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Anyone cancelling a stones concert b/c of London plot?
Posted by: JMoisica ()
Date: August 11, 2006 06:58

I'm supposed to see them in Twickenham on the 20th. I leave for London Sunday from NY, but my parents are now hesitant to go to London altogether. Couldn't the terrorists have waited until after the end of the European leg of the tour?! I don't understand these people.

Re: Anyone cancelling a stones concert b/c of London plot?
Posted by: straycatuk ()
Date: August 11, 2006 07:37

as Keith said when there where bombings near Australa in 2003 -"Osama -bring it on baby!" We can't bow to these idiots .

Look at it this way;Security wil be tighter than ever,so travel will be safer.

enjoy your trip.

Re: Anyone cancelling a stones concert b/c of London plot?
Posted by: Jimmy B. ()
Date: August 11, 2006 07:53 way........leavin' Thurs from Newark!!..YEA!

Re: Anyone cancelling a stones concert b/c of London plot?
Posted by: shidoobee ()
Date: August 11, 2006 08:45

Don't let the terrorists win! Go to all the shows you intended to. If we start living in fear - we've let them win. Security's so tight now, that flying has probably never been safer. If you wanna go somewhere - go now!
I'm going to London on the 19th, as planned. But I'll turn up early on the departure airport. The security check can take hours. Prepare for that and don't miss your flights. See you all at Sticky Fingers and twickers!

Re: Anyone cancelling a stones concert b/c of London plot?
Posted by: kaskatanas ()
Date: August 11, 2006 09:43

I´m flying same day 20..... but my fly is soooooooooo early (at 3 on the morning) than I don´t expect have many problems of security.. And of course, I´m goinggggg

Re: Anyone cancelling a stones concert b/c of London plot?
Posted by: MicksBrain ()
Date: August 11, 2006 10:25

The terrorists have won, sorry to tell you. Traveling is now the biggest pain in the ass in the world. Years ago it was wonderful just getting on a plane with young friendly flight attendants that would have a nice chat with you, give you some free drinks - maybe go out with you when you got to your destination (happened a few times back in the day). Now they think almost ANYONE is a terrorist - they're stressed, they're uptight, they're underpaid, they are unhappy, etc. I don't blame JMoisica's parents, who needs the 4 hour long bullsh*t lines, the way you can't carry on anything anymore, the stress, the whole f*ckin'very unpleasant circus. I never thought they could make Buses fly but they found a way to do fact, these days I'd RATHER take a bus. What a shame that it's come to this...... WHERE HAVE ALL THE GOOD TIMES GONE?

Re: Anyone cancelling a stones concert b/c of London plot?
Posted by: Gazza ()
Date: August 11, 2006 12:13

JMoisica Wrote:
> Couldn't the terrorists have waited
> until after the end of the European leg of the
> tour?!

yeah, as long as the tour doesnt get disrupted and people travelling to see the shows dont have to wait a few hours, thats whats important. Good to see you have your priorities right...sad smiley

Re: Anyone cancelling a stones concert b/c of London plot?
Posted by: andy js ()
Date: August 11, 2006 12:57

don't be daft J

i guarantee, that if you are on a plane that explodes you wont know about it ;o)

you have to live your life and stop worrying about shit like that

come over, enjoy it and rock n roll!

Re: Anyone cancelling a stones concert b/c of London plot?
Posted by: MicksBrain ()
Date: August 11, 2006 13:13

Gazza, he's a young guy (I think) sounds like just another flip joke.I don't know if anyone has noticed that the terrorist plans that have been stopped (except for EL AL) have always been due to intelligence before hand (that is, breaking up the plan before it ever starts) I have yet to see terrorism stopped or minimized by some eagle eye guard at the airport. I believe the shoe bomber, Richard Reed, was interviewed for hours, missed his flight that night, put up in a 4 star hotel by the airline, and allowed to fly the next day Paris to Miami were he ALMOST blew up the plane trying to light his explosives packed shoe. All this SHOW OFF crap at the airport is just that, a show,that never stops anything. Only case I know of is when a guy snuck explosives in his Irish GF's carry on and she was caught at the last EL AL check in before boarding at Heathrow. She didn't know the bomb was there AND the EL AL guy just went on a feeling he had..... Time for more BRAIN POWER and LESS DOG AND PONY SHOW (IE CIRCUS) it's all such bullsh*t.....taking lipstick away from women, cologne away from men, COME ON - WHAT AN EFFING JOKE.....It's all just an idiotic show..

