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Re: Better Rock N' Roll Voice - Lennon or Jagger
Posted by: RomanCandle ()
Date: April 5, 2015 13:27

Lennon could never sing Wild Horses, or Tumbling Dice. Mick has way more soul.

Mick all the way.

True. Like Jagger could never sing "Mother" or "Cold Turkey" with the same guts either. Pointless discussion. Music is not a contest.

Jagger could never sing Cold Turkey? Why would you say that?

Another one I would ban from the internet. Itsn a competition if someone is asking which one was a better singer.

Because Jagger wouldn't have sung Cold Turkey in the same approach as Lennon.
Just as Lennon wouldn't have approached Wild Horses the way Jagger did.
That's what makes them great in their own respective fields.

And that's why I campaign for the reason that music is not a contest by any means. It's about aestethics. Something appeals to you and something does not.
You can have a favorite or a preferation, either way there will not be a definitive answer.

I enjoy both, but there are other singers I prefer a lot more than Jagger or Lennon.

Feel free to ban me... ;-)

Nah. Elvis beats them ALL.

Re: Better Rock N' Roll Voice - Lennon or Jagger
Posted by: MadMax ()
Date: April 5, 2015 13:32

Both are great in their own ways. Jagger is a crawling king snake, Lennon is a howler.

It's like comparing McKinley Morganfield (Muddy Waters) with Chester Burnett (Howling Wolf).

Re: Better Rock N' Roll Voice - Lennon or Jagger
Posted by: treaclefingers ()
Date: April 5, 2015 15:27

I wonder on a Beatles board how many people would pick Jagger?

Re: Better Rock N' Roll Voice - Lennon or Jagger
Posted by: Pietro ()
Date: April 6, 2015 03:06

The thing about Lennon is, if he hadn't died prematurely, everyone would think he was horrible. He was on an extreme downward projectery at the time of his death. His last album was hideous.

Sound like your about I correct ????

Mid-fifties. I remember when "Double Fantasy" came out. It was just horrible. I felt bad for Lennon. He was washed up.

Re: Better Rock N' Roll Voice - Lennon or Jagger
Posted by: Pietro ()
Date: April 6, 2015 03:07

Jagger of course.
The Beatles is not in the same category of greatness as The Stones is. No other band is.
It annoys me that people even compare them.
Jagger could probably sing The Beatles songs really good, while Lennon singing Stones songs would have been awful.

My guess is that your about 13 years old....Correct
I can tell by your grammer...
The Beatles is not in the same category of greatness as The Stones is

Without the Beatles the Stones would just be retiring from their 9-5's.
And the Stones would be the first to admit it.

This is a new thing on the Internet. You disagree with someone so you accuse them of being thirteen or fourteen?

Re: Better Rock N' Roll Voice - Lennon or Jagger
Posted by: Pietro ()
Date: April 6, 2015 03:11

The thing about Lennon is, if he hadn't died prematurely, everyone would think he was horrible. He was on an extreme downward projectery at the time of his death. His last album was hideous.

Yep getting murdered was a great career move :-(

Kind of cynical, no? You're suggesting he hired somebody kill him because he knew he was awful.

All's I'm saying is, his last album -- make that his last three -- were really, really awful. I feel bad for the way he died, but that doesn't excuse his last three albums for being, really, really, really bad.

Re: Better Rock N' Roll Voice - Lennon or Jagger
Posted by: whitem8 ()
Date: April 6, 2015 04:30

I disagree Lennon's last three albums were really really bad. Walls and Bridges was/is one of his best! A fantastic gritty NYC record full of beautiful melodies, singing, and heart wrenching pain. All accented by a powerful NYC funk groove.

Double Fantasy had great songs. Im Losing You, Woman, Starting Over, Cleanup Time...but suffered from a slick glossy production. He wanted something sounding very professional and not sloppy, but the 80s took over. Milk and Honey had a more gritty production, but keep in mind many of the songs were not yet completed but sound great. Nobody TOld me and Stepping Out are fantastic songs.

But this is about Lennon's vocals, and while you may not like his last three albums, his sining was stellar.

