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Re: The Rolling Stones ZIP CODE Tour 2015
Posted by: austrianstones ()
Date: April 8, 2015 21:38

i meant no problem to score a ticket before, where did this problem occured, payment ?

Re: The Rolling Stones ZIP CODE Tour 2015
Posted by: JumpinJeppeFlash ()
Date: April 8, 2015 21:39

Yes, when trying to pay i need to select a state and there is only US states?

Re: The Rolling Stones ZIP CODE Tour 2015
Posted by: rtylor ()
Date: April 8, 2015 21:42

Pricing for San Diego show:$69.50, $99.50, $175, $395, Saphire $953, Emerald $1253, Diamond $1753. Floor seats were available at the $175 price. Got 2 in row 10 Ronnie's side

Re: The Rolling Stones ZIP CODE Tour 2015
Posted by: austrianstones ()
Date: April 8, 2015 21:50

sorry jesper, but i just tried and no problem for me, maybe other states ?

Re: The Rolling Stones ZIP CODE Tour 2015
Posted by: onlystones ()
Date: April 8, 2015 21:52

going to Nashville secF row 30 $372.00 good enough for now will keep trying Orlando Atlanta and raliegh looks like im going to all four

Re: The Rolling Stones ZIP CODE Tour 2015
Posted by: bvaught ()
Date: April 8, 2015 22:02

Looks like pre-sale is over in Orlando.

Re: The Rolling Stones ZIP CODE Tour 2015
Posted by: MrMibbs ()
Date: April 8, 2015 22:04

cool . Still trying ,,, having trouble

Re: The Rolling Stones ZIP CODE Tour 2015
Posted by: bengigan ()
Date: April 8, 2015 22:09

Pricing for San Diego show:$69.50, $99.50, $175, $395, Saphire $953, Emerald $1253, Diamond $1753. Floor seats were available at the $175 price. Got 2 in row 10 Ronnie's side

Is that row 10 in the section closest to the stage? Or further back?

Re: The Rolling Stones ZIP CODE Tour 2015
Posted by: Alfonz ()
Date: April 8, 2015 22:52

I hope people aren't losing sight of the scale. I chucked back some Row 34, Section C tickets for Dallas, and wondered, maybe I should have kept them? Did some Google mapping, transposed to rough scales the Cowboys Stadium and American Airlines (took a map for The Who) seating charts.

The entire floor of an arena show (i.e. basketball court) is taken up by the two front central blocks (C/D). You can almost fit an entire arena on the field of a football stadium. I had a lucky dip in Vegas which was essentially like the front of Block G, which I think is in the $400 range for this tour. Sounded terrible and was barely OK for $80, and I ended up moving to stand on a concourse with obstructed view but good sound.

Each to their own, if happy to sit far away, then kudos to you. But I find it hard to pay top dollar for tickets for these stadium shows unless they were in front 2/3 of C/D, or front corner of B/E ... and these are seemingly all VIP.

Re: The Rolling Stones ZIP CODE Tour 2015
Posted by: gimmelittledrink ()
Date: April 8, 2015 23:20

For stadium shows, it's best to get the cheap seats and drink lots of beer. You'll still have a good time.

Re: The Rolling Stones ZIP CODE Tour 2015
Posted by: StollingRones ()
Date: April 9, 2015 00:18

So I'm a lifelong Stones fan (30 years old) and this is my first Stones concert! My wife and I live in Denver and will be flying out. I'm hoping to have someone validate that I got good seats, and also help choose which show to attend.

I got Arrowhead Floor B, Row 32 for $369 each. (2 tix)


I also got Indianapolis Gold (GA-3) for $302 each. (2 tix)

I doubt I'll be able to make both, so I'll end up selling one of them. I'm hoping some vets can help me choose which is the best bet for the $. Leaning toward Arrowhead due to assigned seats and no need to get there 10 hours early.

Any thoughts are very much appreciated!

doo doo doo doo doo

Re: The Rolling Stones ZIP CODE Tour 2015
Posted by: Leonioid ()
Date: April 9, 2015 00:45

So I'm a lifelong Stones fan (30 years old) and this is my first Stones concert! My wife and I live in Denver and will be flying out. I'm hoping to have someone validate that I got good seats, and also help choose which show to attend.

