Re: Anyone cancelling a stones concert b/c of London plot?
Date: August 11, 2006 19:36
as noted by ben tripp today: "Terrorists seem to have pro-Republican timing, that's all."
bush and blair have known about this for well over a week, yet they waited until a rare midweek conference call between cheney and the MSM (mainstream media) for him first to hammer home that the democrats are soft on terror and antiwar and weak on nat'l defense. their republican-lite dem lieberman goes down to an anti-iraq war "left wing extremist" candidate by "anti-american left wing extremist voters". the RED ALERT and foiled plot and new airline restrictions get carted out pronto, and plastered over the mighty MSM wurlitzer is 24/7 fear and voila!, the race for the midterm elections is on! you'ld think it was bu$hco that foiled the plot, not scotland yard!
in the US, we are being bombarded by the bush/rove/cheney sentiment that:"the democratic party has forgotten 911." well, the democrats and the american people have most certainly not forgotten 911. as a matter of fact, we're still waiting to hear from this administration why bu$hco were the only people in america who initially refused to even have a 911 investigation, and why bush/cheney refused to go under oath when finally allowing themselves to be questioned about 911.
people haven't forgotten that the domestically-launched anthrax attacks immediately after 911 targeted the gop-percieved enemies of the republican party; -democrats and the 'liberal media', on the eve of the passage of the patriot act. or that the expensive, deadly, and terrorist-spawning war in iraq had/has nothing to do with 911, and has made the world, including blair's britain, more dangerous. or that the three biggest terror alerts in 2004 coincided with kerry picking edwards as his vp candidate, the democratic convention, and just before the nat'l elections when bin laden released his bush assisting tape after over a year of silence.
no-fly lists that include 80 yr. old nuns in minnesota, massive domestic wiretapping, a weakening of standards for future prosecution of this cabal's war crimes, allowing 911 to happen and then exploiting it and capitalizing off it, bankrupting the country, increasing and agitating the threat of world terrorism, and now no toothpaste on the plane?!? yesiree, the terrists sure hate us for our freedom!
shame on blair for taking britain into the iraq debacle; it's precisely the US/UK presence/occupation in middle east lands that is at the basis of al-queda and their ilk's motives. bush and blair are to blame, yet the English and American citizenry pay the price.