Re: Better Rock N' Roll Voice - Lennon or Jagger
Posted by: whitem8 ()
Date: April 6, 2015 04:39

And to say he was on an extreme downward spiral is just not true. He was actually awakening to a new and exciting career, full of plans and projects. He was going to tour. Which would have been huge. He planned on reuniting with The Beatles to work on Anthology. He even talked about getting back with Paul to write again. None of this came to pass because of a lone madman in search of his own fame. A sad historical footnote to Lennon's amazing body of work.

Re: Better Rock N' Roll Voice - Lennon or Jagger
Posted by: andrea66 ()
Date: April 6, 2015 09:02

I wonder on a Beatles board how many people would pick Jagger?
. This is a good point. It is amazing how this website is open and Musically educated. Hundreds of thread about other bands , concert revues ... I think we discussed more here about ac-Dc drummer than in any ac-dc fans page. Other website like this are like "religious" pages, very boring. Sometimes (included myself ) we are so critic towards the Stones that for other bands' fans i think is difficult to understand

Re: Better Rock N' Roll Voice - Lennon or Jagger
Posted by: andrea66 ()
Date: April 6, 2015 09:19

I forgot to answer: mick

Re: Better Rock N' Roll Voice - Lennon or Jagger
Posted by: treaclefingers ()
Date: April 6, 2015 16:46

I wonder on a Beatles board how many people would pick Jagger?
. This is a good point. It is amazing how this website is open and Musically educated. Hundreds of thread about other bands , concert revues ... I think we discussed more here about ac-Dc drummer than in any ac-dc fans page. Other website like this are like "religious" pages, very boring. Sometimes (included myself ) we are so critic towards the Stones that for other bands' fans i think is difficult to understand

I agree, that is in fact the strength of this board.

Re: Better Rock N' Roll Voice - Lennon or Jagger
Posted by: stanlove ()
Date: April 6, 2015 17:46

And to say he was on an extreme downward spiral is just not true. He was actually awakening to a new and exciting career, full of plans and projects. He was going to tour. Which would have been huge. He planned on reuniting with The Beatles to work on Anthology. He even talked about getting back with Paul to write again. None of this came to pass because of a lone madman in search of his own fame. A sad historical footnote to Lennon's amazing body of work.

Because he planned to do things means nothing. A ton of crap artists plan to do things. Would anything Lennon would have done past 1980 been worth a crap? Who knows..

Lennon was considered washed up after about 1973 and yes I am old enough to remember. Double fantasy was some what of a comeback and it took off because he was killed and only because he was killed. look at the sales numbers and when they sold.

There were about 3 songs on there that were better then anything he had written in a long time but that doesn't mean much because he hadn't done anything worth while in a long time. Personally I can't stand listening to a Narcissist constantly sing or talk about themselves, I avoid them at work also. So I had no use for Lennon at all. I could never figure out how anyone could be interested in a guy who is so self obsorbed that its basically all they are about, themselves. A guy does nothing bout talk about himself and wife and try to make a name for himself and his wife and people consider him interesting and a hero. Could never figure that out. Just listen to his interviews from the time. Cringe worthy how narcissistic they are and people would be interested. Always amazed me.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 2015-04-06 18:10 by stanlove.

Re: Better Rock N' Roll Voice - Lennon or Jagger
Posted by: treaclefingers ()
Date: April 6, 2015 17:57

And to say he was on an extreme downward spiral is just not true. He was actually awakening to a new and exciting career, full of plans and projects. He was going to tour. Which would have been huge. He planned on reuniting with The Beatles to work on Anthology. He even talked about getting back with Paul to write again. None of this came to pass because of a lone madman in search of his own fame. A sad historical footnote to Lennon's amazing body of work.

Because he planned to do things means nothing. A ton of crap artists plan to do things. Would anything Lennon would have done past 1980 been worth a crap? Who knows..

Lennon was considered washed up after about 1973 and yes I am old enough to remember. Double fantasy was some what of a comeback and it took off because he was killed and only because he was killed. look at the sales numbers and when they sold.

There were about 3 songs on there that were better then anything he had written in a long time but that doesn't mean much because he hadn't done anything worth while in a long time. Personally I can't stand listening to a Narcissist constantly sing or talk about themselves, I avoid them at work also. So I had no use for Lennon at all. I could never figure out how anyone could be interested in a guy who is so self obsorbed that its basically all they are about, themselves. A guy does nothing bout talk about himself and wife and try to make a name for himself and his wife and people consider him interested and a hero. Could never figure that out.

