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Re: Bianca Jagger on Al-Jazeera TV last night
Posted by: Anonymous User ()
Date: January 23, 2011 20:09

Al Jazeera is just a tv station, they're not terrorists or war mongers.
No,they're just Osama Bin Laden's mouthpiece that's all.

+ 1
I am still wondering how this "TV station" could signed with an American cable TV company since the English version launched in the fall of 2006.<SwayStones>


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2011-01-23 20:12 by Amsterdamned.

Re: Bianca Jagger on Al-Jazeera TV last night
Posted by: behroez ()
Date: January 23, 2011 22:04

Jagger was a fool to divorce this lady. Ofcourse you can keep hunting for tight arse your whole life, but we all know the true function of those bodyparts, and when the reality dawns upon thee will you go out to chase for another temporal illusion again? Bianca is turning out to be the real rebel, with a woman like that on your side you'll be forced to give some more content and depth to what you are standing for (if anything). If not, the song would have become "Bianca have you seen your husband Mick, baby, standing in your shadow". Give me a woman with a mission beyond her personal comfort anytime over a tight young arse.

Re: Bianca Jagger on Al-Jazeera TV last night
Posted by: sweetcharmedlife ()
Date: January 23, 2011 22:22

Al Jazeera is just a tv station, they're not terrorists or war mongers.
No,they're just Osama Bin Laden's mouthpiece that's all.

+ 1
I am still wondering how this "TV station" could signed with an American cable TV company since the English version launched in the fall of 2006.<SwayStones>


I liked your first post about Oprah and Dr Phil better.

Re: Bianca Jagger on Al-Jazeera TV last night
Posted by: Anonymous User ()
Date: January 23, 2011 22:27

I'am a chess addict,Iam sorry.
Get the message though.smiling smiley

Re: Bianca Jagger on Al-Jazeera TV last night
Date: January 23, 2011 23:05

Have you ever watched it?

Re: Bianca Jagger on Al-Jazeera TV last night
Posted by: Anonymous User ()
Date: January 23, 2011 23:15

Have you ever watched it?

Yes,Dutch and English football,chess,topics about America and Israel,Gaza in particular, Islam fanatics. And..... beautifull Female Belly dancers.
Haven's seen Magnus Carlsen on AJ . Saw him life near Amsterdam today crushing his opponent.smoking smiley

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 2011-01-23 23:17 by Amsterdamned.

Re: Bianca Jagger on Al-Jazeera TV last night
Posted by: CBII ()
Date: January 23, 2011 23:28


Please shut this one down. I see a street fight looming...


Re: Bianca Jagger on Al-Jazeera TV last night
Posted by: ROPENI ()
Date: January 23, 2011 23:48


Please shut this one down. I see a street fight looming...
Cmon CBII,So far this thread has been very civil,the way it should be,we agree with some and disagree with others,but always showing the proper respect,no reason for BV,to shut it down,one thing we all must agree on,No one has the absolute truth,it just different opinions that's all.

Re: Bianca Jagger on Al-Jazeera TV last night
Date: January 23, 2011 23:52

Have you ever watched it?

Yes,Dutch and English football,chess,topics about America and Israel,Gaza in particular, Islam fanatics. And..... beautifull Female Belly dancers.
Haven's seen Magnus Carlsen on AJ . Saw him life near Amsterdam today crushing his opponent.smoking smiley

Sorry Amsterdamned, my post was addressed to the people here who see nothing more in this tv station than a terrorist organization...

You saw Magnus live? Good win today smiling smiley

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2011-01-23 23:53 by DandelionPowderman.

Re: Bianca Jagger on Al-Jazeera TV last night
Posted by: Anonymous User ()
Date: January 24, 2011 01:13

Have you ever watched it?

Yes,Dutch and English football,chess,topics about America and Israel,Gaza in particular, Islam fanatics. And..... beautifull Female Belly dancers.
Haven't seen Magnus Carlsen playing chess on AJ . Saw him live near Amsterdam today crushing his opponent.smoking smiley

Sorry Amsterdamned, my post was addressed to the people here who see nothing more in this tv station than a terrorist organization...

You saw Magnus live? Good win today smiling smiley

OK DP.smiling smiley

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2011-01-24 14:06 by Amsterdamned.

