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Re: OT: The Kinks are back!!!
Posted by: erad ()
Date: June 27, 2018 05:12


You've assumed so much about me from one measly forum post.

I didn't assume anything about you -- I don't even know you. I wasn't even talking to you.

It was that Bast-ard-ion who started it, telling me I should be listening to the 30 albums released this year instead of the Kinks.

FYI I don't even have a twitter or instagram account, and only use facebook as a means to talk to friends and hear about gigs and other events. I also can't stand it that people seem to want to film and document every little thing nowadays, and that they cant't just seem to live in the moment at a concert and would instead prefer to watch it through a cellphone screen. Although, this isn't limited to just my generation I see it from boomers all the time as well.

I'm pleased to know that, perhaps there's hope yet -- or, maybe you're just an "old" soul. smoking smiley

Am I not allowed to like the Stones or their contemporaries simply because I was born in 1990? All of this shit coming from older generations about millenials being entitled is complete rubbish.

Tell that to Bast-ard-ion who posted above, putting down my excitement over the prospect of a Kinks reunion.

Student loan debts are insanely high, in most countries it is impossible for someone my age to buy a house without help from family. In contrast baby boomers received free university tuition (at least where I'm from) and housing was much, much cheaper. You can also bet your bottom dollar that by the time I'm 65 I won't receive any form of superannuation because it would have all been spent on the boomers by then. Here in NZ for example, super isn't even means tested.

That trend has been rolling like a runaway train since the 1980s -- it's the result of massive corporate deregulation. I went to college in the 80s, so I've witnessed the economic decline from the beginning.

As for music, I will still be listening to the Stones in 50 years, even though they won't be around. There's also plenty of good music coming out in the present, you just have to find it. Pretty low brow stuff to be honest mate, 'I'm better than you because I'm old and the Stones are still around'.

Again, I was reacting to the snarky post by Bast-ard-ion above.

I was born in 1966. I was young once, too -- but that doesn't seem to matter now.

It's just that I get really pissed when some snarky kid tries to tell me what I should be listening to.

After more than a half century on earth, I know what I like.

I suppose you seem alright, so I'll just close out with a cyber-handshake.

There are people of all ages to like or dislike.

Enjoy your Stones and Kinks et al.

I concur with the sentiment re handshake mate. I'll admit I overreacted a bit, so sorry for that.

Agreed on the comment about people of all ages also.

Have a good one smiling smiley

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2018-06-27 05:12 by erad.

Re: OT: The Kinks are back!!!
Posted by: Hairball ()
Date: June 27, 2018 05:24

To me, a Kinks reunion would be something of a major event, if it were true, which I doubt it is.
More eventful anyway than 30 albums released this year, or one, even. In fact, I cant recall any year that had 30 eventful albums released, ever, not in 40 years time anyway.
The discussion on socalled boomers is totally off the mark unless you mean people over 65 or 70 or so. A person over 50 is NOT a babyboomer, people born in the late 1940s or early 1950s are. You can do the math (even with todays educational standards).

As far as I've always known, and everywhere I just looked up, a baby boomer is defined as someone who was born between 1946 and 1964.
Having been born in '63, I always considered myself a baby boomer, though because of the overlapping timelines could also relate to generation X.

Interesting article. >Baby Boomer

Rip this joint, gonna save your soul, round and round and round we go......

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2018-06-27 05:25 by Hairball.

Re: OT: The Kinks are back!!!
Posted by: Rockman ()
Date: June 27, 2018 06:00

…. what about a latebloomer ….. ???? theyre pretty with it toooooooo


Re: OT: The Kinks are back!!!
Posted by: Adrian-L ()
Date: June 27, 2018 10:12

The Kast-Off Kinks have been a fantastic substitute over recent years, but the opportunity to get the surviving 3 original members back together is a fascinating & exciting opportunity.

