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Re: Coronavirus disease COVID-19 and The Rolling Stones US/CA 2020 Tour
Posted by: CaptainCorella ()
Date: March 16, 2020 22:27

Relieved to read that UK, and USA have seen a bit of sense and are adopting better social distancing policies. Await Canada closing its border with USA.

Mathematically it may be too late in the UK and USA to prevent the worse of the horrors.

In Australia senior citizens, who have largely been unable to even get essentials in the supermarkets due to the insane FB driven panic buying, are now being given exclusive access to supermarkets between 07:00 and 08:00 - nice idea that spread nationwide from one store to the nation in one day.

Captain Corella

Re: Coronavirus disease COVID-19 and The Rolling Stones US/CA 2020 Tour
Posted by: Nate ()
Date: March 16, 2020 22:45

I live in the U.K. and honestly the policy here is disgusting and pathetic.
They have today announced no one should be socially interacting but they keep schools and social places such as bars,restaurants,cinemas etc open contradictory to say the least.It is really very simple they want schools to remain open so parents don’t have to take time out from work therefore keeping the economy going for another week or two until they are forced to close them.They now ask people to not visit bars,restaurants cinemas etc but they don’t ask these establishments to close reason being that if they did then the government would be on the hook for bailing them out financially.


Re: Coronavirus disease COVID-19 and The Rolling Stones US/CA 2020 Tour
Posted by: virgil ()
Date: March 16, 2020 23:01

Europe apparently about to close borders to all foreign travel.


Wise decision... coming a month too late. How many lives the EU spirit of indecision will have costed? 10000?
We're doing no better in the USA. Zero leadership at the top, but a lot of governors and mayors are stepping up big-time.

Actually it's because we have no federal public health system in the US -- the NY Times had an excellent article about how people have been predicting a crisis like this for decades for this reason -- all the power is at the local level, not even the State level. Governors and mayors, etc are acting because they are the ones who have the power to act. Our system sucks and has for, in the words of the NY Times (yesterday, look it up) for centuries.

The CDC shoulders the most blame they have been around since 1946 it has turned into huge bureaucracy. Many companies all over the world dream of becoming a One Billion firm in assets through sales , innovation and just plain hard work. The US congress approves an average annual budget of 11 1/2 Billion dollars with 10,000 employees they also get millions in private donations through the CDC foundation a 501(c)(3)public charity. They get all this money for Research and Developement without any pressure to manufacture a product,bring to market,or show a profit,none. They have had 74 years to game plan for just this scenario.
They could have partnered with FEMA another huge bureaucracy with an annual budget of 28 Billion they have thousands of trailers they could have set up for testing. I have a friend who works at the CDC and she says the the turf wars and petty bullshit that goes inside and between the different other government agencies is absolutely sickening. The funding is top priority then the Mission statement.

Re: Coronavirus disease COVID-19 and The Rolling Stones US/CA 2020 Tour
Posted by: Sici ()
Date: March 16, 2020 23:09

There's currently a massive exodus of Parisians who don't want to be stuck in the confines of their (usually tiny) appartment for 2 weeks. Therefore they head to the countryside... where they'll spread the disease to areas that were previously clean. cool smiley[/quote]

the same thing happened 15 days ago in Italy.
From Milan they ran away with trains to the south and the epidemic is now also in southern Italy.
No small restrictions are needed, it takes a total block.
In Italy it is not possible to walk in two or more people. It is possible to go to work with a special permit and there are checks on the roads. It is not possible to get away from your city, even to go to the market or to visit parents of other city.
Total blockade, all the rest is wasting time and we delaying the closure cost 22,000 infections and 10% of deaths

Re: Coronavirus disease COVID-19 and The Rolling Stones US/CA 2020 Tour
Posted by: Beast ()
Date: March 16, 2020 23:47

I live in the U.K. and honestly the policy here is disgusting and pathetic.
They have today announced no one should be socially interacting but they keep schools and social places such as bars,restaurants,cinemas etc open contradictory to say the least.It is really very simple they want schools to remain open so parents don’t have to take time out from work therefore keeping the economy going for another week or two until they are forced to close them.They now ask people to not visit bars,restaurants cinemas etc but they don’t ask these establishments to close reason being that if they did then the government would be on the hook for bailing them out financially.


