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Re: Sign here please for MICK TAYLOR
Posted by: MCDDTLC ()
Date: September 28, 2005 00:24

JJ -what else do you want me to say? where you around back at the time Taylor joined?? I was, so they released LIB and Beggers B. If they didn't have
someone like Taylor to play LIVE, who know's what would have happened!!

that's my point, back then they had Cream, Hendrix, Ten Years After, Fleetwood
Mac, Led Zep. to content with and if you didn't "produce" on stage, people
walked out on you!!! I saw it happen many times back then.

Why do you think they grabbed this guy?? Keith said that the only person
lazier than him was Clapton so no way where they going to offer him the job,
John Lennon had him wrapped up with the Plastic Ono band (of all things)
Jeff Beck was so hard to get along with no way they offer the job to him!!!
Peter Green was with F. Mac, one listen to Taylor's playing and they offer him
the job! and how much do they appreciate his contributions?? they tell him;
oh yeah, we'll give you writing credits on these songs your helping out with,
(Moonlight Mile, Sway, CYHMK, etc.) and what happen's?? he get's zilch!!

I would have quit too, the ungrateful Bastards!!!

And the thing is, if they asked Taylor to come play , he would, he never talk's
bad about the Glimmers, but they get their jabs in

Keith - "guess he learned the hard way that he's only a good Guitar Player"
Ronnie - he passed us a note saying he's broke and lost his confidence.

at least Jagger praises him in the paper's, but has yet to invite him to sit-in,
knowing Taylor could use the $$$ Sad Sad Sad - MLC

Re: Sign here please for MICK TAYLOR
Posted by: mr edward ()
Date: September 28, 2005 00:31

"at least Jagger praises him in the paper's, but has yet to invite him to sit-in, knowing Taylor could use the $$$ Sad Sad Sad - MLC "

That would be a sad reason for inviting one of your former band mates, wouldn't it? Don't think that ever will be a incentive for Jagger to invite Taylor.


Re: Sign here please for MICK TAYLOR
Posted by: MCDDTLC ()
Date: September 28, 2005 00:45

ED - yes it would be nice to invite him on general purposes but it galls me
that Jagger know's how much Taylor could use a "Shot in the Arm" for his
career (what's left of it) that a appearance with the Stones would do for him
but he (Jagger) still won't "bury the hatchet" and let this guy back in the
Stones world, if even for one night - MLC

Re: Sign here please for MICK TAYLOR
Posted by: mr edward ()
Date: September 28, 2005 01:14

Maybe Jagger feels that inviting Taylor would damage the image of Wood. Maybe, just maybe Wood, who probably is aware of the harsh critics, opposes a guest appearance? Things could have changed since Taylors last (and only?) guest appearance... Woody's position in the band certainly has.


Re: Sign here please for MICK TAYLOR
Posted by: Ket ()
Date: September 28, 2005 01:18

mr edward Wrote:
> Maybe Jagger feels that inviting Taylor would
> damage the image of Wood. Maybe, just maybe Wood,
> who probably is aware of the harsh critics,
> opposes a guest appearance? Things could have
> changed since Taylors last (and only?) guest
> appearance... Woody's position in the band
> certainly has.
> e.

Or maybe Jagger feels that Taylor is too much of a risk like the KC 1981 debacle where Taylor completely screwed up.

Re: Sign here please for MICK TAYLOR
Posted by: mr edward ()
Date: September 28, 2005 01:26

could be, but that 'screw up' is almost 24 years ago now...

Re: Sign here please for MICK TAYLOR
Posted by: rknuth ()
Date: September 28, 2005 01:29

Seems that some of you might have serious problems with your ears and musical taste!

Re: Sign here please for MICK TAYLOR
Posted by: Dobril ()
Date: September 28, 2005 01:56

My respect for Mick Taylor.

Re: Sign here please for MICK TAYLOR
Posted by: Smokey ()
Date: September 28, 2005 02:11

Edward Twining Wrote:
> However, i got the chance to meet him after
> one of those shows and casually mentioned i felt
> the Stones had missed him and he didn't want to
> know. My immediate thought was it'll never happen
> in a million years.

The petition is likely going to the wrong party. It is likely that Taylor has no interest and all the petitions in the world to the Stones won't help.

Anyone remember the tape of Dylan with Richards and Wood where they talk about Taylor. I think it was from Live Aid. Dylan says he tries to make plans to see Taylor, and Taylor either just isn't interested or doesn't show up.

Four Stone Walls Wrote:

> Can Taylor paint?! What medium?!

Benjamin Moore Latex Exterior! Two coats on his house this summer.

open-g Wrote:
> What if Taylor had played on Some Girls instead of
> Ron?!
> I dont't think his style would have got the nerve
> of that time.
> punk.