Re: Bianca Jagger on Al-Jazeera TV last night
Posted by: Turd On The Run ()
Date: January 24, 2011 07:42

Jagger was a fool to divorce this lady. Ofcourse you can keep hunting for tight arse your whole life, but we all know the true function of those bodyparts, and when the reality dawns upon thee will you go out to chase for another temporal illusion again? Bianca is turning out to be the real rebel, with a woman like that on your side you'll be forced to give some more content and depth to what you are standing for (if anything). If not, the song would have become "Bianca have you seen your husband Mick, baby, standing in your shadow". Give me a woman with a mission beyond her personal comfort anytime over a tight young arse.

I have met this lady...years ago (as I have previously noted on these pages)...and, though she and I are on the opposite end of the political spectrum on most things, I agree with you completely, behroez. Had Jagger stayed together with her - and this is possibly very naive of me to think but I will say it anyway - I believe the content of his lyrics would have been dramatically different through the years...she challenged him, and that has been missing in his life for a very long time. He has ceased to challenge himself - or us - lyrically, and his music is much the poorer for it.

Re: Bianca Jagger on Al-Jazeera TV last night
Posted by: Squiggle ()
Date: January 24, 2011 13:57

Its funny, some people will criticize Fox but give Al-Jazeera TV a free pass.Give me a break.

To some extent I agree but I think the difference is that al-Jazeera is a considerable advance for free speech in the region. Al-Jazzeera's broadcasting may not be better than that of Fox (I haven't watched enough of either of them to say) but as a development from what had been it's probably more positive.

Re: Bianca Jagger on Al-Jazeera TV last night
Posted by: ROPENI ()
Date: January 24, 2011 14:20

Its funny, some people will criticize Fox but give Al-Jazeera TV a free pass.Give me a break.

To some extent I agree but I think the difference is that al-Jazeera is a considerable advance for free speech in the region. Al-Jazzeera's broadcasting may not be better than that of Fox (I haven't watched enough of either of them to say) but as a development from what had been it's probably more positive.

In all honesty,the little l have seen of it,has always been much criticism of western culture,mainly the USA,and a not much mentioning of the atrocities committed by their peers in the name of religion. But, perhaps you are right,but l haven't seen it.

"No dope smoking no beer sold after 12 o'clock"

Re: Bianca Jagger on Al-Jazeera TV last night
Date: January 24, 2011 15:38

I would rather live in the US than in the Emirates.

...You can live in the US ànd watch Al-Jazeera!
Oh no, wait - you cán't, can you?!...

["I can hear the Bullfrog calling me..."]

Re: Bianca Jagger on Al-Jazeera TV last night
Posted by: kovach ()
Date: January 24, 2011 17:50

I understand the English version of Al Jazeera is much more toned down from it's Arabic parent station.

Having said that, I'm sure they still have an agenda, as does Fox News, CNN, MSNBC, etc. Just seems to come down to who's screaming loudest that their favorite is inbiased and therefore all the others are biased.

Re: Bianca Jagger on Al-Jazeera TV last night
Posted by: scaffer ()
Date: January 24, 2011 19:25

I live in the US. Al Jazeera is on (and I watch a few minutes) every day.

Re: Bianca Jagger on Al-Jazeera TV last night
Posted by: stupidguy2 ()
Date: January 24, 2011 23:15

Turd On The Run
Jagger was a fool to divorce this lady. Ofcourse you can keep hunting for tight arse your whole life, but we all know the true function of those bodyparts, and when the reality dawns upon thee will you go out to chase for another temporal illusion again? Bianca is turning out to be the real rebel, with a woman like that on your side you'll be forced to give some more content and depth to what you are standing for (if anything). If not, the song would have become "Bianca have you seen your husband Mick, baby, standing in your shadow". Give me a woman with a mission beyond her personal comfort anytime over a tight young arse.

I have met this lady...years ago (as I have previously noted on these pages)...and, though she and I are on the opposite end of the political spectrum on most things, I agree with you completely, behroez. Had Jagger stayed together with her - and this is possibly very naive of me to think but I will say it anyway - I believe the content of his lyrics would have been dramatically different through the years...she challenged him, and that has been missing in his life for a very long time. He has ceased to challenge himself - or us - lyrically, and his music is much the poorer for it.