I heard from an NHS consultant that all routine operations are cancelled (as we already know) and that all NHS staff are due to receive training in coronavirus treatment.They’ve all been told to be expecting to work in A&E in the next 13-16 days - if not before - because that’s how long we are behind Italy. But - there are not enough intensive care beds available...

Re: Coronavirus disease COVID-19 and The Rolling Stones US/CA 2020 Tour
Posted by: keefriff99 ()
Date: March 16, 2020 23:55

Europe apparently about to close borders to all foreign travel.


Wise decision... coming a month too late. How many lives the EU spirit of indecision will have costed? 10000?
We're doing no better in the USA. Zero leadership at the top, but a lot of governors and mayors are stepping up big-time.

Actually it's because we have no federal public health system in the US -- the NY Times had an excellent article about how people have been predicting a crisis like this for decades for this reason -- all the power is at the local level, not even the State level. Governors and mayors, etc are acting because they are the ones who have the power to act. Our system sucks and has for, in the words of the NY Times (yesterday, look it up) for centuries.

The CDC shoulders the most blame they have been around since 1946 it has turned into huge bureaucracy. Many companies all over the world dream of becoming a One Billion firm in assets through sales , innovation and just plain hard work. The US congress approves an average annual budget of 11 1/2 Billion dollars with 10,000 employees they also get millions in private donations through the CDC foundation a 501(c)(3)public charity. They get all this money for Research and Developement without any pressure to manufacture a product,bring to market,or show a profit,none. They have had 74 years to game plan for just this scenario.
They could have partnered with FEMA another huge bureaucracy with an annual budget of 28 Billion they have thousands of trailers they could have set up for testing. I have a friend who works at the CDC and she says the the turf wars and petty bullshit that goes inside and between the different other government agencies is absolutely sickening. The funding is top priority then the Mission statement.
That's a total copout. Bureaucracies are unfortunately a fact of life in modern governments...the failure to wrangle those bureaucracies and provide effective leadership goes much higher.

Re: Coronavirus disease COVID-19 and The Rolling Stones US/CA 2020 Tour
Posted by: Nate ()
Date: March 17, 2020 00:05

Unfortunately now the real cost of underfunding in the NHS is going to be exposed like never before.I guess they can open up military bases and take over hotels etc to create extra space and beds but the frightening issue is the lack of staff and equipment.There was a report Sunday evening on BBC news from Madrid showing an elderly woman sitting on a bench outside a hospital gasping for breath after being told to go home because there was not enough space to admit her into the hospital.Sadly her husband had passed away Saturday from the virus.
I expect we will be seeing similar situations here very soon.


Re: Coronavirus disease COVID-19 and The Rolling Stones US/CA 2020 Tour
Posted by: MileHigh ()
Date: March 17, 2020 00:34

Unfortunately now the real cost of underfunding in the NHS is going to be exposed like never before.I guess they can open up military bases and take over hotels etc to create extra space and beds but the frightening issue is the lack of staff and equipment.There was a report Sunday evening on BBC news from Madrid showing an elderly woman sitting on a bench outside a hospital gasping for breath after being told to go home because there was not enough space to admit her into the hospital.Sadly her husband had passed away Saturday from the virus.
I expect we will be seeing similar situations here very soon.


There probably is under-funding but you have to be pragmatic at the same time. We can't afford to have extra hospitals and extra medical staff on "stand by" just in case a virus goes pandemic. It would take too many resources away from other things. It's an existentialist world.

Re: Coronavirus disease COVID-19 and The Rolling Stones US/CA 2020 Tour
Posted by: chris girard ()
Date: March 17, 2020 00:36

In Maryland outside of DC, all restaurants are closed as of 5PM today, only carry out services are allowed. Gyms and movie theaters closed, the art gallery that carries my wife's painting closed today. Grocery stores still open, but no alcohol wipes anywhere. Our friends gave us some masks if we get sick. We are staying home, binge watching TV, movies and catching up on our reading, listening to RS, beginning with the old stuff. I'm 70 and had a heart attack, so I'm at risk. We can get thru this somehow, stay positive and take care of each other. Peace Brothers and Sisters.

