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Re: The Stones are rip off merchants
Posted by: trainarollin ()
Date: June 15, 2007 03:43

People who see the Stones can generally bring back the year, city and venue they saw them in...even if they saw them dozens of time. Each show brings you back to another place. Some associate the year by what event they saw. This means if you are having a conversation and someone brings up something that happened in 1994, you end up associating 1994 to a Stones show you saw that year. Certain memories are filed by the year. I really can't think of any other artist that has that effect on people. As their ads said at least on the first leg in 2005 something like "Not just a concert" ?

Why are Super Bowl tickets face value $1,000 when I just saw one of the teams in it play 3 weeks earlier for $75?

When the Rolling Stones play, it's an event. I can't think of any other artist that draws so much media attention at every tour stop?

I will repeat myself from earlier...There are enough reviews out there for someone to make a rational decison if they want to buy a ticket.

Re: The Stones are rip off merchants
Posted by: deadegad ()
Date: June 15, 2007 03:45

FrankM Wrote:
> deadegad Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > FrankM Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > >
> > > a > hundred bucks. - not terriblly
> > > high for the greatest music act in the world.
> > >
> > >
> > >
> >
> > A dubious conclusion.
> >
> > I love the Stones but they are not the greatest
> > musicians in the world. It is, moreover,
> common
> > knowledge that they have not played
> consistently
> > well for a very, very long time. To
> generalize,
> > many music fans have said that they suck
> compared
> > to others for a long time now.
> >
> > Jagger an Richards were quite often reported to
> be
> > most the arrogant pricks for much of their
> carreer
> > -- and even to their fans!
> >
> > The point being it is OK to bitch about the
> Stones
> > -- they've earned it. Mucho.
> >
> > $100.00 US is ok for Broadway, but Broadway
> shows
> > are not performed in 80,000 seat stadiums.
> >
> > Funny thing though, I go see the Stones again
> and
> > again, despite their high prices and their all
> too
> > often sloppy guitar section. I can't help it,
> but
> > I like it, yes I do.
> >
> > It is a sickness.
> >
> > With all of the aforementioned in mind, if I
> could
> > sneak in to the US $450. ticket section, I'd
> have
> > no probelm about ripping the Stones off by
> seeing
> > them for free.
> >
> > Would'nt everyone here do it too????
> Well who is bigger and better than them? Funny how
> they break all kinds of records even though they
> suck. Did you ever think that maybe the people
> that say they suck are just not fans of the band.
> Put it this way they have the greatest show on
> earth- the numbers speak for themselves. No from a
> technical point of view they are not at their peak
> but you have to understand they actually have an
> arsenel of songs that people want to hear. What
> good is great technical play if you are playing
> shit songs?

Technical matters in any case. Sure the Stones have a great, great catalog of songs, but you have to cry when you hear the poor slobs, the guitars, butcher their music.
We're not going to agree.
That's OK.

But hey would'nt you sneak right into the first row without paying for the ticket if you could, and not feel guilty???????

Re: The Stones are rip off merchants
Posted by: IgotDbluez ()
Date: June 15, 2007 04:24

I think they put on a great show and I love 'em. They've always charged more than everybody else in the market - at least since I've been seeing 'em, 1st time being in 1975. They charged $10 for general admission...just unheard of at the time!

Yeah, I can't afford the stagetouching seats anymore....but I still had a wonderful time in the cheap seats at Churchill Downs last year....and I didn't get rained on! And we had only pleasant drunks around us!

Re: The Stones are rip off merchants
Posted by: ROPENI ()
Date: June 15, 2007 04:31

"The Stones are rip off merchants"
Oh no, all this time l thought they were a non profit organization.
They will charge whatever the market will allow. "Its Only Rock And Roll".
They have large families to feed.

"No dope smoking no beer sold after 12 o'clock"

Re: The Stones are rip off merchants
Posted by: brass olive ()
Date: June 15, 2007 05:29

If the band performed to 100% of their ability each show and played for a longer duration with an interesting setlist then yes - high prices are understandable.

