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Will rock (as we know it) be dead by 2015?
Posted by: The Sicilian ()
Date: December 18, 2007 17:17

With the 60's rockers approaching the age of 70 by then, will this be the end of of our era of music? Most bands have members who have passed away, and many bands don't exist anymore.

I hate to say or admit it but I really don't see any kids today listening to classic rock. Their generation likes hip-hop and rap. That includes my own kids.

Punk came and went so fast, and the whole new wave bands of early 80's to early 90's groups never lasted except a very few. Most of them only produced 1 to 3 recognizable hits.

Most bands from our era won't be on tour in arenas or stadiums by then and if your lucky you might catch them in a theatre or casino.

Pretty soon all the classic bands will be on PBS doing 2 song reunion bits with fill in members. I think the end is near.

Of course we will still have the vinyl, cds, dvds and boots to entertain us but live show and new material is...

Re: Will rock (as we know it) be dead by 2015?
Posted by: Lukester ()
Date: December 18, 2007 17:54

Of course music will change and be different, but there will always be some bands that play rock as we know it. There are bands that still play the blues, right?

Re: Will rock (as we know it) be dead by 2015?
Posted by: ablett ()
Date: December 18, 2007 18:04

There's a massive range of new bands playing a huge assortment of excellent tunes inc. Rock

Nowt to worry about.....

Re: Will rock (as we know it) be dead by 2015?
Posted by: Duane in Houston ()
Date: December 18, 2007 18:32

Good "Rock" bands will always pop up. Sorta like Blues artists. Look at bands like Guns & Roses, The Red Hot Chili Peppers, Green Day etc. But they do seem to be farther and fewer these days. Longevity and stick-to-it-iveness has a lot to do with it. A lot of "great" Rock bands just can't hold it together for an extended period of time. Record Labels have a lot to do with it as well. It's much easier for a Record Company to sign a "hot" young girl artist or an American Idol finalist than market an unknown rock band. Let's face it, Homoginized Crap (and Rap) sells. "Classic" Rock type acts don't.

Re: Will rock (as we know it) be dead by 2015?
Posted by: Spud ()
Date: December 18, 2007 18:39

Nowt indeed.
Every now and then there's a return to more earthy guitar band pop and rock music. The best bands from each respective "rebirth" survive and grow musically into tomorrow's leading torch carriers. It was always so and will be the case for some time yet.
And for what it's worth, there's a very healthy interest in "classic rock" amongst successive generations of young folks. Something I've always noted with great satisfaction.

Music in general is not the powerful emblem of youth culture it once was...for various reasons other than the computer game.
The fact is simply that it's no longer the exclusive domain of youth and can't be used as a weapon to annoy the rest of us ;^)

Re: Will rock (as we know it) be dead by 2015?
Posted by: The Biggest Bong ()
Date: December 18, 2007 18:39

ablett Wrote:
> There's a massive range of new bands playing a
> huge assortment of excellent tunes inc. Rock
> Nowt to worry about.....

hate to say it, but ablett's exactly right.

also, it's utter BS (and i don't mean brown sugar) to say that no kids today listen to rock. (and i'm not just counting myself; all of my friends are rock listeners.)

lastly, i hate this false choice between hip hop and rock. i, for one, enjoy both!

*everybody need a little help sometime!*

Re: Will rock (as we know it) be dead by 2015?
Posted by: ablett ()
Date: December 18, 2007 18:41

In the USA maybe.

The Arctic Monkeys, Zutons, White Stripes, View, Oasis, etc etc. may think differently?

Re: Will rock (as we know it) be dead by 2015?
Posted by: The Biggest Bong ()
Date: December 18, 2007 18:42

wait, what are you responding to?

*everybody need a little help sometime!*

Re: Will rock (as we know it) be dead by 2015?
Posted by: Jadells ()
Date: December 18, 2007 19:21

18 years old here and all I listen to is classic rock. But overall, you're right. There are too many morons who think rap is good music.

Re: Will rock (as we know it) be dead by 2015?
Posted by: The Biggest Bong ()
Date: December 18, 2007 19:23

the thing of it is, some rap IS good music. (kanye west's most recent disc, for example.)

it's just silly to write off an entire genre: there is good rock and bad rock, and good rap and bad rap.

*everybody need a little help sometime!*

Re: Will rock (as we know it) be dead by 2015?
Posted by: alimente ()
Date: December 18, 2007 19:27

lets be honest, rock as a creative musical and cultural force is dead already. what we see are rehashes of past glory, so-called reunions, and our beloved Stones, although constantly touring, are not that much different from many acts who come together again for some decent money to be made - greatest hits concert tours and an album from time to time in order to make us fans believe that music still matters somewhat amidst all this commercialism.

besides those last hurrahs of old dinosaurs rock has and will increasingly become a niche like jazz, blues, reggae and other genres. there are no new bands on the horizon that will shake the world like the Stones, Beatles .... (you name them) did. the most I expect from younger bands is a decent song from time to time, but not a string of great singles over a couple and years and more or less consistently great albums every year or two. all new bands have failed to deliver according the "future of rock'n'roll" label the media once gave them - where are the White Stripes? Oasis? Travis? Franz Ferdinand? and countless others?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2007-12-18 19:28 by alimente.