Well, as Keith stated in his book, "No wonder he couldn't handle it..."
Ditto to both your comments.
When you start talking about the women, the "tabloid" stuff, people on boards tend to dismiss its relevance. Ive said as such before, but it is not an accident that Jagger's lyrical depth, his mojo, started to wane after his divorce from Bianca. Yeah, some of that has to do with age, changing cycles in an artist's life...but I believe there's more to it than that. Jagger's lyrical content seemed to regress, to build on a rock and roll caricature rather than grow on any emotional or philosophical level. You can agree or disagree with the woman's politics, and there are some who still think of Bianca as a bimbo....amazing. She is, in Keith's own words, "formidable" and that is always a challenge. Jagger is an intelligent man, curious, worldly, and the bulk of his lyrics, well, they got dumb., really dumb. Many of us wonder why Jagger seemed so shallow in the 80s, so empty.....I always theorized that Jagger was deeply affected by his divorce, by her divorcing him ....I think he lost some feathers. Keith has also said that "she affected him more negatively than anyone would have thought possible". When you lose someone like that, you block the pain, and try to compensate with, to paraphrase REM, "simple props to occupy your time"....You resist emotional complexity because you don't want to get burned. Jerry Hall was nice, easy-going, accomodating ...but the two have nothing in common - that's a classic case of someone on the rebound and Hall seems simple enough to not have recognized that. No doubt he loved her in his way, but it always seemed to be him keeping his distance. Its also interesting that Jagger seems happier out of that relationsip. It never had a chance - he was carrying too much baggage from his divorce, he was with her because of his divorce. With Ms. Scott, it seems to have began independently and Jagger's IQ seems to have experienced a burst..its a fresh start....and he's classy again. I will go out on a fangirl limb and say that the best songs from the last 25 years were ones I believed were about Bianca. Songs like Out of Focus, Sad, Sad, Sad, Don't Call Me Up and yes, Plundered My Soul....a handful, but worth a thousand sappy Streets of Loves. It's in the delivery. Those songs seem to be coming from a more private, more painful place. Plundered My Soul seems to be a confession of some sort. He seems to be in a better place now...older, and as he looked back during the Exile excavation, something he rarely does, maybe he was able to finally acknowledge his own failings in regard to the breakup of his marriage to Bianca. Before, he always seemed to be bitter and angry, like she was the bitch.....As if now he gets why she ended it and realizes he blew it. It's not complicated, its not overthinking it, its just human and is why the song has resonance. In the promo video for PMS, Bianca is shown in brief, blink-and-you-miss shots - Jagger commissioned this official video, and had the final authority, he could have left images of her out, but he didn't and the with song's lyrical content so pointed, that may be the most revealing gesture Jagger has ever committed to a "muse". And yes, alot of people believe it when Jagger claims his songs are not personal, that he never reveals anything in his music. That's a ruse to take the edge off of the relevation. Because if you look and remember that these are real people and not just iconic figures, the revelations are there.

Edited 9 time(s). Last edit at 2011-01-24 23:42 by stupidguy2.

Re: Bianca Jagger on Al-Jazeera TV last night
Posted by: mickscarey ()
Date: January 24, 2011 23:16

I don't get any of these replies confused smiley


It's awfull what happened on 9-11,don't misunderstand me.The criminals killed them selves,and took thousands of innocent people with them.
We all wanna drive big cars,a large army, thus need oil.So it's all about power and oil in the mid-east.
To get controll in that area, we need an enemy.
It's called terrorism, existing as long as we can go back in history.What goes around comes around.
Simple and painfull as that.


Re: Bianca Jagger on Al-Jazeera TV last night
Posted by: behroez ()
Date: January 24, 2011 23:54

It's awfull what happened on 9-11,don't misunderstand me.The criminals killed them selves,and took thousands of innocent people with them.
We all wanna drive big cars,a large army, thus need oil.So it's all about power and oil in the mid-east.
To get controll in that area, we need an enemy.
It's called terrorism, existing as long as we can go back in history.What goes around comes around.
Simple and painfull as that.


