a bigger nut Wrote:
> Are there someone who knows an official ticket
> agent on internet who accept to pickup purchased
> ticket at a boxoffice somewhere in Germany?
> I found [
www.topevents24.de] on search
> engine. Are they reliable?
> I am living in Tokyo and was planning to go Paris
> show then go to Germeny to see World Cup.
> Sadly as all you know, the shows between Barcelona
> to Zagreb was cancelled.
> But I want to see Stones show even after the World
> Cup and Nurenberg show is still on SO FAR. And it
> looks like there are some available tickets on
> official link from RS.com. But this official agent
> always deliver tickets to buyer's address.
> As I am going to depart Tokyo at the beginning of
> June, it may be impossible to receive in my
> address in Tokyo.
> I think there are some official ticket seller in
> Germany(or Europe).
> So I am looking for a seller who have boxoffice to
> pickup tickets sold on Internet.
> I know also Nurenberg show may be postponed. But I
> will take its risk.
> Even then, ticket will be refunded. It is enough.
Hey Stones fellow....don´T worry...just come to germany..enjoy the world cup...you will have many chances to buy Stones tickets for almost all german shows..you can get them by walking to several box offices as well as buying them on showday...the last 5 tours I was always able to buy tix for Stones gigs in germany...even if it was called 100 % sold out weeks before...and if you are cool enough, waiting till 1 or 2 hours before show beginns you can buy tix even lower than face value.
If you want tix for german shows...you will get them...just stay cool ..don`t panic...that`s all.
My guess is that the tour will beginn right after the world cup on July 10th in Nürnberg world cup stadium( where we have Guns & Roses as the supporter as well..)