I doubt it. Taylor played throughout Exile. It was clear he could adapt his style and was not limited to fluid lead lines.

If Some Girls and Exile were switched in time, you'd be saying the same thing about Exile: that Taylor would not have gotten the nerve of the time/album.

Markdog Wrote:
> Mick Jagger called trying to get Ronnie from
> the Faces first

I heard this silly story about how they tried to get Ronnie from the Faces. Wood was in the Jeff Beck Group then.

The odd thing is that they seemed to have auditioned no one else in 1969. Taylor plays one night, goes off to a London tour with the Bluesbreakers, comes back for a session with the Stones and suddenly he is a Stone. No one else has said they were auditioned during the interim. The Stones' claim later was that the Hyde Park show was coming up, but how exceptional could Taylor have been at those rehearsals so they would not have even bothered to try out anyone else? (Listen to pre-Stones Taylor for your answer.)

camper88 Wrote:

> Hell, I'm not signing any petition out of
> principle. This isn't American Idol, this is the
> Rolling Stones. Fans don't get to decide who
> plays in the band any more than we get to decide
> what songs go on the next album or what get played
> live at the next gig.

Here is a posting to quarrel with. Do you seriously think they ever would have returned to Sway if it were not so high on the fan request list?

Re: Sign here please for MICK TAYLOR
Posted by: MCDDTLC ()
Date: September 28, 2005 02:52

KET - Taylor didn't screw up in KC in 1981, he wasn't given a chance!!

Keith invited him as a "slap" at Jagger, they were feuding at the time, Taylor
wasn't even plugged into the Soundboard, just givin an Amp to plug into, he
couldn't hear himself and turned up the little Amp so he could "hear"
Ronnie said: he was too loud when he shouldn't have been, what do you expect?
Jagger sabotaged that last second invite, let him researse a couple of times
and let's see what happen's! MLC

Re: Sign here please for MICK TAYLOR
Posted by: Four Stone Walls ()
Date: September 28, 2005 11:29

I've an idea: an English compromise.

Keep Ronnie on stage - but don't plug him in.

Get Taylor to play behind the stage, plugged in.

Best possible sound. Ronnie will get such fantastic applause for 'his' guitar work that he'll love his new-found glory and not mind at all.

Mick Taylor could throw in the odd bum note - to make it sound more authentic and keep the Ronnie fans happy!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2005-09-28 21:45 by Four Stone Walls.

Re: Sign here please for MICK TAYLOR
Posted by: ablett ()
Date: September 28, 2005 12:10


Re: Sign here please for MICK TAYLOR
Posted by: Ringo ()
Date: September 28, 2005 12:24

I think people would have understood better how good Mick Taylor is, if the Stones had published their best concert versions (especially from Brussels and London 1973). That is simply the best rock in history, and an important reason for this is Mick Taylor.

Re: Sign here please for MICK TAYLOR
Posted by: mr edward ()
Date: September 28, 2005 12:57

ablett Wrote:
> GGGGG!!!!!!!!

I was wondering when you would turn up here! Haha!

Re: Sign here please for MICK TAYLOR
Posted by: ablett ()
Date: September 28, 2005 13:01

Well, ya gotta get you hard thought out opinion in......

Re: Sign here please for MICK TAYLOR
Posted by: Whale ()
Date: September 28, 2005 13:12

This is most debated issue on the board.
Somebody said go and listen to the Mayall 2003 2CD from his 70th birthday. There's Taylor on there and he's pretty good. The whole 2CD set is worth buying. Its a fine blues record.
I won't sign the petition though after having heard "Sway". That's a lot better then what I heard Wood doing on Live Licks in CYHMK. I found that very promising.

Re: Sign here please for MICK TAYLOR
Posted by: ablett ()
Date: September 28, 2005 13:17

Your not wrong about it being the most debated issue... zzzzzz
That and the impending death of KR, the inability of RW to know which end of the guitar to use and the fact that no RS concert should have ANY songs in that the general public have possibly heard of.......

I'll wait for the lashing!

Re: Sign here please for MICK TAYLOR
Posted by: J-J-Flash ()
Date: September 28, 2005 16:42

MLC, again I will state that yes I was around when Taylor joined the band. As much as I love Taylor, I just think there were plenty of guitarists that could have stepped in.

Also you always mention how messed up it is that Mick and Keith don't invite him to play or take cheap shots at him but think of it from their perspective. A band lines up a huge world tour and right before it your guitarist says he is quitting the band and there is nothing you can do to change his mind. I would be pretty pissed off as well.

Re: Sign here please for MICK TAYLOR
Posted by: tat2you ()
Date: September 28, 2005 16:48

agree he QUIT on them...and you know i have never really heard a good reason????...kith could have done all those albums him self Gram parsons was playing allot w/ him.....have you read the Bockris book??

