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Re: OT: Bruce Springsteen stuff
Posted by: bam ()
Date: June 22, 2021 16:58

“Don’t force me to get vaccinated. last I checked I have FULL control of what I do or don’t so with my body and I cannot and will not be told by government what I have to do with a vaccine.”

So much to unpack in just one sentence.

- The United States Supreme Court decided in 1905 that compulsory vaccination laws were constitutional. Go look up Jacobson v. Massachusetts. They held that individual liberty has limits and can be overridden for public health reasons.

- Your control of what you do with your body is limited by the effects it can have on others. The government can enforce that. It’s the price of living in a society.

- Businesses have the right to protect their employees and customers by imposing appropriate health requirements, if they choose. No shoes, no shirt, no vaccine, no mask, no entry.

- Also, the approval process for the vaccine was not short-circuited. The RNA vaccines have been in development for years. Quick trials were possible because the groundwork had been done, and massive numbers of people were able to be tested quickly. Tens of millions of people have now taken the vaccines with minimal side effects lasting more than a day or two. In addition, there is no mechanism any scientist or doctor has described for a long term effect.

Re: OT: Bruce Springsteen stuff
Posted by: OhNoNotMeAgain ()
Date: June 22, 2021 17:33

The way I see it, the problem with "Springsteen on Broadway" isn't the vaccination clause -- the real problem is that this show is boring as hell. I had a hard time sitting through that Netflix special a couple of years ago (which my wife insisted to watch), and I've been a Springsteen fan for the best part of 25 years who always admired his earlier solo acoustic stuff.

That being said, I'm looking forward to getting my first COVID shot next week. winking smiley

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2021-06-22 17:40 by OhNoNotMeAgain.

Re: OT: Bruce Springsteen stuff
Posted by: spikenyc ()
Date: June 22, 2021 18:59

The way I see it, the problem with "Springsteen on Broadway" isn't the vaccination clause -- the real problem is that this show is boring as hell. I had a hard time sitting through that Netflix special a couple of years ago (which my wife insisted to watch), and I've been a Springsteen fan for the best part of 25 years who always admired his earlier solo acoustic stuff.

That being said, I'm looking forward to getting my first COVID shot next week. winking smiley

I agree, I couldnt sit thru the whole special on TV. (I believe it was HBO not Netflix?)
Im a casual Bruce fan and live in NYC, and have had no desire to see it live. Would rather spend that money on a live show with the East Street Band.

Re: OT: Bruce Springsteen stuff
Posted by: OhNoNotMeAgain ()
Date: June 23, 2021 11:49

I agree, I couldnt sit thru the whole special on TV. (I believe it was HBO not Netflix?)

HBO did the 2001 "Live In New York City" special taped during Bruce's MSG stand with the E Street Band. "Springsteen On Broadway" was a Netflix exclusive.

Re: OT: Bruce Springsteen stuff
Posted by: MononoM ()
Date: June 23, 2021 12:03

yay, im lucky, i got janssen (Johnson&Johnson) smiling smiley
announce that tour lol

Life's just a cocktail party on the street

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2021-06-23 12:04 by MononoM.

Re: OT: Bruce Springsteen stuff
Posted by: dmay ()
Date: June 23, 2021 17:02

Interesting to me to read comments from others that they find Springsteen boring. I reached this conclusion a few years ago after seeing him on tour with the E Street Band on their Phoenix tour stop. They played wonderfully, but it wasn't anything I hadn't heard before. Alas, I can say the same about any number of bands/performers including the band this site honors.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2021-06-23 17:52 by dmay.

Re: OT: Bruce Springsteen stuff
Date: June 23, 2021 17:10

The way I see it, the problem with "Springsteen on Broadway" isn't the vaccination clause -- the real problem is that this show is boring as hell. I had a hard time sitting through that Netflix special a couple of years ago (which my wife insisted to watch), and I've been a Springsteen fan for the best part of 25 years who always admired his earlier solo acoustic stuff.