Yes innocent lose of life is awfull. In the Atomic bombing of Japan according to the Manhattam Project, at Nagasaki "the best estimate is 40,000 people died initially, with 60,000 more injured. By January 1946, the number of deaths probably approached 70,000, with perhaps ultimately twice that number dead total within five years". About Hiroshima the report reads "By the end of 1945, because of the lingering effects of radioactive fallout and other after effects, the Hiroshima death toll was probably over 100,000. The five-year death total may have reached or even exceeded 200,000, as cancer and other long-term effects took hold". That's quite a lot more than the twin towers, and mind you these Japanese victims include children, babies etc. Now you will say that doesn't count for that is war. but who decides what is war and what isn't? Clearly some people consider the US support of dictatoral Arab regimes and it's unconditional support of Israel (which seem to be able to get away with anything) as a declaration of war on the Arabs who were ones united under the Caliph before WW1, clearly the partition of the Arab world is a result of colonialism by western powers and sustained by them. I'm not defending it but just try to open your mind to another view of reality as experienced by others. Understanding each other is the start of solving the world's troubles, not throwing mud at each other.

Re: Bianca Jagger on Al-Jazeera TV last night
Posted by: stupidguy2 ()
Date: January 25, 2011 00:11

It's awfull what happened on 9-11,don't misunderstand me.The criminals killed them selves,and took thousands of innocent people with them.
We all wanna drive big cars,a large army, thus need oil.So it's all about power and oil in the mid-east.
To get controll in that area, we need an enemy.
It's called terrorism, existing as long as we can go back in history.What goes around comes around.
Simple and painfull as that.


Yes innocent lose of life is awfull. In the Atomic bombing of Japan according to the Manhattam Project, at Nagasaki "the best estimate is 40,000 people died initially, with 60,000 more injured. By January 1946, the number of deaths probably approached 70,000, with perhaps ultimately twice that number dead total within five years". About Hiroshima the report reads "By the end of 1945, because of the lingering effects of radioactive fallout and other after effects, the Hiroshima death toll was probably over 100,000. The five-year death total may have reached or even exceeded 200,000, as cancer and other long-term effects took hold". That's quite a lot more than the twin towers, and mind you these Japanese victims include children, babies etc. Now you will say that doesn't count for that is war. but who decides what is war and what isn't? Clearly some people consider the US support of dictatoral Arab regimes and it's unconditional support of Israel (which seem to be able to get away with anything) as a declaration of war on the Arabs who were ones united under the Caliph before WW1, clearly the partition of the Arab world is a result of colonialism by western powers and sustained by them. I'm not defending it but just try to open your mind to another view of reality as experienced by others. Understanding each other is the start of solving the world's troubles, not throwing mud at each other.

Excellent post!

Re: Bianca Jagger on Al-Jazeera TV last night
Posted by: bustedtrousers ()
Date: January 25, 2011 00:20

Turd On The Run
Jagger was a fool to divorce this lady. Ofcourse you can keep hunting for tight arse your whole life, but we all know the true function of those bodyparts, and when the reality dawns upon thee will you go out to chase for another temporal illusion again? Bianca is turning out to be the real rebel, with a woman like that on your side you'll be forced to give some more content and depth to what you are standing for (if anything). If not, the song would have become "Bianca have you seen your husband Mick, baby, standing in your shadow". Give me a woman with a mission beyond her personal comfort anytime over a tight young arse.

I have met this lady...years ago (as I have previously noted on these pages)...and, though she and I are on the opposite end of the political spectrum on most things, I agree with you completely, behroez. Had Jagger stayed together with her - and this is possibly very naive of me to think but I will say it anyway - I believe the content of his lyrics would have been dramatically different through the years...she challenged him, and that has been missing in his life for a very long time. He has ceased to challenge himself - or us - lyrically, and his music is much the poorer for it.

