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Who still reads Rolling Stone magazine?
Posted by: stupidguy2 ()
Date: August 14, 2014 00:51

I was wondering because I used to, but now I can't stand it.
Am I just old? If I have to read another Rolling Stone Interview featuring Clapton, Bono....the same old suspects. Over and over. They have a new generation of young artists they cater to, like they used to cater to older favorites.

I remember the first Rolling Stone I had, begged my mom to buy it for me from the local convenience store. Jon Voight was on the cover, 1979.
I was 13 and felt like I had entered some kind of club of coolness.
I ended up subscribing to it non-stop from 81-89.
Now I can't stand it.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2014-08-14 00:54 by stupidguy2.

Re: Who still reads Rolling Stone magazine?
Posted by: Rockman ()
Date: August 14, 2014 01:07

......usually just check-out the pictures 'cause there's nuffin' ta read ...


Re: Who still reads Rolling Stone magazine?
Posted by: Dreamer ()
Date: August 14, 2014 01:17

Yeah back in the day..

Re: Who still reads Rolling Stone magazine?
Posted by: shadooby ()
Date: August 14, 2014 01:35

Not since 1990 or so, maybe...before grunge & rap crap took over. Around the same time MTV took a nose-dive now that I think about it.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2014-08-14 01:37 by shadooby.

Re: Who still reads Rolling Stone magazine?
Posted by: huricane ()
Date: August 14, 2014 01:39


Re: Who still reads Rolling Stone magazine?
Posted by: treaclefingers ()
Date: August 14, 2014 01:40

I was wondering because I used to, but now I can't stand it.
Am I just old? If I have to read another Rolling Stone Interview featuring Clapton, Bono....the same old suspects. Over and over. They have a new generation of young artists they cater to, like they used to cater to older favorites.

I remember the first Rolling Stone I had, begged my mom to buy it for me from the local convenience store. Jon Voight was on the cover, 1979.
I was 13 and felt like I had entered some kind of club of coolness.
I ended up subscribing to it non-stop from 81-89.
Now I can't stand it.

Oh man, that's funny, your experience sort of mirrors my own.

I think I stop subscribing in the early 90s but I'd still buy 'notable' issues. I stopped buying altogether by the new millennium.

I still have all my old ones in boxes though!

Re: Who still reads Rolling Stone magazine?
Posted by: Pietro ()
Date: August 14, 2014 01:41

Haven't read it in years, but when I had a subscription in the years 1972-75, my father used to ask to borrow it. He liked the political coverage.

After Jann Wenner, the editor, moved the magazine from San Francisco to New York in 1977, the mag became a glitzy celebrity chronicle. Wenner said San Francisco had become "a provincial backwater" when he moved the magazine to NYC.

Re: Who still reads Rolling Stone magazine?
Posted by: shadooby ()
Date: August 14, 2014 01:43

In the same vein...who still watches MTV? What's the difference?

Re: Who still reads Rolling Stone magazine?
Posted by: shadooby ()
Date: August 14, 2014 02:01

......usually just check-out the pictures 'cause there's nuffin' ta read ...

Awe shucks...there's plenty of great smells in them there perfume scratch-n-sniff ads.

Re: Who still reads Rolling Stone magazine?
Posted by: ryanpow ()
Date: August 14, 2014 02:13

Its more like a pamphlet these days.

Re: Who still reads Rolling Stone magazine?
Posted by: tatters ()
Date: August 14, 2014 02:15

I check their website daily, but haven't bought a copy of the magazine in years.

Re: Who still reads Rolling Stone magazine?
Posted by: stupidguy2 ()
Date: August 14, 2014 02:21

I was wondering because I used to, but now I can't stand it.
Am I just old? If I have to read another Rolling Stone Interview featuring Clapton, Bono....the same old suspects. Over and over. They have a new generation of young artists they cater to, like they used to cater to older favorites.

I remember the first Rolling Stone I had, begged my mom to buy it for me from the local convenience store. Jon Voight was on the cover, 1979.
I was 13 and felt like I had entered some kind of club of coolness.
I ended up subscribing to it non-stop from 81-89.
Now I can't stand it.