Re: OT: The Kinks are back!!!
Posted by: SomeGuy ()
Date: June 27, 2018 10:40

To me, a Kinks reunion would be something of a major event, if it were true, which I doubt it is.
More eventful anyway than 30 albums released this year, or one, even. In fact, I cant recall any year that had 30 eventful albums released, ever, not in 40 years time anyway.
The discussion on socalled boomers is totally off the mark unless you mean people over 65 or 70 or so. A person over 50 is NOT a babyboomer, people born in the late 1940s or early 1950s are. You can do the math (even with todays educational standards).

As far as I've always known, and everywhere I just looked up, a baby boomer is defined as someone who was born between 1946 and 1964.
Having been born in '63, I always considered myself a baby boomer, though because of the overlapping timelines could also relate to generation X.

Interesting article. >Baby Boomer

As far as I know the term means the generation that was born soon after WWII, when people were starting families after that recent conflict. I'm from 1964 and I have never considered myself a babyboomer as 1964 isnt 'shortly after the war' anymore. Also, I remember very well, when I started work as a young man, the babyboomers held all the wellpaid jobs and positions and we loathed them for it. So how come suddenly we are babyboomers ourselves? When that was the generation before us.
I happened to read a wikipedia page in English that says in the US the 60s are included but that doesnt go for Europe. See this wikipedia page in Dutch (sorry but thats what it is): [])
I quote: "De mensen die geboren zijn tussen (grofweg) 1945 en 1955 worden doorgaans aangeduid als babyboomers." The German wikipedia page holds the same view.

Re: OT: The Kinks are back!!!
Posted by: ThePaleRider ()
Date: June 27, 2018 13:26

The 'baby boom' refers to actual number of births of which there was an above average bulge starting in 1946 and ending in 1964. The peak year was 1955 in North Amwerica. There are more people aged 63 as of today than any other age.

Millennials, God bless them, have no idea who the Kinks and couldn't care less. As good as they were, they don't even qualify for a retro t-shirt...

Re: OT: The Kinks are back!!!
Posted by: BluzDude ()
Date: June 27, 2018 19:15

I saw Dave Davies earlier this year. One of the most disappointing shows in a long while.

I saw Dave a few years ago. Embarrassing. He clearly loves being in front of an audience, but he's awful these days.

I own every Kinks album and saw them a bunch of times between 78 and 93. Their best work (65 to 71) is among the best rock music ever made. While I'd see them again out of respect for the back catalog, my expectations would look up to see the sewer.

......shouldn't be a problem, they could always hire Blondie to play the lead parts under the stage!grinning smileygrinning smileygrinning smiley

Re: OT: The Kinks are back!!!
Posted by: roryfaninva ()
Date: June 27, 2018 19:31

If it happens at all, the scope will be very limited. Unstoppable in their prime and creators of some of the best singles and LPs in the history of Britrock, the Kinks shot their bolt a long time ago. Pained me to see their last few albums fail to make the Top 100 (deservedly Im afraid for Think Visual and UK Jive, I know some here like Phobia) and the last couple tours drew embarrassing small crowds- not a suitable fate for such a great band. Then, almost perversely, they put out "To The Bone" which is a must-have fantastic live/in the studio sampler as their last release (and it went nowhere)...The Kinks are every bit as great as the Stones but couldnt get out of their own way whereas The Stones played it very smart indeed.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2018-06-27 19:39 by roryfaninva.

Re: OT: The Kinks are back!!!
Posted by: Big Al ()
Date: June 28, 2018 00:47

Baby Boomers: 1946-1964
Generation X: 1965-1981
Millenials: 1982-1999(?)

Being born in late '83, I'm technically a millennial; although I try not think of myself as one!

Re: OT: The Kinks are back!!!
Posted by: stonehearted ()
Date: June 28, 2018 01:04

Big Al
Baby Boomers: 1946-1964
Generation X: 1965-1981
Millenials: 1982-1999(?)

Hey! -- How come so-called generation X only spans 16 years, when a person isn't even fully grown at 16?

Despite the many teen births that occur in every generation, the measure of a generation is typically 20 years, i.e., 5 generations per century.

