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Tell Me
Band 2
Tim Ries

The Rolling Stones
TD Banknorth Garden, Boston, MA
Friday, January 13, 2006

The set list

  1. Jumping Jack Flash
  2. It's Only Rock'n Roll
  3. Let's Spend The Night Together
  4. Tumbling Dice
  5. Oh No Not You Again
  6. As Tears Go By
  7. Rain Fall Down
  8. All Down The Line
  9. Midnight Rambler
    --- Introductions
  10. This Place Is Empty (Keith)
  11. Happy (Keith)
  12. Miss You (to B-stage)
  13. Respectable
  14. Get Off Of My Cloud
  15. Honky Tonk Women (to main stage)
  16. Sympathy For The Devil
  17. Start Me Up
  18. Brown Sugar
  19. You Can't Always Get What You Want (encore)
  20. Satisfaction (encore)
Sloan (warm-up) 7:30pm -  8:05pm
Rolling Stones  9:05pm - 11:05pm

Review by Joe Conte (with Anya and Joshua)

The boys were back in my hometown of Boston, so of course I was there. Show number 9 of the Bigger Bang tour for me, show number 45 of my lifetime. And again, I was as excited as seeing them for the very first time. I was joined this night by Anya and Joshua. I had dragged Josh along for some shows on the Licks Tour, but this was to be Anya's first ever Stones show, so I was even more excited for her.

Nice change to open with JJF instead of Start Me Up, but I actually think SMU works better as the opener. No Rough Justice tonight. Oh No was played on the main stage instead of the B stage. I think that works better on the B stage. As Tears Go By was absolutely perfect and gave me chills and brought me to near tears. I was numb by the time the song ended. Rain Fall Down was done very well tonight, and is a great tune when the boys get it right. Then not sure what happened, Chuck started into Midnight Rambler, but Keith cranked out All Down The Line. Not sure if Keith just threw that in at the last second or what, but the "tribute" spot was skipped (I was really looking forward to hearing Night Time with Lisa's big solo bump and grind!). But I was very happy to hear Rambler, what I call the best live song ever by any performer.

Time for the intros and Keith's 2 numbers, then off to the B stage. No real surprises the rest if the way, except for Respectable on the B stage, which started kind of sloppy but finished strong. If you're wondering what Anya thought, some of her words were "so very good", "very happy", and "so awesome". I hope she enjoyed it. We were in the balcony section 329 and the people were actually standing, so the crowd was hot. Also a special thank you to the woman a row behind me in the red shirt and pig tails. Wow!! I have just 3 shows left, Sunday and the 2 MSG shows. I can't believe it will be all over, maybe forever?? I hope I can survive it all...

Review by Ed Quinn

Once again the Boys have erased my negative thoughts. Every time I think they are going into cruise control they surely surprise me. Awesome first night in Boston. I loved the Memphis Show which closed the first leg of the tour but this setlist was far superior.

I had a feeling Jumping Jack would be the opener as SMU was used at both Fenway shows. Got the Crowd right into it, nice and tight I did not notice and Screw ups. My only complaint about JJF as the opener is you get the short version I love the long version they use at the end of a show. Early on Mick asked the crowd how many people were at the Fenway show and the crowd gave a loud response and he replied OH everybody. He proceeded to say were are going to play some different songs than that show and also some of the same. Being the pessimistic bastard that I am I thought, Yea sure here we go with some rehash of the song order. WRONG I was, "Lets spend the Night together" put a little extra perk in me and we were off. I believe this was the Ist time this was played on BB tour if I am wrong please correct me.

ONNYA I really love this live. I prayed for Sway but when Keith hit the opening cord for "As tears go by" the crowd roared and the my night was made. As in Montreal Keith played " Empty" Nice job . I have mentioned in earlier reviews that Keith doing two ballads back to back ( even if they are done well) slumbers the crowd and takes some energy out of the flow. " Happy" I will take this every time It kicked ass The show just kept moving forward.