That being said, I'm looking forward to getting my first COVID shot next week. winking smiley

I agree, I couldnt sit thru the whole special on TV. (I believe it was HBO not Netflix?)
Im a casual Bruce fan and live in NYC, and have had no desire to see it live. Would rather spend that money on a live show with the East Street Band.

A casual fan, you say? winking smiley

And I consider myself a pretty big fan, but I just can't get into most of his acoustic/stripped-down stuff (save for a handful of tracks/stories from his Storytellers episode.)

Re: OT: Bruce Springsteen stuff
Posted by: Rokyfan ()
Date: June 23, 2021 17:57

The way I see it, the problem with "Springsteen on Broadway" isn't the vaccination clause -- the real problem is that this show is boring as hell. I had a hard time sitting through that Netflix special a couple of years ago (which my wife insisted to watch), and I've been a Springsteen fan for the best part of 25 years who always admired his earlier solo acoustic stuff.

That being said, I'm looking forward to getting my first COVID shot next week. winking smiley

I agree, I couldnt sit thru the whole special on TV. (I believe it was HBO not Netflix?)
Im a casual Bruce fan and live in NYC, and have had no desire to see it live. Would rather spend that money on a live show with the East Street Band.

Same. I've seen Bruce maybe 15 times starting in '74. Could not sit through more than 10 mins of the Bway show on Netflix.

Re: OT: Bruce Springsteen stuff
Posted by: VoodooLounge13 ()
Date: June 23, 2021 23:15

I’m sorry but it IS a violation of personal rights. Don’t force me to get vaccinated. last I checked I have FULL control of what I do or don’t so with my body and I cannot and will not be told by government what I have to do with a vaccine that was rushed to market and not proven for long term effects. After the election I no longer trust this government and I am a damn democrat. The media runs the country and I’m not naive enough to follow blindly. Sorry for not falling in line. I never will. I ha e tickets for concerts indoors that have been rescheduled for next year now. Concerts have always been a part of my life and I will look to get a fake card if needed to continue enjoying that part of life. No one who isn’t vaccinated can attend anything indoors and that’s bullshit all the way around. How many people walking around without masks now are actually vaccinated vs just tired of following the damn rules inflicted upon us???? I will continue to wear a mask because my wife is a type-1 diabetic and super high risk but I will not take a vaccine until it has proven itself to me to be a viable solution and that will be at least 3 years from now. I have family in upstate NY who not once ever followed a single CDC protocol during the entire lockdown - for over 18 months and not a single one of them ever got COVID. Some of em worked at Walmart and continued to go to work and interact with the public every damn day. Don’t tell me science and politics and all this other bullshit stuff that makes the vaccine viable. It’s my God given right to say thanks but no thanks.

And for the record, I have no problem with a bakery saying no I’m not baking a cake for a same-sex marriage. They have that damn right too.

Here's all the attention you ordered...
So much to call bullsht on, tough to know where to dig in.

A- Someone got a gun to your head? No one's "forcing" you to get vaxxed.

B- I don't care if your "family" is in upstate yourass, if it's a Walmart in the US they work at, they wore masks and followed CDC protocols to remain employed. Walmart's covid policies are national.

C- You're as much a Democrat as I am a Republican.

D- Get your affairs in order, while three years seems like a long time, it flies especially because it's unlikely you'll make that goal for your vaccination.

E- Your imaginary friend in the sky doesn't grant anyone any rights.

F- you.

You feel better about yourself now?

A. In case you missed it, the Gov't IS trying to force citizens to get vaccinated.

B. Those that worked at Walmart half-heartedly wore the masks and took it off every chance they got and were constantly reprimanded for it. The bigger point is that they interacted on the regular with the general population. Some of them are ex-military and law enforcement and all are refusing to take the vaccine, as are tons of nursing home workers, who've lost their jobs as a result. Doesn't that tell you anything??

