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Anyone go to Buenos Aires on bigger bang tour?
Posted by: john nicholls ()
Date: October 11, 2007 21:03

Just been watching Biggest Bang DVD. Wish I had gone to South America. Now that's what I call a crowd with a great atmosphere. No moaning about the setlists there and Keith messing up the intro to Brown Sugar. Just people out having a good time and digging the Stones.

John Nicholls

Re: Anyone go to Buenos Aires on bigger bang tour?
Posted by: bv ()
Date: October 11, 2007 21:59

Yes. I was there. When I finally got time to sit down and watch the DVD from BA the other day I though it was not telling anything at all about the mood down there. Well you see some swinging shirts and singing but it can't show the real feel of the show. I was in Argentina for five shows in 1998 and both shows last year and to be honest these shows are not possible to reproduce on video, dvd, record or anything technical. Just go there, if you can afford it. The average age of the crowd is below 25 years every tour. They are singing and jumping up and down like this was the last night of their life. And it is Stonesland from the moment the Stones arrive into BA and long time after they have left. I sure hope they can go there one more time anytime soon. Not one show. Not two shows. But several. Yes. I am greedy.


Re: Anyone go to Buenos Aires on bigger bang tour?
Posted by: goinhome ()
Date: October 11, 2007 22:08

Yes, I arranged a vacation to Argentina for my wife and I that 'just happened' to coincide with the 2nd River Plate show (the one in the pouring rain). Being from the US, I have never seen such an enthusiastic, passionate crowd, and the band really fed off the energy well and treated BA to a fantastic show... At several points in the show I think the collective audience / stones experience could have just shot the whole stadium off into space... one of the top shows I've seen in my life.

Getting into and around the stadium was quite chaotic (there had been some rioting / fisticuffs type stuff, but we managed to avoid it) but the show was amazing once we got in! I have fond memories of this trip and look forward to getting back down to Argentina again and again (even if the Stones aren't playing). Truly a special place.

Re: Anyone go to Buenos Aires on bigger bang tour?
Posted by: with sssoul ()
Date: October 11, 2007 22:21

can you tell us more about the b-stage getting stuck, please and thank you kindly?
the iorr reviews barely mention it, so i gather it wasn't a *very* Major Event,
from the audience's point of view, and that they got it moving again quite quickly?
but the band's "eek - what's plan B" moment in the documentary is charming :E

i wonder if the person who threw the t-shirt that caused it was aware of his/her feat.
the t-shirt-throwing skills at the dry BA show were mighty impressive as well. :E

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2007-10-11 22:32 by with sssoul.

Re: Anyone go to Buenos Aires on bigger bang tour?
Posted by: FlashJackFlash ()
Date: October 11, 2007 22:45


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2008-06-09 18:14 by FlashJackFlash.

Re: Anyone go to Buenos Aires on bigger bang tour?
Date: October 11, 2007 22:52

it was great-never seen anything like it. rioting outside-big organic monster of a crowd. bstage was unlike anything ive ever seen...

Re: Anyone go to Buenos Aires on bigger bang tour?
Posted by: goinhome ()
Date: October 11, 2007 23:07

We had a pretty good view of the whole B-Stage fiasco. When it stopped, it seemed like the stage crew were in a panic trying to get the whole thing going again... there were folks coming down the tracks on foot examining the whole thing. At one point, if I remember correctly, it looked like they were trying to manually push the stage to get it dislodged and out to the middle of the stadium. Having seen other shows on the BB tour, I knew right away that something was awry. Mick (always a true professional) kept the appearance up that there was nothing wrong at all, although it did seem like they dragged Miss You on a little longer than usual. I did have a little "Oh my god, the f#$king thing is stuck, what's going to happen" moment, but it was forgotten quickly once the thing started moving again.

By the way, FlashJackFlash, that Gimmee Shelter was so unbelievable. I'd give almost anything to hear a decent recording of that second show.

Re: Anyone go to Buenos Aires on bigger bang tour?
Posted by: Gazza ()
Date: October 11, 2007 23:08

You were there too, coocoo? Lucky man.

For over a decade, its the one place I'd love to see the Stones. At this stage I never will unfortunately, but you cant have everything.

The stories about the riots last year made unpleasant reading, though.

They REALLY should have played far more shows there to satisfy the ticket demand, instead of getting out as fast as they could so they could play yet more financially lucrative US shows.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2007-10-11 23:11 by Gazza.

