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There are whole threads here discussing how bad Chuck is or how Brian plays terrible at the Rock n Roll Circus.Or that Taylor is better than Wood.Of course Darrylis a better player than Watt.He is technically miles ahead.There are discussions here disparaging Mick’s solo albums, which I happen to really like.There was a topic recently about how Keith is not a great guitarist which of course he is
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QuoteMonkeyMan2000 What a lot of people miss, imo, is that Darryl‘s playing, especially live, is part of a „professionalisation“ effort since the 90s. He plays basic stuff, a lot of roots in eights. But that‘s why the song doesn‘t turn into a trainwreck as soon as the two guitarists wave to fans or are in the middle of figuring out the next chord He‘s part of what keeps it together these days
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I probably am in the minority,but Ilike Watts’ bass playing on Hackney Diamonds better than anything I have heard Jones play on an album.I know Jones is technically miles ahead, but I have never been moved by his playing.I also like DougWimbish, the other bass players on Bridges,and Willie Weeks contributions on Stones and solo albums by the band better.
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4 ***days ***ago
What is the relevance of your comment about Musk? He is worth 300 billion .But my point is is that even though Mick is very rich, he is also a legendary performer and great artist.So maybe younger women are attracted to that more than money?
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4 ***days ***ago
What is the relevance of your comment about Musk? He is worth 300 billion .But my point is is that even though Mick is very rich, he is also a legendary performer and great artist.So maybe younger women are attracted to that more than moneyz
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6 ***days ***ago
Mick Jagger is not just some rich guy.He is a pauper next to Elon Musk who is worth 300 billion or Jeff Bezos and many others.But he is a great artist, performer and writer.Wasn’t it Tim Rice who said he was the greatest writer of the 20th century.So a lot of young women are attracted to him primarily because of his iconic talents.His legendary contributions to music keep him forever young
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6 ***days ***ago
Keith ought to do some shows with Wood Mick Taylor and Bill
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6 ***days ***ago
Keith ought to do some shows with Wood and Mick Taylor.
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6 ***days ***ago
Charlie’s drumming on the Some Girls album Imagination is great
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11 ***days ***ago
Sweet Sounds of Heaven and Whole Wide World are classic songs.Get Close, Angry. Depending on You,and Mess it Up are good too.
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***1 year ***ago
Quotebye bye johnny ‘The Stones and Brian Jones’ Review: Nick Broomfield’s Dark and Sad Rock Doc About the Lost Boy of the Rolling Stones Genius or toxic narcissist? The founding member of the Stones gets his own profile in excess. By Owen Gleiberman November 9, 2023 Mirrorpix/Magnolia Pictures The movie according to the Variety article says Brian didn’t like the pop music directio
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***1 year ***ago
QuoteDandelionPowderman The Stones didn't have anything to do with the release of Hot Rocks, so ABKCO would have to answer for that back cover, I guess.That is irrelevant because it was the Stones themselves who decided they would be the poses for the picture
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***1 year ***ago
QuoteRocky Dijon What next? Why did Bill remove himself from the cover of RARITIES? Why are there only four thermographic photos on the cover of EMOTIONAL RESCUE? What does it all mean?Brian’s different image in those photos is totally different than Bill being airbrushed out of a photo
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***1 year ***ago
His Majesty, how come on the Flowers Album, Brian is the only flower stem with no petals ? Why on the back cover of Hot Rocks is he the only one who looks like he is about to fall off the wall.Also, on the inner sleeve of Beggar’s, Mick and Keith are enjoying the Banquet while Brian looks frustrated with a dog jumping on him.In the Child of the Moon video he is not with the band,but peering behin
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***1 year ***ago
His sitar and tanpura are brilliant on Street Fighting Man. You can really hear it when listening to his playing without the vocals and other instruments
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***1 year ***ago
QuoteTheflyingDutchman QuoteDoxa What goes for the stressing the technical level of musicianship I find that generally very odd in the context of the Stones. None of them have been any master musicians in a technical level. Okay, probably Taylor's fluidity once was pretty exceptional, but hey, to shine technically in a lead guitar department of the Stones is not that big accomplishment. On
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***1 year ***ago
Time Waits For No One, Heaven,Angel in My Heart, Might as Well Get Juiced, Fool to Cry, Memory Motel, Some Girls, Imagination, Fingerprint File, 2000 Light Years live,and others.The strings on AngieWinter, Moonlight Mile could be recorded with synths .Brian could have played these parts
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***1 year ***ago
His mellotron work on Satanic Majesties and Beggars Banquet are great.Too bad he didn’t live long enough to play more advanced keyboard instruments
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***1 year ***ago
QuoteRocky Dijon Our loss if you leave IORR. It's not just Brian. There are always fans with agendas. Down with Mick. Down with Keith (rare, but it's around all the same). Down with Ronnie because he's not Taylor. Down with Darryl because he's not Bill. Down with Chuck because he plinks. Down with Matt because of the tambourine close-up during "Brown Sugar" (okay
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***1 year ***ago
Mathijs , What is your opinion of George Harrison’s guitar playing on the early Beatles songs, 1963-1965? Like Hard Days Night or She Loves You in terms of simplicity or level of technical prowess.To me as a non musician they are great and perfectly fit the song , but deceptively,sound pretty easy to play .
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***1 year ***ago
With respect to Brian’s guitar playing, I’m not knowledgeable about guitar playing like some on this site.But to my ears he was a really good rhythm guitarist.His sense of rhythm was great.Maybe had he not died he might have gotten back to playing guitar .Maybe he would have gotten better. Look at George Harrison .On the early Beatles songs like Please Please Me and Hard Days Night.he played rea
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***1 year ***ago
Quoteswiss QuoteDandelionPowdermanThe easiest way to distinguish Brian's and Keith's slide playing is to listen for vibrato, which is totally absent in Keith's playing. Love In Vain has soul and style, but lacks vibrato. Great point, Dandy! And His Majesty - yes, I hadn't thought of You Got the Silver similarities. Thanks both. -swissIs there vibrato on Jigsaw Puz
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***1 year ***ago
Some articles I have read say Linda Keith only accompanied Brian to Ceylon in December 1968 after the Circus, and not in 1967.Is that possible?
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***1 year ***ago
It seems to me Brian was very involved in the making of Satanic Majesties.
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***1 year ***ago
Love Brian’s recorder playing
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***1 year ***ago
Thank you His Majesty.The guy had so much musical talent
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***1 year ***ago
QuoteHis Majesty No autoharp. Dave had the idea and the instrument.Is he also playing sitar or guitar?
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***1 year ***ago
On Street Fighting Man is Brian playing only the tanpura, which makes the twangy drone or is he also playing a strumming instrument like an autoharp .And why didn’t he play the shehnai at the outro instead of Dave Mason since he was the reed instrument player in the band
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***1 year ***ago
Most importantly he was important as the others in creating The Rolling Stones “sound”.
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