Re: Coronavirus disease COVID-19 and The Rolling Stones US/CA 2020 Tour
Posted by: umakmehrd ()
Date: March 17, 2020 00:53

Well said Chris Girard we will get through this and listening to the RS will definalty help !! Take care Sir

Re: Coronavirus disease COVID-19 and The Rolling Stones US/CA 2020 Tour
Posted by: virgil ()
Date: March 17, 2020 01:48

Europe apparently about to close borders to all foreign travel.


Wise decision... coming a month too late. How many lives the EU spirit of indecision will have costed? 10000?
We're doing no better in the USA. Zero leadership at the top, but a lot of governors and mayors are stepping up big-time.

Actually it's because we have no federal public health system in the US -- the NY Times had an excellent article about how people have been predicting a crisis like this for decades for this reason -- all the power is at the local level, not even the State level. Governors and mayors, etc are acting because they are the ones who have the power to act. Our system sucks and has for, in the words of the NY Times (yesterday, look it up) for centuries.

The CDC shoulders the most blame they have been around since 1946 it has turned into huge bureaucracy. Many companies all over the world dream of becoming a One Billion firm in assets through sales , innovation and just plain hard work. The US congress approves an average annual budget of 11 1/2 Billion dollars with 10,000 employees they also get millions in private donations through the CDC foundation a 501(c)(3)public charity. They get all this money for Research and Developement without any pressure to manufacture a product,bring to market,or show a profit,none. They have had 74 years to game plan for just this scenario.
They could have partnered with FEMA another huge bureaucracy with an annual budget of 28 Billion they have thousands of trailers they could have set up for testing. I have a friend who works at the CDC and she says the the turf wars and petty bullshit that goes inside and between the different other government agencies is absolutely sickening. The funding is top priority then the Mission statement.
That's a total copout. Bureaucracies are unfortunately a fact of life in modern governments...the failure to wrangle those bureaucracies and provide effective leadership goes much higher.

I honestly don’t know what you mean by total cop-out, CDC is the frontline for infectious disease. I guess could have said theres plenty of blame to go around. But I stand by my opinion they’ve been in business for 74 years they are suppose to have a plan. Then they go to the much higher ups and and say we have a good plan of attack because we have spent Billions and Billions working on scenerios like this for 74 years. Then the much higher ups say put it in motion you guys have been doing this for 74 years. Cop-out definition (poor excuse for not doing)
I would apply this to CDC first then leadership for not kicking them in the ass to get going.

PS. Too be politically correct, I know there are plenty of good and dedicated hard working people at the CDC it’s the organization as a whole that’s needs to be much better.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2020-03-17 01:56 by virgil.

Re: Coronavirus disease COVID-19 and The Rolling Stones US/CA 2020 Tour
Posted by: JadedFaded ()
Date: March 17, 2020 02:10

“ The County of San Diego Health and Human Services agency issued amended orders in response to the ongoing COVID-19 emergency. Effective midnight on Tuesday, March 17, 2020, the health officer orders in part: * all events with 50 or more people in a single space at the same time, regardless of whether it occurs indoors or outdoors, are prohibited. All non-essential gatherings of any size are strongly discouraged. * All businesses that serve alcohol and do not serve food shall close. * all restaurants and business establishments that serve food shall close all on-site dining. All food served shall be by delivery, pick up or drive-thru. * all businesses shall enact social distancing, increased sanitation standards, and shall make every effort to use telecommuting for its workforce. * Schools shall not hold classes or other activities where students gather on the school campus. * A strong recommendation is made that all persons who are 65 years old or older, have a chronic underlying condition, or have a compromised immune system self-quarantine themselves at home. * all persons arriving in the country from CDC warning level 3 travel advisory locations shall be subject to a 14-day home quarantine and self-monitoring.”