To muddle the waters even further, there are the "proto-Boomers"; that is, babies being born in the 1980s to parents whose birth years preceded 1946.

In the 80s, people in their 30s and 40s were pushing the envelope of what was acceptable for middle age, like starting families a generation later than their peers had done.

The "proto-Boomers" may be one factor to explain why the so-called "Millennial" generation is the largest in history -- larger even than the "Baby Boomers".

Re: OT: The Kinks are back!!!
Posted by: Hairball ()
Date: June 28, 2018 01:13

Big Al
Baby Boomers: 1946-1964
Generation X: 1965-1981
Millenials: 1982-1999(?)

Being born in late '83, I'm technically a millennial; although I try not think of myself as one!

Dang Big're still just a young pup!
I always imagined you as some big old mafioso dude whose seen it all, and never wanted to disagree with any of your posts! grinning smiley

Rip this joint, gonna save your soul, round and round and round we go......

Re: OT: The Kinks are back!!!
Posted by: BluzDude ()
Date: June 28, 2018 02:03

I guess I'm smack dab in the middle of Baby Boomerville....

....Either way, bring on the Kinks! (but I'm not holding my breath)

Re: OT: The Kinks are back!!!
Date: June 28, 2018 06:28

Good evenin' boys (and girls if you're there)!

I too heard the news of the Kinks reunion. As someone who has never seen Ray or Dave not to mention the Kinks, this is HUGE news for me. I could care less whether Ray or Dave can or can't hit certain notes. Total detritus spread over a landscape of boorish musings. Let's not forget the power of "Waterloo Sunset" and all the other great songs the band made. I happen to love "Living on A Thin Line" and, yes, I think it's a great song. I agree that their later albums cumulatively lost some of their shine (not unlike another UK band). I would be positively THRILLED to see them play in at least the major metropolitan centers of North America and the UK and Europe. I will make the pilgrimage to see them. A four-hour drive is most worth it. Do I even dare suggest that I'd rather see Ray and Dave more than Keith, Woodpecker, Charlie, and Mick? Let's face it: if the Stones play in the USA again, the band will charge $500 per ticket. I've seen the Stones over a dozen times in my life; I'd rather pay $250 and have a cat's bird seat at a Kinks show. It doesn't mean that I prefer the Kinks over the Stones (that is squarely not the case!) I just think that it would be far more exciting to see the Kinks right now than the Stones.

Charles Baudelaire
"J'ai pétri de la boue, et j'en ai fait de l'or."

Re: OT: The Kinks are back!!!
Posted by: Big Al ()
Date: June 28, 2018 07:39

Big Al
Baby Boomers: 1946-1964
Generation X: 1965-1981
Millenials: 1982-1999(?)

Being born in late '83, I'm technically a millennial; although I try not think of myself as one!

Dang Big're still just a young pup!
I always imagined you as some big old mafioso dude whose seen it all, and never wanted to disagree with any of your posts! grinning smiley

Ha-ha! Youngish-body and looks; old head. Always preferred the company of those older than me. Probably something to do with my love for 60's music.

Re: OT: The Kinks are back!!!
Posted by: Rockman ()
Date: June 28, 2018 07:45

Ha-ha! Youngish-body and looks; old head.

Sounds like an Ferrari with a Hemi ……


Re: OT: The Kinks are back!!!
Posted by: SomeGuy ()
Date: June 28, 2018 16:12

Perhaps the exact period of the babyboom differs with every country. Not all countries were occupied during WWII for instance. That may have something to do with the difference with the anglosaxon world.
In every demographic document -scientific and official- I can find in my country about the babyboom generation it says 1945-1955.

Nevertheless, none of this is relevant to the Kinks reuniting. Contrary to some, I thought that in the mid 90s they were actually getting better again. The show I saw in Amsterdam in, I think, 93, was rather good. Who knows what would have happened if they had enjoyed stronger record sales at the time.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2018-06-28 16:41 by SomeGuy.