Re: Anyone go to Buenos Aires on bigger bang tour?
Posted by: Sandy Beach ()
Date: October 11, 2007 23:22

Bjornulf, thanks for your words about my country.

I hope and wish more shows in March 2008 in Buenos Aires. If they will play in Asia in February, it is possible. Beside, there is a rumour for Caracas also in March.
Bernard Fowler will play in Buenos Aires the next October 30th and very probably return for December-January for several shows in Argentina and Uruguay.
According the promotor who brings Bernard..."the Stones activity" begins in 2009, but the "40x5 American Tour" will start in April 2008 in the MSG.


Re: Anyone go to Buenos Aires on bigger bang tour?
Posted by: with sssoul ()
Date: October 11, 2007 23:28

thanks for the Stuck B-Stage insights, people. so how long did the Stuck Moment last - a minute or so?
until they got it moving again it probably felt like a really long time to the band and the crew.

it got very briefly stuck in Vienna as well - jerked to a halt just as it was leaving the main stage
and Ronnie almost fell off - that was an eekly moment! but they solved it real quick.

Re: Anyone go to Buenos Aires on bigger bang tour?
Posted by: bv ()
Date: October 12, 2007 00:06

I did not write many reports from the ABB tour so I will fill in a bit from my memory. Arriving from Puerto Rico and then Rio for a week or so was kind of wrong way for me as they did it the other way in 1998, and then I could not make it to Brazil... But still, BA was the target, the ultimate destination, the place I had been dreaming about for 8 years.

First night was weired. I had tickets for the seated areas upstairs, but I wanted to be on the field. I had to use all of my skills to sneak into the field. How to be invisible and get what you want. Then I was on the field. Then I was watching how the entrance was like. Young fans 15-20 years old was so desperate they jumped the barriers to see the Stones. Then trey were running like insane to get into the field. It took a minute, but once they were in the 10,000 or so crowd they were lost to security. Others were not that good at running. Security catched up, kicked and beat them up, all over their body, it was realnasty, surreal, and I did not like to see oit at all. After being beat up by security, kicked all up, badly,they were kicked out. And if they still had some breath and energy left, they probably made it in the 2nd try. Others came from inside the stadium, trying to climb down to the pitch, through the spiral walkway that was blocked for the last 2-3 meters. Then they jumped, when security did not see them. Hurting the legs was a minor issue when the Stones were in town.

During the rain show the stage get stuck as they were on their way out. Nobody at the show did really bother. Why bother. May be it was just a pit stop. Nobody knew the show and how it worked. After a minute or so the stage moved on and they were at the B-stage. No worries. If they had not made it nobody would have bothered. In Argentina they do only care about the band and the music. Not about the theatrics and technicalities.

Just for the record, the stage did hget stuck at some other shows too. I don't remember which ones, but it dit happen. Not as long as in BA but still long enough to make the song they played finsish just as soon as they arroved to the B-stage. For me this is not important. Not for most others. Most fans just want to see the Stones. They could not care less about decorations, incidents, minor glitches and whatever happened. Mick could have gone for the loo for a song or two. They would not care. It's the Stones and we love them.

As for the set list whiners. I don't know them. I don't understand. They need a vacation. The Stones are what we love and what we live for. I don't care about what they play as long as they play. If I don't like what and how they play one day then I will retire from IORR but until then I am in.


Re: Anyone go to Buenos Aires on bigger bang tour?
Posted by: The Stones ()
Date: October 12, 2007 00:19

"As for the set list whiners. I don't understand"

Agreed. If you want variety and not just the big hits, go watch Dylan or Springsteen instead.

Re: Anyone go to Buenos Aires on bigger bang tour?
Posted by: barking paul ()
Date: October 12, 2007 00:23

Hold the front page:

"I will retire from IORR" quote from bv.

you heard it here

Re: Anyone go to Buenos Aires on bigger bang tour?
Posted by: RollingStonesFan ()
Date: October 12, 2007 00:43

If they come back to Buenos Aires, me as a poor poor studnet, will take a flight to Buenos Aires and take part at every show there...

Re: Anyone go to Buenos Aires on bigger bang tour?
Date: October 12, 2007 01:41

nijmegen the stage got stuck to, also a rain show (not during the show, but pre show).. man what a weather.

Re: Anyone go to Buenos Aires on bigger bang tour?
Posted by: barking paul ()
Date: October 12, 2007 01:56

Here's a big Hola to all the Argentinian fans, especially those who tour Europe with the Stones.

