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----WOOF!!! maybe you should put this hitherto unknown writing talent to good use and ghost-write the "NEW" stones as to save the glimmer twins the hassle!!Quote
Rocky Dijon
That's true, boogie69. However, as a genuine fan of your posts, it must be said you peaked around post 19. The last 60-odd posts sadly fail to match the raw excitement of your early posts where you easily distinguished yourself with your refreshing honesty and savage wit in conveying all that is wrong about the surviving band members who still work together once in a blue moon. I fear that regardless of the topic, all of your posts are doomed to sound the same and we will never again know the exultant high that matches the first time you wrote "The Stones today suck" or "Keith is an overweight liar." Like any good fan, I will keep reading everything you write, but in the end I know that you also desperately mourn the fact that you are no longer able to write posts worthy of our attention as you once did. Poor old blighter, you should really call it a day.
----rick rubin would be good..but he's too strong a personality for the boys (!) too work with--he'd be ordering them about and they'd be saying "we're the big bad rolling (cough hack wheeze) stones"Quote
Rip This
.......I think when an established professional chooses a young talented anybody to do something that it helps move things would be very exciting if the Stones chose someone like Ethan Johns..
Palace Revolution 2000
Bill Webster, much respect for you because I always dig your posts, but the songs you quote in ref to Don Was might be some of the worst tunes the Stones have done since '89. They stand for much that is wrong with their latter day recordings.
'When' could be 'never' or 'never again'.
That's why I said 'could be'. What the contract says means nothing.
Some people here think they haven't said anything in quite some time and that ABB was awful. So yeah, I guess in one sense it just depends on what one thinks of the Stones NOW.Quote
I think one of the biggest problems is what was mentioned in a recent article on Voodoo...people compare their albums to Exile, Some Girls, etc. If the Stones were a new band starting out in the 90's, I think they're newer stuff would be much more appreciated.Quote
The ABB tour showed that. Sure, they still sounded good in general but some of it was pretty bad compared to the previous 2 or 3 tours.
I had great experiences at the shows I saw, so I can't really comment. Obviously, they are aging, but I think Keith will improve from last time. Rehabilitation for what he went through is a very long process. Sure, you can get up and start functioning quickly, but to really get yourself back to where you were, and off the meds, takes a long time.