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14 ***years ***ago
and doesnt billy joel hold the record for selling out MSG the most times? OLDKR
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14 ***years ***ago
the average attendee (over 85% of fans if we apply a common model) is seeing the stones for the first time that tour and is logarithmically less likely to have seen them more than once each tour as time moves on. OLDKR
Forum: Tell Me
14 ***years ***ago
that bottom one belongs on the photoshop disasters blog for the botched job on his arm! OLDKR
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14 ***years ***ago
do we know she was "coerced"? its all ancient history that neither party is interested in least roman will be able to travel to properly once the warrant gets processed and dropped. OLDKR
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14 ***years ***ago
I agree with Mick anything they did before 1968 is basically crap. OLDKR
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14 ***years ***ago
does macca make anything out of this? or MJ (Jackson not Jagger)? OLDKR
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14 ***years ***ago
go to college get a degree work in an office for the healthcare coverage alone.... OLDKR
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14 ***years ***ago
I think Mick n Keith barely remember him, it was all 35 years ago. ..but it might come flooding back: OLDKR
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14 ***years ***ago
Are Q107 that station that said they were airing the club show from the phoenix live but actually aired the bootleg audio from the palais royale instead? OLDKR
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14 ***years ***ago
Not that the police are re-opening the investigation... OLDKR
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14 ***years ***ago
I dont think Mick or Keith could take instruction from Jack White on a stones album. The first night of the beacon Jack looked like he was going to shit himself when Keith glared at him - maybe they're getting along better these days! OLDKR
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14 ***years ***ago
It looks like is an evidential review rather than a case re-opening though, right? OLDKR
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14 ***years ***ago
QuoteHis Majesty Quoteoldkr still why is nobody referencing Trevor Hobley's years of fundraising and research and pestering the authorities to do something? I'd heard his dossier was explosive... OLDKR Isn't it a case that the police have seen this 'dossier', but yet nothing really happened because of it!? I don't think anyone has ever seen it yet he's cl
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14 ***years ***ago
still why is nobody referencing Trevor Hobley's years of fundraising and research and pestering the authorities to do something? I'd heard his dossier was explosive... OLDKR
Forum: Tell Me
14 ***years ***ago
Why aren't they using Trevors famous dossier? OLDKR
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14 ***years ***ago
QuoteSlick Quotejamesfdouglas Quotebenon again I`m very surprised with so high asssesment of Wandering Spirit between Stones fans.Don`t you hear differences between tasteless , ordinary one dimensional guitars on Jaggers album and Richards/Wood guitar work?Even poorest Stones song has classy guitars with really sophisticated sound.Acustics , electrics , they have spirit and taste.Back to subject
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14 ***years ***ago
QuoteT&A Quotetippy2toes I was at the Vancouver airport today and saw a man looking alot like Mick wearing sunglasses. next to him was there a woman standing...oh, about 8-foot-6? Now thats postin' OLDKR
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14 ***years ***ago
109. Re: JC
he got fired from the dylan tour years ago... OLDKR
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14 ***years ***ago
The greatest thing the stones have done since theyve been past it! OLDKR
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14 ***years ***ago
oh go suck a lemon OLDKR
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14 ***years ***ago
How Can I Stop or the Worst OLDKR
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14 ***years ***ago
he smokes. marlboros. c'mon guys has it really come to this? whether things that appear for film only are faked or not does not change his habits! is he entirely different than most fans presume- of course! will most get to see this side? not on your life! OLDKR
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14 ***years ***ago
QuoteGazza You're actually sort of emphasising the point I was making, Kent. When the Stones are playing ten feet in front of them, an audience should be able to get excited even if they were playing "Ba Ba Black Sheep" on accordions with Charlie riding around the stage on a unicycle. best. post. ever. OLDKR
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15 ***years ***ago
Keith doesnt want a stadium circus, mick does: that along with ron's divorce is the only 2 things keeping the stones off the road... OLDKR
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15 ***years ***ago
its great, just an artefact in and of itself - the slipcase is bigger than my first apt. OLDKR
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15 ***years ***ago
He's had a series of hair implants throughout the years - so no! My stylist used to work for his stylist! OLDKR
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15 ***years ***ago
As terrible as Mick's performance is there; Japan really was a transition for him in terms of performance style...maybe it was the coke that led to the super structure? OLDKR
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15 ***years ***ago
QuoteBeast Marianne was on great form last night, despite having a slight cough. Thats her entire career in a sentence isnt it? OLDKR
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15 ***years ***ago
politcal rant self-deleted OLDKR
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