I got Arrowhead Floor B, Row 32 for $369 each. (2 tix)


I also got Indianapolis Gold (GA-3) for $302 each. (2 tix)

I doubt I'll be able to make both, so I'll end up selling one of them. I'm hoping some vets can help me choose which is the best bet for the $. Leaning toward Arrowhead due to assigned seats and no need to get there 10 hours early.

Any thoughts are very much appreciated!

Depending on your personal wants, Arrowhead will be less of a clusterfukc, you will have a seat, the parking will probably be a bit easier, bathroom a bit more civilized, but Indy is going to be historic at the Speedway, you might have a better view of the stage than the 32nd row and can move around a bit in a GA pit, but you wont have a chair while waiting for it to start, after they come on you wont need a chair. I hear the fireworks in Indy for 4th of July are going to be great.

Do this. Go to KC, have the time of your life and after the show you and your wife will say, "we need to go again next week in Indy".

You did correct buying both shows. Go see them at least twice. AT LEAST.

Re: The Rolling Stones ZIP CODE Tour 2015
Posted by: dhinkle555 ()
Date: April 9, 2015 01:07

Successful ticket purchasing today. Columbus, Indy (my home) and Detroit. Amazing how the Detroit Tiger ticketing system was much quicker than Ticketmaster. It is going to be a Stones summer.

Re: The Rolling Stones ZIP CODE Tour 2015
Posted by: Steven ()
Date: April 9, 2015 01:12

So what are the block outs in the back of the floor seats pointed at the b-stage all about? Gotta be something to sell the Bach of the house. Zip lines for zip codes tour?

Re: The Rolling Stones ZIP CODE Tour 2015
Posted by: drbryant ()
Date: April 9, 2015 01:15

I hope people aren't losing sight of the scale. I chucked back some Row 34, Section C tickets for Dallas, and wondered, maybe I should have kept them? Did some Google mapping, transposed to rough scales the Cowboys Stadium and American Airlines (took a map for The Who) seating charts.

The entire floor of an arena show (i.e. basketball court) is taken up by the two front central blocks (C/D). You can almost fit an entire arena on the field of a football stadium. I had a lucky dip in Vegas which was essentially like the front of Block G, which I think is in the $400 range for this tour. Sounded terrible and was barely OK for $80, and I ended up moving to stand on a concourse with obstructed view but good sound.

Each to their own, if happy to sit far away, then kudos to you. But I find it hard to pay top dollar for tickets for these stadium shows unless they were in front 2/3 of C/D, or front corner of B/E ... and these are seemingly all VIP.

With all due respect, your scale seems wrong. AA Arena is a pretty large arena. I believe capacity is 20,000 or so. A US football field is pretty narrow, so unless it can accommodate a soccer field, it's probably about 100 seats across. Assuming 40 rows to the end of the first section, that's only 4000 seats in the front half of the field, where you've managed to place most of the arena. Maybe those maps are not to scale?

Also just a personal observation. I have seen the Stones in recent years from the upper tier of a modern Arena (one with luxury boxes and a hard roof) and in the closer stands of an open football stadium, and the stadium was much better, sound, view and atmosphere. There's something about modern arenas that make the upper levels very disappointing.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2015-04-09 03:51 by drbryant.

Re: The Rolling Stones ZIP CODE Tour 2015
Posted by: Nate ()
Date: April 9, 2015 01:28

So I'm a lifelong Stones fan (30 years old) and this is my first Stones concert! My wife and I live in Denver and will be flying out. I'm hoping to have someone validate that I got good seats, and also help choose which show to attend.

I got Arrowhead Floor B, Row 32 for $369 each. (2 tix)


I also got Indianapolis Gold (GA-3) for $302 each. (2 tix)

I doubt I'll be able to make both, so I'll end up selling one of them. I'm hoping some vets can help me choose which is the best bet for the $. Leaning toward Arrowhead due to assigned seats and no need to get there 10 hours early.