Re: Anyone cancelling a stones concert b/c of London plot?
Posted by: Adrian-L ()
Date: August 11, 2006 16:07

come to London and have a great time with all the IORR people!

Re: Anyone cancelling a stones concert b/c of London plot?
Posted by: flairville ()
Date: August 11, 2006 16:23

Do not let these losers stop you coming to the UK. I flew into Manchester airport this morning and there were Police everywhere but there was a nice atmosphere despite the delays as people tend to rally together at times like these. Please don't miss the Stones and the gatherings! It's probably the safest time to fly as security is that tight.

Re: Anyone cancelling a stones concert b/c of London plot?
Posted by: madmaxx ()
Date: August 11, 2006 16:37


They are actually trying to save everyone time by refusing you to take non essentials on board.

They will now be checking everything you carry and the less you have the quicker they can check everyone in.

Then of course I dont worry about running to the loo to plaster my face with makeup before I land somewhere & even if I did it would be the last thing I would be moaning about under the circumstances.

When we came through Gatwic on Saturday they swabbed my hand luggagae for explosives.
At first I thought it was drugs they were looking for and havig been in Amsterdam was a little worried there were still some crumbs in my bag!!!.

When he explained what he was doing I was quite relieved I can tell you.

Re: Anyone cancelling a stones concert b/c of London plot?
Posted by: CindyC ()
Date: August 11, 2006 16:56

madmaxx Wrote:
They are actually trying to save everyone time by refusing you to take non essentials on board.

They will now be checking everything you carry and the less you have the quicker they can check everyone in.

I bet every single person on the planes that smashed into the WTC would gladly wait an extra hour if they could in order to ensure their safety.

Good advise madmaxx, pack light and take a chill pill before you get to the airport. That's what I'm doing.

Re: Anyone cancelling a stones concert b/c of London plot?
Posted by: highanddry ()
Date: August 11, 2006 17:24

MicksBrain Wrote:
> All this SHOW
> OFF crap at the airport is just that, a show,that
> never stops anything.

That's the dumbest argument I've heard in a long time.

The fact that the airport security people rarely find weapons or explosives demonstrates their immense value.

They "never stop anything"?!?

Au contraire, their presence stops just about everything. The weapons and explosives simply never show up at all, precisely because the security people are looking.

And I agree with everyone who says now is the safest time to travel. I traveled to Ireland in the immediate aftermath of 9/11, and the increased security, while a legitimate pain in the butt, made flying at that time incredibly safe.

Re: Anyone cancelling a stones concert b/c of London plot?
Posted by: Doxa ()
Date: August 11, 2006 17:25

No bloody way.

What common do have Keith Richards, TicketmasterUK, London hotels, and Osama Bin Laden (or whoever is behind the aeroplane hassle) with each other?

Answer: all of them try with different means to prevent myself seeing the Stones at Twickenham, but do not have a success.

You see. First I was very happy to be able to attend a Rolling Stones concert for the very first time at their home ground, and bring a first timer with me: my better half. Everything looked wonderful and to be in order: I had ordered the tickets (after some hassle) from TicketmastersUK, got nice flight tickets and booked a room in nice Guest House in Richmond. I felt great.

Then things started to happen. First,Keith decided to find not just a pirate inside from himself, but a tarzan, too. The whole bloody tour was in danger, but luckily it finally didn't touch my Twicks gig. Second, Ticketmaster started (well, continued) its policy of not really deciding will they deliver the tickets overseas or not. But hell, after few weeks of total confusion, I finally did get the tickets by mail. I was relieved. But then, third, just two days ago, this week I got the mail from the Guest House that they had some problem with their booking technology, and for that reason their place is over-booked, and my reservation is cancelled. Thank you very much. Well, fortunately there are lots of places to stay in London, so after some extra work, I found a new place to stay, near Victoria this time. That problem was sorted out - and I thought: what else? Well, the 'else', ass you know, happened yesterday... but I can cope with it. Now I can only wonder what else still might turn out; there is still over a week left to the show...

