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Re: Raleigh NC USA 1-July-2015 Rolling Stones live show updates
Posted by: djgab ()
Date: July 2, 2015 19:54

OpenG your pictures are amazing !

Re: Raleigh NC USA 1-July-2015 Rolling Stones live show updates
Posted by: mr_dja ()
Date: July 2, 2015 20:24

OpenG your pictures are amazing !

Yes. They are!


Re: Raleigh NC USA 1-July-2015 Rolling Stones live show updates
Posted by: Mr1970 ()
Date: July 2, 2015 20:31

This was my 14th Stones show and, I must say, it ranks up in the top three for me. They were on and having fun. Keith looked like a kid at Christmas. He was all smiles, playing it up for the crowd. You always know Keith is good when he is prowling around the stage, doing his kicks and arm riffs on the guitar and not just standing back by Charlie all night. The whole band seemed to really be into it. Mick...this guy is 71 and was all over the place running and jumping and pointing and shaking. He was amazing. I am a heavy critic when they miss chords or lyrics or such. I want them to be so good, not just for me but for first timers. I was with a first timer last night and so wanted them to sound really hot...and they were. When they opened, the guitars were SO loud. Almost too loud, but I liked it. When you saw Keith getting ready to hit a riff you knew yours ears were going to get blown out. It was the anticipation that was so sweet. Yes, they missed a verse on Shine a Light and Gimmie Shelter started off a bit weak but those were really the only flubs and they were very minor. Everything else rocked. The set list was amazing. From Out of Control (yes, no Doom and Gloom) to Moonlight Mile to Shine a Light it was pure joy. Midnight Rambler was awesome. I was a bit nervous with Keith from reading reviews and hearing different shows on this tour but he must have had a good rest as he was on his game. Both his songs were all but perfect. He tore it up on Happy. I stood there thinking, if this is my last Stones show, what a way to go out.

Re: Raleigh NC USA 1-July-2015 Rolling Stones live show updates
Posted by: OpenGspot ()
Date: July 2, 2015 20:38

Thanks!! More coming after the drive home!!

Re: Raleigh NC USA 1-July-2015 Rolling Stones live show updates
Posted by: Green Lady ()
Date: July 2, 2015 20:44

I can't remember which song on whose Periscope I was watching, but it was fairly early in the show and Mick was down on the circle at the end of the catwalk, pirouetting round and round, arms outstretched. Comment on the feed: "Just look at him!". Yes, just look - and just listen, too...

Re: Raleigh NC USA 1-July-2015 Rolling Stones live show updates
Posted by: Stoneage ()
Date: July 2, 2015 20:44

SMU, anyone?

Re: Raleigh NC USA 1-July-2015 Rolling Stones live show updates
Posted by: relms ()
Date: July 2, 2015 20:58

Shine A Light []

smiling smiley Awesomeness!

Thank goodness for good people taking their time and efforts to capture and post great videos like this, and of course thank goodness for The Rolling Stones. They are simply amazing.

All things considered... The Rolling Stones are unexplainably amazing.

Re: Raleigh NC USA 1-July-2015 Rolling Stones live show updates
Posted by: TheBlockbuster ()
Date: July 2, 2015 21:14

Shine A Light []

smiling smiley Awesomeness!

Thank goodness for good people taking their time and efforts to capture and post great videos like this, and of course thank goodness for The Rolling Stones. They are simply amazing.

All things considered... The Rolling Stones are unexplainably amazing.

You actually enjoyed that?? eye popping smiley

I thought it was very weak compared to the performance from 2013:

video: []

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2015-07-02 21:15 by TheBlockbuster.

Re: Raleigh NC USA 1-July-2015 Rolling Stones live show updates
Posted by: andrewt ()
Date: July 2, 2015 21:27

Shine A Light []

Say what you want, but this one's perfect, inc. Ronnie's solo!

Well They missed half the second verse, but otherwise, yes, it is a nice rendition.
They nailed the tempo.

Nice to see OOC back in the set.

Re: Raleigh NC USA 1-July-2015 Rolling Stones live show updates
Posted by: andrewt ()
Date: July 2, 2015 21:40

Killer rendition of "satisfaction"

Yeah they always seem to save a little in the tank for the last few minutes and really rock it out. You get a little taste of the dangerous days, and that's an awesome thing indeed.

Re: Raleigh NC USA 1-July-2015 Rolling Stones live show updates
Posted by: LongBeachArena72 ()
Date: July 2, 2015 22:57

This reviewer is a stupid dip shit. Must be related to a whiner.

Isn't a stupid dip shit the same thing as a whiner?

Obviously you were there and your impressions of the show were different than his? Why don't you talk about that instead of calling names so those of us who weren't there have something of substance to read about it.

the reviewer was only interested in trying to showcase his poetic writing and not about the performance. he copied every other critic who finds it necessary to say negative things to prove he is not biased. HE IS A STUPID DIP SHIT!!

