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Tell Me
Band 2
Tim Ries

The Rolling Stones
Twickenham Stadium
London, UK
Tuesday June 19, 2018

The Rolling Stones live at Twickenham Stadium, London UK, Tuesday June 19, 2018 - Photo by Bjornulf Vik

The set list

  1. Street Fighting Man
  2. It's Only Rock'n Roll
  3. Tumbling Dice
  4. Paint It Black
  5. Ride 'Em On Down
  6. Bitch
  7. Beast Of Burden (with James Bay)
  8. You Can't Always Get What You Want
  9. Honky Tonk Women
    --- Band introductions
  10. You Got The Silver (Keith)
  11. Before They Make Me Run (Keith)
  12. Sympathy For The Devil
  13. Miss You
  14. Midnight Rambler
  15. Start Me Up
  16. Jumping Jack Flash
  17. Brown Sugar
    --- Band off stage
  18. Gimme Shelter
  19. Satisfaction

Show start :  8:26pm
Show end   : 10:30pm

Pre-show info and live comments:

Twickenham London UK 19-June-2018 Rolling Stones No Filter live updates

Reports please!!!

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Review by William Martin

It's hard to escape the sense that Keith was saying goodbye last night at Twickenham. "I'm gonna miss you guys…" followed by a pause before "..on with the show". Their performance suggested they could go on for ever, but did Charlie in particular look tired? There were some wonderful moments, though: Keith and Ronnie dancing arm in arm to Darryl's bass during Miss You; my brother, a first-timer (at last) at the age of 53 asking why he'd never heard Midnight Rambler before; and Keith and Charlie not wanting Satisfaction to end, and carrying on after Ronnie had unstrapped his guitar…

The playing was great throughout, often seemingly on the edge of chaos, but rescued just in time by Charlie or Ronnie, the Stones as we have always loved them. I thought Midnight Rambler was a particular highlight, as others have reported, although I'd have liked a bit more harmonica, and I guess we have become accustomed to Start Me Up being mangled at the start. It's a shame though, because it's a favourite of many of us, and Ronnie especially shines on it.

I won't mention getting home - let's just say we'll remember the music long after the journey has faded from the memory. And what wonderful memories - thank you Rolling Stones!

Review by Dean Goodman

Absolutely brilliant, as people from Britain like to say. What a wonderful way to end the Rolling Stones’ first UK tour in 15 years - and maybe their last. Like Mick, I loved every minute of the trek and was similarly grateful that the weather was largely sublime. Twickenham is probably not the most favorite word among Stones fans right now, thanks to the chaotic aftermath, but up until then I enjoyed my first time at the home of English rugby (or what’s left of it). “It’s such an easy place to get to, right?” Mick said at the start of another clumsy joke about how the band took the bus (#237) to the venue. Mick reminded us that the neighborhood was “kinda where we started,” and he name-checked one of the venues, the Eel Pie Hotel - “or so I read in the paper today.” Highlights were the new additions to the 2018 rotation, “Bitch” and “Beast of Burden.” The former featured a tasty solo by Keith, and was energetic by the Stones’ first-half standards. The latter saw the return of opening act James Bay to the stage. I suspect the duet was set up with James’ million-strong Instagram followers in mind, although I liked his voice and felt the performance could have been quite solid if he had learned the words and focused more on his duet partner than on the girls in the crowd. It’s hard to add much to what has already been written over recent weeks. Keith told us, “I’m gonna miss you guys.” And he sported an Argentina flag stuffed in his waistband for part of the show after picking it up during the “Miss You” parade. I thought he was going to abort “Start Me Up,” because his opening salvo sounded wonky and he turned around to face Charlie with his arm up in the air. But the song got back on track, and everyone had a good laugh. “Gimme Shelter” was a personal favorite because my view of the Mick-Sasha duet was pleasantly blocked by a braless young woman with an all-access pass on the shoulders of her boyfriend. “Satisfaction” was probably everyone’s favorite, in part because of the bonus outro that must have gone on for almost two minutes and finished dead at exactly 10:30 p.m. They have extended “Satisfaction” before, but this was brave, new territory. Mick kept repeating “gotta find me” as his grinning cohorts jammed with no apparent desire to find a way to the exit. It was a fun moment, and “fun” would be my simple adjective to summarize the tour thus far. The band - and especially the crowd - far exceeded my expectations, and now continental Europe has a challenging task to equalize in the final stretch of the match.