Re: Coronavirus disease COVID-19 and The Rolling Stones US/CA 2020 Tour
Posted by: Kerryann ()
Date: March 17, 2020 02:16

In New Zealand we are apparently just beginning to have cases, but our government is reluctant to test people. It seems what our PM says and what really happen are miles apart. She says we have ability to test up to 1000 people per day, but in reality we have only tested 500 odd between Jan - Mar.
Officially we have had 8 cases, but people here suspect there are a lot more who just haven't been tested and have stayed at home thinking its flu.
Our PM says we have the toughest border controls in the world, but in reality we have open borders. We have banned cruise ships coming to NZ which is a good thing, but still letting tourists in through airports. They are supposed to self isolate for 14 days, but when interviewed, have openly said they won't. People have been coming from Italy, USA, Europe, Asia and Australia on holiday, and touring through the country.

Our PM says she has powers to force them into isolation or to deport them, but in reality once they walk through the airport doors they are not able to be traced.

I think we have left it too late to really control this damn virus. It's a real pity because we are an island nation a long way away from others so had the perfect opportunity to keep ourselves safe. It's almost like our PM wants it to spread here. Really hoping it doesn't get too bad as our hospitals can barely cope under normal flu season.

Hope the Stones cancel soon so we can get our refunds before ticketmaster goes bust!

Re: Coronavirus disease COVID-19 and The Rolling Stones US/CA 2020 Tour
Date: March 17, 2020 02:25

It is lamentable that the band's public agency has not yet announced the cancellation for the San Diego and Vancouver shows. The band can always reschedule some of the dates if it wants to proceed with the tour in the prairie states and midwest. Come on boys and do the right thing.

Charles Baudelaire

Re: Coronavirus disease COVID-19 and The Rolling Stones US/CA 2020 Tour
Posted by: JadedFaded ()
Date: March 17, 2020 02:37

Largest movie theater chain here, Regal Cinemas, just announced they are closing indefinitely. (San Diego)

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2020-03-17 02:38 by JadedFaded.

Re: Coronavirus disease COVID-19 and The Rolling Stones US/CA 2020 Tour
Posted by: JadedFaded ()
Date: March 17, 2020 02:43

TO THE PROMOTERS OF THE 2020 ROLLING STONES NO FILTER TOUR: Do the right thing and cancel or postpone this tour. Money be damned! If all the major college and professional sports leagues are willing to lose tens of millions of dollars to protect the health and lives of their players and fans, so too should you protect the health and lives of the Band and the fans. Cancel or postpone this tour now!

Re: Coronavirus disease COVID-19 and The Rolling Stones US/CA 2020 Tour
Date: March 17, 2020 03:02

TO THE PROMOTERS OF THE 2020 ROLLING STONES NO FILTER TOUR: Do the right thing and cancel or postpone this tour. Money be damned! If all the major college and professional sports leagues are willing to lose tens of millions of dollars to protect the health and lives of their players and fans, so too should you protect the health and lives of the Band and the fans. Cancel or postpone this tour now![/qu

They have to postpone or cancel. It’s just a matter of time. Might be good news that they are holding off as long as they can. Tells me that maybe
they are trying to figure out if or when they can reschedule.

How ever if they do reschedule instead of postpone there will be no refunds. At least not for awhile

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2020-03-17 03:03 by jumpontopofmebaby.

Re: Coronavirus disease COVID-19 and The Rolling Stones US/CA 2020 Tour
Posted by: CaptainCorella ()
Date: March 17, 2020 04:14

The announcement of a cancellation may be being delayed for one good reason.

If 'mass gatherings' are merely discouraged by governments then it's likely that insurance does not cover either the performers nor the audience.

But if gatherings are banned, then the insurance liabilities exist and are far clearer.

This is exactly what has happened in Australia. Initially gatherings > 500 were discouraged.... but two days later they were banned.

I am also aware of problems in the UK with the morons in charge there gently discouraging gatherings. The result is that not only is there no insurance available but many will die. Very many will die in the UK.

Captain Corella

Re: Coronavirus disease COVID-19 and The Rolling Stones US/CA 2020 Tour
Posted by: mickschix ()
Date: March 17, 2020 04:18

Most Governors in our states are BANNING groups of over 10 people....not 50,000....time to pull the plug! Not to mention, even IF it were to go on, lots of sane folks would stay HOME!

