away with looking ridiculous, at least I think we can.

EDIT: The comment below is taken from that same interview, and is not in refererence to Plant and/or Led Zeppelin.

I don't want to sound patronizing. I'm going to make a load of money on this tour. What I do with it is my affair. But with respect to the Who, there's no question that when I do this, it makes a lot of people happy, and that's where I look for my fulfillment. Doing a job that I find easy, that I seem to do very well, despite my age, comes back to me. I occasionally catch fire, and people like it.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2018-06-29 19:23 by bye bye johnny.

Re: OT: Led Zeppelin - Plagiarism and other news
Posted by: Big Al ()
Date: June 30, 2018 00:24

Jimmy being interviewed about his on-going battle to prevent Robbie Williams' basement extension :-


Re: OT: Led Zeppelin - Plagiarism and other news
Posted by: Hairball ()
Date: June 30, 2018 02:19

Big Al
Jimmy being interviewed about his on-going battle to prevent Robbie Williams' basement extension :-


Beautiful house, and I hope Robbie Williams is denied!

Rip this joint, gonna save your soul, round and round and round we go......

Re: OT: Led Zeppelin - Plagiarism and other news
Posted by: peoplewitheyes ()
Date: June 30, 2018 03:12

I loved seeing that old menu! all that tasty food for under a buck! mmmmm

Re: OT: Led Zeppelin - Plagiarism and other news
Posted by: dcba ()
Date: June 30, 2018 12:40

bye bye johnny

The person that I've thought a lot about since John Bonham's death is John Paul Jones. He's a beautiful looking man and a beautiful musician.

Jimmy Jimmy Jimmy... get a few records by Prokofiev and you'll understand where JPJ got his "inspiration" for his improvisational solo bits during the 1977 renditions of "No Quarter".
JPJ totally ripped-off Prokofiev.

Re: OT: Led Zeppelin - Plagiarism and other news
Posted by: bye bye johnny ()
Date: June 30, 2018 14:29

That comment was made by Pete Townshend, not Jimmy Page.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2018-06-30 14:29 by bye bye johnny.

Re: OT: Led Zeppelin - Plagiarism and other news
Posted by: keefriff99 ()
Date: June 30, 2018 17:51

In all honesty, it's not really funny. I give Page a ton of credit for the care with which he's curated Zeppelin's music. It's such a towering legacy that it deserves the attention, he's paid to it, but it's obvious he feels completely trapped and overwhelmed by it.

It's a shame...he's such a talented guy but he can't seem to get unstuck from it for whatever reason. He's pretty much the same age as Mick and Keith (give or take a few months) so he doesn't have much time left to do anything new, and at his age and with being out of the game for so long, it's doubtful anything is going to come of it despite his periodic musings about new music or live shows.

Yeah, for a while there, 1988-2000 or so, it looked like he was going to get back into it. The Outrider album and tour, the Middle-Eastern arrangements with Plant on that live album (1995-1998-ish?), the Firm w/ Paul Rodgers, the brilliant summer 2000 tour with the Black Crowes where we finally got to hear him pull off some of the multi-guitar stuff from Zep that he could never do as a single guitarist.

None of the 'new' stuff at the time really met (our impossible) expectations and I remember being really excited at the start of his 1988 instrumental Liquid Mercury, only to sigh when it was over. I think he just lost track of his Muse.

Gilmour, Townshend and others had no problem bringing along a 2nd guitarist for Floyd and Who gigs; I wish he'd gotten over it and brought a 2nd guitarist and a new vocalist on the road in the early 2000's to do stuff from all phases of his career. As it stands, we have Zep, Firm, Coverdale, Plant, Crowes stuff and soundtracks, but at this point it's both tragic and frustrating watching the 2000's roar by with nary a peep except for remastering stuff. We're running out of time. In a world of 6-7 billion, I'm sure there's one or two individuals who could dislodge him from his rut, get him out of his funk and inspire/produce another good album worthy of his legacy but that seems a very tall order.
I saw one of the Jimmy Page/Black Crowes shows in Worcester, Mass in 1999...Joe Perry came out and did a guitar dual with Jimmy on You Shook Me and Oh Well (FM cover). Just amazing. I'm so honored I got to see that show.

