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Mick Taylor in London Report
Posted by: thecitadel ()
Date: May 6, 2008 10:58

Just a brief one as I am at work....

Firstly Mick played brilliantly: first time I have seen him live; when he played a solo all those '72 and '73 tour gigs came back to mind. A true master of the guitar to this day.

Unfortunately he isn't a band leader: the organisation (set list, who was playing etc.) was a mess. Taylor went into a sulk several times and walked-off: very unprofessional. this was mainly due to Mitch Mitchell trying very poorly to play drums (why have 3 drummers for a blues gig: this is earth wind and fire...).

Great harp playing from Sugar Blue, and yes Taylor did mention he played on Miss You ("not HTW which is what I'm famous for.."). Terry Reid was not bad either. Set list, such as it was, OK: but they had trouble starting a couple of numbers - like getting the rhythm correct!

However back to Mick T: what a guitarist - needs to finmd a good band!

Re: Mick Taylor in London Report
Posted by: Adrian-L ()
Date: May 6, 2008 11:22

Blind Willie McTell and No Expectations,
were worth the price of admission alone.

He left the stage, briefly, half way through the show, for a fag-break, as Terry Reid indicated, i don't recall any reason to 'sulk'.

A good show from a guitar supremo.

Re: Mick Taylor in London Report
Posted by: Beast ()
Date: May 6, 2008 11:26

Can't fault that review, except for agreeing with Adrian-L about reason Mick left the stage. Mick did what he's best at and I've never seen him so animated (a relative term). Usually he talks very little, if at all, in between songs, but he did last night - though some of it was not too coherent! But the organization was shambolic. And I also agree that Mitch Mitchell's playing was a bit dodgy. His main interest seemed to be in grabbing some limelight - he kept jumping up from the drums to say his two pennies worth (about the right price) from the front mike.

Mick Taylor and Terry Reid are playing again at the Borderline on 23 and 24 May.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2008-05-06 11:54 by Beast.

Re: Mick Taylor in London Report
Date: May 6, 2008 12:35

Hmmm, chaotic and I have to say amateurish are two words that spring to mind when thinking of last night's show. Sure, Mick played some fine guitar, but the way he wandered around the stage it appeared as if it was such a hassle for him to be there. When he shuffled off at one point and Terry Reid stepped up to perform a couple of superb numbers (what a voice), someone in the audience shouted out "is this the Terry Reid show?" to which TR rather embarrassingly re-introduced Mick Taylor to the stage.
We complain on IORR sometimes about predictable setlists, last night was the other extreme as there didn't appear to be a setlist and whilst there were undoubtedly some great musicians on the stage, no-one quite knew what was going on and if they had turned up to the right gig.....highlighted by the aforementioned 3 drummers sitting in a line, thus prompting Mitch Mitchell to air his comedic qualities rather than his drumming skills.

Re: Mick Taylor in London Report
Posted by: Roll73 ()
Date: May 6, 2008 13:03

I was there too - and it was an absolute embarrassment. Mitch Mitchell looked (and played) like someone who'd been let out of a nursing home for the day - he's clearly lost the considerable talent he once had. I was right at the front so could see what was going on. Mick shouted at him several times to 'F*** off' but he was obviously not listening. Eventually one of the stage hands coaxed him away from his kit but he came back at the end anyway.

It was sad to see this - Mick, who was clearly on medication of some sort, seemed to be all over the place form the first number. Yes, he still pulled off some beautiful playing but it was very erratic. He seems to have some kind of self-sabotage thing going on - maybe borne out of years of frustration. I've seem him like this before but not to that extent. At the end his guitar lead fell out and he didn't even bother plugging back in - just stood there swaying.

Good on Terry Reid for keeping things going when Mick simply walked off. And it was great to see Sugar Blue who also gave the proceedings at least a brief element of excitement I was amazed they even came back on for an encore - and when they did they hadn't even decided what to play. I heard Mick say - 'I don't care - whatever' to Terry Reid. They tried to start 'What I'd say' which stalled after 20 seconds.

What a mess. Totally unproffesional - and very saddening to witness.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2008-05-06 13:05 by Roll73.

Re: Mick Taylor in London Report
Posted by: Adrian-L ()
Date: May 6, 2008 13:21

lol- maybe it's just me then, but i really enjoyed the evening.

Ok..a little shambolic in places, but some great blues
guitar work from Taylor.

Re: Mick Taylor in London Report
Posted by: Ket ()
Date: May 6, 2008 13:24

At the end his guitar lead fell out and he didn't even bother plugging back in - just stood there swaying.

sounds like a spinal tap moment, funny but sad

Re: Mick Taylor in London Report
Posted by: paulywaul ()
Date: May 6, 2008 13:45

Hmmm, chaotic and I have to say amateurish are two words that spring to mind when thinking of last night's show. Sure, Mick played some fine guitar, but the way he wandered around the stage it appeared as if it was such a hassle for him to be there. When he shuffled off at one point and Terry Reid stepped up to perform a couple of superb numbers (what a voice), someone in the audience shouted out "is this the Terry Reid show?" to which TR rather embarrassingly re-introduced Mick Taylor to the stage.
We complain on IORR sometimes about predictable setlists, last night was the other extreme as there didn't appear to be a setlist and whilst there were undoubtedly some great musicians on the stage, no-one quite knew what was going on and if they had turned up to the right gig.....highlighted by the aforementioned 3 drummers sitting in a line, thus prompting Mitch Mitchell to air his comedic qualities rather than his drumming skills.

