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New Ask Keith - Bill Wyman's Bass Playing
Posted by: Rollin92 ()
Date: October 24, 2016 19:20

Lovely words from Keith


Re: New Ask Keith - Bill Wyman's Bass Playing
Posted by: RollingFreak ()
Date: October 24, 2016 19:27

So cool. Sounds so genuine when he says he's the top bass player for him, and its just nice to hear that from these guys.

Re: New Ask Keith - Bill Wyman's Bass Playing
Posted by: mosthigh ()
Date: October 24, 2016 19:35

Nice to hear, even though Bill says they never forgave him for leaving The Stones.

Boy, Keith seems really cooked these days.

Re: New Ask Keith - Bill Wyman's Bass Playing
Posted by: blivet ()
Date: October 24, 2016 20:13

Really sweet, highly complimentary, and clearly sincere.

I liked that they used "Miss You" as the bumper music, both because it features Bill's playing prominently, and because Keith obviously does miss having him in the band.

Re: New Ask Keith - Bill Wyman's Bass Playing
Posted by: 24FPS ()
Date: October 24, 2016 20:32

God, I almost cried, finally hearing Bill get his public due from Keith. I hope that Bill hears this. Keith is finally saying what many, many fans have felt and heard for years.

I remember Charlie being a little amazed at the 'clever' things Bill had come up with when he had to go over songs with Darryl to learn them. Perhaps these last few years, with all the reissues and interest in past Stones music, has made Keith actually listen to those records and hear the difference between that music and post-Wyman Stones music. So whatever personal little grudges and pride that has come between them is easing in the face of mortality.

Re: New Ask Keith - Bill Wyman's Bass Playing
Posted by: crumbling_mice ()
Date: October 24, 2016 20:46

I'm afraid once Bill left the band, it was never the same band sound wise. It lurched from the true Stones sound to what I call the vegas sound. Bill came from the same roots as Mick, Keith and Charlie...sleepy London Town in the 50s and 60s, he paid his dues on the road, the years of touring small venues in both the UK and US. They crafted the songs together each throwing his part into the cauldron and making the Stones brew. It worked, it was unique, they understood each other and the Wyman/Watts combo was sublime and when those two were on the nail, rock n roll was never bettered.

Keith lost Bill in the years of heroin haze. Bill wasn't a junkie, he, like Charlie liked to play it straight (Charlie got into it later) and whilst Keith always stood by Charlie, he just didn;t seem to acknowledge Bill's input...until now!

I always found this strange, because if you read the Charone book, when Keith is busted in Toronto, Bill really goes out of his way to help him in more ways than one and Bill tells the tale of how he went out to score heroin for a rapidly deteriorating Keith who was going into turkey.

It's good to hear Keith complimenting Bill, long over due and Bill was a superb bassist, not technical but that;s not what the Stones needed, they needed that heavy throbber laying a solid rhythm down!

Re: New Ask Keith - Bill Wyman's Bass Playing
Posted by: Dan ()
Date: October 24, 2016 20:50

Was Mick wearing a Domino's Pizza uniform during the first half?

Re: New Ask Keith - Bill Wyman's Bass Playing
Posted by: 24FPS ()
Date: October 24, 2016 21:10

Was Mick wearing a Domino's Pizza uniform during the first half?

Is Dan trolling a heart felt post about Bill Wyman?

Re: New Ask Keith - Bill Wyman's Bass Playing
Posted by: Rockman ()
Date: October 24, 2016 21:31

nice words Keith ...


Re: New Ask Keith - Bill Wyman's Bass Playing
Posted by: DoomandGloom ()
Date: October 24, 2016 21:37

Bill is great. Ran the show in his own subtle way. No words can say enough, sadly 80 is too old for any serious reunion.

Re: New Ask Keith - Bill Wyman's Bass Playing
Posted by: TooTough ()
Date: October 24, 2016 21:48

Love overdue...

Re: New Ask Keith - Bill Wyman's Bass Playing
Posted by: The Joker ()
Date: October 24, 2016 23:01

Two thoughts about Bill…

. He learned music, at first, for make a living, on the advice of a relative... In that perspective, Bill worked his skills to play the most earnable type of music, i.e. ballroom music of the fifties… And this, I think, shaped his style – quite elastic, delightfully cartoonish, but also very sound as for the meloldy, because he equipped himself to be a pro. Quite different a dilettante teenager grabbing a guitar for fun or being a rock star.

. We know he suffered in his youth, because some thoughts or regrets he shyly shared well after his fifties… His mother throwing away his flowers when his young brother passed… Or his first diary, which also was thrown away, again by his mother, when he was in the Air Force in Germany.

We love you, Bill.

Re: New Ask Keith - Bill Wyman's Bass Playing
Posted by: Koen ()
Date: October 25, 2016 00:55

Really sweet, highly complimentary, and clearly sincere.

I liked that they used "Miss You" as the bumper music, both because it features Bill's playing prominently, and because Keith obviously does miss having him in the band.

