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Mick with Larry King
Posted by: copsnrobbers ()
Date: May 13, 2010 19:59

Mick will be on " Larry King Live "
next week. need confirmation
gimme a glimmer\\\\

Edited 18 time(s). Last edit at 2010-06-10 05:54 by copsnrobbers.

Re: Mick with Larry King
Posted by: copsnrobbers ()
Date: May 13, 2010 21:04

Mick Jagger will reportedly make a rare US television
appearance next week when he drops by CNN’s Larry King Live King.
King will interview Mick about his career, the re-release
of the Stones’ album Exile on Main Street, and the new documentary,
Stones in Exile on a broadcast airing May 18 at 9 PM.

Perhaps Mick will also discuss if a new album is in the cards soon.
Songwriter-and-guitarist Keith Richards, which came out with their
last album A Bigger Bang in 2005 and also consist of guitarist
Ronnie Wood and drummer Charlie Watts, are on the verge of
reconvening to record a new LP, as long as singer Mick gives
it the green light,
* Contactmusic reported.

“I don’t know, I’m going to hopefully find out soon,
I’m going to be seeing Mick next week or something,
so I’m going to try and screw some information out of him,”
Richards said.

Re: Mick with Larry King
Posted by: bernardanderson ()
Date: May 13, 2010 21:13

"i’m going to try and screw some information out of him".
what a slut!

Re: Mick with Larry King
Posted by: ROPENI ()
Date: May 13, 2010 21:36

“I don’t know, I’m going to hopefully find out soon,
I’m going to be seeing Mick next week or something,
so I’m going to try and screw some information out of him,”
Richards said.

IMO, this quote shows clearly who is the BOSS in the Stones..

"No dope smoking no beer sold after 12 o'clock"

Re: Mick with Larry King
Posted by: copsnrobbers ()
Date: May 13, 2010 21:38

the Glimmer twins are BACK!! drinking smiley

Re: Mick with Larry King
Posted by: ROPENI ()
Date: May 13, 2010 21:55

Larry King is an idiot,he probably will ask Mick if he will be reuniting with Paul,for a tour.l don't understand why Mick would subject himself to be interviewed by Larry King.The man probably has never listened to Exile..

"No dope smoking no beer sold after 12 o'clock"

Re: Mick with Larry King
Posted by: Rockman ()
Date: May 13, 2010 21:59

Brace yaself....


Re: Mick with Larry King
Posted by: copsnrobbers ()
Date: May 14, 2010 01:20

And now a quick wheather update

Accu wheather forecast dark tonight with scattered day break and now
Larry King Live on Cnn.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 2010-05-14 01:27 by copsnrobbers.

Re: Mick with Larry King
Posted by: copsnrobbers ()
Date: May 14, 2010 01:31

stay tune on Larry king live!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2010-05-14 01:34 by copsnrobbers.

Re: Mick with Larry King
Posted by: More Hot Rocks ()
Date: May 14, 2010 01:40

I wonder how many times Larry King will call him Nick.

Re: Mick with Larry King
Posted by: Rockman ()
Date: May 14, 2010 01:41


Gettin' better all the time.......


Re: Mick with Larry King
Posted by: copsnrobbers ()
Date: May 14, 2010 01:48

Hello I'm Larry King

My next guest is aging rock superstar Sir Mick Jagger..
For those of you who never heard him here is a quick reminder
He can’t sing yet he insist on singing he
can’t act yet he believes he would make a much better pirates
in Disney’s new Pirates of the Caribbean due to be Release
next year staring Johnny Depp and despite his deformity
and plastic surgery Sir Mick Jagger keeps on Rollingwinking smiley

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2010-05-14 01:56 by copsnrobbers.

Re: Mick with Larry King
Posted by: copsnrobbers ()
Date: May 14, 2010 02:09

let's roll this tape of MJ in action

Here is Mick trying to make a collect call on his cell

Here's mick being arrested

Mick: No that's not true larry

Re: Mick with Larry King
Posted by: triplelicks ()
Date: May 14, 2010 02:12


stay tune on Larry king live!

Tonight??? Where's this info from?

Re: Mick with Larry King
Posted by: copsnrobbers ()
Date: May 14, 2010 02:12

Larry: It says here on my cnn bio sheet that you have slept
with 29,339 women How do you do it Sir Nick?

Mick: No that's not true I never keep track of such things
Where did you get that information?

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 2010-05-14 02:32 by copsnrobbers.