Any thoughts are very much appreciated!

I am a life long Stones fan as well but my first time seeing them was in Hyde park 2013.I had purchased tickets for both shows and said to myself that I would go to the first show and maybe sell my ticket for the second show.At the first show within seconds of the Stones arriving on stage someone could of offered me the key to eternal life and a supermodel wife in exchange for my second show ticket and I would not of sold.

You only live once go to both shows and have two amazing nights you will never forget.

Nate smileys with beer

Re: The Rolling Stones ZIP CODE Tour 2015
Posted by: JagFan ()
Date: April 9, 2015 01:41

I'm not sure if this has been posted before, but does anyone have the pandora pre-sale code for tomorrow? please.

Re: The Rolling Stones ZIP CODE Tour 2015
Posted by: forsure ()
Date: April 9, 2015 01:47

Looks like pre-sale is over in Orlando.

orlando has been popping up level 200 in the last hour. just checed agian, still selling. Second half of floor coming up now as well.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 2015-04-09 01:56 by forsure.

Re: The Rolling Stones ZIP CODE Tour 2015
Posted by: mnewman505 ()
Date: April 9, 2015 02:31

So I'm a lifelong Stones fan (30 years old) and this is my first Stones concert! My wife and I live in Denver and will be flying out. I'm hoping to have someone validate that I got good seats, and also help choose which show to attend.

I got Arrowhead Floor B, Row 32 for $369 each. (2 tix)


I also got Indianapolis Gold (GA-3) for $302 each. (2 tix)

I doubt I'll be able to make both, so I'll end up selling one of them. I'm hoping some vets can help me choose which is the best bet for the $. Leaning toward Arrowhead due to assigned seats and no need to get there 10 hours early.

Any thoughts are very much appreciated!
Dude Arrowhead, stay away from that Indy mess!

Re: The Rolling Stones ZIP CODE Tour 2015
Posted by: Title5Take1 ()
Date: April 9, 2015 03:29

Can't help but think it must drive Coachella nuts that they failed to get the Stones again.

Re: The Rolling Stones ZIP CODE Tour 2015
Date: April 9, 2015 03:36


I doubt I'll be able to make both, so I'll end up selling one of them. I'm hoping some vets can help me choose which is the best bet for the $. Leaning toward Arrowhead due to assigned seats and no need to get there 10 hours early.

Any thoughts are very much appreciated!

Dump INDY...that show sound like a total nightmare...for all the obvious reasons and a few others...will this be our Indymont?

Re: The Rolling Stones ZIP CODE Tour 2015
Posted by: Gfmsoccer ()
Date: April 9, 2015 04:44

Little torn here. Managed to pull up seats on the floor 20-30 rows back for $400, but not the sections in the center. Can still pull up singles in rows 17-19 in the center sections but at double the price for a "Sapphire Package" $950.

By the way, the B stage seems to extend much further out into the field than at past shows. For the Minneapolis show, I pulled up seats in front floor Sections (B, C, D), rows up to 39. So, it's a longer ramp, more like Hyde Park.

It's a 100 foot ramp. The stage is 100 feet wide for some perspective. It's not clear yet if its a B-Stage or just a place for Mick to walk out to like he did on the Australia tour. They didn't all go out there.

Re: The Rolling Stones ZIP CODE Tour 2015
Posted by: drbryant ()
Date: April 9, 2015 07:24

Little torn here. Managed to pull up seats on the floor 20-30 rows back for $400, but not the sections in the center. Can still pull up singles in rows 17-19 in the center sections but at double the price for a "Sapphire Package" $950.

By the way, the B stage seems to extend much further out into the field than at past shows. For the Minneapolis show, I pulled up seats in front floor Sections (B, C, D), rows up to 39. So, it's a longer ramp, more like Hyde Park.

It's a 100 foot ramp. The stage is 100 feet wide for some perspective. It's not clear yet if its a B-Stage or just a place for Mick to walk out to like he did on the Australia tour. They didn't all go out there.