Is it a version featuring Bill?

Re: New Ask Keith - Bill Wyman's Bass Playing
Posted by: hopkins ()
Date: October 25, 2016 01:10

Interesting comment but he fails to mentio the propulsion and extraordinary melodic punctuation and so much more...I listen to the iso bass GS track
sometimes and you just have to laugh when he plays like ten notes in one second
to just haul the thing up to another level. He does this all the time. Bill!!!!

For sake of the brand and the money they can photoshop him out for here to daylight but he's there, on almost every single earth-shattering thing they ever did.


"...Wyman has an innate sense of musicality that makes him the ideal bass player for the Rolling Stones. He understands how to lock in with Watts, compliment (I think he means complement) the rhythm guitar, leave space at the appropriate moments, and support the song with solid root notes, primal energy, and traditional blues patterns. Wyman tends to settle into bass parts as opposed to bass lines; he doesn’t necessarily play a set “groove” or sequence of notes. Instead, he establishes a somewhat loose, yet clearly distinguishable part that unites all of the musical elements of the song. His part is malleable and reactionary, always going with the flow of the band and often developing in complexity as the song progresses.

Playing with a distinctively “rooted” mindset, Wyman clearly defines the harmony of the song, which happens to be just the right thing for rock and roll. He inherently knows just the right place to jump up an octave, creating a sense of motion even though the harmony remains the same. Though his approach is fairly simplistic in terms of note choice, he has a keen understanding of how to drive a song and use the sound of his instrument."

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2016-10-25 01:29 by hopkins.

Re: New Ask Keith - Bill Wyman's Bass Playing
Posted by: black n blue ()
Date: October 25, 2016 03:51

His eyes looked strange

Re: New Ask Keith - Bill Wyman's Bass Playing
Date: October 25, 2016 09:52

black n blue
His eyes looked strange

Well he's still wearing eyeliner. I wonder if that's the same makeup still from '73; from Anita's chest.

But, yes I got to say: Keith looks old. As in John Lee Hooker old. I'm not sure what the party line on this is, but IMO he never changed drastically from that head injury, and the meds he must be on since that time.
And I dont know if Bill would feel embarrassed by any kind of praise. It is so overdue that to get this on his 80th! birthday is a bit hollow.
I have always wondered how come Keith never said anything afterwards about Bill, of all people, going out to cop for him.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2016-10-25 09:54 by Palace Revolution 2000.

Re: New Ask Keith - Bill Wyman's Bass Playing
Posted by: 24FPS ()
Date: October 25, 2016 10:28

Palace Revolution 2000
black n blue
His eyes looked strange

I have always wondered how come Keith never said anything afterwards about Bill, of all people, going out to cop for him.

Keith did mention it, in Life.

Re: New Ask Keith - Bill Wyman's Bass Playing
Posted by: MidnightPeanut ()
Date: October 25, 2016 10:35

Bill on Highland Fling from Edward is fantastic! IMHO the band sadly lacks the "roll" without him...

Re: New Ask Keith - Bill Wyman's Bass Playing
Posted by: marcovandereijk ()
Date: October 25, 2016 12:04

I'm not surprised about Keith' nice words to Bill. As a musician he can only confirm
the greatness of Bill of course. Maybe Bill was not present at many recording sessions,
but listen to his work on recorded live shows! Groovy!

Just as long as the guitar plays, let it steal your heart away

Re: New Ask Keith - Bill Wyman's Bass Playing
Posted by: runrudolph ()
Date: October 25, 2016 17:06

black n blue
His eyes looked strange

I bet you look like a supermodel.

Re: New Ask Keith - Bill Wyman's Bass Playing
Posted by: duke richardson ()
Date: October 25, 2016 17:28

Keith wanted to tip his hat to Bill on his 80th birthday, but..

Bill hasnt had a lot good to say about Keith or Mick..

on the contrary he seems to make dismissive comments about them whenever he gets a chance,

Keith knows a thing or two about bass playing himself, and knows Bill provided the best supportive, inventive, musically interesting bass the Stones ever had.

I bet he has a lot of respect for Darryl Jones, as well.

Re: New Ask Keith - Bill Wyman's Bass Playing
Date: October 25, 2016 17:30

Bill on Highland Fling from Edward is fantastic! IMHO the band sadly lacks the "roll" without him...

And that is it in a nutshell. As much as Charlie's drums,and Keith's 5 string Tele are at the core of the Stones sound; that Stones sound that no one else can copy - it is either Bill alone, or the addition of Bill to this jambalaya.
I think it takes all 3 of them. Add Ronnie on top, or Taylor.
I can not get over it, how much difference DJ's bass playing makes.

Re: New Ask Keith - Bill Wyman's Bass Playing
Posted by: dcba ()
Date: October 25, 2016 17:40

This "ask Keef" vid is a lot better :

the axeman says a lot of awfully nice things about Mick... while "You Don't Move Me" (a giant gob at Mick) is playing in the background.

