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How can The Stones make a 'decent' comeback???
Posted by: keeffriffhard ()
Date: November 4, 2010 20:46

The Rolling Stones were such a legend (1962-1982).....but ever since 82/83 I am really bored with seems that they have thrown away their legendary there any change that they will get back on track?

How can they make a 'comeback', just like Johnny Cash (American Recordings), Bob Dylan (Time Out Of Mind) or Lou Reed (New York) did before?

Can they surprise us (and themselves) again, with something like 'The Rolling Stones No.1', 'Aftermath', 'Beggars Banquet' or 'Some Girls'?

Re: How can The Stones make a 'decent' comeback???
Posted by: crumbling_mice ()
Date: November 4, 2010 20:52

The only way they can make a respectable come back through recording, is to release a album along the lines of Stripped. Stripped down blues, country and reggae. Songs that suit their voices, songs that suit their age and songs that suit their playing. If they go down the ABB route then they will fade away and that will be a sad demise. THey still have the ability to bring out something special.

Re: How can The Stones make a 'decent' comeback???
Posted by: keeffriffhard ()
Date: November 4, 2010 20:53

well, that is a good suggestion....(btw, Stripped is the only album I really did enjoy ever since 1983)

Re: How can The Stones make a 'decent' comeback???
Posted by: 1962 ()
Date: November 4, 2010 20:57

They know. (I hope)

Re: How can The Stones make a 'decent' comeback???
Posted by: runrudolph ()
Date: November 4, 2010 21:03

make a blues album

Re: How can The Stones make a 'decent' comeback???
Posted by: john nicholls ()
Date: November 4, 2010 21:05

Let Ronnie write the songs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

John Nicholls

Re: How can The Stones make a 'decent' comeback???
Posted by: crumbling_mice ()
Date: November 4, 2010 21:06

well, that is a good suggestion....(btw, Stripped is the only album I really did enjoy ever since 1983)

me too Keef, it saddens me when I hear some of the stuff that has been churned out throught the 80's, 90's and naughties. I hate to say it but as songwriters they burned out around Tattoo You after that it was the odd half decent song here and there. I don't believe that will have changed now. To write good songs you have to have that edge, that hunger which in my humble opinion they don't have.

Re: How can The Stones make a 'decent' comeback???
Posted by: keeffriffhard ()
Date: November 4, 2010 21:20

maybe Brenda and Keef should rent Edith Grove for a couple of months?

Re: How can The Stones make a 'decent' comeback???
Posted by: loog droog ()
Date: November 4, 2010 21:24

For one: Keep their shirts on this time.

Re: How can The Stones make a 'decent' comeback???
Posted by: NICOS ()
Date: November 4, 2010 21:24

Back to there Roots...............


Re: The Rolling Stones
Posted by: with sssoul ()
Date: November 4, 2010 21:25

by being themselves

Re: How can The Stones make a 'decent' comeback???
Posted by: Title5Take1 ()
Date: November 4, 2010 21:30

A music magazine critic a few years ago wrote, "The only way everyone would embrace the Stones again at this point is if they recorded the greatest album ever recorded."

Re: How can The Stones make a 'decent' comeback???
Posted by: StonesTod ()
Date: November 4, 2010 21:56

we need album chocked full of more tunes of mick singing about his manhood; keith supplying backup vox, of course. there's yer comeback.

Re: How can The Stones make a 'decent' comeback???
Posted by: ROPENI ()
Date: November 4, 2010 22:03

If they record again it will be "A Bigger Bang"part 2,a blues country album as others have mentioned would be the way to go,but that will only happen when hell freezes over..

"No dope smoking no beer sold after 12 o'clock"

Re: How can The Stones make a 'decent' comeback???
Posted by: Justin ()
Date: November 4, 2010 22:49

I ain't gonna provide them a recipe on what kind of album the should write...4 rock songs, 3 blues songs, 3 country songs and 2 soul songs and BAM great album... They can still write a crappy blues or country song. Makes no difference.

Mick outgrew his love to write blues/country based music in the 80's. Sure he can churn one out here and there but his natural urge to write new music is beyond these seeds (sadly). Keith is still stuck in the "riff" box constantly trying to find the new magical riff that is going to save the the world.

Mick and Keith need to find a way to make music using their strengths. Much more compromise need to be made by each member to create something new--not something revisited. Much of the songs on ABB were basically twins of other songs they've recorded in the past.

The only thing I'd tell them to do is get in a room...write 10 songs together, face to face. Once finished, hand the songs over to Don Was so he can toss them. Then go back to in that room and write 10 more songs---and those songs we'll use on the new album.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2010-11-04 22:51 by Justin.

Re: How can The Stones make a 'decent' comeback???
Posted by: dcba ()
Date: November 4, 2010 23:26

Well I'm a Keith fan but it seems obvious nowadays he comes to the studios with nothing written, when MJ comes with tons of (so-so imho) tunes... Not the best recipe to make a great album.

