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Re: New Brian Jones film
Posted by: sizey ()
Date: November 7, 2019 20:43


I didn't have the experience you had - in fact the contrary. I do wish them well, as I wish your production well too. SW

Re: New Documentary on the Death of Brian Jones
Posted by: floodonthepage ()
Date: November 7, 2019 20:53

Rocky Dijon
I don't know whether Brian drowned because he was wasted, had a seizure, had cramps, or had his head held under too long. I do know that whether we're discussing Brian's contributions to sessions, what he was like as a person, or how he died - it's of interest to me and certainly others because he was the Foundation Stone.

Not trying to take the steam out of the banter. I love the camaraderie of this place and always will, but I want people like Paul to stick around and keep sharing information. I'll not worry about whether theories are water-tight or not. I'll read them and decide for myself what I think.

thumbs upthumbs upthumbs up

Re: New Brian Jones film
Posted by: paulspendel ()
Date: November 7, 2019 23:48

Hi SW,
I know you mean well, but García really crossed the line with me. There will be no BJ production from me anymore. In the slipstream of the BJ research a related project presented itself. It will see the light of day Spring 2020.

Re: New Brian Jones film
Posted by: georgie48 ()
Date: November 9, 2019 18:01

Hi SW,
I know you mean well, but García really crossed the line with me. There will be no BJ production from me anymore. In the slipstream of the BJ research a related project presented itself. It will see the light of day Spring 2020.

It will be very interesting to see that BJ research bit. I think that again it will be missing some essentials, that haven't seen the public light. At the end of the Beatles vs Stones thread I "wrote" a tiny little story about some guys in a park. I suggest you read it and just place it somewhere in the back of your mind. Don't ask me anything about it, because I will and can't say anything.

Re: New Documentary on the Death of Brian Jones
Posted by: bv ()
Date: December 19, 2019 20:57

Life And Death Of Brian Jones in Norway:

Friday January 24, 2020
Oslo Konserthus lille sal, Oslo, Norway


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2019-12-19 20:57 by bv.

Re: New Brian Jones film
Posted by: paulspendel ()
Date: December 19, 2019 21:37

Hi Georgië, I completely missed your hint regarding the ‘guys in the park’ story. I can’t find it. Would you mind mailing it? I will read it and not ask you anything ([email protected])

Re: New Brian Jones film
Posted by: georgie48 ()
Date: December 19, 2019 21:47

Hi Georgië, I completely missed your hint regarding the ‘guys in the park’ story. I can’t find it. Would you mind mailing it? I will read it and not ask you anything ([email protected])

Hi Paul,

Easy to find. Beatles vs Stones, and other stuff (currently on main page 2).
Then go to the end and then to page 145 (I responded on a note by Big Al).
It too sensitive for me to talk about it. But the story is true.
Good luck!

Re: New Brian Jones film
Posted by: paulspendel ()
Date: December 19, 2019 22:08

Hi Georgie48,it’s probably because I’m tired but you lost me.
The real and untold reason why Brian died is because he crossed the line with a London gangster. Tom Keylock was his money laundry man and both Tom and the gangster were protected by Wallace Virgo of Scotland Yard.

Re: New Documentary on the Death of Brian Jones
Date: December 19, 2019 22:32

Cousins and gangsters. This is getting exciting smoking smiley

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2019-12-19 23:02 by DandelionPowderman.

Re: New Documentary on the Death of Brian Jones
Posted by: paulspendel ()
Date: December 19, 2019 22:38

I only know about the gangster, nothing about any cousin.