Review by Sarah Reuben

I arrived at Pit B, alone, assuring myself I would hang back, relax. However, when I entered the Pit at my leisure after eating, picking up my VIP bag, and standing in a line that had wrapped around the stadium, it was empty in the middle, with mostly men 4 deep back from the stage. So I dropped my bag next to the guys, and nervously sat down. Ends up my fellow pit dudes are terrific, and a few showed me pics of their families from their phones as we got chatting, about our fandom, attendance at previous concerts. During the show, I ended up about 3rd back from the stage (!) with 2 gals on either side of me, who danced with happiness throughout, and everyone in our part of the Pit was living it up

However, an unpleasant experience of having a person cut right in before show start, made me lose my temper. It was a repeat of ‘No Filter Paris 2’ in the Pit (AND in lining up before both shows as well) I do not understand how a person can enter the Pit right before the RS come on stage, push their way through, and literally put themselves in front of others (me) after I and others have been standing for hours, securing our positions. It would never occur to me to be this self centered. I am unable to ‘let it go’ Perhaps because I waited 35 years for my position, paid money I do not have in excess, and therefore speak up. Nearly a brawl. It ruins my mood. I was carrying a somber attitude at show start. Furthermore, I was growing concerned that the plastic type tarp over the band (to keep the sound from escaping into the air?) did not allow me to see the 2 middle screens well, and the 2 outer screens off at angles. Plus, Mick was addressing the crowds off to the sides, I want to see Mick!

It wasn’t until ‘Bitch’ that I came out of it (and Mick came back in front of me. RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME. FOR LONG TIME PERIODS, I still can’t believe it. ‘Bitch’ I thought at the reveal, hmm, okay. But the RS rocked it. Boom! Back in elation, dancing, the Stones put fire in it.

The whole set list after the 3rd song, ‘Tumbling Dice’, somehow surprised me. I thought since I follow all the shows, I know what’s coming, except for the 1 shock and awe that’s been happening in ‘No Filter 2’ shows.

I did envision or dare hope ‘Beast of Burden’ coming. So now I am now the goofy chick at the start loudly ‘OH MY GOD’! I really hope that wasn’t picked up in a recording. Or, the, ‘I love you Mick!’ I yelled out. (Maybe twice)

When I got back from the show, I called my husband, and tried to explain what being at their last England show meant to me. To have walked the streets where they started, visiting ‘Eel Pie Museum’ and seeing invoices from 1964 when they were a scrambling, boyish band looking for 45 pounds a gig.

To seeing the emotions of Mick’s face (ever so slightly) I was worried about Charlie. Not about his performance, never, but I thought ‘is he not feeling well?’ Then he’d grin, I saw maybe 3, and that was warming. His solo bow at introduction: He seemed perhaps choked up, but ever and always the professional.

Ronnie Wood carries the load of guitar playing, and he is in top fine form. To me, he SHINES. His solos on ‘Can’t Always Get What You Want’ were dazzling.

‘Satisfaction’ for all the angst and time of getting here, to be with them and have Keith and Mick together, I see them close and clearly, to be a witness to it, I am not a spectator.

Their music has been with me over over over I play the songs, for 38 years. It’s an art they created, I’ve taken into myself, playing the music relentlessly.

I will forever be grateful, honored, and humbled to have been allowed to support them in the last 3 years by writing online, talking about the numerous projects, releases, and of course, finally attending the shows in person, 2015, 2017, 2018.

We often don’t know what we have until it’s gone. But I know. I know The Rolling Stones, and will always.

Review by Bjornulf Vik

This was the last UK show of the tour, as Mick said. It has been great fun to follow this tour of nine shows from Dublin Ireland and all the way to Twickenham tonight. After weeks of fish'n'ships and watching out for cars and people at left rather than right side I have been feeling almost like an English or a Brit, at least I have got to know many fans from Britain better. They are still young, The Rolling Stones do get new younger fans on every tour, which makes a lot of energy at the shows. Also, they know the songs, every word, they love the band, and thay have made every show on The British Isles tour a true joy and pleasure to attend. Even the show logistics have been working smooth and easy, well almost...