Hmmmm ... (pondering away) ... no positively glowing reviews in this thread then ? Well, would've liked to have been there anyway. Next gig for me is Buddy Guy at the SBE.

Re: Mick Taylor in London Report
Posted by: Lightnin' ()
Date: May 6, 2008 14:00

We complain on IORR sometimes about predictable setlists, last night was the other extreme as there didn't appear to be a setlist

There was a setlist, although Taylor doesn't usually stick to a setlist. For the first half an hour he followed the plan set out.
At the start of the 4th song, Mitch Mitchell somehow managed to run across the stage and took position behind the drums - when he wasn't supposed to - and proceeded to throw the rhythm section into disarray.

Unfortunately this interfered with Taylor's concentration (he was just starting to get a vibe going) and got him demotivated. Terry Reid then stepped up to do his mini-set (which had been planned for later on) while Taylor walked off steaming and tried to compose himself backstage by smoking a cigarette.

Attempts to drag Mitchell from behind the drumkit proved fruitless until someone offered to double his fee. By then he had already made a nuisance of himself by being unruly during Terry's speech about the time he spent with Taylor in Hong Kong. (which formed the inspiration for Reid's song "Hong Kong" which was performed last night, with Taylor on guitar).

After this, it didn't seem a very good idea to let Mitchell back on the stage. The whole setlist then went down the drain because they scrapped the songs he (Mitchell) had actually been hired to play on. The damage was done by then and Taylor had kind of lost the will to get on top of the problems. So the rest of the set was played by ear. It's one of those cases where a guitarist that's capable of brilliant playing is faced with too much adversity.

and whilst there were undoubtedly some great musicians on the stage, no-one quite knew what was going on and if they had turned up to the right gig.....highlighted by the aforementioned 3 drummers sitting in a line, thus prompting Mitch Mitchell to air his comedic qualities rather than his drumming skills.

If only Mitch had done what he was told to AND at the right moment. For a drummer he really does have disastrous timing. The three drumkits were set up so adjustments don't have to be done between songs, it's obvious there were never meant to be three drummers on stage at the same time.

Edited 5 time(s). Last edit at 2008-05-07 14:08 by Lightnin'.

Re: Mick Taylor in London Report
Posted by: Green Lady ()
Date: May 6, 2008 17:07

This was the first time I've seen Mick Taylor live, and I agree with most of the posts above - he's a brilliant guitarist and had some excellent musicians on stage, but the whole thing was spoiled by the fact that there was obviously something very wrong about the organisation and the whole "feel" of the show.

I wasn't near enough the stage to hear what people said to each other, but Mick Taylor seemed as if he didn't really want to be there half the time, and Terry Reid had to work hard at times to keep things moving. Sugar Blue was wonderful and some of the numbers, once they got going, I enjoyed. But I think at the end Mick just seemed to want to get the show over with - it took a long time to persuade him to do an encore at all, and then in the middle of it he simply put down his guitar, walked over to the mike and said a curt "Goodnight" and walked off the stage leaving everyone else looking a bit embarrassed.

I was disappointed, and if this is typical, I don't think I'll be going again.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2008-05-06 17:10 by Green Lady.

Re: Mick Taylor in London Report
Posted by: CBII ()
Date: May 6, 2008 17:21


Some of the reviews here are very harsh...

Re: Mick Taylor in London Report
Posted by: thecitadel ()
Date: May 6, 2008 17:26

I guess these comments are harsh because a) when you pay good money you expect professionals to try and out on a decent show and b) it is so sad when they had all the elements of a great show,,,, and then screwed it up!

makes you realise how real pros (like the Stones) work on delivering a great show irrespective. .... and having a couple of strong characters keeping everyone in line helps - just like any business!

Re: Mick Taylor in London Report
Posted by: Spud ()
Date: May 6, 2008 18:01

Musicianship is only a small part of Rock N Roll.
Some folks might do well to remember that ;^)

Re: Mick Taylor in London Report
Posted by: MCDDTLC ()
Date: May 6, 2008 18:04

Poor Mick,

This kind of crap happen's too often for him these days. That's why he needs
to get with some Pros and leave the arranging to others. When all he has to do
is "play" things turn out better. Again too bad...


Re: Mick Taylor in London Report
Posted by: Beast ()
Date: May 6, 2008 18:13

Thanks for your account, Lightnin' - it explains a lot of those mystifying scenes taking place on last night's stage!

Re: Mick Taylor in London Report
Posted by: roryfaninva ()
Date: May 6, 2008 19:01

Some very well written reviews- thanks guys- sad to hear but hardly surprising.
Prepare to get flamed by the usual "in denial" Taylor devotees who bristle at any suggestion that for all his nayural ability to play the guitar, Taylor is often unfocused, seemingly intoxicated and unprofessional. If youre charging good money and people are taking the time and effort to turn up at the gig, they deserve better. Doesnt matter who you are/were.

