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Re: EXILE press release says ten new tracks
Posted by: klrkcr ()
Date: March 3, 2010 14:15

Wouldnt it have been a nice gesture on Mick and Keiths behalf to at least been there with Mick T while he did his thing? I mean they invited him.

Re: EXILE press release says ten new tracks
Posted by: LieB ()
Date: March 3, 2010 14:36

Wouldnt it have been a nice gesture on Mick and Keiths behalf to at least been there with Mick T while he did his thing? I mean they invited him.

Without a doubt. It's very cool that they considered him, but quite a cold-manned thing to just leave the work to the producers, if that's how it went. It's not like Mick & Keef seem to be extremely busy with other things at the moment either.

Re: EXILE press release says ten new tracks
Posted by: Gazza ()
Date: March 3, 2010 14:39

The Greek
this is a joke to me another typical money grab .remixing exile to me is sacreligious .what are we gonna condone the repainting of the sistene chapel in the vatican because of a perceived smudge ?it's a masterpiece dont mess with it

They're not repainting the 'masterpiece'. They're releasing it as it is. Same songs. Remastered. Not remixed. The 18-track album is getting the same treatment as the rest of the UMG remasters.

All they're doing is touching up a few of the original, unseen sketches and adding them separately.

Different project entirely.

Exactly. Gazza, was that you posting on Steve Hoffman's site?

if you mean quoting the bits from the Uncut interview, yes, that was me. Your posts on here enticed me to register to find out more. LOL.

Re: EXILE press release says ten new tracks
Posted by: Lightnin' ()
Date: March 3, 2010 15:27

Because the Stones camp hadn't let the cat out the bag. Now that it was out through other sources, Don wasn't going to lie but was still choosing his words carefully. When I asked Don about Taylor adding overdubs sometime ago, having heard about it from other sources, he turned pale and asked who'd told me. By the way, I don't think Taylor was in the studio with either Mick or Keith.

Oh really ? That seems to indicate your sources where not that close to the fire then, eh ? Either that or you just made the wrong guess.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2010-03-03 15:28 by Lightnin'.

Re: EXILE press release says ten new tracks
Posted by: Rocky Dijon ()
Date: March 3, 2010 15:31

I don't know, Lightnin', I haven't read anything from Teddy that seems inconsistent or makes me doubt he told everything he could. He's been right on the money and I'm grateful he shared what he could when he did.

Re: EXILE press release says ten new tracks
Posted by: Lightnin' ()
Date: March 3, 2010 15:37

Wouldnt it have been a nice gesture on Mick and Keiths behalf to at least been there with Mick T while he did his thing? I mean they invited him.

Without a doubt. It's very cool that they considered him, but quite a cold-manned thing to just leave the work to the producers, if that's how it went. It's not like Mick & Keef seem to be extremely busy with other things at the moment either.

Well, that's not how it went. It looks like the quote about "Matt Clifford was dispatched to record Mick T's overdubs" is getting misinterpreted by some. That doesn't actually mean Matt C was the only person present in the studio while MT was laying down some guitar.

Re: EXILE press release says ten new tracks
Posted by: Lightnin' ()
Date: March 3, 2010 15:39

Rocky Dijon
I don't know, Lightnin', I haven't read anything from Teddy that seems inconsistent or makes me doubt he told everything he could. He's been right on the money and I'm grateful he shared what he could when he did.

He's been right so far but now he's starting to slip up... smiling smiley

Re: EXILE press release says ten new tracks
Posted by: tatters ()
Date: March 3, 2010 15:41

Wouldnt it have been a nice gesture on Mick and Keiths behalf to at least been there with Mick T while he did his thing? I mean they invited him.

Without a doubt. It's very cool that they considered him, but quite a cold-manned thing to just leave the work to the producers, if that's how it went. It's not like Mick & Keef seem to be extremely busy with other things at the moment either.

It must have been a very awkward situation all around. MT hasn't been a Stone for 36 years, and yet, he's an integral part of this particular project. Finding a way of involving him without causing Ronnie to suffer his nineteenth nervous breakdown must have really involved some walking on egg shells.