"Beast Of Burden" was great to hear, and the special voice of guest singer James Bay made the song even better. Normally I am not a big fan of guest artists on stage with the Stones, but this was a really great choice!

The band was in a great mood, and everybody did their best to make a great final show in UK. The power was for sure turned up more than normal, because I have never felt any pain in my ears like tonight, not in years, and certainly not at an outdoor stadium show.

The final song "Satisfaction" ended at 10:28pm, two minutes before curfew time. Keith decided to "rock on", and tonight we got a two minutes extention of "Satisfaction". It seems like they did not want to finish, but at 10:30pm sharp it was all over. Thanks for nine great shows during this mini UK & Ireland tour.

On our way out of the stadium, they said something about "Unfortunately". Thousands of fans walked our way towards tube stations near Hunslow, rather than taking the train from Twickenham. We stayed in Hunslow, and just walked in what we thought was the right direction, it should take some thirty minutes if we walked right. After an hour of walking we gave up and took residence i.e. a break for beers and food at the The Cinnamon Lounge, an Indian restaurant & Bar in Isleworth. I later found out we had walked totally wrong... We had a great time talking to other fans who also took residence there for food and drinks. Two friends at the table next to us said this was their first ever show. One of them had got the show as a birthday present from his friend as he turned 40. What a great idea, and what a great friend. Two hours later it was still impossible to get a taxi. The restaurant closed, and the staff took us for free to Hunslow in their car, even if they were on to a different direction. Excellent British service!

Review by Jeff Seidel

Amazing to be back in the London area to hit up the Rolling Stones Twickenham Stadium show on June 19th. Bitch (by request) was an exciting surprise and really rocking. Extended versions of Midnight Rambler and Satisfaction gave the fans even more music to bask in. Great James Bay spot with Mick for Beast of Burden, and in the 2nd half of the show Keith really went wild after jamming out his You got the silver & Before they make me run songs. Honky Tonk Woman got the whole crowd up on its feet dancing the night away like only the Rolling Stones can. What a Night!!!

Review by Sparkly Top

Coming originally from London, but living in San Francisco for over 30 years, and having seen approximately 75 shows, I had never seen the boys in London before and was so excited to be on the rail in Pit B (albeit though the stage was rather high!). They did not disappoint and it was a treasure to see the laughter and joy that they were experiencing in blasting us all off to the hemisphere. So many great moments between the band and they certainly did not look like a band who were about to call it quits! NO STOPPING! Grateful to have Pit A tickets for Marseilles and to get to jive on Ronnie's side :). Long live the Rolling Stones!

Review by Simon Emmerson

Another long drive down from Yorkshire to the south of England, for the final UK date of this UK tour to the home of rugby, Twickenham stadium.Parked close to the green and spent half a day exploring the various Stones related sites.It was a lovely warm summer day,and there is no better place to be than by the Thames in this lovely rural setting.Eel pie island is right there ,so much musical history from there.The actual Hotel where they had a Wednesday residency mysteriously burned down in 1971,but the museum opposite the Civic centre contains some lovely photos from their 1963 performances.Many Stones fans visiting today!Then they seemed to follow the trail to Richmond,the Wick,former station hotel and a certain Edwardian residency.

So wind the clock on 55 years or so, and the locals still don't know why it is called Eel Pie island,but the Stones are back in this neck of the woods.Hoping they too might fall into the nostalgia and dig out some obscure gem ?A lot of hope and anticipation.

Support James Bay came and went.Shiny pants and a nice guitar lick or two.Pretty sure I recognised his final number.The crowd were rather blasey about him,and more concerned with grabbing a beer in the collector vessel and soaking up the sun.What a great idea,no discarded items...what a shame I just wanted one.

Security tight in both pits,checking bands.But by the encore it looked just as packed as the Gold circle.Lax security between pitch and the gold areas.Plenty of aloof celebrities below the stage.Kudos to David Walliams ,probably Britain's greatest comedian/entertainer rocking out with Joe Public in the Gold area whilst posing for selfies and chatting to everyone.Britain certainly has musical talent in the house tonight,the greatest British talent ever.