Re: Sign here please for MICK TAYLOR
Posted by: MCDDTLC ()
Date: September 28, 2005 17:32

JJ -your not paying attention, Taylor quit because;

A) He had it with not getting "credit" for his contributions, thought the
Stones wouldn't last with Keith's drug intake, and was bored with what they
were playing live. He jammed with Jack Bruce, loved his music and after
listening to his then wife (Rosie) quit.

In hindsight, probably not a bad thing ( for the Stones)
when Disco hit, he would have bailed for sure when Jagger/Richards went
down that road (Miss You) Some Girls gave the Stones a shot in the Arm
back then that they needed and the rest is history for them.

I don't think it's too much to ask to invite Taylor back to show some
appreication for contributions... just for one night, and I'm not saying
exclude Ronnie, but think what a musical memory they could leave by bringing
in a "hired gun" like Taylor and re-visit albums like: Ya's Ya's
Sticky Fingers, Exile, Goats Head Soup!!!

You see old band members getting back together left & right

(Cream, Black Sabbath, Humble Pie - Marriot & Frampton were recording
when Stevie M. died in a home fire, etc..)

So don't say "never" you NEVER know??? if enough people make noise about
it, you saw what happened with "Sway" - MLC

Re: Sign here please for MICK TAYLOR
Posted by: hot stuff ()
Date: September 28, 2005 17:47

KEITH CAN'T BE THAT MAD AT TAYLOR..keith had him play on his solo album..
but it be nice to see them all together...for old times know a big t.v. special...bring on wyman too....

Re: Sign here please for MICK TAYLOR
Posted by: Gazza ()
Date: September 28, 2005 17:50

82 posts on this topic so far, but only 64 signatures to date (some of them a bit dubious in their authenticity - theres one from Mick taylor, one from a Ringo Starr from Norway and even a Ron Wood from Ireland)

speaks volumes

Re: Sign here please for MICK TAYLOR
Posted by: camper88 ()
Date: September 28, 2005 17:56

Four Stone Walls Wrote:
> I've an idea: an English compromise.
> Keep Ronnie on stage - but don't plug him in.

Don't they do this already?

Re: Sign here please for MICK TAYLOR
Posted by: Ket ()
Date: September 28, 2005 17:57

> I don't think it's too much to ask to invite
> Taylor back to show some
> appreication for contributions... just for one
> night, and I'm not saying
> exclude Ronnie, but think what a musical memory
> they could leave by bringing
> in a "hired gun" like Taylor and re-visit
> albums like: Ya's Ya's
> Sticky Fingers, Exile, Goats Head Soup!!!

I agree it might be very cool, but I think it would have been a better idea to do it on the licks tour then this one because A. They could have invited him to play at one of the theatre shows where Taylor is more accustomed to playing, I don't mean this as a dig but he has not played in big arenas or stadiaums in a very very long time and it might throw him. and B. The Licks tour was a retrospective and it would have really fit to have someone in their past play as a guest.

Ok I will try to make peace with some on this board, look I doubt you will find many if any people here say Mick Taylor did not contribute to the band in a huge way but I think there is a big backlash directed towards the Taylorites now because the band is moving forward. They have a new albumn that judging from the vast majority of posts we love. They are on tour and again most reviews are very positive.So I think many people don't want to dwell on the past, I am not saying the Taylorites don't have a right to post what they want but I don't think your going to find many folks that are going to put up with constant Ronnie bashing or discounting everything they have done post MT as much as before so expect a more aggresive response then before ie some Taylor bashing.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2005-09-28 17:58 by Ket.

Re: Sign here please for MICK TAYLOR
Posted by: J-J-Flash ()
Date: September 28, 2005 17:59

MLC, I know the reasons why Taylor decided to leave. What I said was Taylor left right before a world tour, which is a shitty thing to do. Granted some of his reasons were legit but he still left the band in a very tough spot. Your way of getting around points that people make are really impressive, you would make a good defense lawyer.

Also are you ever going to listen to the new cd? Or just come here and talk about Taylor and how much the Stones suck today?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2005-09-28 18:00 by J-J-Flash.

Re: Sign here please for MICK TAYLOR
Posted by: camper88 ()
Date: September 28, 2005 18:19

Smokey Wrote:

> camper88 Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------

> > Hell, I'm not signing any petition out of
> > principle. This isn't American Idol, this is
> the
> > Rolling Stones. Fans don't get to decide
> who
> > plays in the band any more than we get to
> decide
> > what songs go on the next album or what get
> played
> > live at the next gig.
> Here is a posting to quarrel with. Do you
> seriously think they ever would have returned to
> Sway if it were not so high on the fan request
> list?

Do I seriously think so? Sure.

As T&A might say, I know so. Look at the rehearsals.