Re: Mick Taylor in London Report
Posted by: MCDDTLC ()
Date: May 6, 2008 19:14

Well Rory,

I haven't seen Taylor "unfocused" in the many shows of his I've seen out here in Calif. Granted some where better than others but he doesn't have the money
to put on a well planned event like the Stones or others of their status.

And it's usually others who are "unprofessional" in his lineup as was the case
here with Mitch Mitchell. And Taylor doesn't handle these problems well when
they appear. O well


Re: Mick Taylor in London Report
Posted by: hot stuff ()
Date: May 6, 2008 19:17

i don't want to get killed as i do like Taylor..but i wonder if his problems reported above are one main reason he never got back with another big name band or act? or why the STONES never really turned to him to return?
But thank you for the report!!!

Re: Mick Taylor in London Report
Posted by: MCDDTLC ()
Date: May 6, 2008 19:22

Stuff - Taylor like to call his own shots, but he needfs to hook-up with another
big name vocalist/ song writer in my opinion. Paul Rodgers or similiar...

Jagger has never forgiven him for quiting, and until that happen's he won't get a sniff at sitting-in with the Stones again..


Re: Mick Taylor in London Report
Posted by: hot stuff ()
Date: May 6, 2008 19:26


Re: Mick Taylor in London Report
Posted by: MCDDTLC ()
Date: May 6, 2008 19:28

H-S - Your Welcome..


Re: Mick Taylor in London Report
Posted by: exhpart ()
Date: May 6, 2008 20:13

I was there so I thought I'd chip in my tuppence worth - yes it was a bit sloppy but then it's not like this was a band in the middle of a world tour. I think Mick Taylor himself actually said they'd had a rehearsal and a soundcheck.
I agree No Expectations and Blind Willie McTell alone were worth the price of admission.
Mitch Mitchell did seem to be attention seeking (I didn't even realise who he was at first) - and I guess that explains the otherwise inexplicable need for 3 drummers at the same time!
All in all, I enjoyed myself and I can cross "seeing Mick Taylor" off my list!

Re: Mick Taylor in London Report
Posted by: Smokey ()
Date: May 6, 2008 22:36

Many thanks for all your reviews.

By the way, this was billed as a commemoration of his first US tour with the Bluesbreakers:

1. is he taking this show to the US (w/ or w/o Mitchell)?
2. were any Bluesbreakers songs played?

Re: Mick Taylor in London Report
Posted by: Roll73 ()
Date: May 6, 2008 23:44

Many thanks for all your reviews.

By the way, this was billed as a commemoration of his first US tour with the Bluesbreakers:

1. is he taking this show to the US (w/ or w/o Mitchell)?
2. were any Bluesbreakers songs played?

If he does take it to the states hopefully they'll have the courtesy to rehearse first - and Mitch will stay at home. (Shame really but Mitch seems to have gone on the mad side of eccentric).

I don't even recall MT mentioning the bluesbreakers - I wrote in my "review" above that they attempted to do What I'd Say. Mick started the riff and the drums came in at the wrong tempo and playing the wrong rhythm and it ground to a halt. I think they started to try it again but Mick had given up by that point.

Re: Mick Taylor in London Report
Posted by: Lukester ()
Date: May 6, 2008 23:56

Thanks for the reviews.

Re: Mick Taylor in London Report
Posted by: Smokey ()
Date: May 7, 2008 09:42

OK, thanks Roll73.

Might someone have a report from the public Q&A on the preceding day?

Did anyone who attended the concert notice any preservationists (that is, tapers)?


Re: Mick Taylor in London Report
Posted by: wesley ()
Date: May 7, 2008 09:58

Hi everyone!

I can highly recommend this album:
Wentus Blues Band: Family Meeting

This Finnish band held it´s 20th bithday party 2007 and the guests incl MT and many other great players (Eddie Kirkland etc). MT played CYHMK (Instrumental, nice) and Blind W McT.

Anyone interested can try to order it from this site

Re: Mick Taylor in London Report
Posted by: Four Stone Walls ()
Date: May 7, 2008 20:11

So, Mitch Mitchell was a disgrace.

Who were the other two drummers? Last time there he had the reliable Colin Allen behind him.

And the rest of the band? His usual bassist? Max Middleton on Keyboards?

Re: Mick Taylor in London Report
Posted by: tat2you ()
Date: May 7, 2008 20:23

was the show free??? i hope you did not pay too much

Re: Mick Taylor in London Report
Posted by: Lightnin' ()
Date: May 7, 2008 20:33

Four Stone Walls
So, Mitch Mitchell was a disgrace.

Who were the other two drummers? Last time there he had the reliable Colin Allen behind him.

And the rest of the band? His usual bassist? Max Middleton on Keyboards?

Actually last time at the Queen Elizabeth Hall wasn't it Godfrey McLean on drums ? This time around, he brought over the band from Holland that's been backing him and that Irish fellow Barry McCabe recently, augmented by Colin Allen and Max Middleton.

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