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Re: Thread closure by the administrator
Posted by: Lorenz ()
Date: August 16, 2010 11:13

The Menace of Mayfair
Bjornulf is the boss. This is his board. He's fair & friendly. End of.

Wow, I haven't seen you posting in years!

Re: Thread closure by the administrator
Posted by: Gerda ()
Date: August 16, 2010 12:13

NOW you all got me really curious! I wish I´d been here when the original thread came up - but unfortunately as I hadn´t, I have no way of knowing what the "security-sensitive" sentence, word, phrase might have been that caused the censorship. eye popping smiley
With the next tour still 2 years away, the act of closing a thread about hotels the Stones might be staying at seems at least a little paranoid to me.
Did Bjornulf give some kind of explanation why he thinks the thread might have been potentially dangerous?

Re: Thread closure by the administrator
Posted by: guitarbastard ()
Date: August 16, 2010 12:17

Edith Grove
BV has a better connection with the Stones' camp than just about everybody here, so perhaps it's in everyone's interest not to let the "hotel" thread go on.

Just a thought.

come every city the stones arrive there are fans waiting. so it cant be that hard to find out (just check the 3 most exclusive hotels), and it's obviously not a huge problem for the band either.
and that mystical thing going on here about the connection bv (might) has with the stones camp is also a bit silly....

Re: Thread closure by the administrator
Posted by: Edith Grove ()
Date: August 16, 2010 13:08

Edith Grove
BV has a better connection with the Stones' camp than just about everybody here, so perhaps it's in everyone's interest not to let the "hotel" thread go on.

Just a thought.

come every city the stones arrive there are fans waiting. so it cant be that hard to find out (just check the 3 most exclusive hotels), and it's obviously not a huge problem for the band either.
and that mystical thing going on here about the connection bv (might) has with the stones camp is also a bit silly....

I think you missed my point here.

First, I'd agree that anyone who really wanted to find their hotel would probably be successful without it being posted here, but it may not be such a good idea to let it so easily be known to the masses.

I seem to remember seeing a few pics of BV at rehearsals, sound checks, etc, so yes, he does have a connection with the Stones' organization although I would not describe that as "mystical."
Only BV knows how deep that connection goes, and I would hate to see that lost by allowing a thread to go on about the band's accommodations around the world.

Bottom line: if BV loses that connection, then we all lose a source of information.

Re: Thread closure by the administrator
Posted by: paulywaul ()
Date: August 16, 2010 16:00

Rolling Hansie
Paulywaul, why so angry ? You have been here long enough to know that Bjornulf always closes threads that might reveal anything about the whereabouts of the Stones at any time. I also know, just like you, that it is very easy to find out where the Stones are. So does Bjornulf. He just doesn't want it posted on the internet, especially not on his board. That is his good right.

Firstly I'm not angry, I'm merely putting a question to the administrator, and secondly it's not a question of "right". Naturally it's his right, what posible grounds would either I, or indeed anyone else, have to challenge that right ? No grounds whatsoever. I CAN understand if he simply does not WISH to have this particular subject matter discussed on HIS message board, that is an entirely different issue. But to cite "security concerns" as reason to close a thread on the subject is simply an argument, the rationale of which escapes me personally .... hence I started THIS thread. That's all ... there ain't no anger involved !

If you WANT anger, start a thread on scalping and the secondary market ......... !! I have a LOT to say on THAT subject !!

[ I want to shout, but I can hardly speak ]

Re: Thread closure by the administrator
Posted by: paulywaul ()
Date: August 16, 2010 16:42

Edith Grove
Edith Grove
BV has a better connection with the Stones' camp than just about everybody here, so perhaps it's in everyone's interest not to let the "hotel" thread go on.

Just a thought.

come every city the stones arrive there are fans waiting. so it cant be that hard to find out (just check the 3 most exclusive hotels), and it's obviously not a huge problem for the band either.
and that mystical thing going on here about the connection bv (might) has with the stones camp is also a bit silly....

I think you missed my point here.

First, I'd agree that anyone who really wanted to find their hotel would probably be successful without it being posted here, but it may not be such a good idea to let it so easily be known to the masses.

I seem to remember seeing a few pics of BV at rehearsals, sound checks, etc, so yes, he does have a connection with the Stones' organization although I would not describe that as "mystical."
Only BV knows how deep that connection goes, and I would hate to see that lost by allowing a thread to go on about the band's accommodations around the world.

