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Re: Tour Rehearsals-?
Posted by: The Sicilian ()
Date: June 18, 2019 05:36

The Sicilian
Chris Fountain
Chris Fountain

Where is the S referred?

Here in this thread: [] .

So maybe the setlist could look a bit like that:
Brown Sugar
Ride em on down/just your fool

I would leave the stadium in tears if that was the setlist. My brother passed on the Stones this tour and paid $800 for two floor seats to Paul McCartney's show in Las Vegas. The first show of his mini tour is this Saturday in Petco Park San Diego. We'll see which show is the better value.

Is it because you truly have expectations of a different set list? That's a tall order. Everyone knows they're only going to do at least 2 different songs, the rest will be the nostalgic hits show.

I'm always hopeful, but have low expectations. I'd like to think the Stones will someday have an epiphany moment and actually put on a magnificent show but then reality sets in. I can only take so much of how great this or that sounded for the 100th time in the last few years.

Re: Tour Rehearsals-?
Posted by: TornAndFried ()
Date: June 18, 2019 07:39

The Sicilian
Chris Fountain
Chris Fountain

Where is the S referred?

Here in this thread: [] .

Thanks - It's good to read that they are playing well. However, songs rehearsed or seen were not new as Keith indicated they would do in an article posted several days ago.
The Rocks Off post said they were invited to come in after Midnight Rambler and PIB. Then they were playing "SMU, JJF, GS & S". So this seems to be the second half of the final setlist (after Keiths set). The rare songs are normally played in the first set. What's really interesting is that Brown Sugar was not played in the second set but Paint It Black instead. Maybe this means Brown Sugar could be the opener?
So maybe the setlist could look a bit like that:
Brown Sugar
Ride em on down/just your fool

I would leave the stadium in tears if that was the setlist. My brother passed on the Stones this tour and paid $800 for two floor seats to Paul McCartney's show in Las Vegas. The first show of his mini tour is this Saturday in Petco Park San Diego. We'll see which show is the better value.

Paul McCartney's show is hands down a better value. He plays 30-34 songs over 3+ hours (without an intermission) and plays at least 20 Beatles songs each night...both hits and album cuts. He changes his setlist just enough on each tour to keep it interesting and he is always "on." His band is excellent too. Looking forward to seeing him again soon.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2019-06-18 08:05 by TornAndFried.

Re: No Filter US Tour 2019 Rehearsals
Posted by: Stoneage ()
Date: June 18, 2019 08:34

What we can hope for is:

Gold - A couple of "medium-rare" songs in the first 1/3 of the setlist and...a premiere of a brand new song from the upcoming 2019/20 album.

Silver - As above, without the new song.

Bronze - More or less a copy of the 2018 setlists.

The Joker - a completely new setlist less reliant on warhorses with quite a few surprises!

Re: Tour Rehearsals-?
Posted by: bobo ()
Date: June 18, 2019 09:58

Just one problem. Got no voice anymore.

Re: Tour Rehearsals-?
Posted by: saltoftheearth ()
Date: June 18, 2019 10:07


Paul McCartney's show is hands down a better value. He plays 30-34 songs over 3+ hours (without an intermission) and plays at least 20 Beatles songs each night...both hits and album cuts. He changes his setlist just enough on each tour to keep it interesting and he is always "on." His band is excellent too. Looking forward to seeing him again soon.

Really? I can follow you re the professional Shows but IMHO his voice is completely gone so it's no pleasure to listen to any more. He can do nothing about it, it is due to his age.

Re: Tour Rehearsals-?
Posted by: runrudolph ()
Date: June 18, 2019 10:10

It will be the Bronze setlist.

Re: No Filter US Tour 2019 Rehearsals
Posted by: Stoneage ()
Date: June 18, 2019 10:11

So, Macca's voice is gone? What about auto-tune or voice-back then? Like Madonna. Sir Michael's voice is a faint echo of a past glory also. But I'm the only one who has noticed that...

Re: No Filter US Tour 2019 Rehearsals
Date: June 18, 2019 10:23

<Like Madonna. Sir Michael's voice is a faint echo of a past glory also>

There is no comparison musically. Mick takes shortcuts, but stays in key. Madonna is hopelessly off key, way beyond flat.

Re: No Filter US Tour 2019 Rehearsals
Date: June 18, 2019 10:25

If we get only two of the songs they rehearsed as staples in the setlists, FF and Mercy Mercy, for instance - it will freshen up the first part considereably, imo.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2019-06-18 10:26 by DandelionPowderman.