For some reason this exchange reminds me of George Orwell:

"Journalism is printing what someone else does not want printed. Everything else is public relations."

We're definitely trending toward PR here on IORR these days!

(Also, this review is basically a rave, portraying The Stones as lovable cuddly scruffy septuagenarians, rather than the craven jukebox capitalist masters of nostalgia they could be accused of having become.)

Re: Raleigh NC USA 1-July-2015 Rolling Stones live show updates
Posted by: maumau ()
Date: July 2, 2015 23:10

Shine A Light []

smiling smiley Awesomeness!

Thank goodness for good people taking their time and efforts to capture and post great videos like this, and of course thank goodness for The Rolling Stones. They are simply amazing.

All things considered... The Rolling Stones are unexplainably amazing.

You actually enjoyed that?? eye popping smiley

I thought it was very weak compared to the performance from 2013:

video: []

Hard to compare, older video without ronnie's solos that are very nice on raleigh's

also, evil thought when it comes to the praise of older but contemporary stones live performance versus the newer one: what was the comment about it THEN? eye popping smiley

is there always "another" time when they were better?
is this another religion versus the "best show ever" cult? winking smiley
and what for? is this a science? if so one should declare the method of experiment: why compare it with that specific version in the past and not another, where maybe the result of the experiment could be different

I do prefer to just stick with the present as amuch as possible. Is this good? Did I enjoy it? Is this bad? Is this a mess with no groove?

reason why i am more sympathethic with the enthusiast and i feel often like that myself is because they, we usually do not pretend it is objective. it is the enthusiasm of life versus the autoptic analysis.

dont know if there is someone who actually believe that the last one is the "bst show ever". usually this argument has a life of its own and fades in time. that is, it is not science and do not pretend to be

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2015-07-02 23:22 by maumau.

Re: Raleigh NC USA 1-July-2015 Rolling Stones live show updates
Posted by: Rokyfan ()
Date: July 3, 2015 00:30

This reviewer is a stupid dip shit. Must be related to a whiner.

Isn't a stupid dip shit the same thing as a whiner?

Obviously you were there and your impressions of the show were different than his? Why don't you talk about that instead of calling names so those of us who weren't there have something of substance to read about it.

the reviewer was only interested in trying to showcase his poetic writing and not about the performance. he copied every other critic who finds it necessary to say negative things to prove he is not biased. HE IS A STUPID DIP SHIT!!

For some reason this exchange reminds me of George Orwell:

"Journalism is printing what someone else does not want printed. Everything else is public relations."

We're definitely trending toward PR here on IORR these days!

(Also, this review is basically a rave, portraying The Stones as lovable cuddly scruffy septuagenarians, rather than the craven jukebox capitalist masters of nostalgia they could be accused of having become.)

Yeah, i thought it was a generally positive review. I guess the problem was that he mentioned what he thought were a few low points in the midst of that positive review. That makes him a dipshit and a whiner because as we all know everything is great, there is no room any more for thought.

And "every other critic"? Every review I have read of this tour has been overwhelmingly positive. The tour has been a smashing success as far as PR goes, the steel wheelchair jokes are long in the past. No more late-night jokes. Bot God forbid someone doesn't like one number.

Re: Raleigh NC USA 1-July-2015 Rolling Stones live show updates
Posted by: beachbreak ()
Date: July 3, 2015 00:56

My general feeling is there is "too much going on" musically. It's becoming like a James Brown review.

This gives the show a somewhat "ragged" sound.

Keith is the background singer, period.

Chuck should be lower in the mix, straight piano sound.

One horn for Brown Sugar sax type solos.

Ronnie and Keith should have different amp types, too much vintage tweed now.

Keith should drive the band with more straight up chords and less "noodling", like in 1972 through the Ampeg stacks.

Today's live show is too VEGAS!

I still love these guys to death no matter what.

Re: Raleigh NC USA 1-July-2015 Rolling Stones live show updates
Posted by: OpenGspot ()
Date: July 3, 2015 00:57

Another of Mick during the Raleigh show last night.

Re: Raleigh NC USA 1-July-2015 Rolling Stones live show updates
Posted by: stonedbeggar ()
Date: July 3, 2015 00:59

the show was amazing from jj flash to satisfaction the stones moved and grooved as if they were in their twentys. highlight for me was ycagwyw with the duke universaty choir.and the song shine a light which was the song voted by the fans. played a little over 2 hours. even though the stadium didn't serve or allow alchohal in side. there were some people that snuck it in around security. all n all it was a great night!!!