Re: New Documentary on the Death of Brian Jones
Posted by: georgie48 ()
Date: December 19, 2019 22:52

That sounds indeed as "serious business" and (like I said before to you) some people first must "fade out"/pass away (not only Virgo, but certainly also that gangster and maybe relatives of that person) before anything substantial may ever surface.
So Keylock's deathbed story of Frank was another trick to move thoughts away from the truth?
Sometimes the truth is harder than fiction (Kennedy, etc.), but it's all a matter of time before it surfaces. Not many will be shocked anymore when some truth surfaces after 50 - 70 years, because for the younger generations it's not part of their lives, too far away. And many of the young generation of so long ago have already left life or may react with something like "I always thought something was wrong/missing".
History has proven that most people can't handle shockwaves, so maybe it's better that considerable time passes.
Insects and pebbles, beetles and stones, it's all so long ago.

Re: New Documentary on the Death of Brian Jones
Date: December 19, 2019 23:02

I only know about the gangster, nothing about any cousin.

That was Georgie's story smiling smiley

Re: New Documentary on the Death of Brian Jones
Posted by: paulspendel ()
Date: December 19, 2019 23:06

I know, but the meaning of it escapes me.

Re: New Documentary on the Death of Brian Jones
Posted by: georgie48 ()
Date: December 20, 2019 00:23

I know, but the meaning of it escapes me.

I apologize for creating confusion. Never mind my story, it's not related to Brian's death, but it is about about "what is the truth". There sometimes is more behind the curtain than people (including me until somebody, out of the blue, made me look behind Brian's curtain) know.
You are really into Brian's fate and that is good (!), not only to keep his legacy alive, but to find the truth, Paul (and there is only one truth!). I read all nine pages of this thread again and I like to ask to those who so strongly disagree with the "conspiracy" explanations and came up with all kinds of possible logical answers:
did anyone of you see the (black and white) interview by the BBC with Frank Thorogood on July 3rd, 1969 and broadcasted internationally the next day? If not, find it and listen an look very closely to Thorogood.
There is no conspiracy, there is only one truth.

Re: New Documentary on the Death of Brian Jones
Posted by: paulspendel ()
Date: December 20, 2019 02:09

No worries. I never knew Frank was interviewed by the BBC on July 3th 1969. That’s quite a revelation to me!

Re: New Documentary on the Death of Brian Jones
Posted by: georgie48 ()
Date: December 20, 2019 08:39

No worries. I never knew Frank was interviewed by the BBC on July 3th 1969. That’s quite a revelation to me!

The other person in that interview was Anna Wohlin (almost in shock). Both were separately introduced by the reporter as "friends of Brian Jones".

Re: New Documentary on the Death of Brian Jones
Posted by: paulspendel ()
Date: December 20, 2019 10:52

Did you see it live in 1969 or later on?

Re: New Documentary on the Death of Brian Jones
Posted by: georgie48 ()
Date: December 20, 2019 12:54

Did you see it live in 1969 or later on?

Live on July 4, 1969 evening news. The images are burned into my brain.

Re: New Documentary on the Death of Brian Jones
Posted by: paulspendel ()
Date: December 20, 2019 16:04

The BBC just informed me the original tape has been erased.

Re: New Documentary on the Death of Brian Jones
Posted by: Beast ()
Date: December 20, 2019 16:53

The film was engrossing, the Q & A interesting and the talk and encounters in the bar afterwards even more so.


London - Regent Street Cinema - Dec 16th
Los Angeles - The Regent - January 12th
Dallas - Texas Theatre - January 16th
San Francisco - Balboa - January 18th
Portland - Hollywood Theatre - January 19th
Salt Lake City - Brewvies Cinema - January 23rd
Oslo - Oslo Konserthus & Røverstaden - January 24th
Düsseldorf - Atelier - January 25th
NYC - Anthology Film Archives - January 30th
Boston - Regent Theatre - January 30th / February 1st/4th
Santa Ana - The Frida Cinema - February 8th
Sao Paulo - Pax - Feb 15th
Harrisburg - Moviate - February 23rd
Buenos Aires - Strummer - March 12th
Paris - tba

Re: New Documentary on the Death of Brian Jones
Posted by: georgie48 ()
Date: December 20, 2019 17:01

The BBC just informed me the original tape has been erased.