BUT - when the band charge high prices and deliver sub-par performances littered with mistakes, boring setlists, relatively short time on stage ....then this is a rip-off...

You pay high prices for quality.

Re: The Stones are rip off merchants
Posted by: FrankM ()
Date: June 15, 2007 05:47

Then go pay less money and see Bon Jovi- then you will see what quality is all about, when you see shit musicians playing shittier songs.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2007-06-15 05:52 by FrankM.

Re: The Stones are rip off merchants
Posted by: Rockingfan ()
Date: June 15, 2007 08:53

As long as there are people and ticketvendors who even buy tickets and sell them at a higher pricewe have to face and live with the fact the these prices will be charged.
I do not want to defend high ticket prices, but there is one thing one should not forget: There are so many parts within the whole touring who would like to have a split or a share of the margin that at the end the ticket prices are in such a range.
I think you should not compare the Frankfurt thing regarding the bad sales with the rest of the tour. There was a clear non promotion and I think it is sily to believe that in a summer with so many concerts the Stones will just sell out like nothing even with lower prices at first. Remember that Munich last year was also not sold out.

Re: The Stones are rip off merchants
Posted by: TeleK ()
Date: June 15, 2007 09:04

FrankM Wrote:
> Then go pay less money and see Bon Jovi- then you
> will see what quality is all about, when you see
> shit musicians playing shittier songs.

nobody wrote ,that all concert prices has inreased incredible.
for example:

bon jovi 24.6.2007 london, tickets (gold circle,i think is fos) costs 299euro
genesis ,aerosmith tour 2007 around 100euros
police around 122 euros

if you wait until show day,you always get into a stones show for less than 50euros

in my opinion,the stones always make their show,you have to think like a stones "virgin",not as a hardcore fan.

Oh, give me the beat, boys, and free my soul
I wanna get lost in your rock and roll and drift away

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 2007-06-15 09:08 by TeleK.

Re: The Stones are rip off merchants
Posted by: pay pay ()
Date: June 15, 2007 12:52

What is a Gingerjagger"? Did you get all this anger from Maryannjagger? How does Skipperjagger feel about the tic costs? Maybe Proffesorjagger can come up with a solution. We all know that the only person who can really afford the see the Stones is Mrhowelljagger.

I provided, free of charge, a video that sums up my feeling for you quite well, Ginger jagger.

Re: The Stones are rip off merchants
Posted by: ablett ()
Date: June 15, 2007 14:11

"BUT - when the band charge high prices and deliver sub-par performances littered with mistakes, boring setlists, relatively short time on stage ....then this is a rip-off... "

Name me a recent gig you have been to? I doubt any......

2 hours aint "short time on stage"!!


Re: The Stones are rip off merchants
Posted by: JumpingKentFlash ()
Date: June 15, 2007 14:22

gingerjagger1 Wrote:
> I have followed the stones for over 20 years.
> How dare they charge over £150 for just one ticket
> which does not guarantee that you will even be
> close to the band ( some of these tickets are at
> the back of the arena and they stll are this
> price).
> What a rip off!!!!!!!!!!!!!
> For the people on this forum who will tell me to
> not go, I say to you all, shut your noise, I've
> earned the right to have a moan. I have followed
> this glorius band all round the globe.
> I will not and can not justify giving Mr Colh and
> the Stones my hard earned money. I would rather
> see a upcomming band and give them my money. It's
> not like the boys need the cash, maybe keith for a
> new hair piece and jagger for his penis
> enlargement, Ha Ha!
> I feel better now.

Just don't go.


Re: The Stones are rip off merchants
Posted by: MainStreetExile ()
Date: June 15, 2007 16:39

For starters, I've been a fan for more than 40 years (I understand there is some sort of prize for endurance????) and I haven't seen them since '97 because I have a chronic, eventually fatal, illness that makes going impossible. So count your freakin' blessings and stop whining.

