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Re: ANGRY - new Stones single and video
Posted by: 1962 ()
Date: September 8, 2023 21:24

Living In A Ghost Town: 2,5 years: 13m (YT)

Angry: 2 days: nearly 12m (YT)


Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 2023-09-08 21:33 by 1962.

Re: ANGRY - official video
Posted by: LeonidP ()
Date: September 8, 2023 21:50

How do I feel about the “hot chick” bit for the Angry video? So clichéd! Been there done that. So many times. So obsolete.

This is 2023. Not 1972. They are now seventy and eighty-something. I wish the boys moved on.

But that’s the Stones for you, after all.

Not quite 60 yet myself, so I guess I'm not yet bored with looking at hot women. How many years left !! confused smiley

Re: ANGRY - new Stones single and video
Posted by: frankotero ()
Date: September 8, 2023 22:26

Sex, Drugs and Rock and Roll. Again, it's The Stones moniker, even if they've grown old the stigma remains because of the glorious past and legacy. Why would they change it. If people don't agree and expect something else why not move onto something else. Turn the channel as we used to say. I wouldn't hang onto something that doesn't move me. I'm scratching my head.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2023-09-08 22:29 by frankotero.

Re: ANGRY - official video
Posted by: BFR ()
Date: September 8, 2023 22:30


Not quite 60 yet myself, so I guess I'm not yet bored with looking at hot women. How many years left !! confused smiley

grinning smiley grinning smiley
With any luck, you’ll be like Mick and never lose your desire for pleasure tongue sticking out smiley

Re: ANGRY - new Stones single and video
Posted by: VoodooLounge13 ()
Date: September 8, 2023 22:33

Jimmy C
11 Million views on YouTube, what is everyone seeing on Spotify for number of streams? I see about 257K but it doesn't look like my desktop Spotify is updating so maybe it's way higher.

I see 719k

It is, so first full day with around 450k streams. Much lower than expected (you need 1m+ to be on top 200). So YT and iTunes is doing great but generation Z have not really picked it up. Also, their all time monthly listeners is not reached yet either, but probably will by tomorrow. But still millions behind likes of Fleetwood Mac, ABBA, Queen, Elton John, AC/DC etc who all have had revivals in the last couple of years.

C'mon tiffany! Ya better step it up over there on Spotify! smileys with beer

Re: ANGRY - new Stones single and video
Posted by: deardoctor ()
Date: September 8, 2023 23:19

After ten times listening I've never expected that to say: weaker than DON'T STOP.
Well glad the're still active...

Re: ANGRY - new Stones single and video
Posted by: schwonek ()
Date: September 8, 2023 23:25

Steve. Don't know if it has been said before but I really like Steves drumming on this one. His signature fill and this straight style. I guess he didnt use sticks. Maybe Hot Rods or even a brush?

I can picture it as a classic live number 2 song a la "Sad, Sad, Sad":
"This one is called Angry. One, Two, One, Two, Three, Four"

Re: ANGRY - new Stones single and video
Posted by: RaiseTheKnife ()
Date: September 8, 2023 23:35

After ten times listening I've never expected that to say: weaker than DON'T STOP.
Well glad the're still active...

I'll have to agree with you. Boring generic riff, annoying lyrics, lousy chorus. Don't Stop is a masterpiece in comparsion.

Hopefully the rest of the album will be better. I'm happy to get anything new at all at this point.

Re: ANGRY - new Stones single and video
Posted by: powerage78 ()
Date: September 8, 2023 23:47

Angry sounds like a hybrid assembly of all the gimmicks that made the band so successful, but sounds like the thud of a drunk guy making a dish after launching himself off the highest diving board in the pool. It's indigestible and painful.


Re: ANGRY - new Stones single and video
Posted by: yeababyyea ()
Date: September 9, 2023 01:25

It's nice to get a new single. Do I think this song would've made it onto A Bigger Bang? Probably not, would likely have been thrown in the dumpster. Just had to relisten to Rough Justice, can't get enough of the wonderful swing and groove of Charlie, what a great tight rock song.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2023-09-09 01:55 by yeababyyea.

Re: ANGRY - new Stones single and video
Posted by: ProfessorWolf ()
Date: September 9, 2023 02:42

here's my (non political) two cents on the video "controversy"

i also didn't care for the woman dancing around the car

not in a this is sexist or objectifying sorta way but more it's a boring, tacky, uninspired cliche sorta way

let me ask this of the folks who liked the video and those that didn't for whatever reason

would you have prefered (as i would have) if the video starts with mick, keith, and ronnie getting in the car together, starting it, driving onto the road

then they turn on the radio and the new song starts to play they start to sing along while they pass the billboards looking at the clips of there younger selves

the music ends and mick (who's driving) pulls the car to the front of a theatre

they all get out grab there instruments out the car and walk into the theatre to chants of "we want the stones"

then the video ends

maybe it's not reinventing the wheel but i think it would have worked better that way

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2023-09-09 02:44 by ProfessorWolf.