C. I am Democrat, registered since the day I turned 18. I'm not a Communist, thanks, which is what our country is trying to become. This is not the party I knew it to be. I know several Dems who feel the same. I am a Clinton Democrat. I identify 100% with the values of what the party was founded on - equality for all; anti-big corporate America. However, I also recognize the bigger picture in all things. It's not Black Lives Matter - ALL lives matter. It's Black Rights Matter - that's the same thing they've been fighting for since the day they received their freedom. There's a difference there. Social Welfare programs are great and well needed, to help people get back on their feet. However, they should never, at any time, become a way of life like they have in this country, and like they are again with all the extra $$$ the unemployed are continuing to receive so that there is no incentive to go back to work. All that extra $$$ needs to be scaled back now so that the country can fully return to what it was pre-pandemic. It's why no one can find workers because no one wants to bother since they make more sitting on their @sses. FACT. I am huge supporter of Gay Unions and feel that they should have the right to adopt and/or have children and raise a family and have medical coverage - all things that heterosexual people have. However, I don't agree that it needed to be called marriage as well. That is between a man and a woman. Period. But to deny gays the right to be joined together in a same manner is the denial of a civil right - recognize. It is different though, and it should be recognized accordingly. I am not anti-police - far from it. The police are needed, and they should not be disarmed - that's dangerous rhetoric. But I miss the times where it was OK to question our gov't and not be thrown into jail for doing so, or worse killed for it. That's what our society is becoming. There are boys and girls sports teams for a reason - same with the boy scouts and girl scouts, and if little Johnny decides he now wants to be a girl that does not give him the right to now play on the girls' team instead of the boys when he was born a male, and will by nature be stronger, faster than the average female. Each and every day our rights in this country are being removed slowly and surely while the real big problems - like gun control - continue to go unchecked. Not sure how you think that's OK. Once upon a time, I feel like the Stones represented the rebellious nature that has been stripped out of our society, that, in fact, made me such a huge fan in the first place. They've made their billions and become part of the very establishment that controls everything.

D. Time does fly.

E. True point. He gives us only Free Will.

F. I choose to not disparage others who don't agree with my own viewpoint. We are all entitled to our own opinions, and I'm constantly amazed at how quickly we as humans are to attack and belittle and denounce each other as unnecessary and meaningless.

Bruce, whom I also love dearly, and whose concert was one of those life affirming moments, where SOME thing happened in Giants stadium after 9/11 on The Rising tour, is pure Democrat by political view, though he often sings about the greatness of America and taking care of our own - the two don't necessarily go hand in hand.

People forgot how Trump got elected in the first place - we were a country fed up with the status quo, and didn't want more of the same, so his election was a statement to the status quo, and then 4 years were spent trying to get him out of office. I was not a fan, and I did not vote for him the first time around, and I think he was a terrible president, but for a society so fed up with what we had been shoveled for generations, we blindly went running right back to it with Biden. What we need is a 2nd revolution, and the best chance at that came on 1/6, and now it will never happen again because the Capital and White House are locked down like they never were before. The system is broken and the whole thing needs to be scrapped and redone. Pelosi is the real threat to our democracy and how that woman keeps getting elected I'll never know. Gov'ts that go unchecked are how things like the Nazi's happen.

Out of respect to BV, I wish to apologize for this political statement. I do solemnly swear to not engage in any further discussions here, but I felt that I needed to say something since I was being attacked. I have been an IORRian for 15 years and in that time have never disparaged another user, though I've been victim a few times over the years and have taken long absences as a result. I try to act like I live, and show respect and decency to all. Please do not ban me for this post.

Re: OT: Bruce Springsteen stuff
Posted by: angee ()
Date: June 24, 2021 02:58


Anyone else like me, looking forward to the show?
Thanks for the comments, above, if you saw it already, in person.

~"Love is Strong"~

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2021-06-24 03:00 by angee.

OT: Bruce Springsteen stuff
Posted by: bye bye johnny ()
Date: June 27, 2021 15:01

Bruce Springsteen Reopens Broadway, Ushering In Theater’s Return

On Saturday, “Springsteen on Broadway” became the first full-length show to take the stage since the Covid-19 pandemic forced performances to shut down in March 2020.