Re: Will rock (as we know it) be dead by 2015?
Posted by: The Sicilian ()
Date: December 18, 2007 19:32

Duane in Houston Wrote:
> Good "Rock" bands will always pop up. Sorta like
> Blues artists. Look at bands like Guns & Roses,
> The Red Hot Chili Peppers, Green Day etc. But they
> do seem to be farther and fewer these days.
> Longevity and stick-to-it-iveness has a lot to do
> with it. A lot of "great" Rock bands just can't
> hold it together for an extended period of time.
> Record Labels have a lot to do with it as well.
> It's much easier for a Record Company to sign a
> "hot" young girl artist or an American Idol
> finalist than market an unknown rock band. Let's
> face it, Homoginized Crap (and Rap) sells.
> "Classic" Rock type acts don't.

In a different comparison it reminds me of classical architecture. The architecture that graced our American cities of the 19th century has not been replicated or considered by todays architects. The extant ediface in the north by greats such as Richardson, Sullivan, Meade McKim & White, etc... are cherished and adored by all that gaze upon it but no architect today has the will or active commissions to revive it. Its all about cost and materialism. Quite frankly most companies probably could care less. IMO designs begin and end at the facade.

So to contrast that with music, I think that this music of the 60's and 70's is locked in it's period and maybe, someday a revival of some sorts may occur.

Re: Will rock (as we know it) be dead by 2015?
Posted by: Dan ()
Date: December 18, 2007 20:40

I guess it depends on what you know. Rock music itself? Not a chance.

> With the 60's rockers approaching the age of 70 by
> then, will this be the end of of our era of music?
> Most bands have members who have passed away, and
> many bands don't exist anymore.


> I hate to say or admit it but I really don't see
> any kids today listening to classic rock. Their
> generation likes hip-hop and rap. That includes
> my own kids.

I don't pay much attention to what the kids are listening to. However the few shows I went to recently that attracted a primarily younger audience were superior to most "classic rock" shows based just on the energy and passion of the crowd, the way the band feeded on it and the band's own passion for it's music as something other than a steady paycheck.

Some rap is good.

> Punk came and went so fast, and the whole new wave
> bands of early 80's to early 90's groups never
> lasted except a very few. Most of them only
> produced 1 to 3 recognizable hits.

Punk as a media sensation sure. But it's always been here ever since. Personally I think the early '90s is the greatest era of music but then that was the time I figured I didn't need radio and TV to tell me what I should listen to.

> Most bands from our era won't be on tour in arenas
> or stadiums by then and if your lucky you might
> catch them in a theatre or casino.

Bands not playing in arenas or stadiums is supposed to be a bad thing?

> Pretty soon all the classic bands will be on PBS
> doing 2 song reunion bits with fill in members. I
> think the end is near.

As far as fill in members go, that's been happening forever. I think Cheap Trick, Aerosmith and Ten Years After are the only bands I have seen in the last several years that had all original members.

> Of course we will still have the vinyl, cds, dvds
> and boots to entertain us but live show and new
> material is...

Enjoy what you have while you have it. For all you know, you could end up in the grave before your favorite bands.

2007 was my best year for music in over a decade.

Re: Will rock (as we know it) be dead by 2015?
Posted by: trainarollin ()
Date: December 18, 2007 20:58

Great! Now I can look forward to a BUSH reunion.

The concert industry is worried big time. There are only a few acts that can fill a large place. Promoters are pissed because record companies no longer develop or promote acts for the long run.

I had a friend who worked for a huge label and during the last couple years the label rarly bought tickets for their own acts. Years ago sales people would get a lot of tickets, be told to arrange a meet & greet with the artist and retailers before a show. Retailers went, held promotions...everyone went away happy. Promotional support is pretty much zero today.

In the USA, the biggest Summer draws are Jimmy Buffett and Dave Matthews. You cannot base an industry on that. Rest of the bands play to mid-capacity filled venues where they had to give away 2,000 tickets so the place would look kind of full.

Re: Will rock (as we know it) be dead by 2015?
Posted by: Kurt ()
Date: December 18, 2007 23:22

Answer: NO WAY.

Rock is dead. Long live rock.

Re: Will rock (as we know it) be dead by 2015?
Posted by: ghostryder13 ()
Date: December 19, 2007 02:42

alot of kids are already tired of the synthetic music that's heard on mtv and the airwaves and going back to the classics . i did the same thing in the early 80's as a teen i got tired of the urban cowboy. new wave and disco music flooding the radio and got into bands like the stones, the doors, hendrix and so on.