Re: No Filter US Tour 2019 Rehearsals
Posted by: Stoneage ()
Date: June 18, 2019 10:30

You read me wrong there, Dandy. I didn't mean to compare Madonna and Sir Michael.

Re: No Filter US Tour 2019 Rehearsals
Date: June 18, 2019 10:37

<Like Madonna. Sir Michael's voice is a faint echo of a past glory also>

Re: No Filter US Tour 2019 Rehearsals
Posted by: Stoneage ()
Date: June 18, 2019 10:41

Sorry Dandy, but it's two different sentences. The first sentence there reflects to the sentence before that. Do you read me?

Re: No Filter US Tour 2019 Rehearsals
Date: June 18, 2019 12:00

Sorry Dandy, but it's two different sentences. The first sentence there reflects to the sentence before that. Do you read me?

No signs of that, with the question mark separating them + the "also" smiling smiley

But NOW I know what you mean, at least thumbs up

Re: No Filter US Tour 2019 Rehearsals
Posted by: Spud ()
Date: June 18, 2019 13:07

So, Macca's voice is gone? What about auto-tune or voice-back then? Like Madonna. Sir Michael's voice is a faint echo of a past glory also. But I'm the only one who has noticed that...

Mick probably sings more today than at many other times in the band's history.

If he'd persisted with that fierce bellowing and hollarin' that typified the 7Os and early 80s, he'd have no voice at all by now !

Re: No Filter US Tour 2019 Rehearsals
Posted by: Stoneage ()
Date: June 18, 2019 13:46

So, Macca's voice is gone? What about auto-tune or voice-back then? Like Madonna. Sir Michael's voice is a faint echo of a past glory also. But I'm the only one who has noticed that...

Mick probably sings more today than at many other times in the band's history.

If he'd persisted with that fierce bellowing and hollarin' that typified the 7Os and early 80s, he'd have no voice at all by now !

The difference is that in the late 70's he could manhandle the voice live. In the punk era that seemed to be norm almost. Still he would sound good on records (in the old days when they still made records...). Something happened to his voice in the late 90's though. I don't know what it is - maybe a virus on his vocal cords? His voice sunk several octaves and broke up more easily. Even in his speaking voice he often sounds as if he has a cold. Here is a British comedian demonstrating how Jagger's voice can change in only one sentence (0:42):

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2019-06-18 13:56 by Stoneage.

Re: No Filter US Tour 2019 Rehearsals
Posted by: Spud ()
Date: June 18, 2019 14:41

I don't think any of us would argue that Micks's voice hasn't changed...

We know that he's had stress issues with it on the road from time to time and needs to look after it.

That said , his voice has not changed or deteriorated to the point where it has severely affected his range or compromised his intonation.

It still does the job admirably !

[ I'm impressed that he can still reach and pitch the falsetto stuff too .
I'm about 15 years younger and I'm certainly starting to struggle with the high notes. ]

Re: No Filter US Tour 2019 Rehearsals
Posted by: Stoneage ()
Date: June 18, 2019 14:56

I agree that he does well considering the circumstances. He does that by singing more "economically". The resilience is gone though.

Re: No Filter US Tour 2019 Rehearsals
Posted by: thecitadel ()
Date: June 18, 2019 16:05

I think its worth us all remembering that there is probably nobody on the Board aged over 30 years who could perform (sing, dance, run, entertain) like Mick for over 2 hours. Just not physically there combined with the voice and style. period.

Yes he may do less than 20 years ago; yes his voice may need more protecting; yes he can't do it every night or even every other night. Hands-up anyone here who can....

Even 1970s shows were under 90 minutes; 1960s were mostly under 1 hour. Today its still over 2 hours.

Same to be said for Charlie - drumming, even economic drumming, is hard work. Its a little easier on the guitarists, except for the finger flexibility.

This band is incredible from so many perspectives.

Re: No Filter US Tour 2019 Rehearsals
Posted by: tumbled ()
Date: June 18, 2019 16:11

The adrenaline from the crowd must be incredible. endorphin release must be a rush.

Re: No Filter US Tour 2019 Rehearsals
Date: June 18, 2019 16:30

I don't think any of us would argue that Micks's voice hasn't changed...

We know that he's had stress issues with it on the road from time to time and needs to look after it.

That said , his voice has not changed or deteriorated to the point where it has severely affected his range or compromised his intonation.

It still does the job admirably !