Re: Anyone go to Buenos Aires on bigger bang tour?
Posted by: georgelicks ()
Date: October 12, 2007 02:43

I went to both shows, a whole week of Stones fever.
The second show was better than the first one, they played more well known songs and the crowd went wild, also the rain was perfect for that night. Sadly the TV broadcasted the first night, the second show had a more crazy audience.

Yet, nothing will surpass my first Stones show on April 4, 1998 with Bob Dylan. They were on fire during the B2B tour, the sound and the band playing was much, much better than last year.

Re: Anyone go to Buenos Aires on bigger bang tour?
Posted by: timbernardis ()
Date: October 12, 2007 04:06

Well, my main goals for the next tour or "series of gigs" or whatever are to 1) go to Toronto to hang out at the rehearsals and go to the opening warm up gig in a club or theater and 2) to go to Buenos Aires and see every show.

I was fortunate to have talked to some of the Argentinian fans who came to Paris, Lyon, and I think Barcelona. I saw them at the first two places named. They were somewhat fanatical even there, dancing around in a group circle (mostly jumping) and holding up their Argentinian flag with Stones tongue on it.

However, they were all very nice and were easy to talk to.

In fact, I will post a couple of photos now.

The first 4 fotos are taken on the pitch (field) before the Paris show.

And I still want one of those Tributo Bar t shirts! I think that is the bar in Buenos Aires that has nothing but Stones stuff all over the walls (correct me if I am wrong).

This last foto was taken at the train station in Lyon. They happened to be two cars behind me.

Tim The Plexiglass from Montana

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2007-10-12 07:06 by timbernardis.

Re: Anyone go to Buenos Aires on bigger bang tour?
Posted by: Lukester ()
Date: October 12, 2007 04:13

Wow.....thanks so much for the reviews sounds like a beautiful experience.....well, except for the on my new South American friends...

Re: Anyone go to Buenos Aires on bigger bang tour?
Posted by: stickydion ()
Date: October 12, 2007 04:41

There is only one "problem": The Stones are always performing at River Plate Stadium...

(I suppose you guess my favourite argentinian football team, don't you?)

Re: Anyone go to Buenos Aires on bigger bang tour?
Posted by: Keith The Beast ()
Date: October 12, 2007 04:55

I was there at the first show. The one that is one the DVD. It was an amazing experience. I will never forget certain moments of that show. Some of them:

1. During JJF the crowd was so crazy that I had to pay more attention at not being swallowed by the crowd then to the band on stage, still it was great.

2. When they started the second song of the set, IORR, the crowd was still insane but slightly more quite to the point where you could pay more attention to the song and I gotta tell you, I never sang any song's chorus as loud as I did on the song. The ENTIRE stadium was screaming along "IIIII know! It's only rock n' roll but I liiiike it! Like it! Yes, i dooooo!!" It was insane! I almost lost my voice but it felt sooo good to sing that song!

3. (Keeping in my mind that Worried About You is one of my top 5 favorite songs) At some point there was a piano on stage and I remember thinking that there was no way I would be so lucky to actually see The Rolling Stones playing a song that I love so much and that they rarely play. Well, Mick started playing that piano and the feeling was out of this world. That version is one that I really, really love and it's no wonder it's on the dvd. Pay attention to Mick's "Babyy!" at 4:55. Lots of emotion there from hom and the rest opf the guys!

4. The b-stage ride. People just went absolutely INSANE when the stage started to move. I was near the b-stage, so I got to witness it upclose. but it was absolute madness being there. It was like being at the eye of a hurricane If I could guess how is it to be at the eye of a hurricane. Absolutely insane. i remember Miss You was great and Start Me Up had an amazing solo by Ronnie.

5. After Keith's intro to Paint It, Black Charlie started to pound on his drums and clearly remember feeling his bass drum from the ground. I was a very strong sound. After the hype of the begging, the insanity of the b-stage and the great sing a longs of Sympathy I though the crowd was going to take a breather with this one. But they didn't. It was really an amazing sight to se a over 60 year old drummer commanding people's moves. The second he started hitting his drums people started jumping up and down as if they were all in a disco. Great moment.

6. Satfisfaction. People were humming the riff, that was fun to do. The whole stadium roared at Keith when he started playing this riff. Quite incredible.

I agree that the DVD doesn't capture the feeling on the show. It looks and feels like a regular show on the dvd but it was definitely something else. They should totally release the entire concert on dvd some day.

Re: Anyone go to Buenos Aires on bigger bang tour?
Posted by: timbernardis ()
Date: October 12, 2007 07:14

Keith The Beast wrote:

"They should totally release the entire concert on dvd some day."