While I have a less harsh assessment of Lennon's last real album, I will agree that it isn't really all that good. Just Like Starting Over was excellent, but didn't do all that well and the album quickly faded prior to the tragedy.

Who knows where he would have ended, but I'm guessing that more 'great things' probably weren't on the horizon, given what he'd just put out, and also the track record of his contemporaries. Paul certainly didn't come out with anything particularly noteworthy since the 70s...exception may be Dylan in the late 90s and since.

We'll never know of course.

Re: Better Rock N' Roll Voice - Lennon or Jagger
Posted by: whitem8 ()
Date: April 6, 2015 18:15

stanlove we get it. You play the same record over and over. Perhaps time to lift the needed and change the song? Washed up by 73? That's a laugh. Walls and Bridges was fantastic and got him his first number one in the US, Whatever Gets You Through the Night. Bobby Keys playing some awesome sax on that too. You have said in the past he is self absorbed and who would like that...well another way to look at it is that he shares the human experience with his fans. His trials, tribulations, love, and hate all resonate with others because they can related to those same human experiences. Self absorbed? or sharing from the heart making a connection to others.

I think most his songs on DF were very high quality, I just didn't like the production and much prefer the naked version that was releases a few years ago. But as for vocals go, he still had his chops. Listen to I'm Losing You then (Just Like) Starting Over and you hear such a range from howling rock to classic Elvis inspired rockabilly. Oh, and for some other great vocals from a guy washed up listen to his version of Stand By Me from Rock n' Roll. Fantastic vocals on that.

Re: Better Rock N' Roll Voice - Lennon or Jagger
Posted by: RomanCandle ()
Date: April 6, 2015 18:17

stanlove we get it. You play the same record over and over. Perhaps time to lift the needed and change the song? Washed up by 73? That's a laugh. Walls and Bridges was fantastic and got him his first number one in the US, Whatever Gets You Through the Night. Bobby Keys playing some awesome sax on that too. You have said in the past he is self absorbed and who would like that...well another way to look at it is that he shares the human experience with his fans. His trials, tribulations, love, and hate all resonate with others because they can related to those same human experiences. Self absorbed? or sharing from the heart making a connection to others.

I think most his songs on DF were very high quality, I just didn't like the production and much prefer the naked version that was releases a few years ago. But as for vocals go, he still had his chops. Listen to I'm Losing You then (Just Like) Starting Over and you hear such a range from howling rock to classic Elvis inspired rockabilly. Oh, and for some other great vocals from a guy washed up listen to his version of Stand By Me from Rock n' Roll. Fantastic vocals on that.

Re: Better Rock N' Roll Voice - Lennon or Jagger
Posted by: Come On ()
Date: April 6, 2015 18:26

Jeeze The Smiths when we're discussing 2 of the best rock-singersconfused smiley of all times...why not Herman Hermit's?

Re: Better Rock N' Roll Voice - Lennon or Jagger
Posted by: stanlove ()
Date: April 6, 2015 18:28

stanlove we get it. You play the same record over and over. Perhaps time to lift the needed and change the song? Washed up by 73? That's a laugh. Walls and Bridges was fantastic and got him his first number one in the US, Whatever Gets You Through the Night. Bobby Keys playing some awesome sax on that too. You have said in the past he is self absorbed and who would like that...well another way to look at it is that he shares the human experience with his fans. His trials, tribulations, love, and hate all resonate with others because they can related to those same human experiences. Self absorbed? or sharing from the heart making a connection to others.

I think most his songs on DF were very high quality, I just didn't like the production and much prefer the naked version that was releases a few years ago. But as for vocals go, he still had his chops. Listen to I'm Losing You then (Just Like) Starting Over and you hear such a range from howling rock to classic Elvis inspired rockabilly. Oh, and for some other great vocals from a guy washed up listen to his version of Stand By Me from Rock n' Roll. Fantastic vocals on that.

