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Therefore they didn't see the point in making massive orders of masks when it was still doable. Guess what happened next? Our beloved leaders explained to us that masks are useless and even dangerous.
Can you imagine a general leading his army to war without guns then explaining that guns are useless in a conflict...? Nurses and docs in hospitals have NO masks, they take huge risks doing their job.
It's like a Sci Fi movie.
Here in the U.K., we had some nice weather this past weekend. So what happens? Large crowds gather in parks and seaside towns all over the country. There is a large ignorant element of the population here who are blithely carrying on as normal, even treating the time off work as a ‘bonus holiday’.
At his press conference today, the PM repeated his social distancing advice given previously and stated that further controls may be needed if people fail to do so. That can only mean a lockdown and I think it needs to happen and very soon. Far too many stupid people here ruining it for everyone else with their ignorance, selfish and stupidity. The panic buying and hoarding continues apace.
More importantly he's been advocating the use of the Hydrochoroquine+Zithromax treatment and has led a promising (but limited to 24 patients) study.
Just watched daily US task force news conference. Contrary to the WHO, they are telling people testing not that important. It's a total smoke screen to cover up their screw ups (putting it lightly). At this point, I trust the WHO more than the CDC or US government which is a sad state of affairs. Our governor Inslee is doing a good job though. Things are getting really scary here.
Here in the U.K., we had some nice weather this past weekend. So what happens? Large crowds gather in parks and seaside towns all over the country. There is a large ignorant element of the population here who are blithely carrying on as normal, even treating the time off work as a ‘bonus holiday’.
At his press conference today, the PM repeated his social distancing advice given previously and stated that further controls may be needed if people fail to do so. That can only mean a lockdown and I think it needs to happen and very soon. Far too many stupid people here ruining it for everyone else with their ignorance, selfish and stupidity. The panic buying and hoarding continues apace.
The same selfish stupidity occured in the NL this sunny weekend. Yesterday already police started blocking roads leading to the coast and several coastal towns have closed parking lots to give those egocentric people a hard time. In Belgium already considerable fines are given to those who move around against the rules.
Those kinds of people have (a will) be(en) around no matter what happens.
Luckily it's still a decent majority that carries the burden of the human race:
The salt of the earth ...
Here in the U.K., we had some nice weather this past weekend. So what happens? Large crowds gather in parks and seaside towns all over the country
More importantly he's been advocating the use of the Hydrochoroquine+Zithromax treatment and has led a promising (but limited to 24 patients) study.
A 24-patient study isn't worth mentioning at this point, let alone advocating.
Police officers enforced stay-at-home rules on Friday at a roadblock in Milan
Credit: Alessandro Grassani for The New York Times
Same stupid people here in Holland as in Miami Beach