Bottom line: if BV loses that connection, then we all lose a source of information.

<<< Bottom line: if BV loses that connection, then we all lose a source of information >>>

Can't argue with that, the man would be exercising his absolute right if he genuinely felt that a discussion of that nature on HIS board was indeed destined to impact negatively on (one might presume) a long standing relationship with persons in the Stones camp, that (one might similarly presume) he's spent a long time cultivating.

The point that I'm making is that to quote "security concerns" as the reason for closure is a bit of an exaggeration. If BV quoted "closed because I felt like it AND cos it's MY board, so f**k the lot of you" .... hey now THAT would be a more persuasive argument for closure in my book !!

But hey, THIS one is still open ......... at least for the time being !!

[ I want to shout, but I can hardly speak ]

Re: Thread closure by the administrator
Posted by: bernardanderson ()
Date: August 16, 2010 16:45

Edith Grove
First, I'd agree that anyone who really wanted to find their hotel would probably be successful without it being posted here, but it may not be such a good idea to let it so easily be known to the masses.
to the masses? i hate to break it to you, but this website and messageboard represents a tiny fraction of the worldwide fanbase of the rolling stones.

Re: Thread closure by the administrator
Posted by: Edith Grove ()
Date: August 16, 2010 17:39

Edith Grove
First, I'd agree that anyone who really wanted to find their hotel would probably be successful without it being posted here, but it may not be such a good idea to let it so easily be known to the masses.
to the masses? i hate to break it to you, but this website and messageboard represents a tiny fraction of the worldwide fanbase of the rolling stones.

Ah, we're talking semantics now!

Yeah, the posters here are just a fraction, but the number of lurkers can be massive indeed.

Re: Thread closure by the administrator
Posted by: sweetcharmedlife ()
Date: August 16, 2010 17:53

Edith Grove
Edith Grove
BV has a better connection with the Stones' camp than just about everybody here, so perhaps it's in everyone's interest not to let the "hotel" thread go on.

Just a thought.

come every city the stones arrive there are fans waiting. so it cant be that hard to find out (just check the 3 most exclusive hotels), and it's obviously not a huge problem for the band either.
and that mystical thing going on here about the connection bv (might) has with the stones camp is also a bit silly....

Bottom line: if BV loses that connection, then we all lose a source of information.
You mean the same connections and information that told him their would be a tour this year? The same connections and information that told him the shows at the O2 would be filled with rarely played songs?

Re: Thread closure by the administrator
Posted by: Edith Grove ()
Date: August 16, 2010 18:24

You mean the same connections and information that told him their would be a tour this year? The same connections and information that told him the shows at the O2 would be filled with rarely played songs?

Don't forget the Asian tour from a few years ago.

Hey, plans are laid, but things can change at a moments notice.
Just ask all those people whose plans were dashed in Atlantic City in '06.

>>the same connections and information that told him their would be a tour this year?<<

Did BV say there would be a tour, or did he say there would be "Stones activity?"

Re: Thread closure by the administrator
Date: August 16, 2010 18:33

i agree the hotel the stones stay at can be easily discovered so why close the thread? also i was at the Virginia gig a few years ago where there was a bomb threat. the stones announce exactly where they will be and when if someone really wanted to do something to them

Re: Thread closure by the administrator
Posted by: sweetcharmedlife ()
Date: August 16, 2010 19:07

I can understand if the Stones were currently on tour. Yes the info can be easily be found out. But most fan sites for major bands don't allow that info to be posted. But the Stones aren't even on tour.confused smiley

"It's just some friends of mine and they're busting down the door"

Re: Thread closure by the administrator
Posted by: bernardanderson ()
Date: August 16, 2010 19:28

if the stones go on tour again and they come to toronto to rehearse, guess what, i'll post exactly where they are rehearsing at. people are constantly hanging around there. but are they going to stay in a private residence in the swanky part of town for the duration of the rehearsals? perhaps. if i come across the exact address and co-ordinates and GPS location of these private residences, will i post the info? no. that's a whole different ballgame. now, i understand bv has connections to the stones and he's worried that he'll lose them, but to close a thread about past hotels they've stayed at or where they potentially might stay for a few hours is rather paranoid thinking, if you ask me.