By Nick Corasaniti
June 27, 2021


Re: OT: Bruce Springsteen stuff
Posted by: tatters ()
Date: June 28, 2021 13:38

Does this theater have the Well Health Safety Seal? Or was that just another celebrity-endorsed scam?

Re: OT: Bruce Springsteen stuff
Posted by: coffeepotman ()
Date: June 28, 2021 16:02

I saw the anti-vax protesters outside the theater and all I thought was oh boo-hoo for you. You poor pathetic, delusional people. You have every right in the world not go get vacinated, and you know what I hope you don't. Keep screaming until Covid gets you and then when you are on your death bed you can wear your MAGA hat and pray to Trump.

Re: OT: Bruce Springsteen stuff
Posted by: RollingFreak ()
Date: June 28, 2021 19:51

Was a little surprised he changed it up, even at all. I knew it might be shorter, but surprised by Fire and I'll See You In My Dreams being added. Kinda cool and something I'd want to go see again if it wasn't $1000. Once was enough.

Re: OT: Bruce Springsteen stuff
Posted by: keefmick ()
Date: June 28, 2021 20:15

It's funny because I am a huge Bruce fan and found the Broadway show a bit boring. Bruce himself was stilted and kind of going through the motions I thought. For such an outstanding live performer on a concert stage, I was surprised he seemed so wooden at his performance on Broadway. I saw the show about a month or so into the show so he clearly already knew the material cold but something about it just left me feeling "eh". Glad I had face value tickets which were expensive enough!

Re: OT: Bruce Springsteen stuff
Posted by: daspyknows ()
Date: June 28, 2021 20:52

I saw the anti-vax protesters outside the theater and all I thought was oh boo-hoo for you. You poor pathetic, delusional people. You have every right in the world not go get vacinated, and you know what I hope you don't. Keep screaming until Covid gets you and then when you are on your death bed you can wear your MAGA hat and pray to Trump.

Someone with Covid needs to cough on these idiots.

Re: OT: Bruce Springsteen stuff
Posted by: MKjan ()
Date: June 28, 2021 20:55

I saw the anti-vax protesters outside the theater and all I thought was oh boo-hoo for you. You poor pathetic, delusional people. You have every right in the world not go get vacinated, and you know what I hope you don't. Keep screaming until Covid gets you and then when you are on your death bed you can wear your MAGA hat and pray to Trump.

Someone with Covid needs to cough on these idiots.

Millions of these idiots. One woman on the news said she won't get vaccinated because she heard it would turn her into a Democrat.

Re: OT: Bruce Springsteen stuff
Posted by: bakersfield ()
Date: June 28, 2021 21:26

I would LOVE to have seen the Broadway show, Living in Wales and not possessing mega bucks I've been restricted to the Netflix version which I found to be utterly spell binding. I've seen Bruce in 81, 85,88, 93, 96, 99, 03, 06, 08, 2012,2013 and 2016 , I enjoy a good E Street Band gig, but that Netflix performance is just incredible. I can only say if someone found the Broadway show 'boring ' then with all due respect, they don't really 'get' Bruce. It reminded me of the Joad tour in some ways. A completely different experience from your typical Bruce gig but as a piece of art in its own right, peerless. I'm not afraid to say I was welling up through most of it.

Re: OT: Bruce Springsteen stuff
Posted by: mikey C ()
Date: June 28, 2021 21:53

How much are tickets for The Boss...Sorry my internet,Electricity has been going on/off randomly last few days after heavy storm.Thank You

Re: OT: Bruce Springsteen stuff
Posted by: Topi ()
Date: June 28, 2021 21:55

Face value, the cheapest were $75 and the most expensive were, what, $750 or $850?

But right now all you can find is resale tickets.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2021-06-28 21:56 by Topi.

Re: OT: Bruce Springsteen stuff
Posted by: Dougratajczak87 ()
Date: June 28, 2021 21:56

mikey C
How much are tickets for The Boss...Sorry my internet,Electricity has been going on/off randomly last few days after heavy storm.Thank You

It varies, but I would say for this run of Springsteen on Broadway, if buying closer to show, can get a OK to good seat for $400 - $600 each due to being on Broadway and a less than 2k theater.