Don't know if you've noticed, but we live in a society that equates worth of any kind with monetary value -- it's complete BS and any thinking person knows that, but how many thinking people do you actually run into in a lifetime, and can you honestly say you are one yourself? The Stones are not going to put themselves across as a Three Dog Night reunion on the state fair circuit, and they will charge what the traffic will bear. And people to whom this band and this music is lifeblood will pay it, whether it's easy for them to handle or not. Because they think it's worth it. You don't, I don't give a crap about how long you've been following the band or what kind of fan you say you are. If you really felt it, you'd make the sacrifice. Everyone wants everything to come so easily today, yet another sign of the decline and fall, but never mind, go play with the TIVO. And if you don't think it's worth it, fair play to you. But just shut up about it and keep your sanctimony for the next Rosary Society Meeting, they'll love you there!!

Yesterday (June 14th) was the 29th anniversary of my seeing the Stones at the Capitol Theater in Passaic, NJ, an old burlesque house turned porno theater turned concert forum. I still haven't gotten over it, I was so hysterical at the time that I had to be DRIVEN there. The tickets were scalped at $25 a piece, and the cousin I asked to go with me (because it was convenient, not because she understood half of what was happening) took till October to pay me back because $25 to go to a show was just beyond the beyond. I was putting myself through college, and part-time jobs then, if you were lucky, paid $4 an hour. The Stones only did theaters in the Metro area on that tour. I could have ranted and raved about how inconsiderate that was, blah, blah. But I just sucked it up and went. And was knocked flat on my ass the minute the lights went up. And I have that show for all eternity, right in my heart. And thank God I do, because all the shows I went to between '75 and '97 are all I'm going to get. So for anyone who thinks opportunities for great experiences come by LIKE STREETCARS in life, think again. If you're wondering whether you should make the investment, GO FOR IT.

Re: The Stones are rip off merchants
Posted by: sweet neo con ()
Date: June 15, 2007 16:49


IORR............but I like it!

Re: The Stones are rip off merchants
Posted by: Hanns Rainsch ()
Date: June 15, 2007 19:19

Many people here talk about the "market price".
Remember what John Lennon once said: "Imagine there's a market, but nobody's buying".
I think the fact that they gave away nosebleed tickets for Frankfurt and that Werchter was only half sold out is a good indicator for too high-leveled prices.
So many young people would like to see the Stones, but only old fans and yuppies can go. That's a fact.

Re: The Stones are rip off merchants
Posted by: Beelyboy ()
Date: June 15, 2007 19:24

MainStreetExile Wrote:
they will charge what the traffic will bear.
> And people to whom this band and this music is
> lifeblood will pay it, whether it's easy for them
> to handle or not. Because they think it's worth
> it. You don't, I don't give a crap about how long
> you've been following the band or what kind of fan
> you say you are. If you really felt it, you'd make
> the sacrifice. Everyone wants everything to come
> so easily today, yet another sign of the decline
> and fall, but never mind, go play with the TIVO.
> And if you don't think it's worth it, fair play to
> you. But just shut up about it and keep your
> sanctimony for the next Rosary Society Meeting,
> they'll love you there!!

what a snotty bitter post; hope the bug crawls out of your ass...

Re: The Stones are rip off merchants
Posted by: Erik_Snow ()
Date: June 15, 2007 19:31

thanks BB

Re: The Stones are rip off merchants
Posted by: Nikolai ()
Date: June 15, 2007 20:45

