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Re: Why does Mick sometimes appear ignorant of the band's recording chronology on stage?
Posted by: latebloomer ()
Date: June 22, 2015 17:36

It is a lousy job.

Meeting and working with famous musicians? Helping to create beautiful, memorable music? What a lucky man you are, DG. But, I'm sure it must not have like that many times in the moment.

As for Mick, I have to think he sometimes says things to avoid a conversation he doesn't want to have. Not unlike most of us.

Re: Why does Mick sometimes appear ignorant of the band's recording chronology on stage?
Posted by: EddieByword ()
Date: June 22, 2015 17:37

To try and slyly impart that he's such a laid back rock'n'roll supercool that he can't remember his own work (Guns & Roses fell for that saying "You can't remember Salt of the Earth!!!!!!! - hell you guys wrote it!!!!!!!!(and it's so cool that you are SOOOOOOOOO great that you can't remember it"...

........and allay the notion that he is a meticulous for detail control freak who remembers everything better than Bill Wyman even without the photos and memrobilia as aide memoirs........ did you see his sessions tape room in 'Being Mick', he's more organised than a bird of paradise - and if he wasn't - imo - the Stones would have folded 40 years ago........Like Mick once said. he wishes he "was more like Keith" who - well, who knows what he can or can't genuinley remember............that might be a brilliant card trick in it's own right.........

And Keith believed GHS came after SF... eye rolling smiley

You lost me with that one.......confused smiley

He said that in that radio interview prior to the Zip Code Tour. The interviewer had to correct him.

So it's not only Mick...

Do you mean SG then?....'cos of course GHS did come after SF.....

Not RIGHT after smiling smiley

Sorry for being unclear..

Ahhh right, he forgot about Exile.....ok....smileys with beer

Re: Why does Mick sometimes appear ignorant of the band's recording chronology on stage?
Date: June 22, 2015 17:38

smileys with beer

Re: Why does Mick sometimes appear ignorant of the band's recording chronology on stage?
Posted by: drbryant ()
Date: June 22, 2015 18:13

I don't know. George Harrison could never remember what Beatles album a song was on, in the Anthology he says that "Golden Slumbers" is on Let it Be.

Re: Why does Mick sometimes appear ignorant of the band's recording chronology on stage?
Posted by: DoomandGloom ()
Date: June 22, 2015 18:15

It is a lousy job.

Meeting and working with famous musicians? Helping to create beautiful, memorable music? What a lucky man you are, DG. But, I'm sure it must not have like that many times in the moment.

As for Mick, I have to think he sometimes says things to avoid a conversation he doesn't want to have. Not unlike most of us.
long, long days and hours... I love the outdoors and enjoy my early retirement in the country. Back to topic,Mick really tries to not be a big headed star. Sometimes he tries too hard and we see through it like in this history stuff. Still it comes from a very warm place. You can hear his real warmth best on SF which for me is a very sincere performance. He's run a band for 40 years, tough job that inevitably makes foes. Judging from his sidemen Wood included, he is loyal to a fault

Re: Why does Mick sometimes appear ignorant of the band's recording chronology on stage?
Posted by: Stoneage ()
Date: June 22, 2015 18:16

I guess it's partly an act and partly vanity. He doesn't like to be remembered of old times because that reminds him of his own age. Which he doesn't like to think about.
The booing in Pittsburgh must have come as a bit of a shock to him though. I don't think he will resume this "anybody from x-town here?" routine for a while. Until it's safe anyway...

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2015-06-22 18:22 by Stoneage.

Re: Why does Mick sometimes appear ignorant of the band's recording chronology on stage?
Posted by: sweet neo con ()
Date: June 22, 2015 18:24

I guess it's partly an act and partly vanity. He doesn't like to be remembered of old times because that reminds him of his own age. Which he doesn't like to think about.
The booing in Pittsburgh must have come as a bit of a shock to him though. I don't think he will resume this "anybody from x-town here?" routine for a while. Untile it's safe anyway...

what did he say in pittsburgh that got boos? did he ask about other cities? if so....he did something similar in 89 at alpine valley. stones first concert in Wisconsin since 1975. large milwaukee & madison crowd yet he mentions Chicago people first. irked a lot of people.

and i think Mick thinks he is much funnier and clever than he really is. acting indifferent or unknowledgeable about Stones discography etc... is not as much about being immodest (imho) but just schtick....and not wanting to show that in actuality he DOES know absolutely every detail. wants to appear nonchalant.

IORR............but I like it!

Re: Why does Mick sometimes appear ignorant of the band's recording chronology on stage?
Posted by: Stoneage ()
Date: June 22, 2015 18:31

Sweet neo con
what did he say in pittsburgh that got boos?