Re: Raleigh NC USA 1-July-2015 Rolling Stones live show updates
Posted by: kohoutek ()
Date: July 3, 2015 01:12

I couldn't be much happier with last night's show. I could always do with a 26 or 30 or 50 song setlist, but at just over 2 hours, I couldn't ask for more. Highlights for me:

1. Opening with Jumpin' Jack Flash instead of Start Me Up. This is the first of a few things that I wanted to be different than when I saw them in '89 and '05. The performance was fantastic.

2. Let's Spend the Night Together. This was not played at either of the prior shows I attended. This combined with non-SMU opener made it so much fresher. And it was clear that the band was, pardon me for saying it, on fire by this point.

3. As many have said about this tour, loud, Loud, LOUD guitars. SO good!

4. Moonlight Mile

5. Shine a Light

6. No Doom and Gloom. Out of Control is fantastic live.

7. I was surprised that I did not find Start Me Up to be flat later in the set (double-edged sword - I felt that it would only work as the opening number, but I didn't want it, again, as the opening number). Yes, bum note at the beginning threw the whole song off, but a) I got the impression the problem was with tuning on Keith's guitar??, and either way b) it just made it raw, and I'm damn OK with that.

8. Duke Vespers on YCAGWYW. Other world-ly tones coming out of those folks.

9. The serious rock 'n' roll ass kicking they gave us for Satisfaction. Incredible.

10. The war horses did not sound tired or phoned in AT ALL. All were thrilling.

11. Gimme Shelter

12. Seeing my wife (also 3rd time) and college age daughters (1st time) have a blast.

13. Mick starting the "Sometimes..." part of MY and saying "Sometimes... Charlie..." then barking out a terse but good natured "tighten up" (Charlie flashes a smile). Anyone else notice that?

As for the N&O Review, I don't take issue with "sloppy" at all. It was real, live without a net rock 'n' roll. It was raw in spots. That's a good thing. I did not have any issues with the sound. I thought it was clean. And I didn't consider OOC a lowlight. On the whole, I think the reviewer was extremely pleased with the show.

Re: Raleigh NC USA 1-July-2015 Rolling Stones live show updates
Posted by: Steven ()
Date: July 3, 2015 01:38

A few photos of the great pre-party and the show:


Re: Raleigh NC USA 1-July-2015 Rolling Stones live show updates
Posted by: Snoopy ()
Date: July 3, 2015 04:56

Thx. Day had a few quirks, gps went out on me and I got lost in West Virginia today (see what happens when we lose basic map-reading skills!), two hours to drive 7 miles from motel to stadium due to concert traffic, missed Avett Bros but grabbed a beer, sandwich, and ticket minutes before Stones took the stage.....

Shine A Light was great to hear!

How did you get your tickets at the last minute? Box office? Scalper? Just curious how that worked out for you. Thanks.

The story version: Traffic heavy & I got there very late so asked around a few minutes for a single, no luck, went to box office and they still had a few... I had just driven all day/night from KC so decided to break out cc & buy "best available" and got what I consider a "Ruby VIP" for face value, ten minutes before Stones went on (I called from the road & told box was open until 9:30). Great seat, very happy.

Non-story version: Box office.

Edited 4 time(s). Last edit at 2015-07-03 05:33 by Snoopy.

Re: Raleigh NC USA 1-July-2015 Rolling Stones live show updates
Posted by: Niek ()
Date: July 3, 2015 09:25

Another of Mick during the Raleigh show last night.

Beautiful photo!
His mouth is still so impressive!

The other photos also. Thanks for sharing.

(Always took candy from strangers)

Re: Raleigh NC USA 1-July-2015 Rolling Stones live show updates
Posted by: swimtothemoon ()
Date: July 3, 2015 09:34

This reviewer is a stupid dip shit. Must be related to a whiner.

Isn't a stupid dip shit the same thing as a whiner?

Obviously you were there and your impressions of the show were different than his? Why don't you talk about that instead of calling names so those of us who weren't there have something of substance to read about it.

the reviewer was only interested in trying to showcase his poetic writing and not about the performance. he copied every other critic who finds it necessary to say negative things to prove he is not biased. HE IS A STUPID DIP SHIT!!

I used to get very angry when I would read a obviously biased review from a
Music critic. There are a couple who take every chance to dis the stones. One in particular is based in the Chicago area and has a syndicated radio program. To him the Smashing Pumpkins are gods and the stones are a notch below the Archies.
Now I ignore anyting this person writes or states. Anyway, I find ignoring his work more than a little satisfying.

Re: Raleigh NC USA 1-July-2015 Rolling Stones live show updates
Posted by: EasterMan ()
Date: July 3, 2015 09:44


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2015-07-03 09:44 by EasterMan.