Well, the entire show is out as an excellent boot DVD. I think it was recorded for Argentinian TV and the DVD is from the TV broadcast. I picked it up in a silver digi-pack in London at the Bonnington stones stuff show.

Only thing is, it's not in normal "video motion" but something a little different. I don't know how quite to describe that, but it's not exactly the same. Maybe like the difference between sitcoms and other TV shows - CSI, whatever.


Re: Anyone go to Buenos Aires on bigger bang tour?
Posted by: Lukester ()
Date: October 12, 2007 07:48

....thanks Beast for the embellishments....I love to hear those personal experiences.....nice touch...

Re: Anyone go to Buenos Aires on bigger bang tour?
Posted by: HelterSkelter ()
Date: October 12, 2007 08:34

Argentina is a special country and BUENOS AIRES is one of the world's great cities. It's called "the Paris of South America" and I understand what they mean. A place I can visit again and again and never get tired of it. One of the 10 riches countries in the world at the turn of the last century (1899 - 1900) it's seen it's shares of ups and downs, sadness, tragedy and happiness and in the end has been a pretty hard life for most of today's people. That's one of the reasons this place and it's people have so much substance and character - they've been through a lot but they (and the beautiful city) is/are still standing. It's ALL in the TANGO, when you understand the TANGO you understand Argentina - sensual, melencoly, dramatic, angry, passionate, joyous, highly emotional - the DANCE says it all. I hope to live there part time some day, working on it little by little....THE STONES need to spend more time there next time.....

Re: Anyone go to Buenos Aires on bigger bang tour?
Posted by: wälder ()
Date: October 12, 2007 11:56

I was there too, one of the most impressive experiences in my life!!!

Wälder from Austria

Re: Anyone go to Buenos Aires on bigger bang tour?
Posted by: with sssoul ()
Date: October 12, 2007 12:07

>> Just for the record, the stage did hget stuck at some other shows too. I don't remember which ones,
but it dit happen. Not as long as in BA but still long enough to make the song they played finsish
just as soon as they arroved to the B-stage. For me this is not important. Not for most others.
Most fans just want to see the Stones. They could not care less about decorations,
incidents, minor glitches and whatever happened. <<

... well, the band cared about it while it was happening!
and someone clearly felt it was amusing enough to include in the documentary.
no one is saying glitches like that detract in any way from the joy of a show -
au contraire, even.

Re: Anyone go to Buenos Aires on bigger bang tour?
Posted by: Jon Lasa ()
Date: October 12, 2007 14:33

Hi all.

Thank you so much for those memories from B.A. and great greatings for argentinian fans.
I still think ... what if the O2 would have been filled with 20,000 argentinian fans last august, the 26th?.

And I hope those rumours about new shows in South America will come true.

Re: Anyone go to Buenos Aires on bigger bang tour?
Date: October 12, 2007 14:43

I was there the whole week and as BV said you gotta be there to feel the magic, is a real enthusiastic audience and very young. I have travelled to see the stones since 1981 and that was one of the best trips of my life. BTW, I met some of the guys on the picture above, one of them, Juan Ignacio, is the owner of the 40x5 bar (a nice bar... I'm proud a souvenir in the bar was donated by me to that GREAT guy) also Juancho from Uruguay, if the stones go there I think it would be something similar.

Here in Mexico I'm sure it would be the same atmosphere if the tickets were cheap as Argentina, we had the second most expensive tickets in the entire 2005-2007 tour in actual cost, not in relative cost while Argentina had the cheapest. So many or most of the real fans didn't make it. There were thousands of fans listening the show on the outside of the stadium!!

The fans from Argentina are really great and fantastic people, we had a message board in Spanish for those interested, the administratros are two from and Argentina and one from Mexico/Spain and it is located at []

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2007-10-13 02:22 by Voodoo Chile in Wonderland.

Re: Anyone go to Buenos Aires on bigger bang tour?
Posted by: odean73 ()
Date: October 12, 2007 15:05

After watching the btb dvd and snippets of the bigger bang dvd that they supply it is one of my top concert places to go to, i have never seen a crowd like that before.

Re: Anyone go to Buenos Aires on bigger bang tour?
Posted by: timbernardis ()
Date: October 12, 2007 16:04

Lukester Wrote:
> ....thanks Beast for the embellishments....I love
> to hear those personal experiences.....nice
> touch...

what do you mean? I do not see where she has posted on this thread??

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