Re: OT: Led Zeppelin - Plagiarism and other news
Posted by: keefriff99 ()
Date: June 30, 2018 17:55

In an interview with Pete Townsend last year during a Who tour, he was asked why he still tours as The Who? He answered something like..."It would be churlish not to. It's easy for me, I make a lot of money and I can make thousands of people happy. I'm not Robert Plant who thinks touring as Led Zeppelin would ruin his artistic integrity."

Haha f Pete. He has his reasons, and thats cool, and I love him too and don't actually judge him for still touring as the Who. But thats a load of bull, and clearly he doesn't mind just being honest that there's more money in that. Also, thats not why Robert doesn't do it. As said many times by Robert himself, he doesn't relate to that guy anymore. Its good that Roger Daltrey does, but not every rocker can I respect that Robert has the balls to say that and stick to it when every old dinosaur can't. Some do it well, most do not. I trust Robert's instincts even if the world seems hell bent to tell him he's wrong. Cause yeah, they all know better than the man himself. But Pete sounds like an idiot cause thats not why Robert isn't doing it.
Pete really grates on my nerves. I love the Who but I've always found him to be a really unlikable bastard.

Re: OT: Led Zeppelin - Plagiarism and other news
Posted by: bye bye johnny ()
Date: June 30, 2018 17:59

See Townshend's actual comments > []

Re: OT: Led Zeppelin - Plagiarism and other news
Posted by: keefriff99 ()
Date: June 30, 2018 18:05

bye bye johnny
See Townshend's actual comments > []
No, I read that. It's a good interview...I'm just saying in general, I find him rather unlikable.

Re: OT: Led Zeppelin - Plagiarism and other news
Posted by: Hairball ()
Date: June 30, 2018 19:07

bye bye johnny
See Townshend's actual comments > []
No, I read that. It's a good interview...I'm just saying in general, I find him rather unlikable.

He's always been very opinionated and outspoken, and while I don't agree with everything he says and it might rub some the wrong way at times, for me that's what makes him likeable...imo!
Similar to Roger Waters and John Lennon - there's no holding back when they have something on their mind.

Rip this joint, gonna save your soul, round and round and round we go......

Re: OT: Led Zeppelin - Plagiarism and other news
Posted by: winter ()
Date: July 1, 2018 18:45

In all honesty, it's not really funny. I give Page a ton of credit for the care with which he's curated Zeppelin's music. It's such a towering legacy that it deserves the attention, he's paid to it, but it's obvious he feels completely trapped and overwhelmed by it.

It's a shame...he's such a talented guy but he can't seem to get unstuck from it for whatever reason. He's pretty much the same age as Mick and Keith (give or take a few months) so he doesn't have much time left to do anything new, and at his age and with being out of the game for so long, it's doubtful anything is going to come of it despite his periodic musings about new music or live shows.

Yeah, for a while there, 1988-2000 or so, it looked like he was going to get back into it. The Outrider album and tour, the Middle-Eastern arrangements with Plant on that live album (1995-1998-ish?), the Firm w/ Paul Rodgers, the brilliant summer 2000 tour with the Black Crowes where we finally got to hear him pull off some of the multi-guitar stuff from Zep that he could never do as a single guitarist.

None of the 'new' stuff at the time really met (our impossible) expectations and I remember being really excited at the start of his 1988 instrumental Liquid Mercury, only to sigh when it was over. I think he just lost track of his Muse.

Gilmour, Townshend and others had no problem bringing along a 2nd guitarist for Floyd and Who gigs; I wish he'd gotten over it and brought a 2nd guitarist and a new vocalist on the road in the early 2000's to do stuff from all phases of his career. As it stands, we have Zep, Firm, Coverdale, Plant, Crowes stuff and soundtracks, but at this point it's both tragic and frustrating watching the 2000's roar by with nary a peep except for remastering stuff. We're running out of time. In a world of 6-7 billion, I'm sure there's one or two individuals who could dislodge him from his rut, get him out of his funk and inspire/produce another good album worthy of his legacy but that seems a very tall order.
I saw one of the Jimmy Page/Black Crowes shows in Worcester, Mass in 1999...Joe Perry came out and did a guitar dual with Jimmy on You Shook Me and Oh Well (FM cover). Just amazing. I'm so honored I got to see that show.