So perhaps it is more like the ramp used at Hyde Park and Tokyo? That makes sense, looking at all of the seat maps. In Tokyo, the "B stage" started around 25-30 rows from the stage. In Auckland in November (see below), the ramp started about 15 rows from the stage, and the stage was much lower, without any downward slope from the stage to the ramp. The Tokyo and Hyde Park stages had much longer ramps, with stages that were also much higher. I am guessing here, but perhaps the stage used in Australia/New Zealand needed to accommodate both arenas and stadiums, so it is a shorter ramp. On the other hand, the stage used for Tokyo was a longer ramp, as it was purely stadium shows.

For comparison, this is Tokyo. Notice how much longer the ramp, and how much higher the Stage was. Because of the height of the stage and the ramp, the "first row" of the center sections actually started with row 4. Obviously a higher stage is better for people further back on the floor. Perhaps the stage will be higher in the US as well in 2015, since the tour is all stadiums.

Edited 4 time(s). Last edit at 2015-04-09 07:55 by drbryant.

Re: The Rolling Stones ZIP CODE Tour 2015
Posted by: erikjjf ()
Date: April 9, 2015 08:07

So what are the block outs in the back of the floor seats pointed at the b-stage all about? Gotta be something to sell the Bach of the house. Zip lines for zip codes tour?

Mixer desks, one for lighting and one for sound. And lighting towers. You can see them in the photo from Tokyo that drbryant posted.

Re: The Rolling Stones ZIP CODE Tour 2015
Posted by: a bigger nut ()
Date: April 9, 2015 08:22

Interesting photos.
Baseball stadium is not a good place to see a concert obviously. Football stadium is still better.

I am trying to buy SD ticket though.smiling bouncing smiley

Re: The Rolling Stones ZIP CODE Tour 2015
Posted by: Naturalust ()
Date: April 9, 2015 08:24

For stadium shows, it's best to get the cheap seats and drink lots of beer. You'll still have a good time.

What a great post. I might even consider it if I was sitting next to you. Tens of thousands of people at each show will be well served to adopt your attitude. drinking smiley


Re: The Rolling Stones ZIP CODE Tour 2015
Posted by: drbryant ()
Date: April 9, 2015 09:24

a bigger nut
Interesting photos.
Baseball stadium is not a good place to see a concert obviously. Football stadium is still better.

I am trying to buy SD ticket though.smiling bouncing smiley

Yes. In a baseball stadium, there are no good stand seats - everything is pretty far away. In a football stadium (especially one tailored to a U.S. football field) the side stands aren't that bad. But stands on the opposite side of the field from the stage are really, really far away.

Re: The Rolling Stones ZIP CODE Tour 2015
Posted by: Mister_D ()
Date: April 9, 2015 10:23

a bigger nut
Interesting photos.
Baseball stadium is not a good place to see a concert obviously. Football stadium is still better.

I am trying to buy SD ticket though.smiling bouncing smiley

Yes. In a baseball stadium, there are no good stand seats - everything is pretty far away. In a football stadium (especially one tailored to a U.S. football field) the side stands aren't that bad. But stands on the opposite side of the field from the stage are really, really far away.

The seats in the Tokyo Dome's right field corner (all down the line), i.e center foreground of photo, face forward, pointing to absolutely nothing! Those look particularly crappy. The least they could have done is angle the rows of the extreme sides towards the center of the stage.
Rip off.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 2015-04-09 10:25 by Mister_D.

Re: The Rolling Stones ZIP CODE Tour 2015
Posted by: Doxa ()
Date: April 9, 2015 12:32

For stadium shows, it's best to get the cheap seats and drink lots of beer. You'll still have a good time.

Haha.. I actually did that once, Twickenham 2006 I think it was - nosebleeds just as far as you can get from the stage, the sound was horrible, and couldn't see anything but just the light show and those screens... But the bars was just below me, just one stairs away, and used them regularly... lots of young people there, singing along, having a good time... It was actually great!

- Doxa

Re: The Rolling Stones ZIP CODE Tour 2015
Posted by: Plink ()
Date: April 9, 2015 12:43

I have a question - hope someone can help.

I've never purchased during a presale. At what point in the ticket buying process do you enter the presale code? At checkout?

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