But: let's rock at Twickenham! But slightly before that, I think I deserve a nice ale or three at Cabbage Patch pub... If I ever get there...

- Doxa

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 2006-08-11 17:28 by Doxa.

Re: Anyone cancelling a stones concert b/c of London plot?
Posted by: Adrian-L ()
Date: August 11, 2006 17:34

Doxa- it's been a frustrating few months thats for sure...
hopefully the Twickenham shows will be a great experience and worth
all the stress and problems that have occured.

- you've got the correct attitude about this,
See you in The Cabbage Patch!

Re: Anyone cancelling a stones concert b/c of London plot?
Posted by: MicksBrain ()
Date: August 11, 2006 17:36

OK, you guys and gals buy into it all you want. The way to stop this is do it the way this latest one was done. Infiltrate the groups while they still are planning the attacks. Catching them on the day is last resort stuff. Plus, as much as I'm pro Arabic people I think some profileing has to go on. Having 70 year old women taking off there flats (shoes) on the way to a week in Hawaii is just TOTALLY stupid- it's a waste of time and a show. We need more BRAINIAC thinking here....

Re: Anyone cancelling a stones concert b/c of London plot?
Posted by: Luke33 ()
Date: August 11, 2006 17:47

MicksBrain - the terroists have won ??

Get real, they will never win ...why? because 99.9% of the world is against them and the quicker everyone gets back to living as they would normally do the better. I know it's easier said than done but let's hope everyone gets on with life and stick it right up them !! That's why we will win !!!

Go Stones, and please Ronnie hit the right note !!!

Re: Anyone cancelling a stones concert b/c of London plot?
Posted by: Roadster32 ()
Date: August 11, 2006 17:49

UK i'm coming wether by plane, train, bus, car or by foot.

No way to stop me.

Re: Anyone cancelling a stones concert b/c of London plot?
Posted by: Gazza ()
Date: August 11, 2006 18:02

attaboy, Roadster - "business as usual" over here. Thats the way its always been.

Re: Anyone cancelling a stones concert b/c of London plot?
Posted by: Roadster32 ()
Date: August 11, 2006 18:20

Gazza Wrote:
> attaboy, Roadster - "business as usual" over here.
> Thats the way its always been.

really hope to see you gazza.

Re: Anyone cancelling a stones concert b/c of London plot?
Posted by: winter ()
Date: August 11, 2006 19:36

as noted by ben tripp today: "Terrorists seem to have pro-Republican timing, that's all."

bush and blair have known about this for well over a week, yet they waited until a rare midweek conference call between cheney and the MSM (mainstream media) for him first to hammer home that the democrats are soft on terror and antiwar and weak on nat'l defense. their republican-lite dem lieberman goes down to an anti-iraq war "left wing extremist" candidate by "anti-american left wing extremist voters". the RED ALERT and foiled plot and new airline restrictions get carted out pronto, and plastered over the mighty MSM wurlitzer is 24/7 fear and voila!, the race for the midterm elections is on! you'ld think it was bu$hco that foiled the plot, not scotland yard!

in the US, we are being bombarded by the bush/rove/cheney sentiment that:"the democratic party has forgotten 911." well, the democrats and the american people have most certainly not forgotten 911. as a matter of fact, we're still waiting to hear from this administration why bu$hco were the only people in america who initially refused to even have a 911 investigation, and why bush/cheney refused to go under oath when finally allowing themselves to be questioned about 911.

people haven't forgotten that the domestically-launched anthrax attacks immediately after 911 targeted the gop-percieved enemies of the republican party; -democrats and the 'liberal media', on the eve of the passage of the patriot act. or that the expensive, deadly, and terrorist-spawning war in iraq had/has nothing to do with 911, and has made the world, including blair's britain, more dangerous. or that the three biggest terror alerts in 2004 coincided with kerry picking edwards as his vp candidate, the democratic convention, and just before the nat'l elections when bin laden released his bush assisting tape after over a year of silence.


no-fly lists that include 80 yr. old nuns in minnesota, massive domestic wiretapping, a weakening of standards for future prosecution of this cabal's war crimes, allowing 911 to happen and then exploiting it and capitalizing off it, bankrupting the country, increasing and agitating the threat of world terrorism, and now no toothpaste on the plane?!? yesiree, the terrists sure hate us for our freedom!

shame on blair for taking britain into the iraq debacle; it's precisely the US/UK presence/occupation in middle east lands that is at the basis of al-queda and their ilk's motives. bush and blair are to blame, yet the English and American citizenry pay the price.