Nobody is forcing you to read my post correct? Guys like you kill me. If someone says something nice about Lennon its ok but if someone says anything not ice about him then they are out of line. Actually its ok to feel anyway you want about Lennon and to post it

Your another way to look at its is laughable to me. basically saying he was doing us a favor by being a narcissist. Yeah I want to hear more about Yoko and your relationship with her. Please tell us more about your stay at home father duties. Spell binding stuff. But again here Lennon gets credit for rambling on about himself. Your just the type of person I was talking about.

Can you tell me how many copies of Wall and bridges sold? If you think Whatever gets You Through the Night is a real good song then I don't know what to tell you.

Re: Better Rock N' Roll Voice - Lennon or Jagger
Posted by: alhavu1 ()
Date: April 6, 2015 18:42

hee hee

Re: Better Rock N' Roll Voice - Lennon or Jagger
Posted by: whitem8 ()
Date: April 6, 2015 18:59

stanlove, I really don't care how you feel, but I will debate the points with you. Yeah, I am one of those kind of guys. You just often seem to troll around to be purposefully negative, or overly opinionated. And yeah I do like Whatever Gets you Through the Night. So I guess that is it, in your mind I am written off. And you really missed the entire point. As you often do. Why? I can't pretend to know how you approach critical thinking but often you seem angry, frustrated and just plane mean. But that's your journey.
Yeah, a lot of people will listen to Lennon and relate to his story. Will listen to how deeply he loves someone and think about their love in their lives, and how that song, or lyric resonates with their own life experience. Some of the best music in the world is narcissistic and speaks to people's own lives and common experiences. But that is a deep level of emotional intelligence you seem to lack. But hey its cool stanlove... at least you have love in your name.

Re: Better Rock N' Roll Voice - Lennon or Jagger
Posted by: Hairball ()
Date: April 6, 2015 19:04

But hey its cool stanlove... at least you have love in your name.

All You Need is (stan) Love. confused smiley

Rip this joint, gonna save your soul, round and round and round we go......

Re: Better Rock N' Roll Voice - Lennon or Jagger
Posted by: whitem8 ()
Date: April 6, 2015 19:08

good one hairball! I will play AYNIL in honor of Stan.

Re: Better Rock N' Roll Voice - Lennon or Jagger
Posted by: Pietro ()
Date: April 6, 2015 19:31


Your another way to look at its is laughable to me. basically saying he was doing us a favor by being a narcissist. Yeah I want to hear more about Yoko and your relationship with her. Please tell us more about your stay at home father duties. Spell binding stuff. But again here Lennon gets credit for rambling on about himself. Your just the type of person I was talking about.

Sure he was a narcissist, and a boring one at that. He wrote a song called "God" in which, in tedious fashion, he recites all the people he doesn't believe in (Jesus, Kennedy, Yoga (!)) except himself and his shrill-throated girlfriend. Then he announces as "the dreamweaver" that the dream is dead, that he was the walrus but now he's John and for now on we just have to "carry on."

Can you imagine Mick Jagger singing this narcissistic drivel?

Re: Better Rock N' Roll Voice - Lennon or Jagger
Posted by: MKjan ()
Date: April 6, 2015 19:35

Jagger has the better voice, much better imo.
It has become even annoying for me to hear Lennon, except for maybe 2 songs.
PR and myth aside, he was a mean spirited jerk. It became impossible
to separate the art from the artist for me. Sometimes I can, but not with him.
RIP Cynthia
Best wishes to Julian.

Re: Better Rock N' Roll Voice - Lennon or Jagger
Posted by: treaclefingers ()
Date: April 6, 2015 19:38


Your another way to look at its is laughable to me. basically saying he was doing us a favor by being a narcissist. Yeah I want to hear more about Yoko and your relationship with her. Please tell us more about your stay at home father duties. Spell binding stuff. But again here Lennon gets credit for rambling on about himself. Your just the type of person I was talking about.

Sure he was a narcissist, and a boring one at that. He wrote a song called "God" in which, in tedious fashion, he recites all the people he doesn't believe in (Jesus, Kennedy, Yoga (!)) except himself and his shrill-throated girlfriend. Then he announces as "the dreamweaver" that the dream is dead, that he was the walrus but now he's John and for now on we just have to "carry on."

Can you imagine Mick Jagger singing this narcissistic drivel?

I agree with all you say...and yet, powerful, amazing song.