Ah, PR ppl ain't what they used to be! grinning smiley

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2016-10-25 22:40 by dcba.

Re: New Ask Keith - Bill Wyman's Bass Playing
Posted by: TheGreek ()
Date: October 25, 2016 18:50

Bill Wyman is da MAN . When i was a kid a older fan explained the Stones to me by telling me how large and LOUD Bill's Bass was in the SOUND of the band .We would go see the Stones play and my goodness his bass was bigger than life it self and it really thumped in your chest (which i really like along with razor sharp treble ).Then Bill leaves and Darryl is a really nice bassist but it just is not the same , plus Darryl is much lower in the soundboard mix (which the sound man could turn it up a bit on the board)

Re: New Ask Keith - Bill Wyman's Bass Playing
Posted by: 24FPS ()
Date: October 25, 2016 23:07

If you want to hear what Bill could do outside of the Stones pick up the great CD/DVD 'Drinkin' TNT 'N SMOKIN' DYNAMITE' set. Muddy Waters asked Bill to play bass at Muddy's Montreux Festival gig in 1974. Buddy Guy & Junior Wells heard about it and ditched their back up band in favor of Wyman with Dallas Taylor (CSNY) on drums, and Pinetop Perkins on piano.

Shut your eyes and Bill doesn't sound like he's playing for the Stones at all. What he plays is great, but is revelatory towards Bill. He could simply play whatever he was called upon to play. (Except for the Rumba bass on Sympathy).

Re: New Ask Keith - Bill Wyman's Bass Playing
Posted by: mr_dja ()
Date: October 25, 2016 23:24

If you want to hear what Bill could do outside of the Stones pick up the great CD/DVD 'Drinkin' TNT 'N SMOKIN' DYNAMITE' set. Muddy Waters asked Bill to play bass at Muddy's Montreux Festival gig in 1974. Buddy Guy & Junior Wells heard about it and ditched their back up band in favor of Wyman with Dallas Taylor (CSNY) on drums, and Pinetop Perkins on piano.

Shut your eyes and Bill doesn't sound like he's playing for the Stones at all. What he plays is great, but is revelatory towards Bill. He could simply play whatever he was called upon to play. (Except for the Rumba bass on Sympathy).

Also, though I'm not sure if this is exactly what 24FPS was referring to, or not, I just did a search for Montreux 1974 and found this in the results.


Audio transfer isn't great but it's listenable.


Re: New Ask Keith - Bill Wyman's Bass Playing
Posted by: hopkins ()
Date: October 26, 2016 00:48


Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 2016-10-26 00:57 by hopkins.

Re: New Ask Keith - Bill Wyman's Bass Playing
Posted by: Redhotcarpet ()
Date: October 26, 2016 02:28

If you want to hear what Bill could do outside of the Stones pick up the great CD/DVD 'Drinkin' TNT 'N SMOKIN' DYNAMITE' set. Muddy Waters asked Bill to play bass at Muddy's Montreux Festival gig in 1974. Buddy Guy & Junior Wells heard about it and ditched their back up band in favor of Wyman with Dallas Taylor (CSNY) on drums, and Pinetop Perkins on piano.

Shut your eyes and Bill doesn't sound like he's playing for the Stones at all. What he plays is great, but is revelatory towards Bill. He could simply play whatever he was called upon to play. (Except for the Rumba bass on Sympathy).

The guitarist-bass on sftd would have been a lot better with a different bassline by bill.

About GS: pretty sure thats Keith playing a standard bass line.

Bill wyman is the most underrated musician ever. Listen to Route 66 or hot stuff or start me up or anything really. He was c r u c i a l.

Re: New Ask Keith - Bill Wyman's Bass Playing
Posted by: Rollin92 ()
Date: October 26, 2016 02:33

If you want to hear what Bill could do outside of the Stones pick up the great CD/DVD 'Drinkin' TNT 'N SMOKIN' DYNAMITE' set. Muddy Waters asked Bill to play bass at Muddy's Montreux Festival gig in 1974. Buddy Guy & Junior Wells heard about it and ditched their back up band in favor of Wyman with Dallas Taylor (CSNY) on drums, and Pinetop Perkins on piano.

Shut your eyes and Bill doesn't sound like he's playing for the Stones at all. What he plays is great, but is revelatory towards Bill. He could simply play whatever he was called upon to play. (Except for the Rumba bass on Sympathy).

The guitarist-bass on sftd would have been a lot better with a different bassline by bill.

About GS: pretty sure thats Keith playing a standard bass line.

Bill wyman is the most underrated musician ever. Listen to Route 66 or hot stuff or start me up or anything really. He was c r u c i a l.

GS is not Keith, it's Bill 100%.

Re: New Ask Keith - Bill Wyman's Bass Playing
Posted by: black n blue ()
Date: October 26, 2016 03:01

His eyes looked like he was hammered

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2016-10-26 03:02 by black n blue.

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