Re: Mick with Larry King
Posted by: More Hot Rocks ()
Date: May 14, 2010 02:16

Larry King is so out of it. here is a mock interview with Eric Clapton. This is what might happen;

LK Hello Eric
EC Hello Larry
LK So tell me Eric about you as a guitarist, do you like to play?
EC ummm….yes
LK Are you sure?
EC Ummm…..yes
LK So what about your divorce from Pam Anderson
EC who?
LK Your ex wife didn’t you write your hit song LayLay about her?
EC It was called layla…and it wasn’t about her?
LK Are you sure? Didn’t you write Laylay when you played with The Motley Crew?
EC I never did?
LK Are you in denial? I heard you were an addict? Are you in denial?
EC I’m not
LK So just admit you still love her.
EC It was about Patti Harrison George’s wife
LK George who?
EC Harrison
LK you were married to two women at once?
Do you still take heroin?
EC Noooooo
LK Let’s talk about guitarists. How good was Elvis?
EC I don’t think he played really
LK Denial again?
EC (silence)
LK You called your self god
EC I never did it was sprayed painted on a wall in London
LK So you wrote that? At the same time you wrote Laylay?
EC I never wrote that
LK But you said you wrote LayLay for Pam Harrison
EC Patty Harrison
LK George’s sister?
EC Yeah George’s sister
LK Getting back to your addiction I heard that you went to Crossroads in Antigua
EC No I started that program and built that facility by auctioning my guitars
LK Is that where you met Pam?
EC yeah…………………………………..sure
LK I hear it’s beautiful there really far away?
EC yes it is
LK Toilets?
EC yes it has toilets?
LK All buy selling one of your ukuleles
EC Not ukuleles I sold many of my guitars
LK Is that how you got your money for drugs?

EC yeah a lot of drugs
LK More than a marijuana cigarette?
EC ummmm….yeah
LK So I hear you think I’m great and an inspiration
EC I do?
LK Yes you did but my name is Larry not BB
You didn’t have to call me BB Eric, Larry is fine
EC (@#$%&)
LK So what do you do when you are not working?
Do you like music?
EC yes
LK Don Ho was a great Ukulele player…. Tiny Bubbles was a great song.
Can you play that for us?
LK Is that because he was better than you? Elvis was great?
EC whatever
LK Did you ever play with Ringo
EC Yes
LK Tambourine?
EC yeah tambourine (geez)
LK Did you bring your banjo with you? Maybe a little Foggy
Mountain breakdown?
EC ……………
LK Are you better than Kid Rock. He’s good. He told me so
EC Never heard of him.
LK Is that because of heroin?
LK What did you unplug in 1990?
EC It was an acoustic guitar album.
LK Is that hard to unplug a folk guitar?
LK I never heard of that. Where did you unplug if from? The outlet on the wall?
EC yeah…kinda
LK So lets get back to Lola. Are you a transvestite?
LK Yeah L - O - L - A lolaaaaaaaaaa. I like that song. Especially when you sing that
line about” she nearly broke my spine”
EC Ray Davis wrote that.
LK Is he a transvestite?
LK Enough of the songs. Do you know Yoko Ono?
EC Yeah
LK I heard she broke up one of your bands.
EC It wasn’t my band
LK So you weren’t the leader?
EC I didn’t play in the Beatles
LK Well isn’t this a picture of you playing While My guitar Gently Weeps with George?
EC yes….but
LK Denial must be the heroin
LK Do you like cocaine? You sing about it.
EC It’s just a song.
LK I like coke. In fact Eric I have a deviated septum. But
my drug of choice is Malenta. But enough about me.
Do you like my suspenders? Can you
Play Lola on them?
EC Lets talk about something else
LK OK. Do the string hurt your fingers?
EC Naw
LK Cause your numb?
Can I meet you new wife. I’m on my 8th. Maybe we can go get something to eat
And we go back to your place and talk about stuff.
EC What stuff
LK Well….just call me Lola. OK Eric? (wink wink)
EC Next question
LK We have a caller on the line from NYC. Ron what is your question for Eric Clapton
Ron Eric get the hell out of there before he pecks your eyes out.
EC Soon! Thank you for your concern.
LK Well Eric I know you going back to Crossroads now. Can I come too?
EC It’s to far for you.
LK Isn’t it right out side at 5th ave and 32nd St?
EC Not that crossroads.
LK Wow I never met someone in so much pain as you Eric. Total denial.
LK Well viewers come back tomorrow when Eric Clapton former wife Pamela
Anderson will be on. Thank you.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2010-05-14 02:22 by More Hot Rocks.

Re: Mick with Larry King
Posted by: copsnrobbers ()
Date: May 14, 2010 02:32

Larry : We have a lot to cover my guest Sir Mick Jagger
Now Mick we just got an e-mail from an IORR member "More Hot Rocks
regarding Eric Clapton who is on tour this year unlike the Stones
Why do you think EC "God" never made the
cut to be a rolling stone?

Mick: Rubish... you must be having a senior moment Larry.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2010-05-14 02:43 by copsnrobbers.

Re: Mick with Larry King
Posted by: copsnrobbers ()
Date: May 14, 2010 02:50

Larry: Sir Mick on the song "Grandmother's Little Helper"
who goes runing to the medicne chest? is it Keith? and is it true
"Bypass Surgery for the Devil" is about some girl?
I was listening to "Gimme Assisted Living Shelter" is it true
Mary Clayton had birth pains during the recording and were you the father?


Larry: Now let's take a phone call from Gorda in L.A.

Mick:Yello Gorda!
Gorda: Hello!!! oh Micky-micky-micky.

Larry: We'll be right back with more Mick Jagger

Larry King Live. and now a brand new sponsor Mrs. Mills
so go running to shelter of your mother's little pill box hat

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 2010-05-14 03:40 by copsnrobbers.