MainStreetExile Wrote:
> For starters, I've been a fan for more than 40
> years (I understand there is some sort of prize
> for endurance????) and I haven't seen them since
> '97 because I have a chronic, eventually fatal,
> illness that makes going impossible. So count your
> freakin' blessings and stop whining.
> Don't know if you've noticed, but we live in a
> society that equates worth of any kind with
> monetary value -- it's complete BS and any
> thinking person knows that, but how many thinking
> people do you actually run into in a lifetime, and
> can you honestly say you are one yourself? The
> Stones are not going to put themselves across as a
> Three Dog Night reunion on the state fair circuit,
> and they will charge what the traffic will bear.
> And people to whom this band and this music is
> lifeblood will pay it, whether it's easy for them
> to handle or not. Because they think it's worth
> it. You don't, I don't give a crap about how long
> you've been following the band or what kind of fan
> you say you are. If you really felt it, you'd make
> the sacrifice. Everyone wants everything to come
> so easily today, yet another sign of the decline
> and fall, but never mind, go play with the TIVO.
> And if you don't think it's worth it, fair play to
> you. But just shut up about it and keep your
> sanctimony for the next Rosary Society Meeting,
> they'll love you there!!
> Yesterday (June 14th) was the 29th anniversary of
> my seeing the Stones at the Capitol Theater in
> Passaic, NJ, an old burlesque house turned porno
> theater turned concert forum. I still haven't
> gotten over it, I was so hysterical at the time
> that I had to be DRIVEN there. The tickets were
> scalped at $25 a piece, and the cousin I asked to
> go with me (because it was convenient, not because
> she understood half of what was happening) took
> till October to pay me back because $25 to go to a
> show was just beyond the beyond. I was putting
> myself through college, and part-time jobs then,
> if you were lucky, paid $4 an hour. The Stones
> only did theaters in the Metro area on that tour.
> I could have ranted and raved about how
> inconsiderate that was, blah, blah. But I just
> sucked it up and went. And was knocked flat on my
> ass the minute the lights went up. And I have that
> show for all eternity, right in my heart. And
> thank God I do, because all the shows I went to
> between '75 and '97 are all I'm going to get. So
> for anyone who thinks opportunities for great
> experiences come by LIKE STREETCARS in life, think
> again. If you're wondering whether you should make
> the investment, GO FOR IT.

MainStreet, I'm envious that you saw them on the '78 tour (my favourite era, and the one I jumped in on) and I know what you mean about paying

I do think that £150 is steep for a single ticket, but, ultimately plenty of people have shelled out (well, if you factor in the fanclub costs, it's actually £210 per ticket) for the privilege of seeing THAT band playing THOSE songs. Stones shows tend to be great, unforgettable experiences, and they really do tend to be worth it. I'm taking my younger brother to see them, just so he can understand what the fuss is all about and to make sure he doesn't wind up listening to Coldplague.

Re: The Stones are rip off merchants
Posted by: LOGIE ()
Date: June 15, 2007 23:35

Putting prices into perspective, the renewal of my Liverpool FC season ticket (19 FA Premiership matches) in one of the very best seats in the stadium, will cost me £650.

Four tickets to see the Stones (not including legacy fan club membership) for one show at the O2 (side of the stage) put me back £660. Rip-Off is too kind a term to describe their greed.

And as for you "market forces" idiots out there (with nothing else to spend your money on, perhaps), ask yourself why Liverpool FC don't double the price of their tickets? Especially when tickets for individual games can sell on ebay for nearly a grand.

Re: The Stones are rip off merchants
Posted by: Monkeylad ()
Date: June 16, 2007 00:08

I'm not rich but when the Stones tour, I manage to make it to all of the shows in my region (L.A.) and often am able to make it to shows elsewhere in California.

I shy away from most of the other high-profile, blockbuster artists who roll through town. But I still see plenty of live music by going to clubs and theaters, where ticket prices are generally much lower than they are at stadiums. And many of the less-expensive club and theater shows are every bit as enjoyable as the stadium shows I see, with an added plus of getting close enough to reach out and touch the performers (though I keep my hands to myself).

I got a seat in the second row at the Stones show at Dodger Stadium last fall for under $80, and I bought my ticket through Ticketmaster, I also got into the Wiltern Theater show several years ago for $50.

Both of those tickets were lucky scores for me. But you can usually experience the Stones for a reasonable price if you are willing to forego the premium seats in the house. God knows that the spectacle that the Stones create is mammoth, and can be enjoyed from the cheap seats, too.

Remember: the Stones aren't going to be around forever. They are in a class by themselves at this point. I have never walked out of a Stones performance feeling like I paid more than I should have paid for the experience.