"Respectable" on the small stage a rough start but went over well, I thought when they played this there would be no way we would see Get off my cloud because I figured Rough Justice was do. WRONG again RJ was left off the slate completely and we were in the clouds!!! This song needs to be played every show Great, Great, crowd pleaser. Big Surprise: no cover songs tonight and Lisa very subdued, the most action she had was when Mick called her down to the front for the ending of Sympathy. One thing I have noticed at the shows I have seen so far this tour (IMHO) is that Honk Tonk Woman gets the best crowd participation and tonight was the same. I will let the rest of the setlist speak for itself. They rocked all night.

Tonight and Albany were the two best out of my eight shows this tour. Everybody I talked too tonight says it was the best they have ever seen. My cousin Mark is a Junior Varsity Stones fan, 7 shows starting with Steel Wheels This was his favorite " They are better every time" His wife Sandra liked Fenway Better (she's wrong). My Sister Marianne, I just moved her up to Varsity, 15 shows starting with the 75 tour She had tears in her eyes by far her favorite. I could go on all night about the raves but I think you get my drift. I can't claim this as my all time favorite. A matter of fact I would need to go real deep to figure that out and since I am a shallow as they come I don't want to go that deep. This show tonight was the BALLS and ranks way up there. Can't wait for Sunday hopefully some more Surprises then off to New York.

Review by Kent Lusnia, Easthampton, MA

I just returned from the show and thought I'd share my thoughts. After seeing them 5 times on the first leg of the American tour, this was the first of four in eight days for me. I'll be at both Boston and New York shows.

Great to see Jumping Jack Flash as the opening song, it's such an explosive song that really set the tempo for the evening. I really enjoyed the set selection tonight. I saw 7 songs which I did not see in the 5 shows I had seen earlier. They were:

Let's Spend the Night Together - awesome version, very clean and tight, nice ABB tour first

As Tears Go By - I was really hoping to hear this tonight, what a sweet song. Keith's guitar work was awesome

Rain Fall Down - very nice to see this live, the boys seem to really enjoy playing this one.

This Place Is Empty - A beautiful ballad from Keith, very nicely done, with all of the backup singers and horn section taking part on this one.

Happy - great Keith signature rocker

Respectable - Another ABB tour first. I was really surprised to hear this one , as I have not heard that they were rehearsing this one. Great rocker, Keith flubbed the opening and I think Mick had a problem with his ear monitor, but a great rugged Stones version.

Get Off Of My Cloud - Love this one, havn't heard it since the 99 tour. The crowd really got into it.

All and all another first class performance, Keith was on fire with the JJF opener, Ronnie had a great night, Daryll had a great riff in Rain Fall Down and what more can be said about Mick, just another fantastic performance. The band seemed to be communicating very nicely.

During the band introductions, Mick said "and in the same shirt as Fenway Park (and he was) Ron Wood"

For the first show I did not feel that the sound was crystal clear, at times it seemed muddy to me, maybe just my seats, I hope so.

Well off to rest up for the Sunday show.

Long live the STONES

Review by Babis (C. Papamanthou)

I saw the Stones for the second time (my first was in Prague in 2003). At 7.30 Sloan came on stage. There were too loud and most people were having a beer outside the main arena warming up for the BAND. The Stones came on stage at around 9.00 o'clock. Mick was fantastic. I believe he was better than Prague (3 years ago) and I keep wondering how age works for his case... The sound was not so good. You could barely hear either Ronnie playing his solos or Chuck on his piano. However, as always, Keith's riffs were amazing and made half of the concert. The set list was kind of suprising...They had not performed "Let's spend the night together" for a long time and I am glad they did as the crowd went mad on Chuck's first notes.. Mick's harp in "Midnight Rambler" was electrifying. I think they lost something in "Respectable" but they came later to compensate the crowd with "Sympathy".... great concert, THE STONES keep verifying the title of the greatest R'N'R band Ever...

