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Re: The Rolling Stones 2016 tour rumours
Posted by: Quique-stone ()
Date: October 11, 2015 03:35

Hi everyone, I'm from Buenos Aires and I suggest you staying here and not in La Plata. There are a very few hotels and only one or two are fine. Also, there are very few options of things to do there, it's a very boring city (in my opinion), that's why I suggest people stay in Buenos Aires. There are some options to go to the show and come back after it (bus for example) and if not, in the worst case, you can share a cab between 3 or 4 and arrange with the driver to come back with him too.

I hope the thing could change and the Stones play River Plate, that would be easier for all of you that comme from other countrys.

Well, I'm not sure if I agree in every point, especially your opinion about that La Plata is boring. I live in Buenos Aires and my wife is from La Plata. I got married there and love that city. What you are totally right and without any doubt is the things to do you have in Buenos Aires are much more.

I'm not sure if the bus between La Plata and Buenos Aires will operate all night long, normally it doesn't. But I'm sure there will be extra transports, taxis, remises, vans, private buses etc. It will be not so difficult to come back to your hotel in Buenos Aires.
There's a train service too, which is around 20 blocks away from the stadium, but I only will recommend it for the day and not fro the night (return to BA). It's service doesn't work all night long.

Re: The Rolling Stones 2016 tour rumours
Posted by: a bigger nut ()
Date: October 11, 2015 03:40

I have ever been to La Plata to see a football match at Estadio Unico, the stadium itself is very modern and beautiful.
But not an ideal place to see a concert until the midnight, especially for foreigners. Easy to expect chaotic situations.

Maybe I will start planning if it is River Plate stadium, but...

Re: The Rolling Stones 2016 tour rumours
Posted by: shattterd ()
Date: October 11, 2015 09:26

Is there some areas in Buenos Aires and La Plata where you recomend not to stay in?
Mabye it is better to stay in La Plata , due to logistic reasons?

Re: The Rolling Stones 2016 tour rumours
Posted by: Nate ()
Date: October 11, 2015 12:11

My friend and me have now booked all our hotels for South America we will start in Buenos Aires and finish in São Paulo doing 7 shows.
In Buenos Aires we are staying in San Telmo I heard this is a good place to stay with lots to do and see.

Nate thumbs up

Re: The Rolling Stones 2016 tour rumours
Posted by: crawdaddy ()
Date: October 11, 2015 12:26

You have got the same idea as me Nate although I have nothing at all planned.

Flying maybe from London or Madrid to Buenos Aires and finish in either Sao Paulo or Porto Alegre if rumoured dates turn out to be roughly correct.

A shame the 3 gigs in Argentina will not be at River Plate. Would be more convenient, but there you go.

Re: The Rolling Stones 2016 tour rumours
Posted by: Nate ()
Date: October 11, 2015 14:29

Hi crawdaddy I met you at the airport in Madrid last year after the show if we all make it down to South America would be good to meet up and have a beer.

Nate thumbs up

Re: The Rolling Stones 2016 tour rumours
Posted by: crawdaddy ()
Date: October 11, 2015 15:09

Of course. I do remember meeting you there.

That would be great to meet up again in South America.

Will be my first ever visit . smileys with beer

Re: The Rolling Stones 2016 tour rumours
Posted by: Quique-stone ()
Date: October 11, 2015 15:12

Is there some areas in Buenos Aires and La Plata where you recomend not to stay in?
Mabye it is better to stay in La Plata, due to logistic reasons?

Certainly I would not stay near the train's stations ("Constitución" in BA and Street 1 in LP) and maybe not near the stadium in LP after the concert finished. Go to the downtown, it's nicer, safer and you got more chances to have a beer if you want.
About your second question, well imho it depends on what you wanna do between the show dates...

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 2015-10-18 05:11 by Quique-stone.

Any NYC ladies or "respectable" gents considering Cuba or Mexico City
Posted by: steffialicia ()
Date: October 12, 2015 14:54

I'd love love love to go and it would be nice to have someone to share the experience with.

