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Palace Revolution 2000
We've probably had a Roxy thread; may even been started by myself. But I just got done listening to them.
It's a bit of a drag that many people think of the ate era Roxy Music; together with Ferry's solo albums. I hardly consider 'Avalon' or 'Flesh & Blood' when I think of Roxy, and certainly not the string of identical, sleep inducing solo albums by Bryan.
But those first 5 albums ( and also Bryan's first...maybe 4 solo records) are fantastic.
Even the first 5 records can be split up into Eno era, and post Eno.
It has been said that the second "For your Pleasure" may be their finest moment, and I have also subscribed to that notion, but now I believe that the first album is the best. When they dropped that thing on the world it was literally something from out of space. Nobody was even remotely close. Bowie maybe had the nerve. But that first side; those 4 songs; and the artwork, the look of the band...whew. I read that ferry wrote that first album alone before even having the band on a piano. Great stuff, and then you got Eno, Manzanera, McKay adding their spice to it.
"Ladytron" is beautiful, the sections, the .Oboe, the lead guitar, the synth. "Remake" is bizarre writing. You hear his influences, but they are re-arranged for modern ears. Same with "2 HB". But "If there is something" is glorious; that end section is very moving. But already back then, I think I knew that Side 1 was the one.
Eddie Jobson was a worthy replacement for Eno; and ferry's writing stayed strong through "Stranded" and "Country Life". "Siren" was a tiny bit weaker IMO.
Now I always liked "Manifesto"; although it has many detractors. But on "Spin me Round" you can see which way Ferry was headed.
I think they were very avantgarde; way ahead of the pack. They are nominated for HOF. IMO a band like that should be inducted. But they will probably put Def Shleppard in there instead.
Palace Revolution 2000
We've probably had a Roxy thread; may even been started by myself. But I just got done listening to them.
It's a bit of a drag that many people think of the ate era Roxy Music; together with Ferry's solo albums. I hardly consider 'Avalon' or 'Flesh & Blood' when I think of Roxy, and certainly not the string of identical, sleep inducing solo albums by Bryan.
But those first 5 albums ( and also Bryan's first...maybe 4 solo records) are fantastic.
Even the first 5 records can be split up into Eno era, and post Eno.
It has been said that the second "For your Pleasure" may be their finest moment, and I have also subscribed to that notion, but now I believe that the first album is the best. When they dropped that thing on the world it was literally something from out of space. Nobody was even remotely close. Bowie maybe had the nerve. But that first side; those 4 songs; and the artwork, the look of the band...whew. I read that ferry wrote that first album alone before even having the band on a piano. Great stuff, and then you got Eno, Manzanera, McKay adding their spice to it.
"Ladytron" is beautiful, the sections, the .Oboe, the lead guitar, the synth. "Remake" is bizarre writing. You hear his influences, but they are re-arranged for modern ears. Same with "2 HB". But "If there is something" is glorious; that end section is very moving. But already back then, I think I knew that Side 1 was the one.
Eddie Jobson was a worthy replacement for Eno; and ferry's writing stayed strong through "Stranded" and "Country Life". "Siren" was a tiny bit weaker IMO.
Now I always liked "Manifesto"; although it has many detractors. But on "Spin me Round" you can see which way Ferry was headed.
I think they were very avantgarde; way ahead of the pack. They are nominated for HOF. IMO a band like that should be inducted. But they will probably put Def Shleppard in there instead.
Couldn't agree more......I was a huge early Roxy fan the last album I bought was Country Life and ofcourse Viva! Roxy Music which you forgot to mention ;o) and I love Bryans solo album Let's Stick Together abd These Foolish Things
<<It's a bit of a drag that many people think of the late era Roxy Music; together with Ferry's solo albums. I hardly consider 'Avalon' or 'Flesh & Blood' when I think of Roxy, and certainly not the string of identical, sleep inducing solo albums by Bryan.
But those first 5 albums ( and also Bryan's first...maybe 4 solo records) are fantastic.>>
Absolutely could not agree more!
Disco changed the band, not in a good way, even though they didn't do that much of it. Bryan also started to lose the line between his fictional personality.
His Majesty
I think there was an element of trying too hard with RM, but I love the first album!
Unfortunately I don't find any of the stuff after as good and seems to miss a particular spookiness.
ITIS is pure magic from the moment the guitar and sax play in unison. Goosebumps every time as sonic the magic unfolds afterwards.
A wee bit of kudos to Peter Sinfield for the production on that album! He was already quite familiar with freakyness via King Crimson and VCS3's by then.
I bet the vibe of that album has something to do with him and maybe it's that which draws me in more than the albums afterwards.
Palace Revolution 2000
We've probably had a Roxy thread; may even been started by myself. But I just got done listening to them.
It's a bit of a drag that many people think of the ate era Roxy Music; together with Ferry's solo albums. I hardly consider 'Avalon' or 'Flesh & Blood' when I think of Roxy, and certainly not the string of identical, sleep inducing solo albums by Bryan.
But those first 5 albums ( and also Bryan's first...maybe 4 solo records) are fantastic.
Even the first 5 records can be split up into Eno era, and post Eno.
It has been said that the second "For your Pleasure" may be their finest moment, and I have also subscribed to that notion, but now I believe that the first album is the best. When they dropped that thing on the world it was literally something from out of space. Nobody was even remotely close. Bowie maybe had the nerve. But that first side; those 4 songs; and the artwork, the look of the band...whew. I read that ferry wrote that first album alone before even having the band on a piano. Great stuff, and then you got Eno, Manzanera, McKay adding their spice to it.
"Ladytron" is beautiful, the sections, the .Oboe, the lead guitar, the synth. "Remake" is bizarre writing. You hear his influences, but they are re-arranged for modern ears. Same with "2 HB". But "If there is something" is glorious; that end section is very moving. But already back then, I think I knew that Side 1 was the one.
Eddie Jobson was a worthy replacement for Eno; and ferry's writing stayed strong through "Stranded" and "Country Life". "Siren" was a tiny bit weaker IMO.
Now I always liked "Manifesto"; although it has many detractors. But on "Spin me Round" you can see which way Ferry was headed.
I think they were very avantgarde; way ahead of the pack. They are nominated for HOF. IMO a band like that should be inducted. But they will probably put Def Shleppard in there instead.
His Majesty
I think there was an element of trying too hard with RM, but I love the first album!
Unfortunately I don't find any of the stuff after as good and seems to miss a particular spookiness.
ITIS is pure magic from the moment the guitar and sax play in unison. Goosebumps every time as sonic the magic unfolds afterwards.
A wee bit of kudos to Peter Sinfield for the production on that album! He was already quite familiar with freakyness via King Crimson and VCS3's by then.
I bet the vibe of that album has something to do with him and maybe it's that which draws me in more than the albums afterwards.
The Bogus Man is cool