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Re: ANGRY - new Stones single and video
Posted by: MonkeyMan2000 ()
Date: September 9, 2023 11:35

I wonder whose idea it was to put overdrive on Keith's bass. This, I think, is what gives the bassline and also the whole instrumental a lot of character past the obvious Stones by the numbers riff. With my band in the studio, we sometimes use overdrive on the bass part to hide some inaccuracies, so that less editing needs to be done and it can sound intededly rough and raunchy.

But, at the same time, I don't think that Darryl would have been allowed to use such a fat overdrive tone, if he played on Angry. It really takes up a lot of space in the mix, just as much as the guitars. Can't say that about B&L...

I agree that the bass is very dominant in the mix, but I kinda like it. I don't know much about sound engineering so I am still wondering what it is exactly what gives the song such a modern feel. The riff is very basic and old-school, but the production makes the song fresh, especially the chorus. There's a lot of melody to it and Mick is singing it very well.

Yes, the bass is wicked! The instrumental production is quite basic but it works. Very compressed, which makes it a bit hard to really work out the individual guitar parts as the hearing gets tired, but it slaps! Now for the chorus, I've already expressed this a few times: It sounds modern because the vocal has many layers with Mick singing falsettos and deeper lines. Then they lined up oll of the consonants. This is my main gripe with the song because while it sounds modern, it already sounds dated (2010's) because vocal production has already moved on from this sterile style back to a more performance- and human-oriented style.
I personally would have loved if Mick just did his 28-year-old Keith impression for the backing vocals. The same voice he uses when he does the vox on the deluxe sets smiling smiley

Re: ANGRY - new Stones single and video
Posted by: peoplewitheyes ()
Date: September 9, 2023 11:36

Keith is a far better bass player than Daryl.

Re: ANGRY - official video
Posted by: RisingStone ()
Date: September 9, 2023 12:31

I can’t believe how many people are scandalized [...]
[...]They are a joke.

The real joke is that some people think others are scandalized by the video. It's like the drunk granddad telling a naughty story during christmas diner, ("nudge nudge, wink wink"). Nobody is scandalized. It's just boring, sad and tacky. I would have loved a scandalizing video. Rock n roll is supposed to kick against the same old ideas, this video does the opposite. Maybe some old men like it, but I bet most younger people are not impressed.

And it's a pity, because I like the song. I don't think you can compare it to Start Me Up, which impressed even people who didn't care about the Stones. But the chorus is definitely more catchy and alive than their other singles of the past 30 years.

Agreed. But the reality is, so many rock video clips have relied on clichéd ideas and well-worn images. Remember ‘Hair Metal’ of the 80s and their video clips churned out and delivered by MTV? Pretty maids and hot chicks all in a row.

Re: ANGRY - new Stones single and video
Posted by: peoplewitheyes ()
Date: September 9, 2023 13:27

That's true, Rising stone, those hair metal vids were tacky and embarrassing, and that's how I feel about this element of the Angry video.

Re: ANGRY - new Stones single and video
Posted by: Stoneage ()
Date: September 9, 2023 15:09

Whether the video is tacky or not is of little importance - it's just a marketing tool, soon to be forgotten. The main thing is the song and the album of course. They actually play it on mainstream radio now.
My initial take on it remains: The riffs and choruses are great; Jagger's barking singing style annoys me but overall a good effort. It may stream in billions I still wouldn't consider it a hit song though.
Good but not great is my take on it.

Re: ANGRY - new Stones single and video
Posted by: bauk77 ()
Date: September 9, 2023 15:15

Are the old billboard clips in the video synched with the actual lyrics?

Re: ANGRY - new Stones single and video
Posted by: maumau ()
Date: September 9, 2023 15:18

Are the old billboard clips in the video synched with the actual lyrics?

yes, smart video archive research

Re: ANGRY - new Stones single and video
Posted by: Putty ()
Date: September 9, 2023 15:29

Are the old billboard clips in the video synched with the actual lyrics?

yes, smart video archive research

Smart and well executed video that captures de era of bigger than life billboards in Santa Monica and the US. Like the Stones. This is as good as the Love is Strong Video. It’s also trending, it’s sexy and cool. Don’t understand the complains.

Re: ANGRY - new Stones single and video
Posted by: Markdog ()
Date: September 9, 2023 15:41

Song is a solid 3 out of 5 after 1/2 dozen listens. Won't be playing it 2 months from now. Very heavy production. I like the mix, loud drums always work in my opinion. Sounds like snare and kick are suplimented with digital sounds, could be wrong. Every snare hit is identical, kick sounds produced or heavily eqed.

