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Wonder if they will shift tour rehearsals to the Chicago area or if they will rehearse in Miami as a favor to the studio they booked but apparently did not really use. My guess is they would shift the operation to Chicago. Any word on when those would start? Probably in a week or so?
Someone who is trustworthy posted a clue the other night, and then quickly deleted it.
To paraphrase: "Not in the states".
Sort of narrows it down, and can't help but think it will be Toronto.
Someone who is trustworthy posted a clue the other night, and then quickly deleted it.
To paraphrase: "Not in the states".
Sort of narrows it down, and can't help but think it will be Toronto.
I understand they paid the studio in Miami and don't owe them anything. I know the band loves Chicago but Miami aint the worst place to be for couple weeks either. When when you factor in hotels that I am sure the band had booked in Miami to use for a few weeks themselves and staff/crew...not sure if it was easier to just push everything back a few weeks than to flat out canx everything. Probably just more wishful thinking on my part as i live north on Miami and was looking forward to having the band in town for a month w/ a medium shot at some sort of club show.
Wherever they pick, I hope they can rehearse with the full tour PA. In 2015 they sounded great. Seeing The Who 8 days ago, 2nd date of the tour, granted with an orchestra, but the could was flat and unbalanced for half the show. In 2019, if well-rehearsed, they should have that down.
"Not in the states".
Sort of narrows it down, and can't help but think it will be Toronto.
They used to rehearse in Toronto because Michael Cohl took advantage of major amuesement tax loopholes.
Toronto makes sense due to international tax laws. They only have one show here, in Canada. I can see why they don't want to "burn days" in USA needlessly.
Admitting up front that I am close to ignorant on the topic, but I have a hard time seeing in today's world how rehearsals impact the band tax wise/financially etc. I understand that it could affect them in terms of legal residence status, but also assume they travel on "working visas" that wouldn't affect the residence issues.
Also believe that would primarily affect Mick as Ronnie and Charlie don't reside in the US part of the time other than touring. Believe Keith has secured residence status living here some time ago.
It's not like the rehearsals generate direct income.
I think if they do rehearse in Toronto, which I think is likely, it has more to do with logistics etc. Set up shop/home base for a couple weeks, go to Chicago and then back to TO for another short stay for the concert.
Your comment "It's not like the rehearsals generate direct income" is key. They won't get taxed. However, I believe workers on the tour likely would.
rehearsal 2019 part 2 any post or news ????
chicago ????
I think rehearsals to this leg can start soon after June 1 & 2 because RON and C. WATTS make birthday days 1 & 2 and they usually dine together that period as some years past with several photos at mid .. ..
They used to rehearse in Toronto because Michael Cohl took advantage of major amuesement tax loopholes.
Thx for the info! They're really good at these little games...