He asked if there were any people from Philadelphia there. Which recieved a massive boo from the public. Not a good way to start a conversation obviously...

Re: Why does Mick sometimes appear ignorant of the band's recording chronology on stage?
Posted by: rbk ()
Date: June 22, 2015 19:08

"Why does Mick sometimes appear ignorant of the band's recording chronology on stage?"

It's a schtick. An old schtick that got tired long ago.

Re: Why does Mick sometimes appear ignorant of the band's recording chronology on stage?
Posted by: treaclefingers ()
Date: June 22, 2015 19:16

I don't know. George Harrison could never remember what Beatles album a song was on, in the Anthology he says that "Golden Slumbers" is on Let it Be.

Well, these are completely different people. If Charlie or Keith said they weren't sure, I might believe that. Bill or Mick though?

No's an act.

Re: Why does Mick sometimes appear ignorant of the band's recording chronology on stage?
Posted by: RollingFreak ()
Date: June 22, 2015 19:29

Yet he could probably tell you every track on Their Satanic Majesties Request cause you know he hates them all!

I'm sure its probably a combination of forgetting and shtick at times. I do think he knows what album Rocks Off is on, but when he forgets what Factory Girl is from I feel that could have been genuine. Until it was put on the Flashpoint album and I'm like "well why would you include that?" Then it reveals that it seems more shtick.

Mick probably knows most of this stuff, but in fairness as a recording artist for 50 years, it is all probably a blur to him. He doesn't know the albums like we do cause he lived them. All recording sessions are relatively similar and its possible he genuinely has a brainfart every now and then coming up with stage raps during the show. Especially as a young fan, I know the albums by their year and whats on each because part of hearing albums now is researching them for context, whereas someone like parents who lived through that time may genuinely not be able to tell you every track on Let It Bleed as easily, let alone the years they came out.

Re: Why does Mick sometimes appear ignorant of the band's recording chronology on stage?
Posted by: Elmo Lewis ()
Date: June 22, 2015 20:29

"Why does Mick sometimes appear ignorant of the band's recording chronology on stage?"

It's a schtick. An old schtick that got tired long ago.

Yep! It's Mick's "Good to be here ......."

"No Anchovies, Please"

Re: Why does Mick sometimes appear ignorant of the band's recording chronology on stage?
Posted by: lem motlow ()
Date: June 22, 2015 20:49

Certain songs were worked on over period of time which
would tend to blur the lines between albums ... and then ya
chuck in a lil' show -biz and you have Mick's comments .....

that's what i thought too.we see them on the records as a finished product and relate it to that time-a record came out when you were at a certain point in your life and you remember it from that.

for mick it could've been something he started working on years before and added to as he went along.

for him it's not just a records but also a series of recording sessions that could've involved working on 20 or 30 songs.he actually might get them mixed up sometimes.

but i agree that's probably not all the time,he always tries to act like he doesnt care about anything-

the best qoute i ever read about jagger was-"beneath all that insincerity what he's actually hiding is how sincere he is"

Re: Why does Mick sometimes appear ignorant of the band's recording chronology on stage?
Posted by: philrock90 ()
Date: June 22, 2015 21:00

i think he makes it abit humerous too like in 2012 when rocks off won the vote he was like do we know that one? then hes like we do know that one actually we rehearsed this one earlier on i find it funny and maybe he does get abit confused they've recorded many albums and songs and they are old

Re: Why does Mick sometimes appear ignorant of the band's recording chronology on stage?
Posted by: Natlanta ()
Date: June 22, 2015 21:40

i can't remember why he does that.

Re: Why does Mick sometimes appear ignorant of the band's recording chronology on stage?
Posted by: Niek ()
Date: June 22, 2015 22:08

"Why does Mick sometimes appear ignorant of the band's recording chronology on stage?"

It's a schtick. An old schtick that got tired long ago.

What does schtick means? Habit?

(Always took candy from strangers)

Re: Why does Mick sometimes appear ignorant of the band's recording chronology on stage?
Posted by: MKjan ()
Date: June 22, 2015 22:21

Well, I think Mick has always been forward thinking and doesn't visit the past that much.
However, I don't think he has forgotten the past at all. He knows. I'd guess this is his own private humor at work.
Probably the way he has endured fame and got tired of all the same questions, I think he entertains himself pretty well with this stuff. Of course set lists are from the past….but the songs are timeless.