Re: Anyone cancelling a stones concert b/c of London plot?
Posted by: Jumpin'JackFrash ()
Date: August 11, 2006 19:39

Stick it to the bad guys and enjoy the rock n roll.

Re: Anyone cancelling a stones concert b/c of London plot?
Posted by: jagger50 ()
Date: August 11, 2006 19:44

In the terrorist attacks in London last summer a young man from my town was killed. I won't let him die for nothing. So let's get it on people and be free and travel.

Re: Anyone cancelling a stones concert b/c of London plot?
Posted by: Goldsmith ()
Date: August 11, 2006 19:45

Winter - Any other left-wing, tin-foil hat, defeatest, moonbat conspiracy theories you'd like to share with us?

The US/UK presence in the middle east is not the basis of al-queda's motives. Remember, we weren't in Iraq or Afganistan when they flew planes into the WTC and Pentagon on September 11. We've been fighting this war for over 30 years so maybe it's time you took your head out of the sand.

Re: Anyone cancelling a stones concert b/c of London plot?
Posted by: SeNdEr ()
Date: August 11, 2006 20:00

do you believe that shit?, COME ON!!!

Re: Anyone cancelling a stones concert b/c of London plot?
Posted by: JMoisica ()
Date: August 11, 2006 20:00

Yea, I should definitley still go. Gazza, chill out buddy, it was a JOKE!! Lighten up. And yes I am young (19, i think thats young), and this would be my first stones show, assuming i still go.

Re: Anyone cancelling a stones concert b/c of London plot?
Posted by: Koen ()
Date: August 11, 2006 20:21

Goldsmith Wrote:

> The US/UK presence in the middle east is not the
> basis of al-queda's motives. Remember, we weren't
> in Iraq or Afganistan when they flew planes into
> the WTC and Pentagon on September 11. We've been
> fighting this war for over 30 years so maybe it's
> time you took your head out of the sand.

The presence of Western countries in the Middle East goes way back, at least to the findings of oil.

Re: Anyone cancelling a stones concert b/c of London plot?
Posted by: stonesfrk ()
Date: August 11, 2006 20:29

MicksBrain Wrote:
> The terrorists have won, sorry to tell you.
> Traveling is now the biggest pain in the ass in
> the world. Years ago it was wonderful just getting
> on a plane with young friendly flight attendants
> that would have a nice chat with you, give you
> some free drinks - maybe go out with you when you
> got to your destination (happened a few times back
> in the day). Now they think almost ANYONE is a
> terrorist - they're stressed, they're uptight,
> they're underpaid, they are unhappy, etc. I don't
> blame JMoisica's parents, who needs the 4 hour
> long bullsh*t lines, the way you can't carry on
> anything anymore, the stress, the whole
> f*ckin'very unpleasant circus. I never thought
> they could make Buses fly but they found a way to
> do fact, these days I'd RATHER take a
> bus. What a shame that it's come to this......

I Agree 100%! The terrorist have'nt won in my book! Just that MicksBrain is on the same plane as me, i remember the good ol days with the flight attendants too. I just flew back from the euro shows10 days ago and it was a pain in the ass,i could only imagine what it's going to be like now. I'll wait for the U.S. gigs.

Re: Anyone cancelling a stones concert b/c of London plot?
Posted by: Gazza ()
Date: August 11, 2006 21:35

JMoisica Wrote:
> Yea, I should definitley still go. Gazza, chill
> out buddy, it was a JOKE!! Lighten up. And yes I
> am young (19, i think thats young), and this would
> be my first stones show, assuming i still go.

Glad it was a joke. Get your ass over here and I'll buy you a beer (youre old enough to drink over here, if thats some consolation!)

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