Re: Thread closure by the administrator
Posted by: aprilfool ()
Date: August 16, 2010 19:55

The Menace of Mayfair
Bjornulf is the boss. This is his board. He's fair & friendly. End of.
When you invite people to dinner at your home, do you think because it is your home you are the only one to be right? The risk is that next dinner you will be alone. Perhaps Bjornulf will be alone on his website. To chat... NO he never participates to a conversation. We don't know anything about him, what he likes and what he doesn't like (sorry he is only loving anything about them). He must let people chating. He can close sometimes when the threads are too hard and begin a war between people. I'm right about that but closing some threads like the one about the hotels or because people talk too much about mick taylor...

Re: Thread closure by the administrator
Posted by: The Sicilian ()
Date: August 16, 2010 20:00

I guess I should chime in since it was my thread idea, I think it was somewhat presumptuous to equate the past hotel accomdations with present security threats.

Even so I would assume that they have ample security measures in place (when on tour) to downplay the security threat. I think that at this point in their career and advanced age, that hundreds of screaming girls and wacko guys won't be chasing them down the street and holding vigils in the hotel lobby.

However it looked interesting some of the replies that some of the members had posted. Thanks for the pics. So I guess you all can put away your tents.

Re: Thread closure by the administrator
Posted by: Edith Grove ()
Date: August 16, 2010 21:33

The Sicilian
I think that at this point in their career and advanced age, that hundreds of screaming girls and wacko guys won't be chasing them down the street and holding vigils in the hotel lobby.

Yes they will!

It's just that they will be moving at a much slower pace, with walkers & wheelchairs, etc. spinning smiley sticking its tongue out

Re: Thread closure by the administrator
Posted by: carlitosbaez ()
Date: August 16, 2010 21:38

You could not make the dream come true with the 100 pages amigo, another time with those non sense comments...
Bravo BV,

I miss the football thread sorely (just had made a great post with great old football vids in b/w from 1970, answering Max from KC, and saw that exactly 5 minutes before I posted it all, the thread had been closed!). And I bet Silver Dagger and others too would have loved to make it to the 100 pages (it was closed at 97). But I didn't ask any question nor complain(ed).

Re: Thread closure by the administrator
Posted by: Silver Dagger ()
Date: August 16, 2010 21:49

You could not make the dream come true with the 100 pages amigo, another time with those non sense comments...
Bravo BV,

I miss the football thread sorely (just had made a great post with great old football vids in b/w from 1970, answering Max from KC, and saw that exactly 5 minutes before I posted it all, the thread had been closed!). And I bet Silver Dagger and others too would have loved to make it to the 100 pages (it was closed at 97). But I didn't ask any question nor complain(ed).

Oh dear. Our lovely World Cup threat made it to 97 pages and then got killed. Sorry, I missed what the offending line was. What happened?

Re: Thread closure by the administrator
Posted by: bernardanderson ()
Date: August 16, 2010 21:56

it blows my mind that a thread can be deleted because a single person was so offended by what someone said on the internet (the internet!!) that they had to cry and run home to mommy (bv) and have him delete it. is iorr owned by disney or the vatican or something?

Re: Thread closure by the administrator
Posted by: Koen ()
Date: August 16, 2010 22:00

Some people take the internets way too seriously.

Re: Thread closure by the administrator
Posted by: kleermaker ()
Date: August 16, 2010 22:06

Silver Dagger
You could not make the dream come true with the 100 pages amigo, another time with those non sense comments...
Bravo BV,

I miss the football thread sorely (just had made a great post with great old football vids in b/w from 1970, answering Max from KC, and saw that exactly 5 minutes before I posted it all, the thread had been closed!). And I bet Silver Dagger and others too would have loved to make it to the 100 pages (it was closed at 97). But I didn't ask any question nor complain(ed).

Oh dear. Our lovely World Cup threat made it to 97 pages and then got killed. Sorry, I missed what the offending line was. What happened?

Silver, I really don't know. But it was fun, wasn't it? The closing of that thread was almost as painful for me as The Netherlands losing the WC-final for the third time. I miss all you guys there: you of course, Max, Hansie, our Spanish friend Carlitos, the brave Uruguyans and all others.

Re: Thread closure by the administrator
Posted by: carlitosbaez ()
Date: August 16, 2010 22:18

Really liked the World Cup thread, but tell me at the end just was dying a little bit, but have to say after couple weeks reemerged as Phoenix Bird.
At the end I miss you all my amigos, indeed,
Long life to football, coming soon BasketBall World Cup!!!