Re: Why does Mick sometimes appear ignorant of the band's recording chronology on stage?
Posted by: keefriffhards ()
Date: June 22, 2015 22:45

Well, I think Mick has always been forward thinking and doesn't visit the past that much.
However, I don't think he has forgotten the past at all. He knows. I'd guess this is his own private humor at work.
Probably the way he has endured fame and got tired of all the same questions, I think he entertains himself pretty well with this stuff. Of course set lists are from the past….but the songs are timeless.

this is pretty much it. he thinks its cool to not be so into the past, as say Bill or Keith. Mick likes to sound current and is a bit dismiss-if of the past. and yes he of course has not forgot the past or what album which songs were on.

Re: Why does Mick sometimes appear ignorant of the band's recording chronology on stage?
Posted by: MKjan ()
Date: June 22, 2015 22:55

Well, I think Mick has always been forward thinking and doesn't visit the past that much.
However, I don't think he has forgotten the past at all. He knows. I'd guess this is his own private humor at work.
Probably the way he has endured fame and got tired of all the same questions, I think he entertains himself pretty well with this stuff. Of course set lists are from the past….but the songs are timeless.

this is pretty much it. he thinks its cool to not be so into the past, as say Bill or Keith. Mick likes to sound current and is a bit dismiss-if of the past. and yes he of course has not forgot the past or what album which songs were on.

I'd even add Mick is one of the most forward looking/thinking guys I know of. I don't know him personally, but 50 years of comments, and no Mick book either.

Re: Why does Mick sometimes appear ignorant of the band's recording chronology on stage?
Posted by: jrcjohnny99 ()
Date: June 22, 2015 23:09

Tokyo 1995.. Mick says that Live with me is from Exile !

Exactly, and how intriguing that he deliberately offered the audience this piece of misinformation.

It does no harm, but it achieves very little either.

Do other performers do something similar onstage?

Have seen Springsteen get things wrong on stage multiple times (years, albums etc); unlike Mick, I believe that's quite genuine....
Mick is clearly playing it up.

Re: Why does Mick sometimes appear ignorant of the band's recording chronology on stage?
Posted by: keefriffhards ()
Date: June 22, 2015 23:11

yes he certainly does not dwell on the past. perhaps thats why he is so motivated to carry on performing as he does. if he looked back too much, like when they were ripped off in the 60's and 70's he may of thought better about staying in this industry. it was in the 80's that the stones got these horrible tags like wrinkly old rockers or dinosaurs. these days they are referred to as living legends in the press. much nicer lol.

Re: Why does Mick sometimes appear ignorant of the band's recording chronology on stage?
Posted by: Title5Take1 ()
Date: June 22, 2015 23:25

It's just Mick being contrary for contrary's sake. Like what Paul McCartney says below:

PAUL MCCARTNEY: "I remember turning Mick Jagger onto it [SHE SAID YEAH]...There were two songs I turned Mick onto that the Stones have done. One was SHE SAID YEAH and the other was AIN'T TOO PROUD TO BEG. Mick would deny it—'Wot? Never saw him, never met him'—but I distinctly remember having him up into a little music room and playing it to him. He loved it and he went and did it."
(from >>> [] )

Mick's mum said that when he was about five Mick walked down a beach and knocked over the other boys' sand castles. Contrary for contrary's sake. (I read this in some Stones book.)

Re: Why does Mick sometimes appear ignorant of the band's recording chronology on stage?
Posted by: treaclefingers ()
Date: June 23, 2015 01:42

It's just Mick being contrary for contrary's sake. Like what Paul McCartney says below:

PAUL MCCARTNEY: "I remember turning Mick Jagger onto it [SHE SAID YEAH]...There were two songs I turned Mick onto that the Stones have done. One was SHE SAID YEAH and the other was AIN'T TOO PROUD TO BEG. Mick would deny it—'Wot? Never saw him, never met him'—but I distinctly remember having him up into a little music room and playing it to him. He loved it and he went and did it."
(from >>> [] )

Mick's mum said that when he was about five Mick walked down a beach and knocked over the other boys' sand castles. Contrary for contrary's sake. (I read this in some Stones book.)

I would completely believe that.

Re: Why does Mick sometimes appear ignorant of the band's recording chronology on stage?
Posted by: Turner68 ()
Date: June 23, 2015 12:02

I play in an amateur band. I hardly ever listen to our records, once they are released. We listen to them a lot during the mixing and the mastering, then maybe a few times after the release. Then you'll hear all those little mistakes, you get the idea that it all could have been much better, if only...
Then you move on.

Save for a few songs, I couldn't tell which song is on which record. And we have recorded only four or five. Heck, there are songs we recorded in 2003 and 2005 that I don't even remember. I read the title on the cover and can't even hum the tune...