Re: Any NYC ladies or "respectable" gents considering Cuba or Mexico City
Posted by: chrism13 ()
Date: October 12, 2015 19:55


I am considering both. Actually I am going to Cuba on 10/23-26 & then MC on 10/29-11/2. When I booked the trip to MC I was hoping the Stones would be there as it is a huge weekend there with dia de muertos & a grand prix auto race. I went there the same time last year & really enjoyed it. Reminded me of NYC in many ways.

Re: Any NYC ladies or "respectable" gents considering Cuba or Mexico City
Posted by: 71Tele ()
Date: October 12, 2015 20:37

Been to both several times, steffialicia. Email me privately if you like.

Re: The Rolling Stones 2016 tour rumours
Posted by: 6s7s9s ()
Date: October 14, 2015 16:56

Would appreciate any suggestions from locals in Buenos Aires on areas to stay.
I'm looking for a more historical area, safe, with bars, restaurants and live music venues. Also, near public transportation, assuming there is a train that goes to La Plata (if that's where the concerts end up happening.)

Thanks in advance.

Re: The Rolling Stones 2016 tour rumours
Posted by: fedecarp ()
Date: October 14, 2015 20:15

Would appreciate any suggestions from locals in Buenos Aires on areas to stay.
I'm looking for a more historical area, safe, with bars, restaurants and live music venues. Also, near public transportation, assuming there is a train that goes to La Plata (if that's where the concerts end up happening.)

Thanks in advance.

Hi, I suggest you staying in Palermo or San Telmo. This last is has more historical places anda many good bars and restaurants, and in Palermo you have many places with live concerts all the days (specially near Plaza Serrano).

Altouhth, Buenos Aires is a huge city and also has many others good neignbourghoods to stay (even cheaper than the ones above) but I recommend any of those two.

The train to La Plata you have to take it in Constitucion, but I don't recommend you that (maybe yes for going to the show but no for comming back late).

Re: The Rolling Stones 2016 tour rumours
Posted by: 6s7s9s ()
Date: October 16, 2015 23:16

These Lisa Fischer dates conflict with the rumored dates in South America.


Re: The Rolling Stones 2016 tour rumours
Posted by: Nate ()
Date: October 16, 2015 23:30

These Lisa Fischer dates conflict with the rumored dates in South America.


These dates have been on her site for a while and no doubt they will be cancelled or postponed when the stones tour gets announced.

Nate thumbs up

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2015-10-16 23:31 by Nate.

Re: The Rolling Stones 2016 tour rumours
Posted by: Cristiano Radtke ()
Date: October 16, 2015 23:43

These Lisa Fischer dates conflict with the rumored dates in South America.


These dates have been on her site for a while and no doubt they will be cancelled or postponed when the stones tour gets announced.

Nate thumbs up

Yes, I think the same. She had some concerts early this year that conflicted with some US dates and they were all cancelled or postponed.

Re: The Rolling Stones 2016 tour rumours
Posted by: shattterd ()
Date: October 17, 2015 22:29

Would appreciate any suggestions from locals in Buenos Aires on areas to stay.
I'm looking for a more historical area, safe, with bars, restaurants and live music venues. Also, near public transportation, assuming there is a train that goes to La Plata (if that's where the concerts end up happening.)

Thanks in advance.

Hi, I suggest you staying in Palermo or San Telmo. This last is has more historical places anda many good bars and restaurants, and in Palermo you have many places with live concerts all the days (specially near Plaza Serrano).

Altouhth, Buenos Aires is a huge city and also has many others good neignbourghoods to stay (even cheaper than the ones above) but I recommend any of those two.

The train to La Plata you have to take it in Constitucion, but I don't recommend you that (maybe yes for going to the show but no for comming back late).

How is the area of Barrio Northe ( by Cordoba Avenue)? Any knowledge about this area? The City of Buenos Aires seems worth a visit , just on it´s own, so sto say,really!...Thanks in advance!

Re: The Rolling Stones 2016 tour rumours
Posted by: Bobbyb98 ()
Date: October 17, 2015 22:32

Any chance of NYC in 2016?

