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Mick commented the hot weather in Boston, and looked as he was taking this very serious. It's the dress rehearsals for the new concept, and this is their first public club show!
The rehearsals started shortly before 7pm, and are still on. Many very interesting songs, but we will all keep this as a secret for tomorrow.
For more details about the Saturday evening rehearsals see below...
Boston Sept. 7, 7:50pm
Buddy Guy : 8:00pm - 8:45pm Stones : 9:30pm - 11:25pm
This was indeed one of the greatest shows ever. Great venue, great mood in the band, fantastic crowd. They rocked the Orpheum tonight! More soon...
Boston Sept. 8, 11:55pm
Heart of Stone really got the house rocking. Everybody was singing along, and that song is now a must, even for the arena shows, I think.
Love Train was performed without the white coat and hat, no extras for a club show of course. As the band finished this song, Mick thought it worked so great that he did another verse, and Keith had to put on his guitar again and play along.
Rock Me Baby was a blues song they did with Buddy Guy. It was almost like "King Bee" in the beginning.
Before doing Everybody Needs Someone To Love Mick said they would do a song they used to open with many years ago, when Ronie was still in the kindergarten, or something like that. A great song, such a memory!
So much to say about a show that was so much more than anybody could expect. Really a memory for lifetime. I just hope the other club shows will be as great, so that more fans will be able to experience the same!
The set list said "Midnight Rambler" or "Tumbling Dice" as the first encore, and did also list "You Can't Always Get What You Want" as a 2nd encore. They did only play one encore: "Tumbling Dice".
There is currently an after-party at the Aria bar by Tremont and Stuart. A bunch of nice looking girls are invited. Ronnie arrived with his wife around 1am, and Mick came half an hour later. Peter Wolf came strolling down Stuart Street from the Four Seasons hotel.
Boston Sept. 9, 2:20pm
Buddy Guy was on around 20:00 and played for nearly 50 minutes. By then letters in lights showed that he should give room to The Rolling Stones. He is a great blues player and a very good choice for a warm up act.
�The Greatest Rock And Roll Band In The World� was on at 21:28, according to my watch with a �gas� Jumping Jack Flash. It was quite obvious from the first moment on that they were enjoying them self to the fullest. The atmosphere was partylike and the crowd was on their feet cheering from the beginning and got an interseting set of songs. You Got Me Rocking was next with Keith wonderfully good, Then it was thundering All Down The Line with the guys on full throttle. Off to the blues again with Brand New Car sounding very good. I like that song very much. So did everybody else. One of Beggers Banquet gems was next. Parachute Woman was a winner. Mick played the harmonica like never before. This is a song I have been hoping for in concert for many years.
Then there was Emotional Rescue in the form of Dance Part 1, a great upbeat song showing the band�s strength. Next it was real oldies era. Everybody Needs Sombody To Love came as a natural continuity, showing how well The Rolling Stones are able to mix old and �new� songs in their program and off to still another winner in this show, Heat Of Stone. The crowd was happy that they decided to this one again, in Mick�s words. It would have been a shame not to.
Off we were to the soul side of the show with Going To A Go Go from the Tattoo You Tour 21 years ago. They even gave new life to this one. Love Train is a song The Rolling Stones are putting their definitive mark on. Truly a crowd pleaser with amountable contribution from the backing singers Lisa and Bernard. Back to business as usual. Mick introduced his crew ending with Keith, who took over and eased into Slipping Away. He is getting better at this one every time. Before They Make Run was better than at Foxboro last Thursday. Keith was at his best here in the Orpheum. Great singing and playing and he was the really cool cat. Mick then trotted the band into It�s Only Rock And Roll, sounding better than before. The difference is not much but gives the song a new life and the phrase a new thruthful meaning.
The blues standard Rock My Baby with the strong sexual undertones was next. Mick introduced Buddy Guy to the game and this was a thrilling performance. Mick�s singing was great and Keith and Ronnie, especially the former showed strong enthusiasm. The splicing of Buddy�s and Keith�s guitars weaving the sound together was simply astounding, an added bonus. Hand Of Fate was a surprise and one very welcome and waited for. Again the guiter players came to the full force fore.
Can�t You Here Me Knocking was maybe the highlight of the evening. Every band member giving their best and not to forget Bobby Keys great playing. Keith and Ronnie again showing their craft and Mick playing his harmonica as the true craftsman of the genre. This song grows every time on stage.
And now it was back to the secure crowd pleasers we all want to hear again and again. Honky Tonk Woman carried no video this time but it was made up for by a truly great performance. Same can be said of Start Me Up never failing to raise the audience�s enthusiasm and enjoyment. Brown Sugar and the encore Tumbling Dice put he icing on the cake, taking the crowd�s spirits still higher. Then they took their bow at 23:20. One ot most enjoyable and vivid concerts anyone gets the chance to witness was over.
