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Re: OT: Your age
Posted by:
Date: January 19, 2023 17:52
46, will be 47 in June. My first memories of ever hearing music was listening to The Buddy Holly Story Soundtrack, The Beach Boys Endless Summer on 8-Track, and The Rolling Stones Some Girls. Grew up watching MTV but even in grade school I always preferred my parents Stones, The Who and Kinks albums to what was popular at school: Michael Jackson, Bruce Springsteen, and contemporary Top 40. Discovering AC/DC, Zeppelin and the Ramones around age 8 changed my musical tastes but the Stones, Beach Boys, and Holly were the launch pad and still my favorites.
Re: OT: Your age
Posted by:
Date: January 19, 2023 18:12
46. Will be 47 next month. Grew up on the Oldies radio station. Though my folks grew up in the 60's, my father's musical tastes were really in the 50's. He loved the early Beatles stuff, but stopped following them when they got into the drugs, and loathed all things later 60's for the same reason. I always said that's when they got interesting LOL
The first song that really stayed in my blood was Whitesnake's Here I Go Again remake in '87. I was in 6th grade. That was my first cassette. From there my musical exploration began, and it still continues to this day, spanning almost every genre. I like to think I'm pretty open to different types of music, and have a rather eclectic musical taste.