I thing the bass tone and lines are worst part of song. Bill at 86 would have done something more interesting. Even Darryl would have done better.

Re: ANGRY - new Stones single and video
Posted by: treaclefingers ()
Date: September 9, 2023 16:06

After ten times listening I've never expected that to say: weaker than DON'T STOP.
Well glad the're still active...

I'll have to agree with you. Boring generic riff, annoying lyrics, lousy chorus. Don't Stop is a masterpiece in comparsion.

Hopefully the rest of the album will be better. I'm happy to get anything new at all at this point.

You two are hilarious.

You know what, the 'new' Beatles song is just around the corner, perhaps that's something you can get your 'rocks off' to?

Re: ANGRY - new Stones single and video
Posted by: dj ()
Date: September 9, 2023 17:28

Just heard a snippet of “Angry” on ESPN’s College Game Day. For what it’s worth.

Re: ANGRY - new Stones single and video
Posted by: yeababyyea ()
Date: September 9, 2023 17:36


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2023-09-09 17:37 by yeababyyea.

Re: ANGRY - new Stones single and video
Posted by: keefriffhards ()
Date: September 9, 2023 19:04

I wonder whose idea it was to put overdrive on Keith's bass. This, I think, is what gives the bassline and also the whole instrumental a lot of character past the obvious Stones by the numbers riff. With my band in the studio, we sometimes use overdrive on the bass part to hide some inaccuracies, so that less editing needs to be done and it can sound intededly rough and raunchy.

But, at the same time, I don't think that Darryl would have been allowed to use such a fat overdrive tone, if he played on Angry. It really takes up a lot of space in the mix, just as much as the guitars. Can't say that about B&L...

I agree that the bass is very dominant in the mix, but I kinda like it. I don't know much about sound engineering so I am still wondering what it is exactly what gives the song such a modern feel. The riff is very basic and old-school, but the production makes the song fresh, especially the chorus. There's a lot of melody to it and Mick is singing it very well.

Yes, the bass is wicked! The instrumental production is quite basic but it works. Very compressed, which makes it a bit hard to really work out the individual guitar parts as the hearing gets tired, but it slaps! Now for the chorus, I've already expressed this a few times: It sounds modern because the vocal has many layers with Mick singing falsettos and deeper lines. Then they lined up oll of the consonants. This is my main gripe with the song because while it sounds modern, it already sounds dated (2010's) because vocal production has already moved on from this sterile style back to a more performance- and human-oriented style.
I personally would have loved if Mick just did his 28-year-old Keith impression for the backing vocals. The same voice he uses when he does the vox on the deluxe sets smiling smiley

Just a question, why would Mick want to sound modern, I'm not being awkward or ignorant but what is good about a modern sound vocally or musically.
Modern but dated you say, I just wish Mick went really retro, like back to the 60S or 70s vocally.

Re: ANGRY - new Stones single and video
Posted by: buffalo7478 ()
Date: September 9, 2023 19:27

It's a basic song. Though many singles by many musicians are meant to appeal to the least common denominator. Made to dance to or be a stadium anthem vs generating anything deeper. I'm waiting to hear what else is on the album, especially lyrically. The range and speed of the fingers declines with age. Great melody, biting wit, surprise or add social commentary and the ability to paint with words hopefully hasn't that much.

Re: ANGRY - new Stones single and video
Posted by: Doxa ()
Date: September 9, 2023 19:58

Being a hardcore fan of this band means that one dislikes 'war horses' and leading singles of the albums. Those are just meant for ignorant casual fans. For true hardcore fans and their educated ears the true greatness of the Rolling Stones lies in somewhere else, in deep cuts and loose studio out-takes from bootlegs.

But no need to worry yet. There probably is a new "Slave" or "Pretty Beat Up" somewhere there on the new album.

- Doxa

Re: ANGRY - new Stones single and video
Posted by: LeonidP ()
Date: September 9, 2023 20:11

That's true, Rising stone, those hair metal vids were tacky and embarrassing, and that's how I feel about this element of the Angry video.

Agree, they should be in suits/ties in church.

Re: ANGRY - new Stones single and video
Posted by: peoplewitheyes ()
Date: September 9, 2023 20:14

Nice false dichotomy, Leonid

Re: ANGRY - new Stones single and video
Posted by: Taylor1 ()
Date: September 9, 2023 20:19

I like the song but think the mix is weird Mick’s vocals are very clear and mixed up high.And I think he is playing the riff.But the other instruments are muddy.