Re: ANGRY - new Stones single and video
Posted by: MisterDDDD ()
Date: September 9, 2023 02:51


Re: ANGRY - new Stones single and video
Posted by: Rockman ()
Date: September 9, 2023 02:57

Lurv the Angry vid .... its rocknROLL remember...

Color ... streets... pace Sydney the brat
looks like its a scene from Once Upon A Time In Hollywood


Re: ANGRY - new Stones single and video
Posted by: ProfessorWolf ()
Date: September 9, 2023 02:58

also side note

there's a chance that mick may have one of his "political songs" on the new album and if we can't even handle a scantily clad woman dancing on a car without it disoulving into a ugly partisan fistfight

i shudder to think what will happen here if mick dares to express an opinion on a touchy political subject

can we please just strive to keep our politics off of iorr

it would be really nice if we could discuss the whole album and every song on it without bv having to close threads and forbid discussing certain songs like a couple years ago because we all starting behaving like impolsive children

Re: ANGRY - new Stones single and video
Posted by: RisingStone ()
Date: September 9, 2023 03:02

here's my (non political) two cents on the video "controversy"

i also didn't care for the woman dancing around the car

not in a this is sexist or objectifying sorta way but more it's a boring, tacky, uninspired cliche sorta way

let me ask this of the folks who liked the video and those that didn't for whatever reason

would you have prefered (as i would have) if the video starts with mick, keith, and ronnie getting in the car together, starting it, driving onto the road

then they turn on the radio and the new song starts to play they start to sing along while they pass the billboards looking at the clips of there younger selves

the music ends and mick (who's driving) pulls the car to the front of a theatre

they all get out grab there instruments out the car and walk into the theatre to chants of "we want the stones"

then the video ends

maybe it's not reinventing the wheel but i think it would have worked better that way

A superb script, Professor!
Yes, that would have been a much better and fan-favorite video clip, which even could have enhanced the song’s reputation by a few notches. A missed opportunity.

Re: ANGRY - new Stones single and video
Posted by: flilflam ()
Date: September 9, 2023 03:44

Angry is a great song, but I would have preferred a longer guitar solo by Keith instead of the one of 15 seconds. The rhythm guitar work was spot on. Also, cut out at least the last 20 seconds of Angry. That was just filler.

I have already ordered the CD from Amazon, and am very excited about getting it soon.

Re: ANGRY - new Stones single and video
Date: September 9, 2023 04:03

I am sure the song will wear into us. I remember Start Me Up took a bit to get used to. Same with Mixed Emotions.

It's got a "WE ARE FRIGGEN BACK" riff to it.

I think Charlie would like this one.

My prediction is they will set up camp in a few select cities and play multiple shows in older venues which are not used as often.

Re: ANGRY - new Stones single and video
Posted by: VoodooLounge13 ()
Date: September 9, 2023 04:16

It’s still on loop whilst I’m at the Skynyrd/ZZ Top concert!!

Re: ANGRY - new Stones' single on Spotify
Posted by: Taylor1 ()
Date: September 9, 2023 04:18

Is there a subscriber to The Times who can post their article that carries the headline ‘I’ve heard the new Stones album and it is their best since 1978’? I’m tantalised!

save your time. Article sounds wayyyy more interesting than it is.
Better than Tattoo You and Bridges? Those are 2of my top 12 Stones albums.

Re: ANGRY - new Stones single and video
Posted by: buffalo7478 ()
Date: September 9, 2023 05:48


Re: ANGRY - new Stones single and video
Posted by: Rockman ()
Date: September 9, 2023 05:49

It’s still on loop whilst I’m at the Skynyrd/ZZ Top concert!!

Heck vodoooooooo ... must be a good concert ..... HHHHaaaaaaaaaaaa


Re: ANGRY - new Stones single and video
Posted by: VoodooLounge13 ()
Date: September 9, 2023 07:18

At home Rock!!! I have it playing on a loop on my laptop at home on YT. That’s why I’m not sure why more here aren’t joining me in my valiant efforts. 15x/hour, 24 hours in a day…that’s 360 listens for me each day!!!!

Re: ANGRY - new Stones single and video
Posted by: VoodooLounge13 ()
Date: September 9, 2023 07:23

And overall I did enjoy the show. Order was messed up. Uncle Cracker opened. Enjoyable enough. Should have been ZZ next. Not much interaction with the audience and how does the show NOT end with Freebird!?!?!? Lots of energy outta those Skynyrd guitarists!!! Ricky is phenomenal at his age!!!! It’s been over 20 years since I’d seen them and I enjoyed it as much maybe a tad bit more now actually. Given that they’re all gone and just the finality of life and a new-found Uber appreciation for this band that I used to cast off as some hillbilly bar band. Faaaaar from it. Man I had them all wrong. And happy to admit it. Their early classic stuff is superb!!!