Re: The Rolling Stones 2016 tour rumours
Posted by: fedecarp ()
Date: October 17, 2015 23:25

How is the area of Barrio Northe ( by Cordoba Avenue)? Any knowledge about this area? The City of Buenos Aires seems worth a visit , just on it´s own, so sto say,really!...Thanks in advance!

That's a nice area too. Very good public transportation and many restaurants and places to visit. Maybe not very much lice music shows or things like that, but it's a goog area to stay.

Re: The Rolling Stones 2016 tour rumours
Posted by: Nate ()
Date: October 17, 2015 23:57

Any chance of NYC in 2016?

I think NYC will be around for many more years so don't worry.

Nate thumbs up

Re: The Rolling Stones 2016 tour rumours
Posted by: argentina92 ()
Date: October 18, 2015 00:09


How is the area of Barrio Northe ( by Cordoba Avenue)? Any knowledge about this area? The City of Buenos Aires seems worth a visit , just on it´s own, so sto say,really!...Thanks in advance!

Good area, with good public transportation. There are so many colleges in that avenue so, it's security. If the probably show is at River plate (and not in La plata) will be excelent. It's too close from that area.

confirmation for the group request.
Posted by: DoughboyUK ()
Date: October 17, 2015 22:34

Hi fellow members.

Been a long time since last post. Hope I don't cause trouble with this one..
Hearing a rumour stones are to return to Glastonbury 2016.
Please confirm sources.


Re: confirmation for the group request.
Posted by: Deltics ()
Date: October 17, 2015 23:09

Nah, we'll be getting Knebworth again to make up for the disappointment of this year.

"As we say in England, it can get a bit trainspottery"

Re: confirmation for the group request.
Posted by: Nate ()
Date: October 17, 2015 23:53

Hi fellow members.

Been a long time since last post. Hope I don't cause trouble with this one..
Hearing a rumour stones are to return to Glastonbury 2016.
Please confirm sources.


Hi where did you hear this?


Nate thumbs up

Re: confirmation for the group request.
Posted by: Olly ()
Date: October 18, 2015 00:08

I would be extremely surprised; it was surprising enough to see The Who headlining twice in nine years.



Re: The Rolling Stones 2016 tour rumours
Posted by: runrudolph ()
Date: October 18, 2015 17:36

Any chance of NYC in 2016?

It will be there for some more years i am afraid.


Re: The Rolling Stones 2016 tour rumours
Posted by: thecitadel ()
Date: October 18, 2015 22:22

assuming we get a 14 date tour, or at best 2 x 14 dates, every year, then Europe is due for 2016 or 2017.

probably 2017 as they will record in 2016 as well as South America.

I think we have to realise the Stones will work for 10-15 weeks per year now - for health, personal, etc. etc reasons. Giving us this time is fantastic.

So then its all. about sharing that time out, and balancing that with making some money. unlikely to get USA in 2 consecutive years, ditto Europe. APAC and Soutn America maybe every 2 or 3 years each.

for me, given all other considerations, this would be great. expecting more may be optimistic at best!

Re: confirmation for the group request.
Posted by: Bastion ()
Date: October 19, 2015 00:20

Hi fellow members.

Been a long time since last post. Hope I don't cause trouble with this one..
Hearing a rumour stones are to return to Glastonbury 2016.
Please confirm sources.


Absolute fat chance. The Stones will never do Glastonbury again.

Re: confirmation for the group request.
Posted by: keefriffhards ()
Date: October 19, 2015 03:23

Hi fellow members.

Been a long time since last post. Hope I don't cause trouble with this one..
Hearing a rumour stones are to return to Glastonbury 2016.
Please confirm sources.


Absolute fat chance. The Stones will never do Glastonbury again.

Why do you say that, the Stones themselves loved it and they went down really well with the crowd.

Re: The Rolling Stones 2016 tour rumours
Posted by: jammingedward ()
Date: October 19, 2015 15:05

I've heard Faces for Glastonbury!

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