[ I'm impressed that he can still reach and pitch the falsetto stuff too .
I'm about 15 years younger and I'm certainly starting to struggle with the high notes. ]

but mick most songs has a 1 octave range which for a singer is not that good or hard to screw up. only is his falsetto does he get out of that range. he practically talks the songs now

Re: No Filter US Tour 2019 Rehearsals
Posted by: bam ()
Date: June 18, 2019 16:40

I saw Tony Bennett a couple of years ago. He still had power and range -- in short bursts. What he displayed was a mastery in shaping sounds, and matching the intonation, pronunciation, and emphasis to the music. He wasn't singing the way he used to, but he was still beautifully performing the songs as a jazz master.

Mick has been doing something similar for many years (though as a rock and not a jazz singer).

Re: No Filter US Tour 2019 Rehearsals
Date: June 18, 2019 16:41

Everyone, we are NOT going to get deep album cuts. If we get one at all consider yourself lucky.
They will play 20 to 21 songs like they've done the past few years.
I'll bet 95% plus of crowd are casual fans. They like or love the Stones but aren't "purists" like we claim to be.
95% of the crowd will most likely "yawn" at Lady Jane or something similar.
Clap very politely at the end and wonder when HTW will start.
Case in point:
In April 1998 me and 25 other people in a group saw the tour closer in Toronto. ( A rescheduled date)
The Stones played Faraway Eyes. Me and my purist friend high fived each other when they played it.
On the bus, on the way home, 20 of our group went- "what was with the country song? Never heard it before?" Most people didn't like the song.
Me and my buddy loved it. 20+ others hated it or didn't know it.
21 years later? Probably same result.
I haven't seen the Stones since 2005.
So looking forward tohearing SMU, BS, JJF, Sympathy, PIB and so on. They're old friends, now
If my wife (her first show) hear Emotional Rescue? We'll be over the moon.

They didn't play "Far Away Eyes" in Toronto 1998.

I don't even think that they played it at all in 1998. Performed in 1994,1995,1997,2002,2006 etc. but definitely not in Toronto 1998.

Besides,the point is that they have plenty of songs from greatest hits albums which they never play or rarely play. It doesn't need to be the same 12 every time. It doesn't NEED to be a real deep album blues or country song either ..... to provide variety.

Re: No Filter US Tour 2019 Rehearsals
Posted by: keithsman ()
Date: June 18, 2019 17:08

I don't think any of us would argue that Micks's voice hasn't changed...

We know that he's had stress issues with it on the road from time to time and needs to look after it.

That said , his voice has not changed or deteriorated to the point where it has severely affected his range or compromised his intonation.

It still does the job admirably !

[ I'm impressed that he can still reach and pitch the falsetto stuff too .
I'm about 15 years younger and I'm certainly starting to struggle with the high notes. ]

but mick most songs has a 1 octave range which for a singer is not that good or hard to screw up. only is his falsetto does he get out of that range. he practically talks the songs now

I remember a Michael Jackson interview around the time he did some tracks with Mick, State Of Shock etc, Micheal and the sound engineers could not believe how flat Micks voice was, he said they had a job tweaking it to sound passable.

Re: No Filter US Tour 2019 Rehearsals
Posted by: Stoneage ()
Date: June 18, 2019 17:17

The Michael Jackson thing was more of a clash of styles I guess. I don't think it was the voice per se. Jackson and Jagger, different schools altogether.
Jagger's real voice problems started in the late 90's as I said. His voice changed.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2019-06-18 17:20 by Stoneage.

Re: No Filter US Tour 2019 Rehearsals
Posted by: GasLightStreet ()
Date: June 18, 2019 17:19

So, Macca's voice is gone? What about auto-tune or voice-back then? Like Madonna. Sir Michael's voice is a faint echo of a past glory also. But I'm the only one who has noticed that...

Mick probably sings more today than at many other times in the band's history.

If he'd persisted with that fierce bellowing and hollarin' that typified the 7Os and early 80s, he'd have no voice at all by now !

The difference is that in the late 70's he could manhandle the voice live. In the punk era that seemed to be norm almost. Still he would sound good on records (in the old days when they still made records...). Something happened to his voice in the late 90's though. I don't know what it is - maybe a virus on his vocal cords? His voice sunk several octaves and broke up more easily. Even in his speaking voice he often sounds as if he has a cold. Here is a British comedian demonstrating how Jagger's voice can change in only one sentence (0:42):

That is hilarious. Haven't seen it in a while. "What about cornflakes and heroin, you know, snap, crackle and bust."

