CindyC Wrote:
> I still haven't checked out Wanna Hold You yet,
> but I NEED to! I have no idea if they'll come
> again, but at the very least we may get the Winos
> at some point, seems like there are rumblings
> about that happening at some point.
> Yeah, I'm staying in Boston. Have to stay near
> my ex for my little boy. He loves his dad, it
> would be mean of me to leave.
Hey Cindy. I'll be up around your fair city next week for the 4th........So if ya see a middle aged white guy drunk off his ass,wearing a Stones shirt. That'll be me....................Well me and half the population of Boston from what I've heard. Hope you feel better.........I know I am.

"It's just some friends of mine and they're busting down the door"