The Stones rocked out onto the sacred rugger turf at 8.20 with "Street fighting man".And what a perfect,polished performance we got tonight from everyone.No bum notes and no technical cock ups.The place was packed to the rafters.In the circle we were liked sardines.It felt like a special night.Charlie's drums seemed to be high in the mix for" Iorr",and that just enhanced it."You think your the only woman in town,well you ain't" snarled Mick. Has he ever sounded so cockney as he bellowed "I like it". Lovely back up vocals by Sasha, she just gets better.

"Lovely to be back in Twickenham" says Mick and they launch into "Tumbling dice". Then "Paint it black" as demonic as ever.

Mick reminds us this is where it all stared , and tells us about playing blues at the Station hotel. This leads us nicely into "Ride 'em on down", and a great solo by Sir Ronnie.J ust love Mick's harmonica playing on this.

Vote winner is "Bitch".Mick makes some joke about sweet chariot and they launch into this rugged classic. Glad they dusted this off. Karl Denson does justice to the sax, Bobby must be looking down smiling.

"Anyone here from Tunisia?" jokes Mick. Lovely to hear "Beast of burden". Not sure about the duet with James Bay. Mick is such a great mover , and Bay is so wooden in his movements. He is stomping his feet and Mick is directing him to do a twirl. All a bit awkward. Vocally it sounded cool.

We move into the predictable sequence of songs now. Wish we had got a few surprises tonight. When you see many shows you can start to take it all for granted. Just looking around me I can see how enthusiastic the audience are. Stones novices becoming Stones converts. Still amazed at Mick's fitness, that full length of the stage sprint he does just before "Brown sugar" is at lightning speed. Pretty sure Ronnie has taken up running too.

A highlight at the end was the extension to "Satisfaction". Ronnie took his guitar off at one point but keef continued to belt out the riff.An unexpected mouth watering finale.

Next stop for me is Warsaw...

Review by Simon Wright

(I Can’t Get No) Trainreaction: The Rolling Stones, Twickenham Stadium, June 19 2018 Vantage point: Pit B (Keith’s side), packed Collectable merchandise: Bright yellow Rolling Stones beer glasses (£2) The final UK date of the #NoFilter tour saw the Stones returning to their geographical roots, with Mick Jagger reminiscing about their gig at the Station Hotel in Richmond a mere 55 years previously. Tonight’s cover of Ride’ Em On Down was from that era and a very raunchy Midnight Rambler benefitted from a snatch of Come On In My Kitchen, elsewhere on the tour it’s been You Gotta Move. Street Fighting Man made for a swaggering opener whilst Tumbling Dice never sounded better, mainly because of The Return Of Keith Richards. He may technically never have left but his guitar playing had become highly selective. Now he is trading solos with Ronnie Wood on It’s Only Rock’n’Roll, Sympathy For the Devil and Honky Tonk Women. During an elegant Beast Of Burden support singer James Bay duetted with Jagger: Richards’ playing was even more tasteful than Bey’s Bacofoil trousers (very Iggy Pop 1972). Other highlights included a a brass-driven Bitch, a gorgeous accoustic duet between Wood and Richards on You Got The Silver, bass player Darell Jones forming a Supremes-style trio with backing singers Bernard Fowler and Sasha Allen and Charlie Watts restarting final encore Satisfaction just so they could carry on playing right up to the curfew. Before Keith started his solo numbers he paused and looked out over the crowd before nearly saying something. Maybe he wanted to say goodbye: if so this extraordinary band has left the UK on a high. The 60,000 fans here tonight were equally delighted until they discovered that Twickenham Station was closed and there was no way home. Truly, You Can’t Always Get What You Want….

Review by Sjoerd Olrichs

Twickenham, where it all started. Mick and Keith were deeply aware of the historic moment of this concert. Mick could never have imagined “then” that “it would end up like this” and Keith, always in for a few jokes before he starts his song, clearly had trouble to find words ... what to say? But they are the Rolling Stones, so we once more did get what we came for: a great concert! Street Fighting Man (50 years down the road) as opening song, great! I remember 1968 so well. An amazing year that was.

Then full power ahead with IORR, Tumbling Dice and (wow!) Paint it Black, before this real classic: Ride Em On Down. According to Ian Stewart’s notes it was on the band’s first ever set list at the Marquee Club in July 1962. Many of the people at the Twickenham concert weren’t even born yet!