Stellar seats would probably cost $800 - $1,000 each.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 2021-06-28 21:57 by Dougratajczak87.

OT: Bruce Springsteen stuff
Posted by: bye bye johnny ()
Date: June 28, 2021 22:56

mikey C
How much are tickets for The Boss

How much do tickets cost?

Ticket prices vary depending on many factors, including day of the week and location within the theater. SPRINGSTEEN ON BROADWAY tickets range in price from $75 to $850.


Re: OT: Bruce Springsteen stuff
Posted by: Topi ()
Date: June 29, 2021 11:33

The funniest part is people actually think it's Bruce Springsteen that has set the vaccine requirements while it really is NYC's health authorities.

Re: OT: Bruce Springsteen stuff
Posted by: TheGreek ()
Date: June 29, 2021 14:45

There is something really wrong in society today when one clicks on a Bruce Thread and gets bombarded with all of this vile garbage of COVID-19 and all of the anti vaxx boycotters and such . Jeez Louise it still is a free society we live in Thank You very much and we still have choices in life . If you want to see the Bruce show @the St. James get your vaxx and you are able to gain entry after buying your ducat . To those outside protesting -get a life and go have fun doing something worthwhile versus carrying water for the loud mouth ranting pissed at the world idiot who lost his soap box -ha ha ha

OT: Bruce Springsteen stuff
Posted by: bye bye johnny ()
Date: June 29, 2021 15:15

Bruce Springsteen talks return to Broadway, says his voice 'actually improved with age'

by Chris Jordan
June 28, 2021


Re: OT: Bruce Springsteen stuff
Posted by: bv ()
Date: June 29, 2021 18:21

Political statements here will be deleted.


Re: OT: Bruce Springsteen stuff
Posted by: FredStones ()
Date: June 29, 2021 18:36

I saw the anti-vax protesters outside the theater and all I thought was oh boo-hoo for you. You poor pathetic, delusional people. You have every right in the world not go get vacinated, and you know what I hope you don't. Keep screaming until Covid gets you and then when you are on your death bed you can wear your MAGA hat and pray to Trump.

Someone with Covid needs to cough on these idiots.

Millions of these idiots. One woman on the news said she won't get vaccinated because she heard it would turn her into a Democrat.

but this hateful garbage stays up?

I see how it is

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2021-06-29 20:30 by FredStones.

Re: OT: Bruce Springsteen stuff
Posted by: FredStones ()
Date: June 29, 2021 18:36

I saw the anti-vax protesters outside the theater and all I thought was oh boo-hoo for you. You poor pathetic, delusional people. You have every right in the world not go get vacinated, and you know what I hope you don't. Keep screaming until Covid gets you and then when you are on your death bed you can wear your MAGA hat and pray to Trump.

Someone with Covid needs to cough on these idiots.

Cough on me and watch what happens to you

Re: OT: Bruce Springsteen stuff
Posted by: jbwelda ()
Date: June 29, 2021 18:54

I saw the anti-vax protesters outside the theater and all I thought was oh boo-hoo for you. You poor pathetic, delusional people. You have every right in the world not go get vacinated, and you know what I hope you don't. Keep screaming until Covid gets you and then when you are on your death bed you can wear your MAGA hat and pray to Trump.

Someone with Covid needs to cough on these idiots.

Cough on me and watch what happens to you

You start to cry and beg for your mommy to stop the mean man?


Re: OT: Bruce Springsteen stuff
Posted by: daspyknows ()
Date: June 29, 2021 19:27

I saw the anti-vax protesters outside the theater and all I thought was oh boo-hoo for you. You poor pathetic, delusional people. You have every right in the world not go get vacinated, and you know what I hope you don't. Keep screaming until Covid gets you and then when you are on your death bed you can wear your MAGA hat and pray to Trump.

Someone with Covid needs to cough on these idiots.

Cough on me and watch what happens to you

You will pull a gun out? Just get vaccinated then nothing to worry about.

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