Re: No Filter US Tour 2019 Rehearsals
Posted by: GasLightStreet ()
Date: June 18, 2019 17:23

Winning Ugly VXII
Everyone, we are NOT going to get deep album cuts. If we get one at all consider yourself lucky.
They will play 20 to 21 songs like they've done the past few years.
I'll bet 95% plus of crowd are casual fans. They like or love the Stones but aren't "purists" like we claim to be.
95% of the crowd will most likely "yawn" at Lady Jane or something similar.
Clap very politely at the end and wonder when HTW will start.
Case in point:
In April 1998 me and 25 other people in a group saw the tour closer in Toronto. ( A rescheduled date)
The Stones played Faraway Eyes. Me and my purist friend high fived each other when they played it.
On the bus, on the way home, 20 of our group went- "what was with the country song? Never heard it before?" Most people didn't like the song.
Me and my buddy loved it. 20+ others hated it or didn't know it.
21 years later? Probably same result.
I haven't seen the Stones since 2005.
So looking forward tohearing SMU, BS, JJF, Sympathy, PIB and so on. They're old friends, now
If my wife (her first show) hear Emotional Rescue? We'll be over the moon.

They didn't play "Far Away Eyes" in Toronto 1998.

I don't even think that they played it at all in 1998. Performed in 1994,1995,1997,2002,2006 etc. but definitely not in Toronto 1998.

Besides,the point is that they have plenty of songs from greatest hits albums which they never play or rarely play. It doesn't need to be the same 12 every time. It doesn't NEED to be a real deep album blues or country song either ..... to provide variety.

980426A 26th April: Toronto, Canada, Skydome
(Satisfaction/Let’s Spend The Night Together/Flip The Switch/Gimme Shelter/
Memory Motel/It’s Only Rock’n Roll/Saint Of Me/Out Of Control/Love
In Vain/Miss You/Band introduction/Thief In The Night/Wanna Hold You/
Little Queenie/You Got Me Rocking/Like A Rolling Stone/Sympathy For
The Devil/Tumbling Dice/Honky Tonk Women/Start Me Up/Jumping Jack
Flash/You Can’t Always Get What You Want/Brown Sugar)

Re: No Filter US Tour 2019 Rehearsals
Posted by: GivenToFly15 ()
Date: June 18, 2019 17:47


The difference is that in the late 70's he could manhandle the voice live.

Just compare "I Got The Blues" from the Marquee 1971 and from the Fonda 2015. I gladly take the older Jagger, so much better to me. Also, listen to "Out Of Control" from Paris 1998. To name but a few. But it's a matter of opinion and taste I guess.

Re: No Filter US Tour 2019 Rehearsals
Posted by: Stoneage ()
Date: June 18, 2019 18:00

Sure GTF 15. Good for you. What I was trying to express in so many words was that his voice is much more fragile now.
I may have exaggerated things a bit to make a point. Sometimes I do...

Re: No Filter US Tour 2019 Rehearsals
Date: June 18, 2019 18:04

I don't think any of us would argue that Micks's voice hasn't changed...

We know that he's had stress issues with it on the road from time to time and needs to look after it.

That said , his voice has not changed or deteriorated to the point where it has severely affected his range or compromised his intonation.

It still does the job admirably !

[ I'm impressed that he can still reach and pitch the falsetto stuff too .
I'm about 15 years younger and I'm certainly starting to struggle with the high notes. ]

but mick most songs has a 1 octave range which for a singer is not that good or hard to screw up. only is his falsetto does he get out of that range. he practically talks the songs now

I remember a Michael Jackson interview around the time he did some tracks with Mick, State Of Shock etc, Micheal and the sound engineers could not believe how flat Micks voice was, he said they had a job tweaking it to sound passable.

i don't know about that. just talking about now live the songs were lowered a step or something and he's almost talking now

Re: No Filter US Tour 2019 Rehearsals
Posted by: HMS ()
Date: June 18, 2019 18:11

Mick has still a great voice (about 80% of once used to be, that´s a lot for a 76years old guy). His singing at the Fonda is great. Look how poor McCartney sounds or even more lamentably Roger Daltrey and be glad that Mick´s voice is in the shape it is in. He sounds like a man in his 30s. Marvelous, wonderful.
At the age of Mick Sinatra had practically no voice at all!
Mick does a wonderful job for nearly two hours and it´s not at all "just talking the songs".

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