Charlie has not been mentioned. He almost forget to com and bow the second time. Having seen him play rock, blues and jazz many times gives the feeling that he has never been better than at the Orpheum last night. Mick Jagger was at his best. The Rolling Stones were vigorus and giving the audience the feeling this was their party. And it certainly was on of the greatest ever. Many words can be used to describe this experience but none will do it right. Lets just hope that this concert will be out on video for the enjoyment of those who did not have the luck to be there.
Thank you boys!
My seat was in the first row all the way to the left, facing an intimidating wall of speakers.I didn't think I would last through five songs with the heat and noise. However when everyone stood up, I found myself leaning against the stage closer to the Stones than I had ever dreamed. Spike and I had the time of our lives, and we've both had quite the lives.
We are huge Keith fans, but this was Mick Jaggers show. We sweated throgh two shirts and were shirtless by the 5th song. Mick remained dry. Highlights for us were Keith and Woody repeatedly jamming in our face, Mick shaking his maracas a foot from my clapping hands during a blistering CYHMK. Woody was fantastic on this,playing every bit as good as Mick Taylor ever thought of.
Love Train was such a high, they should play it at every show. Before Hand of Fate Mick asked the crowd what they would like to hear and someone said Stones song and he tersely replied That was a stone song! even thogh they had just played BB King. Hand of Fate was unreal. They were as hot as the temperature inside. A girl in our row repeatedly danced with exposed breasts and another was in just a bra, it was a great loose atmosphere. They ran out of water,ice, and cold drinks early, so we were sharing any liquids that we had, so every one around us got along great.
Like any stones show, it went by too fast,and before you knew it they were done. During one song Mick came over to our side and I was going nuts as usual, and he gave me the coolest high five. What a thrill! Dance, part 1, was an awesome choice and I didn't think Heart of Stone would rock so hard, but it certainly did. It was also great to hear Going to a Go-Go again. The Stones and us are getting older, but at the Orpheum Sunday night we still rocked as hard as ever. We feel so lucky to have been a part of this. I cant wait to see them again, but I know we are never going to top this, unless they play in Spikes backyard.
I saw the Jagger and Wood children leave and board the van for the airport, with Jo Wood saying a tearful goodbye Wednesday afternoon. Thursday, before the Pretenders even took the stage in Foxboro, I spotted Charlie and Shirley Watts on the field near the seats, admring the huge stage. I was one of five or six lucky fans to get an autograph from Charlie before he went backstage. What a class act. I complimented him (and Mick) for the stage design.
Now to the Orpheum ... what a great vibe going around leading up to this one. The crowd outside the hotel grew on Saturday afternoon as the band left for rehearsal. All the back-up players came out, amidst the Madden Cruiser arriving carrying NFL Monday Night Football announcer John Madden who was arriving for the big Patriots season-opener. Madden made a quick entrance to the hotel. Finally Charlie and Mick came out, a few minutes apart, to great cheers. Mick waved to the crowd for a few moments before getting into his shuttle. Keith and Ronnie used the side private car exit.
I headed over to the Orpheum to try and catch a listen to rehearsals. I was in luck. After scouting out the front of the theatre, with little activity and the few fans leaving for the day, I made my way around to the side alley on Bromfield St. A tight, dark street with little activity except for a narrow alley leading to the theatre. Only about a half-dozen fans hanging out with a single security guard standing post. Two orange cones, one folding chair and some flimsy orange tape blocking the alley entrance from auto traffic. But we were allowed to stand at the entrance of the alley and listen to what was going on inside the tiny venue, just a hundred, or so, feet away.
It just felt so right to hear the Stones playing, warming up for the first theatre show on this tour, listening to it from this dingy alley, buried deep in the city. Passers-by had no idea that just a few feet away, the Stones were playing.... A free concert, if they cared to take a listen. Just up the block, Tremont St. was bustling with people, while we were like a secret club down the alley, listening to some great music. I was there for about an hour and heard: "Brand New Car", "Dance (Pt. 1)"- the slow funk building some real heat, it made me want to hear it the next night, "Heart of Stone" - Jagger really soaring on the chorus, "Going To A Go-Go", "Love Train" - again, a real winner just like at the Fleet concert, and then...."Can't You Hear Me Knocking." The few of us that were still gathered, stayed quiet, listened and smiled. We knew we didn't want to be anyplace else come the next night. As we listened, a crew member escorted Mrs. Keith Richards ( Patti Hansen) out through the alley to her waiting van ride back to the hotel. I spent part of my 28th birthday standing in an alley in Boston listening to the Stones rip through some great songs in a tiny theatre. I'll take it! As I left to head for the subway train, I passed a couple with their teenage kids walking past the front of the Orpheum. They saw the marquee and were incredulous. "The Stones are playing here?" I told them they could catch a listen, right then, if they walked around the corner to the alley. They were very appreciative. I later was told that the band rehearsed, on and off, for over three hours.