Well, as Keith stated in his book, "No wonder he couldn't handle it..."
Ditto to both your comments.
When you start talking about the women, the "tabloid" stuff, people on boards tend to dismiss its relevance. Ive said as such before, but it is not an accident that Jagger's lyrical depth, his mojo, started to wane after his divorce from Bianca. Yeah, some of that has to do with age, changing cycles in an artist's life...but I believe there's more to it than that. Jagger's lyrical content seemed to regress, to build on a rock and roll caricature rather than grow on any emotional or philosophical level. You can agree or disagree with the woman's politics, and there are some who still think of Bianca as a bimbo....amazing. She is, in Keith's own words, "formidable" and that is always a challenge. Jagger is an intelligent man, curious, worldly, and the bulk of his lyrics, well, they got dumb., really dumb. Many of us wonder why Jagger seemed so shallow in the 80s, so empty.....I always theorized that Jagger was deeply affected by his divorce, by her divorcing him ....I think he lost some feathers. Keith has also said that "she affected him more negatively than anyone would have thought possible". When you lose someone like that, you block the pain, and try to compensate with, to paraphrase REM, "simple props to occupy your time"....You resist emotional complexity because you don't want to get burned. Jerry Hall was nice, easy-going, accomodating ...but the two have nothing in common - that's a classic case of someone on the rebound and Hall seems simple enough to not have recognized that. No doubt he loved her in his way, but it always seemed to be him keeping his distance. Its also interesting that Jagger seems happier out of that relationsip. It never had a chance - he was carrying too much baggage from his divorce, he was with her because of his divorce. With Ms. Scott, it seems to have began independently and Jagger's IQ seems to have experienced a burst..its a fresh start....and he's classy again. I will go out on a fangirl limb and say that the best songs from the last 25 years were ones I believed were about Bianca. Songs like Out of Focus, Sad, Sad, Sad, Don't Call Me Up and yes, Plundered My Soul....a handful, but worth a thousand sappy Streets of Loves. It's in the delivery. Those songs seem to be coming from a more private, more painful place. Plundered My Soul seems to be a confession of some sort. He seems to be in a better place now...older, and as he looked back during the Exile excavation, something he rarely does, maybe he was able to finally acknowledge his own failings in regard to the breakup of his marriage to Bianca. Before, he always seemed to be bitter and angry, like she was the bitch.....As if now he gets why she ended it and realizes he blew it. It's not complicated, its not overthinking it, its just human and is why the song has resonance. In the promo video for PMS, Bianca is shown in brief, blink-and-you-miss shots - Jagger commissioned this official video, and had the final authority, he could have left images of her out, but he didn't and the with song's lyrical content so pointed, that may be the most revealing gesture Jagger has ever committed to a "muse". And yes, alot of people believe it when Jagger claims his songs are not personal, that he never reveals anything in his music. That's a ruse to take the edge off of the relevation. Because if you look and remember that these are real people and not just iconic figures, the revelations are there.

We can only guess what PMS is about. Your logic is sound, but it's still just speculation.

And did you guys ever consider that maybe Mick and Bianca just weren't compatible? That maybe it wasn't entirely about "tight arse"?

Re: Bianca Jagger on Al-Jazeera TV last night
Posted by: behroez ()
Date: January 25, 2011 02:04

And did you guys ever consider that maybe Mick and Bianca just weren't compatible? That maybe it wasn't entirely about "tight arse"?

True, and you are probarly right. My initial comment came from trying to imagine what Mick's public face would have been if he would have stayed with this lady being active in her current role. It seems to me that it would have put a subpoena on Mick to stand at her side with all that goes with doing so. Than imagining Mick being with Bianca now and Keith being with Anita becomes clear they have all swoped their aging women for younger ones, true not as extreme as Bill or Woody, but still. Hence the tight arse (or tide not sure about the correct spelling). Anyway from a Stones public image perspective and productivity i think Bianca would have been a beter deal.

Re: Bianca Jagger on Al-Jazeera TV last night
Posted by: stupidguy2 ()
Date: January 25, 2011 02:25

Turd On The Run
Jagger was a fool to divorce this lady. Ofcourse you can keep hunting for tight arse your whole life, but we all know the true function of those bodyparts, and when the reality dawns upon thee will you go out to chase for another temporal illusion again? Bianca is turning out to be the real rebel, with a woman like that on your side you'll be forced to give some more content and depth to what you are standing for (if anything). If not, the song would have become "Bianca have you seen your husband Mick, baby, standing in your shadow". Give me a woman with a mission beyond her personal comfort anytime over a tight young arse.

I have met this lady...years ago (as I have previously noted on these pages)...and, though she and I are on the opposite end of the political spectrum on most things, I agree with you completely, behroez. Had Jagger stayed together with her - and this is possibly very naive of me to think but I will say it anyway - I believe the content of his lyrics would have been dramatically different through the years...she challenged him, and that has been missing in his life for a very long time. He has ceased to challenge himself - or us - lyrically, and his music is much the poorer for it.