Re: Better Rock N' Roll Voice - Lennon or Jagger
Posted by: RomanCandle ()
Date: April 6, 2015 19:54

Come On
Jeeze The Smiths when we're discussing 2 of the best rock-singersconfused smiley of all times...why not Herman Hermit's?

Morrissey, a bad rock singer? Are you serious, mate? Have you ever listened to the single Interlude, for f-uck's sake? Or I Know It's Over? When it comes to vocal technique, Céline Dion is much better. But Morrissey has great voice inflexions, and his diction is funny as hell, often pathetic in a good way. For the tongue-in-cheek lyrics I would suggest Girlfriend In A Coma. There are many details I love about Morrissey's singing voice, mostly his accent, the drama queen effects, the yodel parts, and how he pronounces the "r" in songs like 'A Rush And A Push...'

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2015-04-06 19:56 by RomanCandle.

Re: Better Rock N' Roll Voice - Lennon or Jagger
Posted by: 2120Wolf ()
Date: April 6, 2015 21:54

Come On
Jeeze The Smiths when we're discussing 2 of the best rock-singersconfused smiley of all times...why not Herman Hermit's?

Morrissey, a bad rock singer? Are you serious, mate? Have you ever listened to the single Interlude, for f-uck's sake? Or I Know It's Over? When it comes to vocal technique, Céline Dion is much better. But Morrissey has great voice inflexions, and his diction is funny as hell, often pathetic in a good way. For the tongue-in-cheek lyrics I would suggest Girlfriend In A Coma. There are many details I love about Morrissey's singing voice, mostly his accent, the drama queen effects, the yodel parts, and how he pronounces the "r" in songs like 'A Rush And A Push...'

It is hysterical that people are actually throwing in singers from the "C" team were talking "A" team here kids >>> John Lennon - Mick Jagger

Re: Better Rock N' Roll Voice - Lennon or Jagger
Posted by: 2120Wolf ()
Date: April 6, 2015 22:05

Everybody keeps bringing up Lennons solo stuff...Do you really think Jaggers solo stuff is anywhere near good...Jagger solo is not anywhere near the caliber of Lennons solo.

Another thing to keep in mind...Do you really think that what you are hearing at Stones live shows is Micks actual voice...come on it is so technically enhanced it is a joke.

Re: Better Rock N' Roll Voice - Lennon or Jagger
Posted by: 2120Wolf ()
Date: April 6, 2015 22:10

I love them both. But Lennon. His voice was masterful. So full of force and edge, and when needed tender. Also a very versatile vocalist. Jagger is great for The Stones and for some of his solo stuff. But he also often relies on very dramatic vocalizing almost boarding on satire. And Jagger just does not have the vocal range Lennon did.

I think your point that Lennon was a versatile vocalist is true as far as the many styles of music he could tackle. However, when it comes to interpreting the genre of blues/rhythm and blues, I think Jagger has it over Lennon.

As much as I do love the Stones musically...Mick is not that great of a blues singer. Sounds like a white London suburbanite...

Re: Better Rock N' Roll Voice - Lennon or Jagger
Posted by: 2120Wolf ()
Date: April 6, 2015 22:11

Both are great in their own ways. Jagger is a crawling king snake, Lennon is a howler.

It's like comparing McKinley Morganfield (Muddy Waters) with Chester Burnett (Howling Wolf).

Wolf blows Muddy away as a singer...this is not even close...

Re: Better Rock N' Roll Voice - Lennon or Jagger
Posted by: 2120Wolf ()
Date: April 6, 2015 22:21

More Hot Rocks
Here are some ideas to help you sleep tonight:

First level of consciousness:
- Both were great.

2nd level of consciousness:
- Both were crap, Elvis was way better.

3rd level of consciousness
- Billy Idol has the best rock 'n' roll voice, actually

4th level of consciousness:
- Rock'n'roll is crap, you'd better listen to Kanye

Wow your kool, you go thru different levels of consciousness:
But you grade a zero on accurate insight ????
I haven't slept properly since 78" right after they toured behind Some Girls....
Back when they toured behind albums that weren't 44 years old...

They aren't touring behind Sticky Fingers.

Well when you release an Album and then the business, you are touring behind that album and as far as I can see 44 year old Sticky Fingers and the Tour are happening one date apart...So technically and logically speaking....Unless they are realeasing a new one which is long over due ????

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