Re: Coronavirus disease COVID-19 and The Rolling Stones US/CA 2020 Tour
Posted by: buttons67 ()
Date: March 17, 2020 04:20

i work for the NHS in scotland, yesterday a patient was told by a doctor he shouldnt have come to hospital and instead stayed at home, he is a corona suspect as he has the symptoms, in other news many patients with other illnesses are being discharged, wards are being kept as empty as possible in preperation for suspected corona carriers and many people who dont get non esssential surgery could develop problems long term which may affect thier ability to work or could reduce thier lifespan in future. so by saving people they are infact killing others and i feel in the long term many especially older people will die of other things. its a lose lose situation.

Re: Coronavirus disease COVID-19 and The Rolling Stones US/CA 2020 Tour
Date: March 17, 2020 04:31

In Fort Lauderdale, FL the major cruise ships are all in port and not sailing for at least 30 days. Many people tested positive. All schools are closed. Grocery stores shelves are empty and bottled water is scarce.
The spring breakers who came here to party are out of luck because the beaches are closed, the bars and restaurants have an early curfew and all music festivals and public events are banned.

At my job we are open but the front door is locked and we are not receiving clients. The only good thing about it is I have time to catch up on my paperwork but most of the everyday business cannot be completed. Co-workers with young kids have to stay home without pay. We will suffer huge loss of revenue and missing deadlines is almost certain. This is not good for business and I'm already hearing we may consider downsizing the staff.

Surely the Stones know the shows cannot go on and everyone who bought tickets are at risk. At this point in time we need a cancellation so we can get refunds for the necessities.

I would never wish for the cancellation of a Stones tour but this serious shit we are dealing with. It ain't no rock and roll show.

Re: Coronavirus disease COVID-19 and The Rolling Stones US/CA 2020 Tour
Posted by: KingmanBarstow ()
Date: March 17, 2020 04:44

I would love to know the reason(s) behind why this tour has not been canceled or postponed by now. At this moment and given the unfortunate timing which could not be helped it is the last major concert schedule left in the western world that has not been canceled or postponed. And there are people (Ticketmaster and such) sitting on a ton of money (i.e. paid for tickets). Is that the reason? The money? Insurance?

The Stones are strangely silent. On Facebook Mick has a last post about getting ready for the tour. Keith has a last post saying thank God for RSD (sorry Mick/Keith, been a fan since 1964 - but we are owed some communication as to what is going on as far as cancellation/postponement).

Ticketmaster policy:

Refunds are available if your event is canceled.

Due to the unprecedented volume of cancellations, please note that you should expect to receive your refund in as soon as 30 days. If the tickets were transferred to you, the refund will go to the fan who originally bought the tickets from Ticketmaster.

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 2020-03-17 05:26 by KingmanBarstow.

Re: Coronavirus disease COVID-19 and The Rolling Stones US/CA 2020 Tour
Posted by: MileHigh ()
Date: March 17, 2020 04:57

A good clip from Thunderf00t:


Re: Coronavirus disease COVID-19 and The Rolling Stones US/CA 2020 Tour
Posted by: TornAndFried ()
Date: March 17, 2020 06:15

The fact that the Rolling Stones have chosen to stay silent about the tour and have not made any kind of announcement yet shows how little they actually care about their fans. Even if they are unsure about what they are going to do at this point just say something FFS! They are the trendiest and most UN fan-friendly band on the planet.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2020-03-17 06:15 by TornAndFried.

Re: Coronavirus disease COVID-19 and The Rolling Stones US/CA 2020 Tour
Posted by: daspyknows ()
Date: March 17, 2020 06:50

The fact that the Rolling Stones have chosen to stay silent about the tour and have not made any kind of announcement yet shows how little they actually care about their fans. Even if they are unsure about what they are going to do at this point just say something FFS! They are the trendiest and most UN fan-friendly band on the planet.

Come on man. Don't you have anything else to worry about now. They will cancel it, we all know they will cancel it, they just haven't cancelled it yet. Other artists with tours starting in May haven't cancelled, same with festivals.

