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17 ***years ***ago
Raoul Duke
My two cents on Keith is that there is nothing seriously wrong with him. If he seems "out of it" (which he has looked to me on occasion - case in point, the show at Foxboro in Sept 2006), it's probably because he is wasted out of his mind on booze. True, he spent most of the 1970s wasted out of his mind and it is arguable that he used to play much better back then. But what you are
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17 ***years ***ago
Raoul Duke
As Dave Matthews put it: "the devil in all his majesty."
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17 ***years ***ago
Raoul Duke
I have it. I think it's pretty horrible actually.
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17 ***years ***ago
Raoul Duke
I think it's fantastic. I watched the Austin concert last night and it truly blew me away. The performance is very good and the superb mixing makes it sound as powerful a live record as any I have heard. The guitars sound, in particular, is quite riveting. Some rather aggressive overdubbing might have helped quite a bit (the show is immeasurably better than anything else I have seen on this
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17 ***years ***ago
Raoul Duke
rocksoffKR Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > how is the new dvd? I think it's fantastic. I watched the Austin concert last night and it truly blew me away. The performance is very good and the superb mixing makes it sound as powerful a live record as any I have heard. The guitars sound, in particular, is quite riveting. Some rather aggressive overdubbin
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17 ***years ***ago
Raoul Duke
Picked it up this afternoon in Watertown (MA). They had copies throughout the store, including a big table 15 feet from the entrance.
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17 ***years ***ago
Raoul Duke
glimmer twin 81 Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > yes and why? > to piss off fans? I would imagine that they cut out songs that were played so bad that they can't be salvaged by overdubs. Examples that come to mind from 4 Flicks are Sympathy for the Devil at MSG and Rip This Joint at the Olympia. Including them would have detracted from the overall
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17 ***years ***ago
Raoul Duke
They were playing Macca's album all day long at Starbucks yesterday, to the point that a couple of employees complained to me that they were being forced to listen to that crap ad infinitum. I sat there for 20 minutes and was thoroughly revolted by what I heard. I thought A Bigger Bang was bad...
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17 ***years ***ago
Raoul Duke
Are these new rules? I posted the audio of the MSG concert ripped from 4 Flicks myself last year. To my knowledge, nobody complained.
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17 ***years ***ago
Raoul Duke
Good riddance! What new album?
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17 ***years ***ago
Raoul Duke
I also took the "6 songs never released in any format" to mean studio releases initially. That would, however, beg the question of why they wouldn't top that off with 3-4 more and make it a new album.
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17 ***years ***ago
Raoul Duke
Premised that any new material is good for me, I would indeed prefer it if the album were at least in part a collaborative effort. Mick is capable of writing very good songs on his own. Even his best solo stuff, however, is missing that edge that only Keith's guitar sound can give. Wandering Spirit is a decent record, but could have been a fantastic one with Keith, Ronnie, and Charlie.
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17 ***years ***ago
Raoul Duke
I agree that his playing was much better in 1997-98. I was watching the B2B concert video from 1997 the other day and noticed on one of the close-up shots how much better his fingers looked back then - compared to how deformed they look today at least. I don't know enough about guitars to tell if that may play a role, but it certainly did cross my mind as a possible explanation for the very
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17 ***years ***ago
Raoul Duke
In 1998, it was definitely the highlight of every show I saw. Not so much in 2006 at the Boston Garden. If rehearsed appropriately, it is one of the best-sounding live songs the Stones have in their catalog. If it is dusted off occasionally as it was during the last tour, it sounds mediocre at best.
Forum: Tell Me
17 ***years ***ago
Raoul Duke
The biggest tragedy in this whole pitiful spectacle is that clowns like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton (people who have uttered their share of racist statements in the very recent past) get to decide what I listen to when I brush my teeth in the morning. I am not an Imus fan, but he has my full support on this one. As far as I am concerned, his biggest mistake was to apologize in the first place.
Forum: Tell Me
17 ***years ***ago
Raoul Duke
Assuming that the what was reported is true, could it be that they got together to put the finishing touches on a live album? I think most of us on this board expected one to be issued, though there has been no news about that in a long while.
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17 ***years ***ago
Raoul Duke
Why would they need to play blues *covers*? Surely they have enough good blues songs in their catalog that they should be able to put on a whole show. And I am more interested in hearing those - given that many have been playing sparingly, if at all - than a bunch of covers.
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17 ***years ***ago
Raoul Duke
Interesting that Keith would take the side of the little guy on this - given his own history of not giving people credit for co-writing Stones songs.
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17 ***years ***ago
Raoul Duke
Didn't see that one coming, but it makes good sense I guess. The timing is especially interesting. Might be Mick's way of reminding the world that the tour might be over, but he's still there. Or to exploit whatever coattails the Stones tour might offer to maximize album sales. I'd be curious to know if he went with the solo option from the start or whether the other band memb
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17 ***years ***ago
Raoul Duke
I have to agree with one thing. They did look more on the ball in the 3 Bridges to Babylon shows I saw than in the 6 Bigger Bang shows I attended. Having had loads of statistical training, I don't know whether I should conclude anything from that in that those shows may or may not have been representative of how the Stones were then and how they are now. While some shows have been better
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17 ***years ***ago
Raoul Duke
10 thus far: 1998 Oslo 1998 Helsinki 1998 Stockholm 2003 Oklahoma City 2005 Boston (Fenway) 2005 Moncton 2005 Albany 2006 Boston (Garden) 2006 Milano 2006 Boston (Foxboro)
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17 ***years ***ago
Raoul Duke
Screw them and that pigsty of a city. Who the hell do they think they are?
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17 ***years ***ago
Raoul Duke
@#$%& great. As always, the coolest, most talented guy on stage.
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17 ***years ***ago
Raoul Duke
Don't know much about her, but the Gimme Shelter cover sucks ass.
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17 ***years ***ago
Raoul Duke
Looking forward to it. If it gets to that, it will probably be a different kind of show than what we are used to, but that's just as well.
Forum: Tell Me
17 ***years ***ago
Raoul Duke
letitloose Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Hi Raoul, I pretty much agree with you - > especially on Radiohead! I wasnt really looking to > open a debate on the environment - I just wondered > if it was on the Rolling Stones radar My comment was aimed at Radiohead as the latest example of lame popstars with delusions of grandeur. I didn't m
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17 ***years ***ago
Raoul Duke
bv Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Then I have to admit I am playing A Bigger Bang in > my car all the times these days, without having > accidents. You mean you manage to stay awake?
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17 ***years ***ago
Raoul Duke
Here we go again with the tree-hugging. What a load of crap. If Radiohead stopped touring for real, that would help much more than the environment.
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17 ***years ***ago
Raoul Duke
I think the best Stones-related names for girls would be Ruby and Virginia.
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17 ***years ***ago
Raoul Duke
No question, Jumping Jack Flash.
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