Both Bitch and Beast of Burden (tough start, but with this happy youngster James Bay, whom I didn’t even know, sorry, making up for it) were both powerful and refreshing. After that it was, at least for me, back into relax mode, just purely enjoying all those well known songs. There was never a dull moment. It was pure joy to sing and dance along with YCAGWYW, Honky Tonk Women, off course “Silver” and “Run” and so on and to see Keith and Ronnie happily swinging over the the stage. Mick frequently “out of control” during for instance Sympathy and Midnight Rambler and most of all Satisfaction (man oh man !), with in between a swinging Miss You, powerful renditions (Keith and Ronnie) of Start Me Up, Jumping Jack Flash and Brown Sugar. And Charlie, well what to say. Without him ....

The encore with Gimme Shelter (pretty little power voice Sasha) and Satisfaction was almost like a separate show on its own! I left, voice gone, as a very happy man. Thanks once more and, I trust that time is still on our side, see you again!

Review by Alwyn

Twickenham is a suburb of west London, where over the last 25 years a small rugby ground has been developed into an 82,000 seater stadium. It’s the home of English Rugby, and we would say the home of Rugby period. Like so many similar venues it sits in the middle of a normal area of houses. The nearest public transport is a railway station with the same two tracks it had when built in 1848… Even on a good day it’s a 20 minute walk and you cross a major road leading into London. On match days you queue for an hour to get on a train after the game. Richmond station is over 45 minutes away as is Hounslow tube station.

I hope you get the picture. Like many places in the UK, except the Olympic area, the big stadia are in residential areas and whilst everyone agrees we need better public transport, few people want to pay for it (and we taxpayers pay one way or another) and few want the additional infrastructure close to their home. So when, after the Stones finished their last UK show this year, and some train issues miles away created chaos for fans leaving the stadium, there were few trains from Twickenham if any. Some folks walked for 3 hours to get back home/to their hotels. The staff at the stadium were not that helpful either; the police in the streets were; there were many frustrated people.

Which is a pity because the gig itself was another great one. I stood just behind the normally reserved Dean G, and he was bouncing up and down the throwing his arms in the air – just like everyone else. It was the same mixture of energy and musicianship, performance and emotion from the band. And it started with Street Fighting Man. Right through the now standard 19 songs they rocked.

We got Bitch. A real rocking version; Ronnie playing the riff, Keith the solos, the saxes filling-in throughout. The occasional prompt from Mick as they entered “the bridge”. Beast of Burden started a little hesitantly, with Mick encouraging Keith to wind it up. James Bay disappointed – he didn’t know the words and Mick pulled him forwards from the teleprompter so he looked really lost. Rambler again really rocked and included the Robert Johnson Come into my Kitchen snippet.

There were a few remarks about how the Stones had really got going in west London. Richmond, Ealing, Eel Pie island – all are close by. Mick and Ronnie used to live in Richmond. We had the inevitable comment about Tunisia – England’s soccer team beat them in Russia the previous evening. There was just an occasional glimpse that the band were thinking that this might be the last time in London, or at least in a big stadium. Not that you would have seen any hint of fragility or lack of energy or enthusiasm.

In fact they continued the very high performance standard of this tour. I think that overall they are playing as well, and enjoying it as much, as ever – well at least since the 60s. That feedback loop of energy from the crowd and back sustains them, and us. It also allows some of the other musicians some space to excel – Tim, Darryl and Chuck seem to have more scope to let it loose. Sasha, Bernard and Karl are as strong as ever – and Sasha and Bernard were brought up front to sing with Mick.

What else is there left to say? I wish this level of togetherness, and the consistently high standard of playing had been there for many years. I wish the UK made the tough decisions on infrastructure (money and need). I wish this Tour would go on for many more months…. If any of us had the money and could take the pace.

Video by Andreea

The Rolling Stones live at Twickenham London 19-Jun-2018

Photos by Hauke Jürgensen

Photos by Hauke Jürgensen

Photos by Klaus Lauterbach

Photos by Hendrik Mulder

Photos by Bjornulf Vik

Photos by Bjornulf Vik

Photos by Bjornulf Vik

Photo by Bjornulf Vik

This page will change over the next few days, as you and other fans send reviews, set lists and reports. Please send your e-mail to IORR. Thanks! For details and great photos from the Rolling Stones and their World Tour get the IORR magazines.

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