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6 ***months ***ago
Most of the shows sold out. Why people would decide to point out at very few that did not sell well is surprising. The woodoo lounge was a commercial success. Rockandroll, Mops on that chart the 2 numbers before the $ dollar amount are : first one # of seats available second # ; number of tickets sold Most of the shows sold outDate City Country Venue Opening act(s) Tickets sold / availa
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6 ***months ***ago
I was doing a search for Furry Lewis who opened for the Stones in Memphis in 1978 and instead I found that interview; never watch it before. Rockand roll, Mops
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7 ***months ***ago
I hope that people will film that show and share it on facebook. I won't be able to go on that tour, as I am very sick. Rockandroll, Mops
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8 ***months ***ago
The first Barbarians of 1974 was a band musically very tight and very serious and focused. With Willie Weeks, Andy Newmark, Ian McLagan and keith of course it was all about the music. The musical Zeitgeist of the mid 70's(musical virtuosity and technically pushing the complexity to higher levels) must participated in setting up the musical bar. Then the new Barbarians of 1979, it is differ
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9 ***months ***ago
I love everything the Stones do but I understand that expressing negative criticism is healthy and necessary. But that criticism has zero influence on my appreciation of the rolling stones. Rockandroll, Mops
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9 ***months ***ago
Quotelivefromuk 2 for 2 so far.... Philly and Houston, both FV Pitts! Hi Livefromuk; I am planning to go to Philly to catch the show from the pit. How much is a FV tix with taxes. Thank you.
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9 ***months ***ago
QuoteTopi Quoterollmops I want to go Philadelphia on 06/11. I am willing to spend $800 to be in the pit on Keith's side.What should be my strategy? Thank you. Rockandroll, Mops Don't pay 800. What is the price of a pit tix Keith's side everything included? Rockandroll, Mops
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9 ***months ***ago
QuotePaintMonkeyManBlack Quoterollmops I want to go Philadelphia on 06/11. I am willing to spend $800 to be in the pit on Keith's side.What should be my strategy? Thank you. Rockandroll, Mops Wait and you will pay face (max) If you are willing to pay this price there is no risk in waiting for because for this price you will get a ticket garantueeed also close to show date. Thank youPain
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9 ***months ***ago
I want to go Philadelphia on 06/11. I am willing to spend $800 to be in the pit on Keith's side.What should be my strategy? Thank you. Rockandroll, Mops
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9 ***months ***ago
It is still my favorite Rolling stones album although I love them all.To think that they just went to Muscle Shoals and "just like that" recorded WH, BS and YGTM shows how music was part of them because they had been on the road and they were on the top of their game. The Stones were inspired, and eager to prove that their enterprise was going to start on a high note.That is my impressi
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9 ***months ***ago
I love his first solo record released in 1988 "Brian Wilson"; pop music with a brain. Fantastically creative and original musician. Rockandroll, Mops
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11 ***months ***ago
QuoteGasLightStreet QuoteVoodooLounge13 Where are they going? It's just the 2 of them at this point. They've given us some divine music over the years, but that last lil covers ep was rather forgettable. The VINYL of Before The Frost...Until The Freeze is quite possibly one of THE best albums ever recorded. I just listened again the other day. Absolutely exquisite. Appaloosa is one
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11 ***months ***ago
Thank you BV for everything you have done with your website and other Rolling Stones projects.Your dedication in helping create that rolling stones community without any financial rewards is remarkable. Keep on rocking. Rockandroll, Mops
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12 ***months ***ago
If I remember correctly, it is 2 parts created separetly 1 by Mick and 1 by Keith that were put together and it worked.The chord progressions, the grooves and the lyrics in both parts are simple but very effective at drawing the listener emotionnally into the song. Great song by Mick&Keith! Rockandroll, Mops
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***1 year ***ago
Is the pit GA or seated section this tour? On Vivid seats it seems like a seated section. Rockandroll, Mops
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***1 year ***ago
I guess Mick Taylor has retired like Dave Edmunds, Mark Knofler. Unlike Mick, Keith and Ronnie some musicians from that generation don't the driving force in them to keep going and that is understandable. Rockandroll, Mops
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***1 year ***ago
Ronnie's enthousiasm is the little spark that has helped the Stones burning. It is better to enjoy whatever one does than not. Ronnie rocks!!!! Rockandroll, Mops
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***1 year ***ago
Who would have thought that the "rebels" Rolling Stones needed a "Leviathan" to help them make their record. Of course Andrew is not an autocratic producer but it seems that when he told them something they listen to him, putting their differences aside. Thank you Andrew. Rockandroll, Mops
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***1 year ***ago
I noticed that Mick is getting slightly annoyed at Jimmy's repeated impressions of him. I don't blame Mick. At first it was funny, well produced but now it has become a cheap shtick; Hey Jimmy, don't be lazy and try something new, pal. Rockandroll, Mops
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***1 year ***ago
RIP Hairball. Rockandroll, Mops
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***1 year ***ago
I believe the interview is for today: Rockandroll, Mops
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***1 year ***ago
When Howard did a 5 minute pre-interview phone call with Keith this week, Stern was a little star-struck at the beginning of the conversation but Keef put him at ease by saying " hey man you are Howard @#$%& Stern !!" Nice way to break the ice for Howard. Should be a fun interview. Rockandroll, Mops
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***1 year ***ago
Howard wants to know about the process of creating songs and music that Mick and Keith go through while composing. Howard likes specifics; Paul Simon was great at explaining using examples and details that were not too technical so it was easy to understand. With Keith, it is going to be different because Keith is often evasive and figurative in his answers, not detailed and meticulousl. But mayb
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***1 year ***ago
Maybe Micheal Jackson's commercial success is that he constantly was able to access the world children market, besides the other markets. All the other artists on that list sell records to young adults and adults rarely kids. Rockandroll, Mops
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***1 year ***ago
Quotestanlove Quoterollmops I don't know why Jann ommitted Chuck Berry. Chuck influenced all the rockers that made the cover of Rolling Stone mag. Chuck was very intelligent and articulate. Chuck is The Man as far as Rock and roll is concerned. Rockandroll, Mops No he wasn’t. His songs were simplistic music fair the body not the mind. He is one of my favorite artists but not very co
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***1 year ***ago
I don't know why Jann ommitted Chuck Berry. Chuck influenced all the rockers that made the cover of Rolling Stone mag. Chuck was very intelligent and articulate. Chuck is The Man as far as Rock and roll is concerned. Rockandroll, Mops
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***1 year ***ago
By the time the Stones released Angie their image had solidified into them been a hard living and hard playing rocking band. I believe that it must have been a surprise for them to see how the public at large accepted a soften version of the band. But it showed that the Stones' capacity at adapting and at evolving into a cameleon-like music business was strong and enduring. Rockandroll,
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***1 year ***ago
Angie broadened the rolling stones's commercial appeal. It went deep ; older people, people who did not like them before were seduced by Angie. At that stage of their career it was remarkable. Angie was on the radios all the time (France). In my opinion it is a great song. I trust the song, I let it take me over each time I listen to it; I don't resist emotonnal arrest by Angie, I thin
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***1 year ***ago
QuoteTaylor1 Quotegeorgelicks QuoteNilsHolgersson Blue & Lonesome was a #1 album in the UK though, I'm sure an album of new material will be #1 for all that's still worth. It all depends on the week of release and the competition, in England it is easier to be #1 but in the United States any rapper throws you an album out of the blue with 25 songs on streaming and leaves you out o
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***1 year ***ago
Beautiful rendition of one of Robbie's masterpieces from the Last Waltz: Rockandroll, Mops
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