Anyway, I can't understand why his involvement isn't mentioned in the official press release, unless they're STILL working on the album at this late date, and haven't decided yet which, if any, of Taylor's overdubs are going to be used.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2010-03-03 15:45 by tatters.

Re: EXILE press release says ten new tracks
Posted by: johnnythunders ()
Date: March 3, 2010 15:52


1. Mick Taylor in the studio doing overdubs. He said the sessions were great, more fun than he'd had in 20 years.
2. Jagger present and dancing...

Re: EXILE press release says ten new tracks
Posted by: Lightnin' ()
Date: March 3, 2010 15:52

It must have been a very awkward situation all around. MT hasn't been a Stone for 36 years, and yet, he's an integral part of this particular project. Finding a way of involving him without causing Ronnie to suffer his nineteenth nervous breakdown must have really involved some walking on egg shells.

Well Ronnie was not in the studio. He probably had plenty of other things to attend to. Besides, we're talking about a record that is arguably one of the Taylor era gems. Ronnie didn't play on the original.
Reportedly the atmosphere between the others was very good. So no awkwardness at all.

Re: EXILE press release says ten new tracks
Posted by: LeonidP ()
Date: March 3, 2010 15:56

His Majesty
no that´s not double standart. bootlegs are a completely different story than stealing official releases!

i would consider bootlegs illegal only if they would sound good.

but as long as a small recorder and two mics is not gonna get you anywhere near the quality of an official live recording it´s not stealing.

that´s like telling me making a video with my cell phone was stealing! rubbish!!

i have anyway only two bootlegs from the early 70´s which i listened to once, couldn´t stand the sound quality, and also performance, and never listened again.
but i bought all their official live releases instead.

keep on stealing and still feel good ass-hole!

Nice attempt at justifying your stealing! grinning smiley
i have to agree ... stealing is stealing.

it doesn't matter how you twist your justification for bootlegs. they are illegal and you can't say that just because it's not $$$ out of the bands pocket that it makes it ok -- and then try to pass judgement on others for downloading official content. i too use my own justification to swipe official music.

in my opinion the artists and/or record companies got away with raping fans for years before they were easily available on the internet... with b-sides, imported versions, flimsy repeated tracks on best-of's with 1 added live version to get die hard fans that already have the songs to buy a full album anyway, re-releasinig albums we already have with a couple demos or rarities, again forcing fans that already own the previous album to buy the songs again to get the 2 new tracks, lame-ass bonus dvds (Stones get a pass as their dvds usually have quality content, but many bands release incredibly lame bonus dvds to milk money out of fans), charging ridiculous website fees with the fake notion that you will get better tickets for concerts than you can get normally ... etc. etc. etc. it goes on & on. i don't have any regrets to what i have downloaded for free, and i share willingly to try and save other fans/friends money.

btw, i follow some bands that aren't well known and i buy their albums, shirts, etc. - because i know they need the dough and i know they aren't in the same position as popular bands like the stones to put out re-releases as a scam to bilk fans out of money. i have no such loyalty to the stones ...

Re: EXILE press release says ten new tracks
Posted by: tatters ()
Date: March 3, 2010 16:02

It must have been a very awkward situation all around. MT hasn't been a Stone for 36 years, and yet, he's an integral part of this particular project. Finding a way of involving him without causing Ronnie to suffer his nineteenth nervous breakdown must have really involved some walking on egg shells.

Well Ronnie was not in the studio. He probably had plenty of other things to attend to. Besides, we're talking about a record that is arguably one of the Taylor era gems. Ronnie didn't play on the original.
Reportedly the atmosphere between the others was very good. So no awkwardness at all.

And you really think the fact that MJ would rather be dancing in the studio with MT, instead of touring or recording with RW, has had NOTHING to do with Ronnie's going off the deep end in recent months?

Re: EXILE press release says ten new tracks
Posted by: Lightnin' ()
Date: March 3, 2010 16:18

And you really think the fact that MJ would rather be dancing in the studio with MT, instead of touring or recording with RW, has had NOTHING to do with Ronnie's going off the deep end in recent months?