Oh man, that's funny, your experience sort of mirrors my own.

I think I stop subscribing in the early 90s but I'd still buy 'notable' issues. I stopped buying altogether by the new millennium.

I still have all my old ones in boxes though!

I had mine in boxes and boxes and boxes until a few years ago!
It took a while to let them go....

Re: Who still reads Rolling Stone magazine?
Posted by: stupidguy2 ()
Date: August 14, 2014 02:32

Haven't read it in years, but when I had a subscription in the years 1972-75, my father used to ask to borrow it. He liked the political coverage.

After Jann Wenner, the editor, moved the magazine from San Francisco to New York in 1977, the mag became a glitzy celebrity chronicle. Wenner said San Francisco had become "a provincial backwater" when he moved the magazine to NYC.
Well, those were the days of Hunter Thompson. And all through the 80s, I used to read William Greider religiously. He was great, but he's been gone for years.
Now, I might glance at a cover to see who it is, to see 'whos made it' because that's what it used to mean...
and i'll flip quickly, check Random Notes and done.
Wenner is an star-@#$%& of the lowest order. Maybe its always been like this, but it feels really cliquey. The difference was, in the old days, the people in RS were cool to me. Now, I don't know if I can handle another Jack White, Johnny Depp, Billy Armstrong, Dave Matthews etc...interview. And then we get the 100th Keith Richards, Mick Jagger, Dylan, Clapton, Bono cover. You know what I mean? Its almost incestuously like high school...the cool kids hanging with the cool kids. And the older I get, I look at how they objectify female stars. It's very guy-centric unless the female is'hot'. There have been exceptions, but mostly not.
When you consider Aretha Franklin has only been on one cover, in 1967 and not since. I think Joni Mitchell is the only female artist who has attained the the same level of ubiquity in this magazine.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2014-08-14 02:36 by stupidguy2.

Re: Who still reads Rolling Stone magazine?
Posted by: Rockman ()
Date: August 14, 2014 02:47

And don't forget the padding ...
100 greatest albums ... 100 greatest singles ...100 greatest rappers .... 100 greatest and on & on ..


Re: Who still reads Rolling Stone magazine?
Posted by: treaclefingers ()
Date: August 14, 2014 02:57

And don't forget the padding ...
100 greatest albums ... 100 greatest singles ...100 greatest rappers .... 100 greatest and on & on ..

love the padding!

Re: Who still reads Rolling Stone magazine?
Posted by: StonesCat ()
Date: August 14, 2014 03:34

Picked up the anniversary set in the clearance section at Barnes and Noble a few years back for peanuts. Has all the issues up thru that time (2007?) on disc to read. Pretty cool because its presented exactly as it was, with all the crazy, interesting ads of the time. As far as now, I used to subscribe on and off, but the political stuff always ends up driving me away.

Re: Who still reads Rolling Stone magazine?
Posted by: latebloomer ()
Date: August 14, 2014 04:10

I leaf through it when I come across it in a waiting room, but that's about it. But I never had a subscription. Back when the magazine was still interesting, I was too broke to subscribe to any magazines. If I bought a Rolling Stone magazine, it was because there was an article that really intrested me.

Re: Who still reads Rolling Stone magazine?
Posted by: nightskyman ()
Date: August 14, 2014 04:12

Maybe I'd consider it if the Stones or Beatles are featured in a particular issue.

Re: Who still reads Rolling Stone magazine?
Date: August 14, 2014 05:23

I subscribe to the *free* email updates and read only what sticks out as interesting. I'll pick up a copy if an entertainer I know (and like) is either on the cover or has an article (if I like it during the in-store reading). It's pretty infrequently that I buy the magazine.

Re: Who still reads Rolling Stone magazine?
Posted by: Rockman ()
Date: August 14, 2014 05:26

love the padding!

HAAAA ... then treacle I bet ya can't wait the 100 greatest of the 100 greatest lists .....