Re: OT: The Kinks are back!!!
Date: June 28, 2018 16:48

Perhaps the exact period of the babyboom differs with every country. Not all countries were occupied during WWII for instance. That may have something to do with the difference with the anglosaxon world.
In every demographic document -scientific and official- I can find in my country about the babyboom generation it says 1945-1955.

Nevertheless, none of this is relevant to the Kinks reuniting. Contrary to some, I thought that in the mid 90s they were actually getting better again. The show I saw in Amsterdam in, I think, 93, was rather good. Who knows what would have happened if they had enjoyed stronger record sales at the time.

That's it.

Re: OT: The Kinks are back!!!
Posted by: Cristiano Radtke ()
Date: June 28, 2018 18:04

Back on topic:

Hear Ray Davies' New Autobiographical Song 'The Big Guy'

The track from the Kinks frontman's forthcoming LP 'Our Country: Americana Act II' was inspired by the time he was shot by a mugger in 2004


Re: OT: The Kinks are back!!!
Posted by: coffeepotman ()
Date: June 28, 2018 20:45

This thread got ugly real quick and this is why I hardly ever post

Re: OT: The Kinks are back!!!
Posted by: SomeGuy ()
Date: June 28, 2018 23:27

Cristiano Radtke
Back on topic:

Hear Ray Davies' New Autobiographical Song 'The Big Guy'

The track from the Kinks frontman's forthcoming LP 'Our Country: Americana Act II' was inspired by the time he was shot by a mugger in 2004


Sounds acceptable to me. Ordering the cd as we speak, hope to get it in the mail tomorrow.

Re: OT: The Kinks are back!!!
Posted by: erad ()
Date: June 29, 2018 00:49

This thread got ugly real quick and this is why I hardly ever post

To be fair Stonehearted and myself had a bit of an exchange, but it ended more than amicably quite quickly.

Don't see much else wrong with the thread?

Re: OT: The Kinks are back!!!
Posted by: MrEcho ()
Date: June 29, 2018 02:58

Well my first thought: this is good news. After giving it some more thought:
Ray having written songs for the Rolling Stones seems odd - not impossible but
just odd. Reality is if Ray and Dave can bill themselves as the Kinks they will
sell many more tickets than their solo shows - maybe this is how the Rolling Stones inspired Ray?

Quote: In a new interview with Channel 4 News, Ray Davies announced that the Kinks are reuniting. After receiving a phone call from drummer Mick Avory during the conversation, Davies says that the band are “making a new album, inspired by the Rolling Stones.” “We’re talking about it because I got all these songs that I wrote for them,” he says.

them = Mick Avory and Dave Davies

Re: OT: The Kinks are back!!!
Posted by: Mr.D ()
Date: June 29, 2018 03:31

Cristiano Radtke
Back on topic:

Hear Ray Davies' New Autobiographical Song 'The Big Guy'

The track from the Kinks frontman's forthcoming LP 'Our Country: Americana Act II' was inspired by the time he was shot by a mugger in 2004

Thanks for getting us back on topic! I'm listening to Americana 2 right now, Ray has always been an amazing songwriter, this new album has a couple of reimagined Kinks songs and a story or two, great to see that one of my childhood hero's can still make music this great!

Re: OT: The Kinks are back!!!
Posted by: paulywaul ()
Date: June 29, 2018 07:12

I was at this Dave Davies show in Islington when Ray made a surprise appearance. It was just for "You Really Got Me". On the subject of a "Kinks reunion", I think it's a case of perhaps "hearing what you want to hear" these days. I would absolutely luuuuuuuuurv to see it myself, but Dave is unquestionably weak these days, and a long awaited Kinks reunion certainly has the potential to be somewhat of a disappointment, of that I think there is no doubt.

Torn between two camps therefore, On the one hand, would love to see it. On the other, very fearful that it might be the proverbial train wreck ....

I dunno ?