Oh no, where did I state that ?
I'm just saying that is how the Stones (Jagger/Richards, not to mention Loewenstein) operate. Totally Merciless, darling.
I saw years ago how Jagger completely ignored Ronnie when he was trying to apologise after he'd gone on a terrible bender during a European tour. Jagger walked straight past him, he would not even pause to hear RW out. Ronnie looked just like a lost puppy.
Mick T has been in the position where his old bandmates were making themselves unavailable when he had business (no trivial matters either) to discuss with them. So he knows how things work.

What might bother you in terms of not showing any compassion, manners or human decency are not the things that MJ and KR are going to lose any sleep over.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 2010-03-03 16:53 by Lightnin'.

Re: EXILE press release says ten new tracks
Posted by: tatters ()
Date: March 3, 2010 16:40

And you really think the fact that MJ would rather be dancing in the studio with MT, instead of touring or recording with RW, has had NOTHING to do with Ronnie's going off the deep end in recent months?

Oh no, where did I state that ?
I'm just saying that is how the Stones (Jagger/Richards, not to mention Loewenstein) operate. Totally Merciless darling.
I saw years ago how Jagger completely ignored Ronnie when he was trying to apologise after he'd gone on a terrible bender during a European tour. Jagger walked straight past him, he would not even pause to hear RW out. Ronnie looked just like a lost puppy.
Mick T has been in the position where his old bandmates were making themselves unavailable when he had business (no trivial matters either) to discuss with them. So he knows how things work.

What might bother you in terms of not showing any compassion, manners or human decency are not the things that MJ and KR are going to lose any sleep over.

It doesn't bother ME in the least. I would have preferred that they didn't do any overdubs at all, but since the did, I'm glad they at least brought in MT to do them. Ronnie will just have to learn to deal with it. The best revenge would be to hook up with Mac and Kenny and do a "Faces" tour.

Re: EXILE press release says ten new tracks
Posted by: Lightnin' ()
Date: March 3, 2010 16:41

And you really think the fact that MJ would rather be dancing in the studio with MT, instead touring or recording with RW, has had NOTHING to do with Ronnie's going off the deep end in recent months?

Just to be sure this doesn't get slanted the wrong way. The Stones realised "the fall was complete" (RW) - to quote Exile postcards - before there was any talk of Mick T taking part in the project.
It's not like Mick T first got called to the studio and that is what caused RW to fall off the wagon as soon as he heard about it.

Re: words of one syllable
Posted by: with sssoul ()
Date: March 3, 2010 16:48

... first folks were bitching because they imagined neither Glimmer was in the studio with Mick T,
and now folks are bitching because they imagine they were in the studio?


Re: EXILE press release says ten new tracks
Posted by: kleermaker ()
Date: March 3, 2010 16:49


1. Mick Taylor in the studio doing overdubs. He said the sessions were great, more fun than he'd had in 20 years.
2. Jagger present and dancing...

Well, that sounds fine. Let's hope the results are likewise.
It would be very strange to hear Ron on those bonustracks, because his style is totally different and MT's contribution to Exile is not without importance.
Then we have the recent activities of Ronnie that keep him busy. I guess MJ is not that glad with all the publicity he causes. The relation between Ron and Keith has been better than it is today, I believe.
As far as I know the two Micks always went around with each other pretty well. Personally as well as musically. But I also guess that MJ was very unpleasantly surprised by MT's sudden departure and that he has missed him musically. Though he never will recognize that.

But we'll see, or better, hear.

Re: EXILE press release says ten new tracks
Posted by: Lightnin' ()
Date: March 3, 2010 16:50

It doesn't bother ME in the least. I would have preferred that they didn't do any overdubs at all, but since the did, I'm glad they at least brought in MT to do them. Ronnie will just have to learn to deal with it. The best revenge would be to hook up with Mac and Kenny and do a "Faces" tour.

The word revenge implies there was some wrongdoing on someone's part ? I think they're just trying to get the best result on record. And like I said, Ronnie didn't play on the original, so he should not feel as if he was shunned.

Re: words of one syllable
Posted by: Lightnin' ()
Date: March 3, 2010 16:58

with sssoul
... first folks were bitching because they imagined neither Glimmer was in the studio with Mick T,
and now folks are bitching because they imagine they were in the studio?