Review by John Healy

After seeing both shows at Fenway, the Garden show was a huge disappointment. The set list was fine as Mick promised to add several new tunes and the boys did. But the sound! Awful!! I sat in the premium seating (in 137), right opposite the B stage, and the appropriae word to describe the sound was MUDDY. There was no separation between the highs/ mid and the all enveloping bass. The horn secton was barely discernible and the 3 backup vocalists were drowned out on most every song. Sound engineers made no attempt to get a 'brilliant' sound and much of the complexity of the Stones music is lost when you can't hear that melody above the bass line, or the vocals clearly above all the ROCK. It was too often more like loud Noise than Rolling Stones R&R. I thought i even heard feedback when Keith performed alone, a disaster for so polished an act. The live video was out of phase (ever so slightly, but just enough to be annoying) with the music; so it was difficult to try to watch the video on that occassion when I wanted a closer view of Mick singing, another minus point. The set/stage was as spare as Fenway was over the top! Video screen was small and the imaginative use of older Stones film/video was mostly missing. Fenway's video show was of Academy Award level.

One aside. It was amusing and entertaining to watch Mick bend over and pick up a folded piece of paper between songs on the B stage. Someone (perhaps a woman) had apparently tossed a note from the first row that landed at this feet. He unfolded the note, read it quickly, and stuffed it into his right front pocket. I wonder what was in that note that made Mick want to hold onto it. (ps from iorr editor: it was money! it was a one dollar note. and mick wrapped it around his belt).

Having seen this show only makes me apprecitate the Sound and Sight experience of the two fenway shows even more. The boys were cranked and ready to go in August. Last night, even w/ over one month off they seemed road weary, not yet ready for prime time. I hate to say it, but Keith and even Mick just seemed to be going thru the motions. the joyful spark of August seemed missing. They appear like actors being paraded out on stage for one more show.

Review by Rick Smith

All Rolling Stones fans must check them out on this part of the tour in stadiums, primarily because tonight's show demonstrates that they are still a band in evolution...they're still " rockin' & rollin' through history". First off, I must confess that I haven't seen them indoors since the three shows at Earl's Court in 1976, so the only comparison I can make is to the No Security CD , which has a very fine sound quality. Tonight it really sounded like they were concentrating on hitting one out of the arena on technique on every song, and they actually did it on many of them... I hope this isn't what I've been missing over the years. I sat up front at Fenway, and it was more of an impressive show of bravado; this set was much more musically satisfying; I was up near the boxes towards the back, and the sound was just about perfect.

1.Jumping Jack Flash - set things up with a nice rhythm jam by Keith, extended, going to some new places, just great, absolutely one of the best versions I've ever heard.

2.It's Only Rock'n Roll - another one they worked through a great jam, taking a very high start up to the next level.

3.Let's Spend The Night Together- unexpected, and keeping the level up there very high; we're only 3 songs in, and we've already made a success of it..Great!

4. Tumbling Dice - they sort of got into a groove here, which was good, but not at the heights of the first three songs; on the other hand, this was the first indication of how interesting this drama was going to be, and I think it's where all us fans started to be included in the current history of the band.We helped.

5.Oh No Not You Again- my second favorite song on the new album, and one that suggests they've been reading my diary, so I can't be objective about this ; honestly, this one helps me feel like life is worth living ( my favorite is Streets of Love..think they'll be able to pull this one off by the end of the tour?)

6.As Tears Go By- see, here we are again, right at the top of a Rolling Stones concert tour-de-force, and we've already made a success, but the show goes on from here..

So Mick tells us he's working in Detroit on Feb.5th, and asks us about our plans that week-end . Hey Mick, "rhymes with witch" but that's why we love you! I told him we'd stay in touch, see him at half-time...

7.Rain Fall Down - great live, but they seemed to still be working on parts of it.

I'm starting to realize I can't get through the whole list song-by-song, so I'll just add All Down The Line,Respectable, Get Off My Cloud, and Satisfaction were highlights, ("Baby Baby come back, maybe 10 weeks"), Midnight Rambler will probably never come off as great again-the best!- and, as you can see from the picture, Keith may have had a little too much time on his hands on an unseasonably warm and pleasant afternoon before the show, but it didn't matter-he wrote "em and we sang 'em for the 2 songs on that part of the set, and what great songs they are! The audience gets an A+ for enthusiasm and atmosphere, and this show is definitely the best thing happening in this town right now. Get there.LOTS of good music.

Please send your show reviews and comments by e-mail to: [email protected].
The reviews will show up here soon! Thanks!

News links

Thanks to Mario Dunn for news links!

The IORR magazine

For exclusive reports and pictures from the Rolling Stones tour opening see the IORR magazines.

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