Re: ANGRY - new Stones single and video
Posted by: peoplewitheyes ()
Date: September 9, 2023 20:38

I really like the song too, more than I expected to, and especially the second half, but I agree about Mick's vox, I wish they'd return to the (long gone) trick of making his vox less prominent in the mix, maybe doubling them up raggedly.

Re: ANGRY - new Stones single and video
Posted by: keefriffhards ()
Date: September 9, 2023 20:40

I like the song but think the mix is weird Mick’s vocals are very clear and mixed up high.And I think he is playing the riff.But the other instruments are muddy.

Since the 70s that's been the biggest turn off for me, Micks vocals too high in the mix, with the exception of Tattoo You, that really worked for Mick but after that his voice changed and it's been overbearingly high in the mix.
He's always been good at ballads though, that range in his voice is still great to this day, and nothing Mick does is all bad though and like everyone else I'm really looking forward to the album even if there isn't anything particularly different about it, Stones by numbers is better than no Stones at all, I've missed their albums these past 18 years.

Re: ANGRY - new Stones single and video
Posted by: georgie48 ()
Date: September 9, 2023 20:53

No analysis from me. I just like to say that I like this song better and better every day! This obviously means ... it's a very good song cool smiley

smileys with beer

I'm a GHOST living in a ghost town

Re: ANGRY - new Stones single and video
Posted by: frankotero ()
Date: September 9, 2023 21:14

LeonidP smileys with beer bye the way I'm loving the song... and video too.

Re: ANGRY - new Stones single and video
Posted by: harlem shuffle ()
Date: September 9, 2023 21:43

Jagger annoys you again,doesnt he always annoys you?

Re: ANGRY - new Stones single and video
Posted by: jobt ()
Date: September 9, 2023 21:50

ANGRY, like you probably haven't heard it before.


Re: ANGRY - new Stones single and video
Posted by: Doxa ()
Date: September 9, 2023 22:06

I like the song but think the mix is weird Mick’s vocals are very clear and mixed up high.And I think he is playing the riff.But the other instruments are muddy.

Since the 70s that's been the biggest turn off for me, Micks vocals too high in the mix, with the exception of Tattoo You, that really worked for Mick but after that his voice changed and it's been overbearingly high in the mix.
He's always been good at ballads though, that range in his voice is still great to this day, and nothing Mick does is all bad though and like everyone else I'm really looking forward to the album even if there isn't anything particularly different about it, Stones by numbers is better than no Stones at all, I've missed their albums these past 18 years.

I am sure there is one "Losing My Touch" in the album to ease your pain.

- Doxa

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2023-09-09 22:23 by Doxa.

Re: ANGRY - new Stones single and video
Posted by: KeVvV2011 ()
Date: September 9, 2023 22:09

My initial reaction wasn't very positive but it's grown on me a bit.

Regarding the bass: I like that it's loud - my favorite live releases tend to be the ones with Bill way up in the mix - but don't like the overdriven sound. Most of all, I think what Keith is playing on it is just too basic. With all that space in the mix there would have been room for something a bit more... interesting.

The other thing that drags the song down imo is the vocal melody in the prechorus. Just overproduced and overwritten.

With that said, I do think it would be a fun one to hear live. Also, it's nice to see this generally being received positively and genuinely creating a buzz. In that sense, releasing something kinda poppy (while still featuring enough Stones trademarks) may have been a smart choice for the first single.

Re: ANGRY - new Stones single and video
Posted by: Doxa ()
Date: September 9, 2023 22:19

ANGRY, like you probably haven't heard it before.


Oh please. What don't you just F... Off.

We are here talking about just released official Rolling Stones recording. As it is.

- Doxa

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 2023-09-09 22:22 by Doxa.

Re: ANGRY - new Stones single and video
Posted by: treaclefingers ()
Date: September 9, 2023 22:49

ANGRY, like you probably haven't heard it before.


Oh please. What don't you just F... Off.

We are here talking about just released official Rolling Stones recording. As it is.

- Doxa

smileys with beer

Re: ANGRY - new Stones single and video
Posted by: treaclefingers ()
Date: September 9, 2023 22:49

ANGRY, like you probably haven't heard it before.


Oh please. What don't you just F... Off.

We are here talking about just released official Rolling Stones recording. As it is.

- Doxa

smileys with beer

Re: ANGRY - new Stones single and video
Posted by: harlem shuffle ()
Date: September 9, 2023 23:24

I am very tired of some of the clovns from the Keithclans here.Some of Them Are just plain stupid.Totally blown away stupid

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