Re: How can The Stones make a 'decent' comeback???
Posted by: Rip This ()
Date: November 4, 2010 23:34 know there's something to be said for pissing your partner off sometimes...maybe they need that kind of fire.

Re: How can The Stones make a 'decent' comeback???
Posted by: Pelle ()
Date: November 4, 2010 23:51

Something thats better than ABB and im glad. I want some oldschool blues-stuff, the real sound theyre known for!

Re: How can The Stones make a 'decent' comeback???
Posted by: harlem shuffle ()
Date: November 5, 2010 00:11

The Stones never come back.They are finished as a band.That,s why Keith give out the book now.He finally realised he can,t play guitar anymore.It was terrible to see him try to play on the last tour.Just posing,not playing.Sad story.

Re: How can The Stones make a 'decent' comeback???
Posted by: ()
Date: November 5, 2010 00:12

Well I would like to see Mick & Keith to write the outline to some new songs.
Take them into the studio to knock them about with Ronnie Charlie & Wyman.
Thats the only way they will get a true Stones sound.
Better than taking complete songs in and telling Ron to put some stuff on the track.And if you got Bill back you could once again have the rhtham section up to speed.

Re: How can The Stones make a 'decent' comeback???
Posted by: Gazza ()
Date: November 5, 2010 00:20

Rip This know there's something to be said for pissing your partner off sometimes...maybe they need that kind of fire.

Yep, it worked a treat on 'Primitive Cool' and 'Dirty Work'! grinning smiley

Re: How can The Stones make a 'decent' comeback???
Posted by: Lynd8 ()
Date: November 5, 2010 00:27

Blues man, Blues! & Some Acoustic stuff, we need to hear some harmonicas, slide guitars and some good lyrics. No "bare your breast" bullshit.

Re: How can The Stones make a 'decent' comeback???
Date: November 5, 2010 01:34

A bad Stones album/concert is better than (insert band/artist) best album/concert.

Irvine, CA

Re: How can The Stones make a 'decent' comeback???
Posted by: treaclefingers ()
Date: November 5, 2010 05:07

come back? from where?
they are here...have always been here, and hopefully will be here for a lot longer.
Wasn't the last tour the biggest of all mankind?
All they need to do is show up and play well, like they always do...oh, and come up with a great album, like they almost always do.

Re: How can The Stones make a 'decent' comeback???
Posted by: guitarbastard ()
Date: November 5, 2010 06:04

get rid off was, take rubin or white and @#$%& accept your age mr. brenda jagger.
play and behave what suits your age! don't try to be contemporary.

Re: How can The Stones make a 'decent' comeback???
Posted by: lem motlow ()
Date: November 5, 2010 08:40

when those songs we all love were new it said one thing,the party is freakin ON.

i said yeah,yeah ,yeah whew!!!! and its alll right noww...the spirit of the
band can be brought back to life with a stadium full of the faithfull but in the studio the good times are over.

they put in their time like two co-workers who get the job done but stopped sharing a beer after work many years ago.

i used to blame mick,now i think maybe i could have been wrong but it doesnt even matter anymore.

they could come out and play the old tunes again but to be great in the studio again,that ship has sailed.

Re: How can The Stones make a 'decent' comeback???
Posted by: benon again ()
Date: November 5, 2010 09:31

There is a hope - new Tatto style album.And there is the weakest link - Jaggers singing.New tour will be huge succes , no doubt.

Re: How can The Stones make a 'decent' comeback???
Posted by: 71Tele ()
Date: November 5, 2010 09:38

Keith writes a lot in his book about how he keeps a notebook for song ideas, but where are the damn songs?

Re: How can The Stones make a 'decent' comeback???
Posted by: it's_all_wrong ()
Date: November 5, 2010 10:21

The LAST thing they need to do is record a relaxed, rootsy album of blues, country, reggae, and rock ala Stripped. That would the the most boring record ever and would actually seal their fate as burned-out, feeble senior citizens in a rock band.

Mick needs to stop sticking his lips out and sing his music like a @#$%& human being, not a caricature of one (ruined many songs off of A Bigger Bang and the past two tours), and Keith needs to retire those 50 year old Chuck Berry riffs FOR GOOD and realize that not every single song has to have a 'riff'. Maybe pick up some new guitar tones and a chord progression that doesn't start in G. Also, both of them need to realize that not everything they do is worthy of release. There are so many instances when a song on ABB would have an awesome chorus paired with a shitty, listless verse (or vice-versa). With a little editing and restraint, there would have been less songs to sit through, and all of them would have been stronger songs as a whole (doubt Mick is gonna work with a producer that would actually try to edit them, however).

Re: How can The Stones make a 'decent' comeback???
Posted by: mrfancyman ()
Date: November 5, 2010 10:31

Lock Brenda and Keef up for 2 months in a barn in Texas together with Rick Rubin or Jack White and they can leave the barn when they have at least recorded 30 demo's with originals and new songs in a "Stripped" or "American Recordings JC" style.
Then call the band together, including BW and MT and rent a villa in the south of France.
Find a decent and modest keyboard player (NOT CL or Matt Clifford) and finish the songs.


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