From talking to other musicians I get the impression that it's the same with them. Once a record is recorded and released, you move on.

The record itself is much more important to the fans than it is to the musicians.

Playing in an amateur band is different than playing in The Stones though. They've made some of the greatest rock albums ever, and they aren't forgotten by anybody. They toured for them, have answered questions about them in interviews, remastered/reissued them countless times, made documentaries about them, etc. Unlike an amateur band, or even some professional bands, the Stones have a legacy. And Mick, being a good frontman and businessman, is well aware of it. Mick the frontman has to act like he doesn't care though, can't appear to be the organized/calculated entertainer he truly is.

It's similar to Keith's act. Like when he pretends to not know where he is, or that he only figured it out by the sound of the crowd. You know it's bullshit, but it's funny to think they just sort of wheeled Keith on stage out of a drunken stupor and he went through half the show playing and not even knowing what city he was in, until he was introduced and he used some 6th sense he developed over decades of touring to listen to the crowd and go.... oh this is Cleveland. On that same note, Mick's character is that of a rock star so huge he can't even remember all the hit songs he's written or landmark albums he's recorded, that's just another day at the office, and he's always moving on to the next new thing. But if you come to his party he'll still sing the old songs for you, if he can remember them. SO many hits after all, he's Mick @#$%& Jagger.

Yes it's all an act
From Them being the bad guys and the Beatles the good guys
To the stage banter on this tour
It's show business
We have no idea what they are like in real life
The personas they present in interviews on stage etc is an act
We don't know them we shouldn't pretend we do

Re: Why does Mick sometimes appear ignorant of the band's recording chronology on stage?
Posted by: alieb ()
Date: June 24, 2015 04:00

sweet neo con

and i think Mick thinks he is much funnier and clever than he really is. acting indifferent or unknowledgeable about Stones discography etc... is not as much about being immodest (imho) but just schtick....and not wanting to show that in actuality he DOES know absolutely every detail. wants to appear nonchalant.

nailed it

just like when he says "I can't remember" it is code for "I remember exactly what happened but I don't feel like telling you"

Re: Why does Mick sometimes appear ignorant of the band's recording chronology on stage?
Posted by: Brstonesfan ()
Date: June 24, 2015 04:15

Strictly Mick trying to be self-deprecating as he is embarrassed/ uncomfortable reflecting back on their great history...

Re: Why does Mick sometimes appear ignorant of the band's recording chronology on stage?
Posted by: Green Lady ()
Date: June 24, 2015 04:18

He does know, 99% of the time, but he'd rather pretend he doesn't know than risk getting it wrong in front of 50,000 people.

Re: Why does Mick sometimes appear ignorant of the band's recording chronology on stage?
Posted by: GasLightStreet ()
Date: June 24, 2015 05:28

"Yeah we got one from... somewhere in the Seventies, I think it's from BLACK AND BLUE, it's called Heartbreaker."

New Orleans
October 10, 1994

Re: Why does Mick sometimes appear ignorant of the band's recording chronology on stage?
Posted by: stanlove ()
Date: June 24, 2015 06:12

Well, I think Mick has always been forward thinking and doesn't visit the past that much.
However, I don't think he has forgotten the past at all. He knows. I'd guess this is his own private humor at work.
Probably the way he has endured fame and got tired of all the same questions, I think he entertains himself pretty well with this stuff. Of course set lists are from the past….but the songs are timeless.

I saw an interview with Jagger once when he was asked if the reason he didn't write his bio was because he couldn't remember much. The interviewer said that's what everyone says. Jagger said he remembers everything and has no problem with that at all.

I think he acts like he doesn't know which albums because he never wants to be seen as someone who pays attention to what the Stones did 40 years ago or takes the whole thing seriously. Its another way to hide behind something. I love his attitude about that, my favorite celeb ever. Doesn't take himself too seriously and hides himself. I love it that he usually refuses to be straight forward about everything. he never made a bore of himself by constantly taking about everything that ever happened to him and the Stones.

Re: Why does Mick sometimes appear ignorant of the band's recording chronology on stage?
Posted by: Naturalust ()
Date: June 24, 2015 06:56

Perhaps what record the songs are on just isn't as important to Mick as we think. Not only were there lots of overlap but unless he has recently mixed a re-issue of actually listened to one of his old records all the way through it seems perfectly understandable to me. They were made many years ago after all. Although he did have an air of "too cool to care" starting around Exile and evidenced in one of the interview scenes in CS Blues.

I'll bet he could tell you which records made him the most money and other more business related aspects of their career pretty accurately.

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