Re: Coronavirus disease COVID-19 and The Rolling Stones US/CA 2020 Tour
Posted by: KingmanBarstow ()
Date: March 17, 2020 06:55

The fact that the Rolling Stones have chosen to stay silent about the tour and have not made any kind of announcement yet shows how little they actually care about their fans. Even if they are unsure about what they are going to do at this point just say something FFS! They are the trendiest and most UN fan-friendly band on the planet.

Come on man. Don't you have anything else to worry about now. They will cancel it, we all know they will cancel it, they just haven't cancelled it yet. Other artists with tours starting in May haven't cancelled, same with festivals.

I don’t have time to look as you already know so can you name those artists and festivals? I strongly doubt any concert dates going ahead in May and going forward unless otherwise advised. We are on a TBA standby.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 2020-03-17 07:14 by KingmanBarstow.

Re: Coronavirus disease COVID-19 and The Rolling Stones US/CA 2020 Tour
Posted by: OneHourPhoto ()
Date: March 17, 2020 07:15

The fact that the Rolling Stones have chosen to stay silent about the tour and have not made any kind of announcement yet shows how little they actually care about their fans. Even if they are unsure about what they are going to do at this point just say something FFS! They are the trendiest and most UN fan-friendly band on the planet.

Come on man. Don't you have anything else to worry about now. They will cancel it, we all know they will cancel it, they just haven't cancelled it yet. Other artists with tours starting in May haven't cancelled, same with festivals.

I don’t have time to look as you already know so can you name those artists and festivals.
The JazzFest to start in first of May is the most glaring yet to cancel/postpone. Though it is a given that they do and move it to October.

Re: Coronavirus disease COVID-19 and The Rolling Stones US/CA 2020 Tour
Posted by: TornAndFried ()
Date: March 17, 2020 07:31

The fact that the Rolling Stones have chosen to stay silent about the tour and have not made any kind of announcement yet shows how little they actually care about their fans. Even if they are unsure about what they are going to do at this point just say something FFS! They are the trendiest and most UN fan-friendly band on the planet.

Come on man. Don't you have anything else to worry about now. They will cancel it, we all know they will cancel it, they just haven't cancelled it yet. Other artists with tours starting in May haven't cancelled, same with festivals.

I don’t have time to look as you already know so can you name those artists and festivals.
The JazzFest to start in first of May is the most glaring yet to cancel/postpone. Though it is a given that they do and move it to October.

Jazz Fest is such a huge undertaking they need to take a lot of factors into consideration such as availability of hotel rooms, weather, artists schedules, etc. before they can announce a new date. But it's inevitable it will be postponed.

Re: Coronavirus disease COVID-19 and The Rolling Stones US/CA 2020 Tour
Posted by: daspyknows ()
Date: March 17, 2020 07:35

The fact that the Rolling Stones have chosen to stay silent about the tour and have not made any kind of announcement yet shows how little they actually care about their fans. Even if they are unsure about what they are going to do at this point just say something FFS! They are the trendiest and most UN fan-friendly band on the planet.

Come on man. Don't you have anything else to worry about now. They will cancel it, we all know they will cancel it, they just haven't cancelled it yet. Other artists with tours starting in May haven't cancelled, same with festivals.

I don’t have time to look as you already know so can you name those artists and festivals.
The JazzFest to start in first of May is the most glaring yet to cancel/postpone. Though it is a given that they do and move it to October.

Jazz Fest is such a huge undertaking they need to take a lot of factors into consideration such as availability of hotel rooms, weather, artists schedules, etc. before they can announce a new date. But it's inevitable it will be postponed.

Everything through at least May will be cancelled or postponed. No urgency or benefit to cancel May dates yet but in next few weeks they will all happen.

Re: Coronavirus disease COVID-19 and The Rolling Stones US/CA 2020 Tour
Posted by: little queenie ()
Date: March 17, 2020 07:54

The Stones are not the only ones lagging behind in the announcement. I'm supposed to be in Manchester in a week to see two Noel Gallagher shows and they have not yet been formally cancelled (they disappeared off his webpage today and Ticketmaster stopped selling but SEE tickets is still selling).

Some of the Teenage Cancer Trust shows are still scheduled at RAH for next week with tickets selling.

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