No, apparently some folks take umbrage at Jagger's dancing... They are of the opinion that a more restrained demeanour would have been in order. confused smiley

Re: words of one syllable
Posted by: Rip This ()
Date: March 3, 2010 17:10

with sssoul
... first folks were bitching because they imagined neither Glimmer was in the studio with Mick T,
and now folks are bitching because they imagine they were in the studio?


No, apparently some folks take umbrage at Jagger's dancing... They are of the opinion that a more restrained demeanour would have been in order. confused smiley actually it's probably more about how Jagger used to dance better 35 years ago....confused smiley

Re: words of one syllable
Posted by: Lightnin' ()
Date: March 3, 2010 17:16

Rip This - Yes, that could have been a factor too. Things are not what they used to be.
Still, I've seen some 66 year olds with worse moves.

And to think that all this bad publicity could have been prevented. Matt C did try and warn Jagger about the sign on the studio door saying: These premises operate a strict No Dancing policy.
I have no idea how Jagger could have failed to notice that. He must have got caught up in the excitement or maybe he thought he was under and above the law or something.
Now he can only blame himself that the tabloids are having a field day with this latest scandal.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 2010-03-03 18:06 by Lightnin'.

Re: EXILE press release says ten new tracks
Posted by: Doxa ()
Date: March 3, 2010 17:30


It doesn't bother ME in the least. I would have preferred that they didn't do any overdubs at all, but since the did, I'm glad they at least brought in MT to do them. Ronnie will just have to learn to deal with it. The best revenge would be to hook up with Mac and Kenny and do a "Faces" tour.

Revenge? If he wants to challege the Twins, I think they will win that race (too). Namely they will throw an ace: and finally everyone is in a right place where they belong to: Wood with the Faces and Taylor with the Stones...grinning smiley

- Doxa

Re: EXILE press release says ten new tracks
Posted by: skipstone ()
Date: March 3, 2010 17:39

Ronnie is not on, according to nzentgraf, Worried About You, Tops, Heaven and Waiting On A Friend. 3 of those were recorded before Ronnie's time in the band, 2 of which have Mick Taylor on them.

So why would Mick T overdubbing on these Exile leftovers be any different? I would think that Ronnie would be all for it, being a fan of the band as he is.

Re: EXILE press release says ten new tracks
Posted by: dewlover ()
Date: March 3, 2010 17:44

"Piracy of an official product and bootlegging officially unreleased studio/live recordings is not the same, but it is still stealing from the artist and illegal."

God Bless the Grateful Dead...

Re: EXILE press release says ten new tracks
Posted by: skipstone ()
Date: March 3, 2010 17:45

So if I make a copy of an official album, what does it matter what I do with it?

Re: EXILE press release says ten new tracks
Posted by: His Majesty ()
Date: March 3, 2010 17:59

"Piracy of an official product and bootlegging officially unreleased studio/live recordings is not the same, but it is still stealing from the artist and illegal."

God Bless the Grateful Dead...

smoking smiley

Re: EXILE press release says ten new tracks
Posted by: Gazza ()
Date: March 3, 2010 18:20

Ronnie is not on, according to nzentgraf, Worried About You, Tops, Heaven and Waiting On A Friend. 3 of those were recorded before Ronnie's time in the band, 2 of which have Mick Taylor on them..

They may have been started when he wasnt in the band, but they were most certainly finished when he was (1979-81), although he's not on the tracks in question.

Re: EXILE press release says ten new tracks
Posted by: kovach ()
Date: March 3, 2010 18:27

Every time I've heard Ron Wood talk about Taylor, it seems as if they get along quite well and he's highly complimentary. I wouldn't expect him to be upset with this revelation.

Re: EXILE press release says ten new tracks
Posted by: bernardanderson ()
Date: March 3, 2010 18:33

maybe Chuck Leavell did some keyboard overdubs as well...

Re: EXILE press release says ten new tracks
Posted by: jigsawp ()
Date: March 3, 2010 18:39

The thing with the new overdubs is real sad news for me.Micks voice and way of singing has changed so much in all these years... Whose idea was that?I can t believe it!

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