[ I want to shout, but I can hardly speak ]

Re: OT: The Kinks are back!!!
Posted by: paulywaul ()
Date: June 29, 2018 07:29


This was the "big moment" !!

[ I want to shout, but I can hardly speak ]

Re: OT: The Kinks are back!!!
Date: June 29, 2018 07:59

Train wreck? Not for the folks for whom Dave or Ray never play I would say. If Brits are sick and tired of them, then fine. Let them play a handful of dates in the States and Australia and Canada. We would love it.

Charles Baudelaire

Re: OT: The Kinks are back!!!
Date: June 29, 2018 09:13

This is allegedly a studio project, and that might indeed work, imo.

Re: OT: The Kinks are back!!!
Posted by: johnnythunders ()
Date: June 29, 2018 11:21

I was at this Dave Davies show in Islington when Ray made a surprise appearance. It was just for "You Really Got Me". On the subject of a "Kinks reunion", I think it's a case of perhaps "hearing what you want to hear" these days. I would absolutely luuuuuuuuurv to see it myself, but Dave is unquestionably weak these days, and a long awaited Kinks reunion certainly has the potential to be somewhat of a disappointment, of that I think there is no doubtm
Torn between two camps therefore, On the one hand,would love to see it. On the other, very fearful that it might be the proverbial train wreck ....

I dunno ?

Paul,I was at the same Islington show as you and like you have I love(d) the Kinks. However I think the last few LPs before they split in ‘96 were unimpressive so I think it might be a good time to say “we’re done”

Re: OT: The Kinks are back!!!
Posted by: paulywaul ()
Date: June 29, 2018 19:04

I was at this Dave Davies show in Islington when Ray made a surprise appearance. It was just for "You Really Got Me". On the subject of a "Kinks reunion", I think it's a case of perhaps "hearing what you want to hear" these days. I would absolutely luuuuuuuuurv to see it myself, but Dave is unquestionably weak these days, and a long awaited Kinks reunion certainly has the potential to be somewhat of a disappointment, of that I think there is no doubtm
Torn between two camps therefore, On the one hand,would love to see it. On the other, very fearful that it might be the proverbial train wreck ....

I dunno ?

Paul,I was at the same Islington show as you and like you have I love(d) the Kinks. However I think the last few LPs before they split in ‘96 were unimpressive so I think it might be a good time to say “we’re done”

Yeah Simon, I agree (albeit regrettably) ... because I would just luuuuuuuuurv to see those two guys (the Davies brothers) make their peace and reform the Kinks and go out there and storm it, but I do genuinely fear that it is too late for that now. I think they could get back out there, but as for 'storming it' .... er er er ! I think we're past that stage at this point in time. Shame, they were in a league of their own at one point in British music history, but that's exactly what it is now ..... history !

[ I want to shout, but I can hardly speak ]

Re: OT: The Kinks are back!!!
Posted by: Javadave ()
Date: June 29, 2018 20:31

I think if they can afford to pace themselves similarly to the Stones, with no back to back shows and ideally a few days off in between, they could handle a tour.

Caught this performance of Ray (backed by the 88 for the electric part of the show) at the 1100 seat Neptune Theater in Seattle, Washington just six years ago and thought it was fantastic!

Ray Davies
Neptune Theatre, Seattle, WA, USA

I Need You
This Is Where I Belong
Dedicated Follower of Fashion
In a Moment
This Land Is Your Land (Woody Guthrie cover) (verse)
Sunny Afternoon
Waterloo Sunset
Dead End Street
Till the End of the Day
Where Have All the Good Times Gone(with verse of Tired Of Waiting For You)
I'm Not Like Everybody Else
Nothin' in the World Can Stop Me Worryin' 'Bout That Girl
(verse and reading from X-Ray)
20th Century Man
Celluloid Heroes
Come Dancing
You Really Got Me(slow version)
You Really Got Me
All Day and All of the Night

This Land Is Your Land (Woody Guthrie cover) (partial verse)
Low Budget

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2018-06-29 20:32 by Javadave.

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