Moreover, in the last few years these guys have played more unexpected tunes than at any time in their career: CYHMK, She Smiled Sweetly, Stray Cat Blues, Torn and Frayed, Hot Stuff, Parachute Woman, etc., etc., etc. And that's not even mentioning the covers. Ray Charles, Bob Marley, etc.

Sway was simply a matter of time.

Besides, you're missing the point: fans don't tell the Stones who should be in the band. This isn't American Idol, it's the Stones.

You let enough fans in on this vote and you'll end up with Eddie Van Halen on stage right. Okay with that thought in my head, I have to go lie down now.

Re: Sign here please for MICK TAYLOR
Posted by: T&A ()
Date: September 28, 2005 18:22

camper is starting to quote T&A? what the hell is happening to this board? I don't even "know" this place anymore....

Re: Sign here please for MICK TAYLOR
Posted by: Smokey ()
Date: September 28, 2005 19:59

camper88 Wrote:
> Smokey Wrote:
> > camper88 Wrote:

> > > Hell, I'm not signing any petition out
> of
> > > principle. This isn't American Idol,
> this is
> > the
> > > Rolling Stones. Fans don't get to
> decide
> > who
> > > plays in the band any more than we get
> to
> > decide
> > > what songs go on the next album or what
> get
> > played
> > > live at the next gig.
> >
> > Here is a posting to quarrel with. Do you
> > seriously think they ever would have returned
> to
> > Sway if it were not so high on the fan
> request
> > list?
> Do I seriously think so? Sure.
> As T&A might say, I know so. Look at the
> rehearsals.
> Sway was simply a matter of time.

A matter of time? It's a matter of time before they get to TWFNO? If they live forever, will we hear the Rice Krispies jingle?

The issue is what inspires them to rehearse a song not merely that they rehearse it. Your view is their artistic instincts told them to do Sway and should be the only contribution to the decision. My view is that the fans' hankering after it was a strong contribution to those instincts and should be. Should the fans shy away from trying to get the band to play certain songs? In my view: absolutely not.

If (hypothetically) the band wants to play Torn and Frayed, but the fans want Sway, so the band plays Sway as if it were Torn and Frayed, that probably is not the most desirable outcome. But if the band thinks it can do anything it has recorded or played for the past 40 years and is equally happy to play any one of 10 "surprises" and the fans have one of those surprises at the top of their list, why should the Stones not play that one? Why should the fans shy away from telling the Stones which of those 10 they most want to hear?

Also (for example and purely hypothetically), if Richards does not want to play any of the old songs that he had no or minimal input into, the band would otherwise not play them and the fans really want to hear it, why shouldn't the fans encourage the band (read Richards) to get over it and humor them?

> Besides, you're missing the point: fans don't tell
> the Stones who should be in the band. This isn't
> American Idol, it's the Stones.

First, you missed this point: the anti-Taylor crowd makes silly, sloppy points just just to spew venom. There are enough reasons for them not to play with each other--with mutual indifference probably topping the list--that there is little reason for the other nonsense. Second, I don't think the Stones cultivate or want to cultivate a passive fan base.

Incidentally, as for "who should be in the band", I also suspect that the fan noise about Chuck's prominence in the mix had some effect on both the album and the mix at ABB concerts. Obviously, the band determines their own sound, but the fan noise can influence or help confirm decisions by the band.

> You let enough fans in on this vote and you'll end
> up with Eddie Van Halen on stage right. Okay with
> that thought in my head, I have to go lie down
> now.

A fan vote can obviously have a bad outcome. But bad outcomes--did anyone say Timberlake?--can happen without fan input. Or contrary to fan input.

The issue is whether fans should let the band know what they want. In my view, of course they should. The band can decide whether they think it works artistically, socially, politically, economically, hygenically, ...


Re: Sign here please for MICK TAYLOR
Posted by: camper88 ()
Date: September 28, 2005 20:14

Smokey Wrote:
> The issue is whether fans should let the band know
> what they want. In my view, of course they
> should.

Sure, but what does a petition tell them? Some do and some don't? Very helpful.

The band can decide whether they think it
> works artistically, socially, politically,
> economically, hygenically, ...

Which was exactly my point: a petition is meant as a formal request for a benefit or right.

How many signatures would be necessary for this to be meaningful? To change anything? To tell the Stones something they don't know ALREADY (that some fans are taylorites, and some don't like/ want Ronnie)? Rhetorical questions all.

Maybe next Pope can be chosen on the new television show, Papal Idol.

Re: Sign here please for MICK TAYLOR
Posted by: OpenG ()
Date: September 28, 2005 20:22

They used the internet way back to ask the fans what song they wanted to hear
and they played that song if they could. So the stones have used fan input to
play some material

Why the hell should they play Time Waits and Winter and Sway if they destroy
the original classic which is all we have to listen to from the taylor period.

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