MicksBrain Wrote:
> I was going to NYC a lot in those days (early/mid
> eighties) and I remember talking to the owner of
> the bar about the whole thing and the little jam
> they did. He was a very nice guy but couldn't name
> any of the songs they played - wasn't very up on
> stuff like that but got a big kick out of them
> using his little place.
St. Marks Bar and Grill doesn't excist anymore. It's now called "Tribe". Here's a recent picture of the place.

From www.vassifer.blogs.com/photos/my_vanishing_downtown:
"St. Mark's Place
On the corner of St.Mark's Place and 1st Avenue. Its heyday was a bit before my time, but I do remember going once or twice. Stones fans might recognize it as the bar Mick and Keef repair to in "Waiting on a Friend". There used to be a rather poorly rendered painting of them on the back wall. Don't look for it, it's long gone. The current incarnation is devoid of all semblance of character.
I do like the Union Jack shirt in the second floor window, though."