To the show itself.....What a great concert. Buddy Guy was out of this world as the opening act. He broke a guitar string during a solo, threw it into the crowd, and kept on playing. I caught the string in my 7th row seat, dead center on the middle aisle on the floor. Another fan offered me $50 for it, I declined. At the end of his set, a small video message board on stage read "Let's go Buddy! ... Here Comes the Stones!"
It was steamy hot in the Orpheum all night. My friend and I were part of the frenzied fans in the first few rows going nuts as the show kicked off. "Jumpin' Jack Flash" started things off with a bang. They ripped into it hard, loud and strong. Next up was "You Got Me Rocking". I love this song, especially live. Keith and Ronnie really make this one run. (Don Was also is a big fan of it) Then things got interesting. "All Down The Line" was booming, with Charlie leading the way and the horns adding a kick. "Brand New Car" got everyone into that blues mode. It keeps getting better with "Parachute Woman." Then it was time for some funk- "Dance- Pt. 1" from Emotional Rescue was awesome. Mick used a stick on the inside of a tiny tom-tom drum to make that scratching riff from the original album version, Bernard Fowler blew a whistle, and the whole thing went freestyle, with great results. Mick even sang some of the lyrics from the rare "Part 2" of the song. A cover of "Everybody Needs Somebody (To Love)" was next. Mick introduced it by saying how the band opened shows back in the early days with this song. So long ago, it was "before I was even born", Jagger joked. The crowd loved this song, singing along, " i need you, you, you." One of the big highlights was next, "Heart Of Stone." The band nailed it, the fans ate it up. The theatre setting was perfect. I wasn't around in the 60's, but I got a taste of what it was like on this one. As if it couldn't get better, it did. "Going To A Go-Go" and the O'Jays "Love Train" kept things at a fever pitch. Mick and Charlie extended Love Train for an extra few minutes. The first half of the show was electric. Jagger continually came out to the front edge of the stage and stoked the fire with the crowd. He had a determined way about him on this night. Keith and Ronnie made it possible by grinding out great licks on every tune, Charlie rocked the beat solid and sharp all the way. The fans fed off the band and vice versa.
All the players were introduced and Keith took over. "Slipping Away" made its third straight appearance, again with great passion from Keith's vocal. I love this song and am so pleased to have heard it at each Boston show. "Before They Make Me Run" was once again a barn-burner. Keith and Ronnie going at it on the guitars, the horn section blaring.
Mick returns for "It's Only Rock N' Roll", followed by a real treat. "Rock Me Baby" featuring a guest spot by Buddy Guy. Watching and listening to Buddy with Ronnie and Keith was priceless. This was one of those moments that ranks with the boys playing with John Lee Hooker in '89, Muddy Waters in '81, and Bo Diddley in '94. Classic. Only the Stones can pull it off and make it so real. Then, it just keeps getting better. "Hand Of Fate" makes its live debut. And it was right on target. One of my favorites that I'd hoped for on this tour, it did not disappoint. Next up, the one everyone has been talking about, "Can't You Hear Me Knocking." Simply amazing. The crowd goes nuts, which in turn, sends Jagger berzerk. He rushes the edge of the stage on each line and feeds off the great energy. The sound is perfect, Keith is shredding the opening riffs. Bobby Keys nearly passes out after a great sax solo and Ronnie does his thing, just like he did on opening night at Fleet. Mick adds red-hot work on harp and the place is ready to explode.
After that, great versions of "Honky Tonk Women", "Start Me Up" and "Brown Sugar" close out the set. Keeping with the theme of mixing up the setlists, the encore ends up as "Tumblin' Dice." The original list had either Tumblin' or Midnight Rambler in the encore along with You Can't Always Get What You Want. That would have been great, but the oppressive heat in the theatre may have made the band revise the finish. Regardless, this show was unbelievable. Catch a theatre or club show if you can. For $51, it can't be beat. You can get a ticket at that price if you try hard enough. It's well worth the work.
Thanks to Axel Schumacher, Germany for great research on news links!
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For details and great photos from the Rolling Stones and their World Tour get IORR 45 due out by mid September 2002, just after the first 3 shows in Boston!
It's Only Rock'n Roll 2002 -
© The Rolling Stones Fan Club Of Europe