Re: Who still reads Rolling Stone magazine?
Posted by: Roscoe ()
Date: August 14, 2014 06:22

I gave up on it around 1975.

Re: Who still reads Rolling Stone magazine?
Date: August 14, 2014 06:53

Have had a subscription since 1988. I have to say I enjoy it, in the very worst edition I can honestly say at least one article captures my attention. This month it was Katy Perry who looked incredible in the article and Tom Petty.

I usually do a test each month when it comes, I try to see if at least one Rolling Stone is mentioned in some way shape or form. Very rarely does an edition omit a particular Stone, more than likely its Mick, Keith or Ronnie in the Random Notes section.

Re: Who still reads Rolling Stone magazine?
Posted by: Cristiano Radtke ()
Date: August 14, 2014 07:05

love the padding!

HAAAA ... then treacle I bet ya can't wait the 100 greatest of the 100 greatest lists .....

lol! >grinning smiley<

Re: Who still reads Rolling Stone magazine?
Posted by: shattered ()
Date: August 14, 2014 08:16

And don't forget the padding ...
100 greatest albums ... 100 greatest singles ...100 greatest rappers .... 100 greatest and on & on ..

The padding? Perfect word Rockman, perfect word. I just flipped through the latest issue yesterday. I did frame some Mick and Keith covers from the 90's which I thought were good. I can't wait for some more padding.

Re: Who still reads Rolling Stone magazine?
Posted by: stupidguy2 ()
Date: August 14, 2014 09:15

One of my favorite finds at the flea market in the 80s was coming across vintage Creem, Crawdaddy and the folded RS magazines. I still have them. I have the three big Stones RS issues from the 72 tour, the 73 Jagger/Hawaii issue..and a few mid70s Creem (including the Jagger two-part interview from 74, one of the best interviews ever)Circus and Crawdaddy featuring the Stones.
Anybody remember all those back issues you could order from the back of Creem and RS? One of the first things I remember ordering was the huge bound volumes of RS. The ones available at the time of interest to me was the two-volume set from 1974, apparently the only year the Stones were not in them...I remember turning every page for any glimpse of the Stones and besides a few random notes mentions, and a IORR review, nada. I was so diasppointed.
But damn, these magazines were cool back then.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 2014-08-14 09:18 by stupidguy2.

Re: Who still reads Rolling Stone magazine?
Posted by: runaway ()
Date: August 14, 2014 09:31

I used to buy some of them in the 70s and 80s, and I enjoyed Hunter Thompson with the Ralph Steadman drawings in it and the January 81 issue with the John Lennon special I picked up at the time in Canada. The last one was the 95 issue with the Mick Jagger interview I think and yes I prefer the older issues.

Re: Who still reads Rolling Stone magazine?
Posted by: Big Al ()
Date: August 14, 2014 09:52

If if a newsagent here in the U.K. stocks it, I may have a brief flick-through. I think I've purchased around 5 copies in the last decade. I don't actually buy any music magazines now. Even the once great Mojo and Uncut seem thread-bare in their content.

Re: Who still reads Rolling Stone magazine?
Posted by: dcba ()
Date: August 14, 2014 10:17

Once or twice a year the great Matt Taibbi drops a bomb of an article on the Wall St. mafia but apart from that I see no reason to read RS.

Re: Who still reads Rolling Stone magazine?
Posted by: RoughJusticeOnYa ()
Date: August 14, 2014 10:29

I buy it & read it when the Stones are in it.

Might be mistaking, but RS Magazine is not that big over here in Europe, as it is/ has been in the USA.

I mean: it's aknowledged as a worldwide leading R'n'R musiczine, for sure; but over here, on mainland Europe, we have a couple of internationaly renowned UK magazines that are (considered) equaly 'worthy'. Plus all the 'local' (nationwide) ones, off course...

So to sum it up: it's not that big of a deal over here, reading RS Magazine (or not). (Not at least from where I'm standing...)

Re: Who still reads Rolling Stone magazine?
Posted by: crholmstrom ()
Date: August 14, 2014 11:47

I read it online. Not worth spending $ on really.

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