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Re: Tired of Keith
Date: March 5, 2008 16:18

Get it straight.He said that,of all the bands he mentioned,there was one he hadn't listened to - I believe that it was the Arctic Monkeys.Also,what reason would he have to be jealous of these bands?

As far as the quotes go,if people keep asking him the same questions,they should keep getting the same answers/comments.I wouldn't worry about any ads that he does either.He is not going to become a Tiger Woods-like ad figure.Honestly,who are we to tell him not to do this ad or that ad?

He hasn't written a really great tune in ages?I don't know about ages.He has written way more than enough.He's a senior citizen for crying out loud.Anything we get from here on out would be bonus territory.I'm glad that he doesn't release pure b.s. like Macca's incredibly irritating "Everpresent Past" and "Dance Around Tonight" (or whatever its official title is).

Re: Tired of Keith
Posted by: LA FORUM ()
Date: March 5, 2008 18:52

When he was young and active and creative he would, and this is Keith who's not famous for his kind words and crediting, say something, well less bitter. Bitterness isnt cool, he doesnt have to like Oasis (eh, 1994 anybody?) but man, if they ask him those questions it's probably because its interesting to know what he listens to, ifhe has any creative plans, any recordings, writing, whatever. You dont want that bitter old man who, and lets be honest, is not too old to be creative. burnt out? OK, But he isnt 95. He drinks too much. And cocaine kills the soul. I hope he produces something or just dont give interviews were he laughs and autopilot "Brian Jones was an ass", "Mick is vain" and I'm the rebel with a bandana.

Re: Tired of Keith
Posted by: LA FORUM ()
Date: March 5, 2008 18:58

Tired of Keith? Keith who? You can't mean the coolest dude on Earth, Mr. Richards, Can you? I never will understand why people who claimto be Stones fans can say things like this.

You know what they say about opinions, though.

What do they say about opinions?

I will never understand fans who cant tell the difference between Stones on top and Stones on autopilot/comebacking. He doesnt have to be creative like in the 70s but in his case I think the media exposure is bad. Maybe he doesnt have anything to say? Maybe it's all in the music and since he doesnt produce anymore...

Re: Tired of Keith
Posted by: ROLLINGSTONE ()
Date: March 5, 2008 19:27

No, it certainly wasn't the Arctic Monkeys....

Sorry no, it was Barry Burns from Mogwai (hardly a rising young band as I thought!).

Re: Tired of Keith
Posted by: little queenie ()
Date: March 6, 2008 09:59

King Snake
I may be imagining it, but since the whole surgery thing.. Keith seems to have changed. The whole sniffing his dad thing, the not being able to play @#$%& Brown Sugar anymore.. overall just the weird things he says in the media.

little queenie
yes, there were some worrisome, confusing moments last summer, but not quite so much that fall in the US right after his surgery - though he blamed a few things on his head.

King Snake
and just looking unhealthy, not fresh, ya know?

little queenie
agreed there were a few moments but the pics in berlin and that annie liebowitz photo make me feel he's on the rise!

King Snake
He doesn't have that adoring Keith-smile anymore, it's become more of a crazy-man pathetic smile. And I personally did not like A Bigger Bang.

little queenie
he had the adoring smile on the tour - i basked in its glory a few times. gimme a second and i'll find a photo once posted here - you can tell me what kind of smile it is.

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 2008-03-06 10:04 by little queenie.

Re: Tired of Keith
Posted by: jomo297 ()
Date: March 6, 2008 10:10

I don't think Keith should change a thing. Always has been the coolest guy on earth. To get upset about the LV advert is just silly. His fee is going to charity. Sounds like a pretty cool thing to me.

Rock on, Keith!

Re: Tired of Keith
Posted by: iamthedj ()
Date: March 6, 2008 11:00

While I don't expect Keith to be the first in line to purchase the current number 1 on the hit parade and I agree that both Oasis and Arctic Monkeys are absolutely dreadful, I do think it's sad that he seems so out of so sorts for an artist.
I really do think that Keiths apathy towards muic/writing is a major contribution to the the Stones safeness on records.

Re: Tired of Keith
Posted by: little queenie ()
Date: March 6, 2008 11:01

King Snake
He doesn't have that adoring Keith-smile anymore, it's become more of a crazy-man pathetic smile. And I personally did not like A Bigger Bang.

here's the photo from the ABB tour, which i probably robbed from this site and stored it without credits - but i know it's from a paris show. i call this the adoring keith-smile

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2008-03-06 11:02 by little queenie.