Re: The Stones are rip off merchants
Posted by: FrankM ()
Date: June 16, 2007 03:21

LOGIE Wrote:

> Four tickets to see the Stones (not including
> legacy fan club membership) for one show at the O2
> (side of the stage) put me back £660. Rip-Off is
> too kind a term to describe their greed.

I agree it's a lot of money but how is it a ripoff if no one forced you to go? Did Charlie Watts twist your arm till you bought four tickets?

Re: The Stones are rip off merchants
Posted by: forligan ()
Date: June 16, 2007 05:34

Some idiots pay 300 u.s. dollars to see a stupid hockey game. The show the Stones put together is a bargain by that standard.

Re: The Stones are rip off merchants
Posted by: Rockman ()
Date: June 16, 2007 05:37

Some dudes spend $16,000 on a jet-ski just
to bounce from wave to wave in front of chicks....


Re: The Stones are rip off merchants
Posted by: Beelyboy ()
Date: June 16, 2007 05:43

Rockman Wrote:
> Some dudes spend $16,000 on a jet-ski just
> to bounce from wave to wave in front of chicks....

yeh, right after they trip over a bush onto their noggin and right before they're rushed to the emergency room with brain swelling.
ooops, well that's just one example...hha haa, i'm sure you're meaning was wider than that...winking smiley

Re: The Stones are rip off merchants
Posted by: filstan ()
Date: June 16, 2007 06:15

Are the sun and moon in the wrong position this week?

Re: The Stones are rip off merchants
Posted by: soundcheck ()
Date: June 16, 2007 10:21

., and the chicks spent 20 grand for liposuction, tanning oil and hair extensions.....

Re: The Stones are rip off merchants
Posted by: toomuchforme ()
Date: June 16, 2007 10:46

do not complain. Barbra Streisand sells the tickets from 200 euros to 600 euros !!

Re: The Stones are rip off merchants
Posted by: Rockman ()
Date: June 16, 2007 10:56

Narrr Naarrr didn't mean them two dudes beeely...
Meant the Jocks that inhabit the beaches around this area....


Re: The Stones are rip off merchants
Posted by: brainer ()
Date: June 16, 2007 11:30

as we all can see clearly:there are millions around the globe who pay these ticketprizes ,so there just is no problem !!

Re: The Stones are rip off merchants
Posted by: MainStreetExile ()
Date: June 16, 2007 15:54

Beelyboy Wrote:
> MainStreetExile Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> they will charge what the traffic will bear.
> > And people to whom this band and this music is
> > lifeblood will pay it, whether it's easy for
> them
> > to handle or not. Because they think it's worth
> > it. You don't, I don't give a crap about how
> long
> > you've been following the band or what kind of
> fan
> > you say you are. If you really felt it, you'd
> make
> > the sacrifice. Everyone wants everything to
> come
> > so easily today, yet another sign of the
> decline
> > and fall, but never mind, go play with the
> > And if you don't think it's worth it, fair play
> to
> > you. But just shut up about it and keep your
> > sanctimony for the next Rosary Society Meeting,
> > they'll love you there!!
> what a snotty bitter post; hope the bug crawls out
> of your ass...

I thought this was the type of brutal, harsh honesty that is favored on this board when discussing, what is it, Keith's dissolution and Woody's complete inability to play????

I know there are a lot of severe head injury cases out there who envy your articulation...thank God for the Internet and message boards, I'm sure there would never be enough garage walls and cans of spray paint to sustain you.

Re: The Stones are rip off merchants
Posted by: LOGIE ()
Date: June 16, 2007 16:17

FrankM Wrote:
> LOGIE Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Four tickets to see the Stones (not including
> > legacy fan club membership) for one show at the
> O2
> > (side of the stage) put me back £660. Rip-Off is
> > too kind a term to describe their greed.
> I agree it's a lot of money but how is it a ripoff
> if no one forced you to go? Did Charlie Watts
> twist your arm till you bought four tickets?

No, he didn't twist my arm FrankM!!

But out of principle, it's the reason why I'm limiting myself to just one gig this time around, instead of my usual mini-tour of Europe. That's why their prices are helping them to lose more friends than they win.

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