Re: Mick with Larry King
Posted by: sweetcharmedlife ()
Date: May 14, 2010 03:08

Re: Mick with Larry King
Posted by: copsnrobbers ()
Date: May 14, 2010 04:21

Larry :We're back with my special guest Nick Jagger!
Mick are the Rolling Stones about to announce a full-blown tour?

Larry: Before you answer that we have Keith on the phone
Mick: Great!
Keith: Hello Darlings
Larry: Hello Keith you wanna say hi to Mick?
Keith: Who?

Larry: Now how long have you and keith known each other?

Mick: Since birth
Larry: Have you always been skinny?

Mick: I try but Keith doesn't get out of bed till noon .

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 2010-05-14 04:44 by copsnrobbers.

Re: Mick with Larry King
Posted by: 71Tele ()
Date: May 14, 2010 04:38

More Hot Rocks
I wonder how many times Larry King will call him Nick.

he'll probably call him Ringo...At least they can talk about having kids when you're older. They have that in common.

Re: Mick with Larry King
Posted by: Edith Grove ()
Date: May 14, 2010 04:48

I heard somewhere that King doesn't prepare at all for his interviews.

Perhaps it's true. No wonder Mick is doing this.

Re: Mick with Larry King
Posted by: copsnrobbers ()
Date: May 14, 2010 05:07

The Robert Greenfeild intreview

RG: How do you feel about the music business?

K: How can you check up on the @#$%& record company when to
get it together in the first place you have to be out on that stage
every @#$%& night, you have to get out there every night in front
of the people saying here I am and this is what I do. You can’t
keep a check on it.

Someone else is handling all that bread.
We found out, and it wasn’t years till we did, that all the bread
we made for Decca was going into making little black boxes that
go into American Air Force bombers to bomb @#$%& North Vietnam.
They took the bread we made for them and put into the radar section
of their business. When we found that out, it blew our minds.
That was it. Goddamn, you find out you’ve helped to kill
God knows how many thousands of people without even knowing it.
I’d rather the Mafia than Decca.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2010-05-14 05:16 by copsnrobbers.

Re: Mick with Larry King
Posted by: schillid ()
Date: May 14, 2010 05:10

Fantasy aside...

Re: Mick with Larry King
Posted by: copsnrobbers ()
Date: May 14, 2010 05:24

Larry : Back with Sir Mick and his side kick Keith
after these commercials I'm Larry King Dammit!

Re: Mick with Larry King
Posted by: Beelyboy ()
Date: May 14, 2010 05:29


Larry : Back with Sir Mick and his side kick Keith
after these commercials I'm Larry King Dammit!


Re: Mick with Larry King
Posted by: copsnrobbers ()
Date: May 14, 2010 05:34

Nighty night.

Larry: Here are some more e-mails

my staff got reaching down the basket.
Posted by Debbie 2003.01.20, 08:44
I think Keith looks great considering the life he lead.
He starightened himself out and I give him alot of credit for that.
He looks happier now than ever. The lines in his face are the story
of his life…….He’s still great!
Posted by mark 2003.04.25, 05:46
hes really gross looking
Posted by Bev 2003.06.05, 13:49
Isn’t it great — without a doubt, the Stones are STILL “the
best rock ‘n roll band in the world.” The last show
I actually attended was Voodoo, and it was truly awesome.
I have it on video (as well as anything else I can find).
I used to covet the Steel Wheels tour footage (1990).
But believe me, in 1994 with the Voodoo tour, the aging
boys made the Wheels show look like a bunch of amateurs.
They really show ‘em how it’s done!!! God, it was good.
Mick doesn’t stand still for over 2 hrs. And who’d a thought
Keith Richards would age like a fine wine and be so hot and sexy
in his (old) age.
Posted by ravdog 2003.06.24, 13:47
Kieth looks great,can’t understand anyone saying he looks ugly.
In fact I think kieth is about the best looking rock stars on the
planet.He shows the lines of a tried and true rocker not
like the amby bamby jerks who occupy today charts.Long live kieth.
Posted by pilot 2003.07.30, 23:10
Kieth, the vintage muscle car of rock. Watch the paint!! Just
imaging the things that face has seen over the past century or so.
Looking like a parched river-bed, i bet he still gets a piece of
as# after the show. That’s if the blonds can figure out how which
skin to pull back to get at which head.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 2010-05-14 05:42 by copsnrobbers.

Re: Mick with Larry King
Posted by: schillid ()
Date: May 14, 2010 05:35




Re: Mick with Larry King
Posted by: copsnrobbers ()
Date: May 14, 2010 05:39

Hang on I'm almost done

Alright that was fun for mespinning smiley sticking its tongue out
looking foward to the Jagger/King interview next week.

Edited 4 time(s). Last edit at 2010-05-14 05:53 by copsnrobbers.

Re: Mick with Larry King
Posted by: Rip This ()
Date: May 17, 2010 15:31

....CNN has been promoting Mick's interview with Larry King all weekend.....
MICK JAGGER in big bold letters above Larry King's name while Tumbling Dice is playing...they are pushing this interview...tomorrow night at 9 PM eastern

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