Re: Tired of Keith
Posted by: Baboon Bro ()
Date: March 6, 2008 11:08

Tired of Keith? Keith who? You can't mean the coolest dude on Earth, Mr. Richards, Can you? I never will understand why people who claimto be Stones fans can say things like this.

You know what they say about opinions, though.

What do they say about opinions?

I will never understand fans who cant tell the difference between Stones on top and Stones on autopilot/comebacking.-----? Maybe it's all in the music and since he doesnt produce anymore...

When were the last time ya did see them, LA?

Re: Tired of Keith
Posted by: LA FORUM ()
Date: March 6, 2008 11:27

1998...but Ive seen them on youtube, and most fans didnt see them in 72 and yet it's considered to be the best or one of the best tours.

Re: Tired of Keith
Posted by: yapyap5 ()
Date: March 6, 2008 11:43

Tired of Keith? Keith who? You can't mean the coolest dude on Earth, Mr. Richards, Can you? I never will understand why people who claimto be Stones fans can say things like this.

You know what they say about opinions, though.

What do they say about opinions?

"They" say: Opinions are like a##holes....everyone has one, and most stink.

Now....someone start a MT thread!

Re: Tired of Keith
Posted by: nanker phelge ()
Date: March 6, 2008 12:58

YapYap 5 -back in your 5th (6th?-paypay) version-welcome back

Re: Tired of Keith
Posted by: MTFan ()
Date: March 6, 2008 14:03

I'am afraid he is tired of himself.

Re: Tired of Keith
Posted by: ablett ()
Date: March 6, 2008 14:10

Very philosophical?????

Re: Tired of Keith
Posted by: yapyap5 ()
Date: March 6, 2008 20:12

Thanks for the welcome. I haven't been around here since November, I think.

I am not tired of Keith. He is still the coolest dude on Earth. Been watching alot of youtube stuff, and he cracks me up, posing or not. I don't care what you call him, he is still what I want to be when I grow up.

Re: Tired of Keith
Posted by: oldkr ()
Date: March 6, 2008 20:26

if you believe the keith richards you see on stage and the keith richards thats in the papers and keith richards behind closed doors are one and the same then you're sadly mistaken.

he has a persona which he, the fans and the media are happy to indulge. He's a celebrity who hasnt been cool or relevant to anyone (other than those vicariously reliving their youth through the stones) for 30 years.

If that irritates some people perhaps taking up a hobby might ease the strain


Re: Tired of Keith
Posted by: micwer ()
Date: March 6, 2008 20:41

I agree with most of it. The LV doesn't really bother me, I think it's pretty cool but doesn't really go with the bohemian rebel image I guess. But everybody here knows it's an act anyway.

Re: Tired of Keith
Posted by: Jocke ()
Date: March 6, 2008 20:55

An act? What do u mean?

Re: Tired of Keith
Posted by: Spud ()
Date: March 6, 2008 22:42

Shock horror! Hold the front page, !

Keith Richards stays the same winking smiley

Re: Tired of Keith
Posted by: tramp66646 ()
Date: March 7, 2008 08:57

Sorry but I have to say I agree with phelge on this one and I'm a little tired of old Keith Richards myself. Mostly I think it's because of the way it seem's he's gotten to be a bit desperate just to hit the paper's these day's and some of the shit he's pulled lately just doesn't seem cool to me anymore. Like that whole "snorting Dad's ashes" bs for one thing and then there's the old "crap in the hair thing" beside's. What's that all about anyway? Can't make it on talent anymore and now you've gotta rely on cheap gimmick's like that to get by?

Re: Tired of Keith
Posted by: Baboon Bro ()
Date: March 7, 2008 11:49

The day I get tired of Keef; I guess I stop hang around this web site.

I also suspect most of ya folks here all over the place of "upsetness"
& rage mostly are - upset... Just because he goes his own ways.

Naughty, naughty Keith!

Re: Tired of Keith
Posted by: MTFan ()
Date: March 7, 2008 18:53

Very philosophical?????

Yes,good guess.
If you have lived like Keith I can imagine there is not much energy left....

Re: Tired of Keith
Posted by: ablett ()
Date: March 7, 2008 18:56

Not much energy left???
in his Mid sixties, two year world tour, nearly died in an accident, promotional work, new album, super bowl, Rio.....

Yeah, not much energy left eh!

I'm sure your montovani-hushpuppy-prog-rock-jazz-musos work twice as hard....