Re: ANGRY - new Stones single and video
Posted by: peoplewitheyes ()
Date: September 9, 2023 09:58

I think your idea is pretty cool, Prof. I don't think there's anything political about it, not sure why some are trying to drive this into a tiresome 'woke' debate. I just found the hot chick element tacky, dated and kind of embarrassing. Looove the billboards though (and can't wait to see a 72 / 78 / 81 avatar show in the coming years)

Re: ANGRY - new Stones single and video
Posted by: tiffanyblu ()
Date: September 9, 2023 10:40

Jimmy C
11 Million views on YouTube, what is everyone seeing on Spotify for number of streams? I see about 257K but it doesn't look like my desktop Spotify is updating so maybe it's way higher.

I see 719k

It is, so first full day with around 450k streams. Much lower than expected (you need 1m+ to be on top 200). So YT and iTunes is doing great but generation Z have not really picked it up. Also, their all time monthly listeners is not reached yet either, but probably will by tomorrow. But still millions behind likes of Fleetwood Mac, ABBA, Queen, Elton John, AC/DC etc who all have had revivals in the last couple of years.

C'mon tiffany! Ya better step it up over there on Spotify! smileys with beer

I know! I feel the pressure!

Re: ANGRY - new Stones single and video
Posted by: MonkeyMan2000 ()
Date: September 9, 2023 10:51

also side note

there's a chance that mick may have one of his "political songs" on the new album and if we can't even handle a scantily clad woman dancing on a car without it disoulving into a ugly partisan fistfight

i shudder to think what will happen here if mick dares to express an opinion on a touchy political subject

can we please just strive to keep our politics off of iorr

it would be really nice if we could discuss the whole album and every song on it without bv having to close threads and forbid discussing certain songs like a couple years ago because we all starting behaving like impolsive children

Agree 100%. Can't wait to hear the rest of the album and discuss its music and its lyrics. Might be good if we don't get another video winking smiley

Re: ANGRY - new Stones single and video
Posted by: MonkeyMan2000 ()
Date: September 9, 2023 10:59

I wonder whose idea it was to put overdrive on Keith's bass. This, I think, is what gives the bassline and also the whole instrumental a lot of character past the obvious Stones by the numbers riff. With my band in the studio, we sometimes use overdrive on the bass part to hide some inaccuracies, so that less editing needs to be done and it can sound intededly rough and raunchy.

But, at the same time, I don't think that Darryl would have been allowed to use such a fat overdrive tone, if he played on Angry. It really takes up a lot of space in the mix, just as much as the guitars. Can't say that about B&L...

Re: ANGRY - official video
Posted by: matxil ()
Date: September 9, 2023 11:19

I can’t believe how many people are scandalized [...]
[...]They are a joke.

The real joke is that some people think others are scandalized by the video. It's like the drunk granddad telling a naughty story during christmas diner, ("nudge nudge, wink wink"). Nobody is scandalized. It's just boring, sad and tacky. I would have loved a scandalizing video. Rock n roll is supposed to kick against the same old ideas, this video does the opposite. Maybe some old men like it, but I bet most younger people are not impressed.

And it's a pity, because I like the song. I don't think you can compare it to Start Me Up, which impressed even people who didn't care about the Stones. But the chorus is definitely more catchy and alive than their other singles of the past 30 years.

Re: ANGRY - new Stones single and video
Posted by: Stoneage ()
Date: September 9, 2023 11:23

The video? I don't think Sir Michael puts that much into it nowadays. It's just a marketing tool. He just picks the producer of it...and okays the final result.
The retrospective parts with billboards is clever work I think. The girl and the red Mercedes 70s SL cabriolet are standard, somewhat worn, attributes I guess.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2023-09-09 11:27 by Stoneage.

Re: ANGRY - new Stones single and video
Posted by: matxil ()
Date: September 9, 2023 11:27

I wonder whose idea it was to put overdrive on Keith's bass. This, I think, is what gives the bassline and also the whole instrumental a lot of character past the obvious Stones by the numbers riff. With my band in the studio, we sometimes use overdrive on the bass part to hide some inaccuracies, so that less editing needs to be done and it can sound intededly rough and raunchy.

But, at the same time, I don't think that Darryl would have been allowed to use such a fat overdrive tone, if he played on Angry. It really takes up a lot of space in the mix, just as much as the guitars. Can't say that about B&L...

I agree that the bass is very dominant in the mix, but I kinda like it. I don't know much about sound engineering so I am still wondering what it is exactly what gives the song such a modern feel. The riff is very basic and old-school, but the production makes the song fresh, especially the chorus. There's a lot of melody to it and Mick is singing it very well.

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