Well, as Keith stated in his book, "No wonder he couldn't handle it..."
Ditto to both your comments.
When you start talking about the women, the "tabloid" stuff, people on boards tend to dismiss its relevance. Ive said as such before, but it is not an accident that Jagger's lyrical depth, his mojo, started to wane after his divorce from Bianca. Yeah, some of that has to do with age, changing cycles in an artist's life...but I believe there's more to it than that. Jagger's lyrical content seemed to regress, to build on a rock and roll caricature rather than grow on any emotional or philosophical level. You can agree or disagree with the woman's politics, and there are some who still think of Bianca as a bimbo....amazing. She is, in Keith's own words, "formidable" and that is always a challenge. Jagger is an intelligent man, curious, worldly, and the bulk of his lyrics, well, they got dumb., really dumb. Many of us wonder why Jagger seemed so shallow in the 80s, so empty.....I always theorized that Jagger was deeply affected by his divorce, by her divorcing him ....I think he lost some feathers. Keith has also said that "she affected him more negatively than anyone would have thought possible". When you lose someone like that, you block the pain, and try to compensate with, to paraphrase REM, "simple props to occupy your time"....You resist emotional complexity because you don't want to get burned. Jerry Hall was nice, easy-going, accomodating ...but the two have nothing in common - that's a classic case of someone on the rebound and Hall seems simple enough to not have recognized that. No doubt he loved her in his way, but it always seemed to be him keeping his distance. Its also interesting that Jagger seems happier out of that relationsip. It never had a chance - he was carrying too much baggage from his divorce, he was with her because of his divorce. With Ms. Scott, it seems to have began independently and Jagger's IQ seems to have experienced a burst..its a fresh start....and he's classy again. I will go out on a fangirl limb and say that the best songs from the last 25 years were ones I believed were about Bianca. Songs like Out of Focus, Sad, Sad, Sad, Don't Call Me Up and yes, Plundered My Soul....a handful, but worth a thousand sappy Streets of Loves. It's in the delivery. Those songs seem to be coming from a more private, more painful place. Plundered My Soul seems to be a confession of some sort. He seems to be in a better place now...older, and as he looked back during the Exile excavation, something he rarely does, maybe he was able to finally acknowledge his own failings in regard to the breakup of his marriage to Bianca. Before, he always seemed to be bitter and angry, like she was the bitch.....As if now he gets why she ended it and realizes he blew it. It's not complicated, its not overthinking it, its just human and is why the song has resonance. In the promo video for PMS, Bianca is shown in brief, blink-and-you-miss shots - Jagger commissioned this official video, and had the final authority, he could have left images of her out, but he didn't and the with song's lyrical content so pointed, that may be the most revealing gesture Jagger has ever committed to a "muse". And yes, alot of people believe it when Jagger claims his songs are not personal, that he never reveals anything in his music. That's a ruse to take the edge off of the relevation. Because if you look and remember that these are real people and not just iconic figures, the revelations are there.

We can only guess what PMS is about. Your logic is sound, but it's still just speculation.

And did you guys ever consider that maybe Mick and Bianca just weren't compatible? That maybe it wasn't entirely about "tight arse"?

Of course they were incompatable....and of course it was more than a "tight arse".. nothing is ever that simple, but my impressions are based on my listening to the music....finding glimpses of something beyond a great rock and roll song.
Bustedtrousers, I was expecting as such, as I stated, alot of fans seem to think any suggestion of real-life resonance is silly, overthinking....which is why i don't like to pontificate about the women unless it comes up...
Its all just speculation.....I could just as easily ask if you ever considered ....etc..
I also think there is a bias...not you personally, but Stones fans tend to speak in romantic platitudes when it comes to Marianne, and the rest assume everything is about Jerry Hall....but when it comes to Bianca....they seem to have a hard time seeing her impact on Jagger as anything of value...
Im actually a minority in believing she may have meant something to him.
And as far as public perception, Bianca, IMO, would have given Jagger, by association, a much cooler opposed to say..his galivanting with british society in the 80s and 90s......

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 2011-01-25 02:36 by stupidguy2.

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