I got to see them July 4, 2000 in Raleigh and was in heaven when they pulled out Ten Years Gone, In the Light, Hots on for Nowhere, etc. They really expanded the song choice beyond what's on the Live at the Greek cd; -wish they'd released another set at tour's end to showcase how deep into the Zep catalog they went. It's the only time we got to hear Page play live versions of many of those tunes. Good stuff.

Re: OT: Led Zeppelin - Plagiarism and other news
Posted by: RollingFreak ()
Date: July 1, 2018 19:47

Yup, they played:

Led Zeppelin I
You Shook Me
Dazed And Confused
Your Time Is Gonna Come

Led Zeppelin II
Whole Lotta Love
What Is And What Should Never Be
The Lemon Song
Bring It On Home

Led Zeppelin III
Celebration Day
Out On The Tiles

Led Zeppelin IV
Misty Mountain Hop

Physical Graffiti
Custard Pie
In My Time Of Dying
In The Light
Ten Years Gone
The Wanton Song
Sick Again

Nobody's Fault But Mine
Hots On For Nowhere

Hey Hey What Can I Do

Of those songs, Dazed And Confused, Bring It On Home, The Wanton Song and Hots On For Nowhere never got officially released. Incredible tour though. I have no idea why Jimmy wouldn't either do that with them (obviously not anymore) or with someone else again. Would be @#$%&' awesome.

OT: The spirit of John Bonham lives on
Posted by: dmay ()
Date: July 3, 2018 19:11

This is pretty cool. Don't know if this has been posted before. She is really amazing for being 8 years old.


Re: OT: The spirit of John Bonham lives on
Posted by: keefriff99 ()
Date: July 3, 2018 19:21

It's been posted in the Zep thread, but she is really amazing, and I love Plant's reaction.

OT: Jimmy Page interview in GQ mag
Posted by: dmay ()
Date: August 16, 2018 07:37

Interesting read about just what I'm not sure. I thought at the interview's end of an old television commercial for some burger chain where an elderly lady looks at the camera and goes, "Where's the beef/meat?"


Re: OT: Jimmy Page interview in GQ mag
Posted by: dcba ()
Date: August 16, 2018 11:36

Page : "How do you know I had a heroin problem? You don't know what I had or what I didn't have. All I will say is this: my responsibilities to the music did not change. I didn't drop out or quit working. I was there, just as much as anyone else was."

Funny that's exactly what Keith would say... Junkie denial! grinning smiley

Re: OT: Jimmy Page interview in GQ mag
Posted by: Spud ()
Date: August 16, 2018 14:13


Though to be fair, Keith has, for a number of years now, admitted that his days as a "high functioning addict" did still cause problems for himself and for the people around him.

Re: OT: Jimmy Page interview in GQ mag
Posted by: jlowe ()
Date: August 16, 2018 14:38

Not such a bad interview really. The problem of course is: What hasn't been revealed already in countless previous interviews?
Anyway, its Page doing a bit of PR for the latest archival releases (for those who can afford them).
Then it will be silence...until the next re-release.
A good question would have been : How's the new solo album progressing, then?

Re: OT: Jimmy Page interview in GQ mag
Posted by: dcba ()
Date: August 16, 2018 14:54

The problem with Page is he totally failed at achieving what Jagger so successfully did with the Stones : turning the image of the band upside-down, from "bad boys" (in the 70's) to "family entertainement" (now).

Jagger managed to do this, Page is trying to polish the LZ legacy as serious musicians and responsible dads and he still has to struggle with the old "mud shark + groupie" seedy anecdote from 1969.

And the interviewer didn't even ask the hot question : "did you really bang 14yo girls in the 70's?". grinning smiley

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