What a shame, because it may have been useful for "remote" fans (those who weren't born yet or baby kids at that time) to formulate a neutral opinion on those two (late) persons.
I planned to go to Hyde Park (nightboat of the 4th), but after the news on the 3rd (radio and newspaper) I was devistated and lost all appetite to go (even though I knew he had left the band several weeks earlier). In fact I couldn't imagine the Stones being in the mood for doing a concert.
Making it into a memorial was a good decision though. And releasing Honky Tonk Woman was a good way to show "we will go on". Great song.

Re: New Documentary on the Death of Brian Jones
Posted by: paulspendel ()
Date: December 20, 2019 17:37

Thank you for these observations. It really describes the mood of the times.

Re: New Documentary on the Death of Brian Jones
Posted by: paulspendel ()
Date: December 20, 2019 17:43

Commander Wallace Virgo going to court for corruption charges.
He arranged the BJ cover up.

Re: New Documentary on the Death of Brian Jones
Posted by: Rocky Dijon ()
Date: December 20, 2019 17:47

I must admit, considering some of the speculation surrounding Sam Cooke's death, that I'm surprised there's never been speculation to connect the dots with parallels to Brian. Paul's recent remark about a London gangster (shades of PERFORMANCE and THE KRAYS) is the first I've heard any rumblings in that general direction. Following the money is generally always a useful idea.

Re: New Documentary on the Death of Brian Jones
Posted by: CousinC ()
Date: December 20, 2019 18:00

No worries. I never knew Frank was interviewed by the BBC on July 3th 1969. That’s quite a revelation to me!

The other person in that interview was Anna Wohlin (almost in shock). Both were separately introduced by the reporter as "friends of Brian Jones".

There is a photo of them from that day.

Did you speak to A. Wohlin, Tom?

Re: New Documentary on the Death of Brian Jones
Posted by: paulspendel ()
Date: December 20, 2019 19:03

Tom Keylock was the connection between the Stones and the gangsters. Light weight hoodlums like Tony Sanchez and the more heavy weight Soho characters. I researched as a fact that in 1968/1969 bribes went missing and got into the wrong hands causing a lot of resentment, especially among the South London Bermondsey based gangs. If the Stones ever felt any guilt towards Brian I tend to think the guilt is about them escaping from it all (partly by leaving for France) and Brian didn't.But that's something I can't prove. Jacky Shaw and her husband Tony Shaw, a convicted villain, ran errands (drugs from Harley street doctos) for Brian and worked as his driver. Bermondsey based types.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 2019-12-20 19:03 by paulspendel.

Re: New Documentary on the Death of Brian Jones
Posted by: jlowe ()
Date: December 21, 2019 01:27

I recall that Anita was quoted in the 1971 Keith interview in Rolling Stone...."better the Mafia than the CIA".
Also, I believe Bermondsey was the late 60s storage location for the group's equipment.

Re: New Documentary on the Death of Brian Jones
Posted by: Taylor1 ()
Date: December 21, 2019 01:46

There were rumuors that PeteBennett,who was Allen Klein’sasst.and got radio stations to play records,had mob ties.

Re: New Documentary on the Death of Brian Jones
Posted by: georgie48 ()
Date: December 21, 2019 18:51

No worries. I never knew Frank was interviewed by the BBC on July 3th 1969. That’s quite a revelation to me!

The other person in that interview was Anna Wohlin (almost in shock). Both were separately introduced by the reporter as "friends of Brian Jones".

There is a photo of them from that day.

Did you speak to A. Wohlin, Tom?

Do you mean a photo with Frank and Anna?
I assume "Tom" is Keylock?

Re: New Documentary on the Death of Brian Jones
Posted by: jlowe ()
Date: December 21, 2019 19:39

I think Andrew Oldham was also somewhat fascinated by the London Underworld.
Wasn't one of his Drivers called Reg? By all accounts he was a bit of a rogue!

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