Re: Will rock (as we know it) be dead by 2015?
Posted by: dj ()
Date: December 19, 2007 03:03

For what it's worth, the latest list of songs that my 13 year old wants me to put on his ipod include Jimi Hendrix and Led Zeppelin.

Everything goes in cycles, but I think that the quality of music put out in the 1970s will have an everlasting effect on future generations.

Re: Will rock (as we know it) be dead by 2015?
Posted by: 5string ()
Date: December 19, 2007 06:40

Lukester Wrote:
> Of course music will change and be different, but
> there will always be some bands that play rock as
> we know it. There are bands that still play the
> blues, right?
This Lukester dude is smarter than we think! He has some vision. Hopefully enough to get to Atlanta for a Braves game this year. And btw "What kind of mother would name her son Lukester?" 5

Re: Will rock (as we know it) be dead by 2015?
Posted by: Lukester ()
Date: December 19, 2007 16:49

....okay 5string is shamelessly pandering to me for something......perhaps he thinks I'm gonna buy his drinks at the Atlanta pre-party (which of course I will)

Re: Will rock (as we know it) be dead by 2015?
Posted by: The Biggest Bong ()
Date: December 19, 2007 16:50

Lukester Wrote:
> ....okay 5string is shamelessly pandering to me
> for something......perhaps he thinks I'm gonna buy
> his drinks at the Atlanta pre-party (which of
> course I will)

whoa: when is this happening?

*everybody need a little help sometime!*

Re: Will rock (as we know it) be dead by 2015?
Posted by: Lukester ()
Date: December 19, 2007 16:57

...easy now bongster, we are only talking about a Braves game/party.....TBA.....and of course you will be invited

Re: Will rock (as we know it) be dead by 2015?
Posted by: aslecs ()
Date: December 19, 2007 17:18

Rock is ALREADY dead.

Re: Will rock (as we know it) be dead by 2015?
Posted by: Rickster ()
Date: December 19, 2007 17:21

Sad to say it just may be dead. I mean lets face most of these so called rock bands that are new today Suck plain and simple for example Hinder what a joke.

Re: Will rock (as we know it) be dead by 2015?
Posted by: Doxa ()
Date: December 19, 2007 17:25

It depends on if Keith Richards is still alive then. I guess he issmiling smiley

- Doxa

Re: Will rock (as we know it) be dead by 2015?
Posted by: Lukester ()
Date: December 19, 2007 17:26

...oh puhleaze, rock is not guys really need to get out more.

Re: Will rock (as we know it) be dead by 2015?
Posted by: aslecs ()
Date: December 19, 2007 17:40

Every person here in my company (and it's a BIG compnay) is into crap rap and stupid stuff like justin timberlake.

Thye sell out yet bands like the Black Crowes and Social Distortion and Joan Jett and Jet play small (sometines tiny) venues. Sorry, ROCK IS DEAD

Re: Will rock (as we know it) be dead by 2015?
Posted by: ablett ()
Date: December 19, 2007 17:47

You obviously go to the wrong venues then.

If you mean ROCK aka some hairy arsed long haired band then yeah, that probably fading but Rock is atill alive and very healthy in the UK....

Re: Will rock (as we know it) be dead by 2015?
Posted by: HelterSkelter ()
Date: December 19, 2007 18:08

ablett Wrote:
> The Arctic Monkeys, Zutons, White Stripes, View,
> Oasis, etc etc. may think differently?

I don't know, THE WHITE STRIPES and OASIS are hardly new.... Yeah, alot of good , rockin bands are doing worse than you thought they would be. I remember about a year ago my GF had to fly up to some stupid wedding (I refused) at the top of Wisconsin or Michigan - somewhere in the middle of nowhere, just a lake with forrest, Casino/Hotel and a McDonalds.... I looked up this shit hole place on the internet and was SHOCKED that the following weekend the pretty damn good band - COLLECTIVE SOUL (December, Gel, etc)- were playing the casino (this is like half a step up from a HOLIDAY INN in the Burbs).... man, did I feel sorry for those guys - they have plenty of strong songs. ROCK ain't DEAD but it's SICK AS A DOG with blood coming out of it's ass...... 2015? try 2010......blame MTV, they're a BIG reason

Re: Will rock (as we know it) be dead by 2015?
Posted by: ablett ()
Date: December 19, 2007 18:10

"I don't know, THE WHITE STRIPES and OASIS are hardly new"

Alot newer than the Stones, Who, Springstein et all?

I'm just making the point that there's still avery healthy music scene going....

Re: Will rock (as we know it) be dead by 2015?
Posted by: JMARKO ()
Date: December 19, 2007 18:16

P.S. It's already pretty much gone and done.


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