Re: Raleigh NC USA 1-July-2015 Rolling Stones live show updates
Posted by: with sssoul ()
Date: July 3, 2015 09:46

I do prefer to just stick with the present as amuch as possible. Is this good? Did I enjoy it?
Is this bad? Is this a mess with no groove?

reason why i am more sympathethic with the enthusiast and i feel often like that myself
is because they, we usually do not pretend it is objective. it is the enthusiasm of life versus the autoptic analysis.

I like what you're saying, maumau, but I still maintain that there is such a thing as objective enthusiasm.

Re: Raleigh NC USA 1-July-2015 Rolling Stones live show updates
Posted by: Angerena ()
Date: July 3, 2015 10:36

It's a good idea to add photos of the warmup Band. It's interesting to see who was playing at that concert city.

Re: Raleigh NC USA 1-July-2015 Rolling Stones live show updates
Posted by: Green Lady ()
Date: July 3, 2015 11:35

The Rambler that was missing from all the Periscopes: two posts down. I've got the link wrong here.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2015-07-03 17:35 by Green Lady.

Re: Raleigh NC USA 1-July-2015 Rolling Stones live show updates
Posted by: Freejack ()
Date: July 3, 2015 12:40

My general feeling is there is "too much going on" musically. It's becoming like a James Brown review.
This gives the show a somewhat "ragged" sound.

Ronnie and Keith should have different amp types, too much vintage tweed now.
Keith should drive the band with more straight up chords and less "noodling", like in 1972 through the Ampeg stacks.

Today's live show is too VEGAS!

I still love these guys to death no matter what.

Interesting points. The stripped down tours, and even the stripped down intro section of this tour (first few songs without horns / extra singers) is a special joy. I miss the B-Stage!

The personnel now and even the tweed-overdose all seem to be an effort to more faithfully recreate the studio versions, but the extreme overdriven rush of the 69-72 live sound is so raw, aggressive and groovy, those Ampeg and Mesa Boogies were cooking!

Even on the 72 tour they had Jim Price & Bobby, Ollie Brown (right?) and Blue Magic too, but those recordings seem more about the core band.

Re: Raleigh NC USA 1-July-2015 Rolling Stones live show updates
Posted by: Testify ()
Date: July 3, 2015 13:11

Midnight Rambler []

Re: Raleigh NC USA 1-July-2015 Rolling Stones live show updates
Posted by: Steven ()
Date: July 3, 2015 18:07

Here are some pics from my buddy Chris McKay, one of the best photographers today:


Re: Raleigh NC USA 1-July-2015 Rolling Stones live show updates
Posted by: Chris Fountain ()
Date: July 3, 2015 18:21


This was my 14th Stones show and, I must say, it ranks up in the top three for me. They were on and having fun. Keith looked like a kid at Christmas. He was all smiles, playing it up for the crowd. You always know Keith is good when he is prowling around the stage, doing his kicks and arm riffs on the guitar and not just standing back by Charlie all night. The whole band seemed to really be into it. Mick...this guy is 71 and was all over the place running and jumping and pointing and shaking. He was amazing. I am a heavy critic when they miss chords or lyrics or such. I want them to be so good, not just for me but for first timers. I was with a first timer last night and so wanted them to sound really hot...and they were. When they opened, the guitars were SO loud. Almost too loud, but I liked it. When you saw Keith getting ready to hit a riff you knew yours ears were going to get blown out. It was the anticipation that was so sweet. Yes, they missed a verse on Shine a Light and Gimmie Shelter started off a bit weak but those were really the only flubs and they were very minor. Everything else rocked. The set list was amazing. From Out of Control (yes, no Doom and Gloom) to Moonlight Mile to Shine a Light it was pure joy. Midnight Rambler was awesome. I was a bit nervous with Keith from reading reviews and hearing different shows on this tour but he must have had a good rest as he was on his game. Both his songs were all but perfect. He tore it up on Happy. I stood there thinking, if this is my last Stones show, what a way to go out.

This is so relevant- And I'm glad the Stones kicked ass in WolfPack Nation... Saw in 94 there but the passing of N was even too much at the time... AND THEY REMEMBERED!!!

Re: Raleigh NC USA 1-July-2015 Rolling Stones live show updates
Date: July 3, 2015 18:42

Cristiano Radtke
It's great to know you got a ticket for the Raleigh concert, Snoopy! smileys with beer

Thx. Day had a few quirks, gps went out on me and I got lost in West Virginia today (see what happens when we lose basic map-reading skills!), two hours to drive 7 miles from motel to stadium due to concert traffic, missed Avett Bros but grabbed a beer, sandwich, and ticket minutes before Stones took the stage.....

Shine A Light was great to hear!


Did you get stuck in traffic at Exit 289?
We got an email from AEG that said use Exit 290. Missed the traffic and was parked in 30 minutes
Glad you made it



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