Silver Dagger
You could not make the dream come true with the 100 pages amigo, another time with those non sense comments...
Bravo BV,

I miss the football thread sorely (just had made a great post with great old football vids in b/w from 1970, answering Max from KC, and saw that exactly 5 minutes before I posted it all, the thread had been closed!). And I bet Silver Dagger and others too would have loved to make it to the 100 pages (it was closed at 97). But I didn't ask any question nor complain(ed).

Oh dear. Our lovely World Cup threat made it to 97 pages and then got killed. Sorry, I missed what the offending line was. What happened?

Silver, I really don't know. But it was fun, wasn't it? The closing of that thread was almost as painful for me as The Netherlands losing the WC-final for the third time. I miss all you guys there: you of course, Max, Hansie, our Spanish friend Carlitos, the brave Uruguyans and all others.

Re: Thread closure by the administrator
Posted by: Rolling Hansie ()
Date: August 16, 2010 22:19

Silver Dagger

Oh dear. Our lovely World Cup threat made it to 97 pages and then got killed. Sorry, I missed what the offending line was. What happened?

Silver, I really don't know. But it was fun, wasn't it? The closing of that thread was almost as painful for me as The Netherlands losing the WC-final for the third time. I miss all you guys there: you of course, Max, Hansie, our Spanish friend Carlitos, the brave Uruguyans and all others.

Holy jeezles man. I have been away for a couple of days and now the WC thread is closed ???
Did anyone ask Bjornulf why ?

Keep On Rolling smoking smiley

Re: Thread closure by the administrator
Posted by: paulywaul ()
Date: August 16, 2010 22:21

Can you play football in open tuning with a capo n the 4th fret ????????????

No, of course you can't. Well no wonder the f***ing thread was deleted then. If IORR Tell Me was MY message board, it wouldn't have gotten off Page 1. Football ? WTF !

[ I want to shout, but I can hardly speak ]

Re: Thread closure by the administrator
Posted by: Rolling Hansie ()
Date: August 16, 2010 22:25

The world cup is over. Congratulations to the winner!


And that was it !?!

Keep On Rolling smoking smiley

Re: Thread closure by the administrator
Posted by: Rolling Hansie ()
Date: August 16, 2010 22:27

Can you play football in open tuning with a capo n the 4th fret ?

I can't play football at all

Keep On Rolling smoking smiley

Re: Thread closure by the administrator
Posted by: bernardanderson ()
Date: August 16, 2010 22:29

Can you play football in open tuning with a capo n the 4th fret ????????????

No, of course you can't. Well no wonder the f***ing thread was deleted then. If IORR Tell Me was MY message board, it wouldn't have gotten off Page 1. Football ? WTF !
can you play "my aunt died last night" in open tuning with the capo on 6th fret? no. but we still see those kinds of threads around here. it's either we should be allowed to chat about everything (to a certain extent of course) or only stones topics.

Re: Thread closure by the administrator
Posted by: paulywaul ()
Date: August 16, 2010 22:49

Can you play football in open tuning with a capo n the 4th fret ????????????

No, of course you can't. Well no wonder the f***ing thread was deleted then. If IORR Tell Me was MY message board, it wouldn't have gotten off Page 1. Football ? WTF !
can you play "my aunt died last night" in open tuning with the capo on 6th fret? no. but we still see those kinds of threads around here. it's either we should be allowed to chat about everything (to a certain extent of course) or only stones topics.

I was being facetious .... JUST in case it had escaped your attention. You should try it yourself, it would make a pleasant change from your being so bloody serious !

[ I want to shout, but I can hardly speak ]

Re: Thread closure by the administrator
Posted by: paulywaul ()
Date: August 16, 2010 22:51

Rolling Hansie
Can you play football in open tuning with a capo n the 4th fret ?

I can't play football at all

Quite right too, I approve totally !

[ I want to shout, but I can hardly speak ]

Re: Thread closure by the administrator
Posted by: carlitosbaez ()
Date: August 16, 2010 23:00

As an excuse I suggest a football match anywhere so we meet all together, don`t you think?
We can meet for example in Dusseldorf from Thursday to Sunday or Monday that week, hang out all those days going to concerts, trips, football day, etc...


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