Re: Tired of Keith
Posted by: yapyap5 ()
Date: March 7, 2008 19:55

One thing that I find interesting is when you have a passion for something, whether its the Stones, a certain TV show, cooking, your wife, whatever, and you begin to critize and have second thoughts about whatever it is that keeps you up at night,its not really the subject of being bored with whatever. You are bored with yourself.

Think about it. Maybe far too much time is spent picking Keith to bits. He, nor anyone else, can live up to the image YOU have in your mind. If the first time you saw Keith live was 72, then thats what is burned into your brain forever.Ever since then, without realizing it, you have compared every move he makes with the first move YOU saw him make.Its not intenional, and its also not fair,to you or Keith.We all change as we get older,otherwise theres no point in making the trip in the first place.

Keith is doing OK by me. He hasn't slowed down, he's been quite busy the last several years. Two World tours,Guest gigs,A Bigger Bang, two movies and brain surgery......Sounds like Ol Keith has had a pretty full plate.

Just let the man be who he is,and enjoy the ride.

Re: Tired of Keith
Posted by: BostonStrangler ()
Date: March 7, 2008 21:05

Who cares if he has "crap in hair"...I think thats a riot. Just having some fun Being Keith. Man KR gettin' the bums rush here..

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2008-03-07 21:12 by BostonStrangler.

Re: Tired of Keith
Posted by: dixiecup ()
Date: March 8, 2008 06:10

as a hero if mine i expect him to be not making madison ave. cred or whatever, which he as an intl personage has in spades. what he IS including his musical brilliance and contribution to popular thinking is not in question here.

Re: Tired of Keith
Posted by: CharliMoon ()
Date: March 8, 2008 16:00

Okay, I respect everyone's own opinions and would never dare to disregard them. But personally can't agree to the reasons given for "getting tired of Keith"

1) His endless recycling of old quotes "Mick is vain" etc., say something new for god's sake.
Well, do you fancy a guy who changes his opinions and sayings every second to the other just as it fits him? And since Keith hasn't changed his mind, I don't see the point why he should say otherwise. Wouldn't make any sense at all. As I see it, it's just one more evidence that he's remained loyal to himself and dowsn't allow himself to be influenced by what other people say, y'know.

2) Slagging off other bands "Arctic Monkeys, Oasis.... crap", when he also admits to never listening to them. And ALWAYS having a pop at Led Zep, it's obvious he's just plain jealous.
1 - he's damn right
2- Keith should be the very last person on this planet when it comes to being jealous on other bands and artists. I mean, c'mon, the plain thought is somewhat alien, don't you think?

3) The Louis Vuitton ad.
Erm, so. So what? It's a darn stupid ad for heaven's sake! The last thing on earth I'd rage about! Being upset because Keith did that ad is a bit ridiclulous. Well, not ridiculous, but too much, know what I mean? I love him for donating the money to a charity organisation, that's pretty cool.
I'd never really expected him doing such a thing, but I don't have anything against it either. It's only an ad, I mean, what's wrong with that? For me it ahs nothing to do with attention-reasons or something.

4) Creative bankruptcy .... hasn't written a REALLY great tune in ages.
True, The Stones' "golden era" regarding their greatest records is long over, but it's not completely over either. Not being able to deliver #1 hits and outstanding tunes is only human, noone can't do that, not even Keith, because, after all, he's only human like you and me and there's nothing anybody can do about that. He's written some nice songs (e.g. Hurricane) and be sure, another great is yet to come!

5) His guitar playing ain't getting better.
Does it have to get any better? He's the world's best rhythm guitar player and he is excellent already, so I wouldn't mind him remaining like he is. At least it's not getting worse.

6) His tired insistence on playing the rebel ..... how may times do you hear about him switching into "Keith" mode when it's time for an interview or photo op? Surely by now he has nothing more to prove, so why not grow up and stop pretending to be a vagabond, when in fact he's a cossetted multi-millionaire with an army of synchophantic lackies at his beck and call?

Like someone else around alerady said, there's a huge difference between today's "rock'n'roll rebels" and those from the 60s and 70s.
Actually, true "rebels" on rock business etc don't even exist any more today, as well as the great "rocknroll" music doesn't (today it's calles music-"business", which is a buit of a pity,. I think).
You know what the problem is? Today, you shouldn't be politically incorrect anymore which is really f**** stupid!!

Re: Tired of Keith
Posted by: LA FORUM ()
Date: March 8, 2008 17:23

If he has those demons in him Id love to see some output, like Thief in the night, a dark song about his wife. Great stuff. Real stuff. Tired of Keith means tired of the same shit. Interviews, same old come back tour (with changes of course but still), same poses. Some new stuff and less talk, posing and touring behind a crappy album.

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